The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1892, Image 3

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    Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle.
entered a the Postofflce at The Dallea, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cent per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Dalles , Portland & Astoria flav. Co.
The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon
day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice under
the following schedule.
Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves
fOBTLAMD at 6 A. M:
Taesdaya, Thursdays and Saturdays :
VAnt AUBF at io:au a. h.:
. MondaarstTadnasdays and Fridays:
" f Steamer "BEGtTTLATOB" leaves ;
TBR"OAliiEB'ate-l. M.: .
- Mondays.. Wednesdays and Fridays?
CABCADK8 BtlP. M i H 'i f '
Taeodays, Thursdays and Saturdays :
"''--'b. f. IACGHMN, General Manager. ,
No. 2. Arrives 12:01 A. . Departs 12:08 A. M.
8, " 12:30 P.M. " 12:50 P.M.
No. 1, Arrives 4:i A7mv . Departs 4:80 A. M.
" 7, " 6:00 P, . t ' : 6:20 P. 9fi.
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7 00 a. m., and one for the
east at 9:15 A. K.
For Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally
at 6 a. m.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
daily at 6 a. m.
For Dufur, Klngsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs iid Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Bandav) at 8 A. M.
For Croldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. M.
Odious for all lines at the Umatilla House.
General Delivrey Window.. . 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday G ! " a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. in.
" " Went tfp. id. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m.
... "prine-ille.r . 5:30a.m.
" Dufur and WarmSprings ..5:30a. m.
' ff-eavlng for I.yle & Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
. Antelope 6:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.- -
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
MARCH 12. 1892
THB Dalles, Or., Mar. VI, 1892.
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r W g State
Coast BAB. tive of S. g of-
Time. " Hum Wind P 5 Weather
8 A. M. 29.96 40 92 Calm Cli ar
8 P. M. 29.85 HiO B3 -" Cloudy
Hon. F. P. Mays came up on the noon
passenger today. ; '
J Doherty jastice fees. .
Ernest Jensen witness.
T T T ax "
High Prairie, Klickitat county.
See the new ad today pf C. F.
Stephens, who has recently opened a fine
stock of goods, at the old stand of Mac
Eachern & McLoed.
The.' ChroxicLk was' 'pleased to see
again oo the streets today, and looking
as well as coutcf he expected, Mr. Groat,
who lost his right-hand last Sunday by
the accidental discharge of a gun.
A banner was stretched across the street
today frem the Chboniclb building to
the A. M. Williams building bearing the
legend, "Headquarters of the Young
Men's McKinley Club."
;' AYni," Butler & Cp., have just received
a large shipment of burned: lime. Par
ties wild are about to buildT 'should call
upon this firm as they deal in ' ail kinds
of 1u Uder 'jjjn afceri al . See ad . today;
Coroner Michell received today' a tele
gram from a TJ. P. official at Cascade
Locks stating that a man had been sev
erely injured at the 55 mile post and re
questing the" county authorities to at
tend to' liiswanta otr his 'arrival by the
mid-day passenger. When the man ar
rived he was conveyed to a room in the
Umatilla house where his injuries were
attended to by Drs. Hugh Logan and O.
D. Doane. : From the best information
that could be obtained the man's name
is James Woods, by occupation a laborer
aged about 35 years. He' was run into
this morning by the west bound passen
ger, at a place about two . miles east of
the Cascade Locks. After the injury he
was picked up and taken to the.Cas-l-
cades and then sent here on the next
paseenger. The injuries appear to be
chiefly about the head.' He has the use
of his legs and ai-ms bu whether in
ternally, it is impossible to tell at this
writing. " " " '- -
' - , . -
" In this city this morning, after an ill
ness of several weeks, F. Dehm aged about
67 years. "The funeral will take place
from the residence of the deceased on
Monday next at 2 p. m.
Peter 6 l8emanT:??? r .T
Mrs Garretson "
Joseph Chamberlain witness. . .
S W Mason .supervisor. ........
