I-' : J - vol. in: - THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESD AY, ; M AKC1I 16, 1892. NO. 79. t 7rm PROFESSIONAL CAKD9. WM. J. ROBERTS Citil Ekoikbeb Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying and mapping; estimate, and plan, for Irrigation, ewerafte, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. . Addreaa: F. O. Box 107, Tbe Dalles, Or. WM. 6AUNDERS Architect. Plan, and specifications furnished for dwellings, cburcbeti, business blocks, schools and factories. '' Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of .. tee over French', bank, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. . , DR. J. SUTHERLAND FSIXOW OF TKIKITT Medical C'olletre, and member of tbe Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Pby Man and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block.- Residence; Judge Thornbury' Sec , ond street. Office hours;- 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DB.O. D. DOAKi-fhtbiciak akd sua sion. Office: room. 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. II., 2 to 6 and 7 to S P. M. DBIDDALL Dintist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of tbe Golden Tooth, Second Street. .B.nurra. eo. atkiks. pbakk KZHsrss. ' DUFOR, W ATKINS A MEKEFEE Attob-mbvb-at-iaw Room No. A3, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street Tbe Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON A TTOB.NKT-AT-i.AW Room. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dallea, Oregon. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- flee in Bcbanno's building, up stain. Tbe Pailes, Oregon. . MATS. B. S. HUNTIKGTOK- B. .. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB-NBYg-AT-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, .Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Young Kass, BlacRsmitit & wagoa shod General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work ' '.' ' Guaranteed. . i. ; ' Horse Shoeeing a Spciality. Third Street opposite tbe old Liebe Stand. Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! , james White, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin Restaurant ON MAIN . STREET" Where be will be glad to see any and all - of bia old patrons. Open day and Night. First class meals . - twenty-five cents. LffCRIPPE . otrmno '''ir--''.. By uslns; 8. B. Headache and liver Cure, and 8. B. Cough Cure as directed for oolda. They were - STJOOESSPTJ used two ears aeo duriBg the la Grippe epi demic, and rery flattering testimonials of their power over that disease are at hand. Manufact ured by the B. B. Medicine Mfg. Co., at Dufur, Oregon. For sale by all druggists. The Dalles ETBOT 8TEEE3T. : FACTORY NO. 105. fiTrj. A PQ of the Best Brands , VVJ-VJTxjlXI'KZ' manufactured, and ' - orders from all parts of the country filled on ine snortest notice. - The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and Vie ckeniana lor tne home manufactured article is increasing every day. ... A. ULRICH & SON. GioaF Faetopy A. A. Brown, ' " Keeps a full assortment of - :' .r..M -.f-i-- -;::-V -, :-r - Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be often at Low Figures. SPEGIAL- :-: PRIGES . ; . to Cash: Buyers.: :v Hjikt Casl Prices for Ems and : - other Proflnce. 170 SECOND STREET. Snipes &, Ki n ersly, -i THE LEADING 4 Wholesale il Retail Dropls - IE XJ DES. E3 I '3Et XX C3r S3 Handled by Three Registered Druggists. "..,'.. " ; . - .: : also' all, the leading; ' V Patent ffledieines and. Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AMD GLASS. Agents for.Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE .'. .. The Largest Dealers -. in Wall Paper, 1 Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars " : : Agent for -Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon : DEALERS IN : Staple anil Fancy Hay, Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third and : ; ; ; the dalles,: oregon: v:r.i: Best Dollar a Day ; ; - First-Class Meals; 25 Cents. First Class HoteL in Every Respect;; r: ..' Nonebut the Best of White Help Employed. ) ; s' . vT.iT. Ilicriolas, Prop.: : . 8ITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best .'Manufacturing Center in L the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Oftlca'of . O. D. TAYLOR THE DMlfS. ; ANEW Undertaking Establishment ! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN ' Furniture and Carpels: We have ' added to oar business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust otfr prices will be low accordingly. - Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. .. ARE- r. : .; and Feed. Court Streets, The Dalies.Oregon. House on the Coast! HEAD OF NAVIGATION. - Best Selling Property of the Season in the North ' west. .. .- ". - - - v-r 72 WASHuOTCH ST. FORTLO. eioeenes, CONTAGION RUN RIOT. A CMcap Tourist Murfterei and. MM ' . liy Bandits." ' THE BODY REMAINS IS MEXICO. The; Epidemic of Bloodshed Reaches - - . Ohio in Virulent Form. FOUK MKX SACRIFICED TIFFIN. Business Suspended Because - of tlie v' -Afl Tragedy Prompted bjr : '.'.- Jealocgy. .'. ' Chicago. March 16. News reached here yesterday of the murdes and rob bery of Arthur T.Williainrof this cityj who 'was making a tour of Mexico.' The murder occurred On Sunday, January 31st, near Tehuacan, Oaxaca. He re mained in Tehnacan some time, and was quite a favorite with the American col ony." "On the 29th' he left to view the ruins of JNitla and other places of in terest near that city, ; Nothing was heard of him until news of his tragic death reached Tehuacan. His mutila ted body having been found in a canyon. After. leaving that place it seems that he proceeded to Puebla, and then took the Mexican Southern train as far as that road had at that time been built. -There is no stage line leading from 'the point where he left the railroad to Oaxaca, and he purchased a burro and set out alone across a wild and, rugged country! inhabited by Indians and Mexican ban dits. It eeenis he never reached his des tination, and had only covered about seventy-five kilometers of hia journey overland when he was attacked by ban dits.. It is believed .that he offered a brave resistance and was killed while fighting. Hia body is pierced with sev eral bullet ' wounds. - Owing to the high altitude and dry atmosphere of the localities where he met his death, the body was in a good state of preservation when discovered. It was conveyed to Puebla, where it was readily recognized as that of tourist Williams "by various persons who had met him during his re cent visit to that place. He had been robbed " of all his money, ' papers and other valuables. The remains were in terred at Puebla, the laws of Mexico not permitting the removal of a body from that country until a period of five years baa expired. - . ' Tragedy la Ohio. .' .- " Taffin, O., March 15. -Walter Sny der has shot Ed. Naylor, Burt Crobaugh and Thomas W. Downey, and killed him self, was the announcement that greeted the people of Tiffin, going.to their places of business this morning. Snyder, was one of the most popular men in the city. Naylor and Crobaugh were members of the firm "by which he was employed. Thomas W, Downey was a fellow clerk. Naylor and Crobaugh were recently ad mitted to partnership with' John "M. Naylor in the hardware business. They werecIerkB before that, and comment was made that Snyder -was not taken in. It is since learned that - Snyder, though wotth perhaps $20,000, had his money so tied up in real estate that he could - not take an interest in the business..- This seemed perfectly satisfactory to him at the time, but later it preyed upon his mind. ; He entered the store this. morn ing and found the others -already there, He made a pretense of : desiring 'Cro baugh and Naylor to' examine the con tents of a box wbiich he had just received by express. V. When they were at his side, he shot them.' both. He then turned the revolver pnDowney, who entered to eave the lives of the others. Crobaugh -will ' recover.':' Downey' was hit three times. Hia recovery is not probable. Alf stand high." Business is nearly suspended . . j. Paris have created such a sensation in the attempt to destroy property and life by dynamite yesterday, that President Carnot has signed . ,: bill ,- introducing a clause in the Denal code makins the will ful destruction of property by means of expiomva punishable vita death. ,; . Shirt 'Heresy' la Pern. Lima, Peru, March 15. It la reported from the town of Eaceo that an attempt has been made by tbe populace to burn an aged foreigner on the ground that he was a heretic. , It appears that he pasted an almanac on the wall of a house he rented and covered up the picture of a Bains. ;-- .'JfAsby's' Letters.. : ; McMihnville, Or., March 16- The sixth "paper pn the early history of Yam hill "county, by Col.' Cal. Cooper, the "Nasby" ot . this, city, contains some hitherto"unpublished data respecting the excitement which followed the loca tion of the Indians On what is now known as the Grand Ronde reservation, by Col. Palmer in "early days. It was this, which brought Sheridan, Hooker and other notables to old Yamhilr where they : got a start along with' so. many others, since made famous. "" Cooper is a very clever Nasby. . ., : . :- - The Queen He warded. Ix)ndos, March 15. Queen Victoria and her immediate family will be re warded for her good" offices in trying to settle the Guelph fund dispute by receiving several million thalers from it. In his will King George of Hanover, be queathed to her and Jier daughters 1,000,000 , thalers' each: The present arrangements between the emperor and the Duke of Cumberland are understood here to be that the latter shall receive the capital sum of 16,000,000 thalers and the simple interest at 4 per cent, which will make the total amount of the pay ment from the Prussian treasury almost 32,000,000 thalers. This sum will be de livered to the duke probably before sum mer, and he will "then pay the 'queen and her daughters 5,000,000 thalers. . . Haril Traveling in Kentucky. Whshington, March 16.-The funeral party of congrees which accompanied the remains of the late Congressman Ken dall to Kentucky, had a very rough ex-. perience. Froui Morehead they had to travel in carriages thirty miles, over the worst roads imaginable, made - doubly disagreeable by a blizzard which raged all day. They had frequently to take down fences and drive through fields for miles; to seek shallow places and ford the streams. In descending the - mountains the tired horses " could not hold the heavy carriages . back and they had to take hold of the rear axle and hold . it back by main strength. : Senator War ren,, who was a member of the com mittee, was almost frozen to death and bad to be left at a roadside house until the return. The only food during the two jclays enroule was a jar of pickles," a few sandwiches and - hard-boiled eggs. These were soon frozen stiff and the party was unable to eat " them. One of the drivers was so badly frozen that he will probably be crippled for life. . ! . ' Telefji aphle Flashes. Senator Morrill's condition is regarded as exceedingly precarious.. ';i The Chinese cook of the Peabodv hotel, Philadelphia, has been found to be a leper. An interesting discovery for tbe boarders. .. Rhode Island holds a state election in April. She will have the honor of firing the first gun. in the presidential cam paign year. In off years Little Rhody is very uncertain, but in presidential years she is reliably republican. " Tbe ereat luntr liifht now beini? wa?e3 between Slugger, Sullivan and Mouthy Mitchell continues with but little arDar- ent advantage to either of those over grown - bruteSj and they manage ', to furnisli copy for the associated . press with honors al9ut even. ; . ;,. . .; . E.