J T Peters & Co lumber.
Wat Butler & Co "
R Rand & Son supplies. ........
E M Crosian subpoena.
J H Cavenaugh witness. ........
John Thomas, juror ..- .
IN Sergeant. ...i'.. ......
C, N Thornbury cash lent to
school ." .' . .'1
J E Barnett assessor.,
A Keaton J P.--... ... ..
M J Finlayson witness. .
Lindsay Vandervert witness.-. .
Mrs Bino . , ..:.'...;.-....
Henry E Carter M f . . .
Geo Dumeit juror
Charles Hixon "
Jay Shaw " . .
Joseph Sumner " ...
Pierce Kimsey "
Pierce Kimsey team
Meston Pygert & Co supplies
for clerk. . . .' ;. . .'
Thee Migot error in fees. .... ..'
Sinnott & Fish meals jurors. . .
G D Barnard supplies
7 30
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
3 20
28 25
10 54
5 80
. The lirst of the season ice cream and
soda water at the Columbia -Candy Fac
tory tomorrow. 3-12-lt.
Maximum temperature, Al: minimum tem
rature, 'J.
Height of River, 8 p. m 5.2 feet;
Change in past 21 hours 0.8 feet.
Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 9.16;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 11.45;
total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to utile, 2.29;
San- Fhancisco, Mar. 12, 1892.
Weather forecast till 8 p. i
Monday; Fair weather.
Miss Alice Root of Mosier, is spending
few days in this city visiting friends.
The second medal contest will be given
under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at
the court house, on the 23d inst.
Paul Kreft and company are con
stantly receiving new 'goods in their
line. Just laid in 7000 rolls of fine wall
paper. See ad today. Give them a
The Congregational church services in
the Court house Sunday, a. m., at 11
o'clock. Sunday school at 12:15..
Young People's society of Christian En
deavor at 5:30 p. m. Sunday school
concert at 7 p. m., in place of the usual
union service.
, "Yesterday the portage engine left the
tracK at .tne lower incline owing to a
stick of wood having fallen in front 'of
one of the wheels. After' running '20 'or
H) teet on tbe timbers the engine was
stopped aad restored to the track with
little delay and no damage.
.Methodist services tomorrow in the
new church as follows : Class at 10 a.
m. Baptismal service at 11 ; preaching
at .11:15, subject, JThe use of 'the
Tongue. J Sunday school 12:S0;f Child-
Ten's meeting, at 4 p.; m. f 'Epworth
League 5:30; Preaching at 7, on "What
is Christianity?"
Tbe sheriff has borrowed a couple of
Toting booths and intends setting them
Tip in the county court - room wbere'nn
opportunity will be given " to voters to
learn how to vote under the new law,
Deputy Sheriff Phirman says the demo
crats intend to pratice on the new voting
machine till they are able to knock out
the republicans on the first foundV"As
to the so called "booths" they are about
as shabby looking things as one can well
imagine," bpk they'll 36. - v :t
; J-neyj nave aiscovered a ghostrover'iri
Tacoma that washes' the 'dishes. Now
there is some style about a ghost , like
that.' A departed spirit that revisits
these glimpses of the moon and will
wash the dishes thus combining the use
iui ana tne ornamental in an eminent
degree, is a handy thing to have in the
house. If that ghost will come over
here, he or she or it will not be long" in
securing a job. The presum ption is that
a ghost that will stand in and wash the
dishes, will start the fire in the morn
ing ana mignt ao other , household du-
- County Court Proceed lirgr.
Georire F Arnold. Juror
T F Morris " .'
J O Davis . "
W Dickson " ;
TG Condon " .. ......
Polk Butler "
WLHendrix " .V
V Winchell "
II W Wells "
H Sterhweis " .........
Geo A Liebe 'i ;
P Nesson . '.'
WC.Hansel " ........
D Creighton "
XM Morgan " ..'.'
John A Wilson " ,
W R Menefee " .
Frank Chase " ........