-D. Crawford, editor of the Sedalia, Mo., Sentinel, ie missing. . He was in St, Louis on Thursday night, and Friday morning started out to purchase a new dress of type for his paper. Nothing has been heard of him since, ' and it is feared he met with some foul play. ' . ; The cabinet at Washington met . yes terday for the purpose of issuing procla mations of retaliation against tbe coun tries which have refused to enter into reciprocal trade relations with: the United States under the terms of the McKinley act.- These are understood to be Colombia, Honduras and Venezuela. v t ' Think It Is Conspiracy. ' .."'";; ; I London, March IS.1 A Vienna corres pondent of the Timet calls attention to the suspicious meetings in Bucharest of Russian agents of the Russian refugees, and .adds this is not the . first time the notiee of a Bulgarian conspiracy ema nated from Bucharest. ' . --' : .. . - : -Ten Thousand, Dollar Race. " 1 Chicago,' March 15. Budd Doble to-day accepted the . challenge of C. W. Williams, of Independence, Ia. to trot Axtell, and Allertona stallion match race for $10,000, thevwinner to take all: Solllran and Corbett Matched. Niw -YoBKi' March. 15. Corbett this afternoon covered . John L- Sujlivan's deposit of $2500. Articles - were igned for Sullivan and Corbett to fight for $10, 000 a Bide and a purse of $25,000 before the Olympic Club Of New Orleans, September?. PUSH ACCOUNTED FOR. thy Allen is so Very Sensitiye Towarl . Senator Doip'n; ' . r , V STILL HAS THE BOOM AFFLICTION. A Visionary Scheme, Long Since Dead, has its Friends at Court INPEBOB WILLIAM' AILMENT. Some of his Idiosyneracies Attributed to his Malady Other News. " - A Visionary Scheme. Washington, March .16. There was no small amount of amusement afforded to Oregonians in the national city, who are posted, when it was publicly asserted -as one of the reasons why Senator Dolph wants the Washington shore of the Col umbia to remain attached to the Oregon collections district, that a rival city was apt to grow up in Pacific or Wahkiakum -counties, and eclipse Astoria. This is one of the arguments which made it ap pear "childish" to Senator Dolph per haps, when Senator Wilson flew in a passion.- To outsiders it looks as if the "ruling passion for a boom" had taken shape on the part, of Washingto'w (state), senators - in congress, .'-but . Senator Dolph is correct in his stand, and the boom may . be considered a vis ionary scheme.: The Washington sena tors claim to be as much interested in the improvement of the Columbia river " as the Oregon men, and they did not take kindly to the attempt made by the people of Astoria to shut off further im prQvements for deepening the channel of " the Columbia, making it a great water , highway, and if they can do anything that will aid in building a town on the opposite : bank, they will very gladly avail themselves of the opportunity. These are the rumor's that have been . Boating about the capitol today, when the recent contest between the Oregon and Washington senators was discussed. : His Royal lfenlth. .' New Yobk, March 15. A - London ' special says Emperor William's recent -, extravagances and abberations, which y have troubled his family and friends, . : are attributed at court to the fact that his ear malady has been very trouble some lately, and that he has suffered many paroxysms of rnoft excruciating pain. His ailment appears to be getting worse, for tbe attacks now recur with increasing frequency, and, as it is pro nounced incurable, the consequences " will likely be more serious. - He gave a grand ball at the schloss in Berlin last week, when the melancholy and formal "function was conducted on the lines of a military review. He was arraysd in the uniform of Frederick the Great's cuir assiersin blue and white, with powered hair and pigtail. A company of imper ial' guards, similarly attired, went h rough the ceremonious full-dress drill ofjthe last century,- when the. emperor ; entered the ballroom and saluted the empress in. tbe 'tyiaiut: manner which was devised by Frederick. The em-, press, wore a costume of the last cen- tury, with powdered.hair. The emperor ' selected tbe costumes and drew up the programme, and he watched the dancers with the air of a drill-sergeant inspect ing a squad of recruits. If the guest makes the slightest misstep at a court ball, the emperor not only laughs loudly, but audibly criticises the unlucky per- : son to the military circle, which joins in the merriment, as in duty ' bound. - The ltlythe Will Contest.' -". ,', ; Sas Fbancisco, March, ulo The . ap- ' peal in the Blythe case was submitted to the supreme court today, on briefs to be filed by the attorneys representing other claimants to' the millions left by the late Thomas H. Blythe, an oppor tunity being given to the counsel for the respondent and Florence Blythe to file briefs in reply thereto. The outlook is that several months will pass before-the final adjudication of tbe case; if then. .. Catholic Disabilities Removed.. . LoNDojt, March 15. In the commons, Patrick O'Brien, a Parnellite, introduced a bill to amend the Catholic relief act, in order to remove the disabilities of Catholics in' England and Ireland, im posed by the act. The measure passed the first reading by an overwhelming majority. " : . - ' '. , ...