Chas E Al ison "
A D Savage "
Hans Lage "
H W Steel "
H F Woodcock- - "
DO Davis "
T R Coon " "
Richard Woodward "
G W Renoe "
W E Sylvester v -"
Geo Nolan s "
W N.Wiley
LJ Klinger "
O Mack
C V Champlin "
M V Harrison "
J D.Roberts "
W H Young,
von now
J Doherty "
Nick Covish "
I J Norman "
J O Mack "
Geo P Morgan " .........
Tom Allen - "
Joseph Chamberlain"
Koaeb u :! ' "
Joe.-Crate , ; "
arlE Frazier . " . I',.'.
August conn
Ralph Gibons " '. . .
.Estate A J ijearv, recordinz of
aeeas 14 00
Glass & Proudhomme, platts. . .
instate ot A j ieary press and
Hneh Loaan witness. .
Chboniclb Publishing Co., pub-
Ushing. courti "proceedings
O E"-Baya'rd insurance .w c
Mays & Crowe supplies
Electric Light company, bill for
Electric Light company, bill for
Chboniclb Publishing Co., book
. Jor.aioclr instector
Dallea Cityj Water Works water
for January and February
Geo D Barnard & Co., two assess
ment rolls
Jos T Peters wood
I C Nickelsen supplies
E Jacobsen "
J P Mclnerney "
Ward & Kerns team ' for grand
Maier & Benton supplies. . .
Stripes Kinersly' 'medicines
!: for , jail : . S . ; . ' T ; 3". I
Dalles 'Publishing Co supplies
- for clerk ;
M T Nolan clerk and school
Times-Mountaineer -
supplies for clerk. 3 00
he 'scared of-: a
ties... Nobody" should
ii. mi; xacoma man in
wnose nouse mat ghost manifests itself
is playing in great luck.
11 00
16 00
16 00
17 00
6 20
15 60
12 20
9 00
6 20
12 70
6 70
19 20
17 00
14 80
4 20
22 50
19 20
15 00
22 00
8 20
18 60
22 60
8 90
12 20
9 20
6 20
9 00
6 20
8 '40
10 20
10 20
22 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
14 80
2 20
; 2 20
- 2 20
2 20
4 40
7 60
6 00
5 00
6 25
100 00
61 38
24 00
24 00
2 00
10 00
48 00
5 50
3 00
11 80
8 25
6 00
!3 40
6 00
39 25
7 30
Kating Manners in 1350.
In a description of . a dinner in 1350
there is no mention of the fork, and it is
not certain that there was a knife for
each person. The guests were placed
in couples as far as possible, on the
ground of their being mutually agree
able, which was the more necessary, as
in certain cases tbe porringer a bowl
with ears for the soup had to serve two
If a persou preferred not to use his
spoon,, or if - one -haa not been suppled
him, he drank his soup from the por
ringer held by one of tbe ears. Those
present at tbe table put their bauds into
the cotnmon difth to take such . pieces of
meat "s- they preferred;: though it was
not expected- they: would explore tho
mass too thoroughly. This will pass for
a description of the way a meal was
eaten in an aristocratic- family in Europe
lot! -years ; before- America was discov
ered bfOoln'm bus." ' ! ' ! t 7 4
xura elegance -ox appoinonent 'ana
mantiers was 'not 'found' lower down in
the'caJr:iscale-'ln:'' families rof-? Jess
wealth hahds"were" nofalways washed
before eating, napkins were not supplied,
and hot only were' meats taken with the
'fingers from 'the common dish, but the
soup was placed upon - the table in a
large vessel into which every one dipped
his spoon and conveyed the liquid to his
month- San Francisco Chronicle.
for school sunt.'. ' 4 50
" for sheriff 4 00
C Welsh drawing jurors. . . 3 00
SE Bartmess assisting ' 1-50
J H;Dukea:.; j..": 1 50
D E Thomas making, jury list. . 2 00
W L vanderpool assisting 2 00
G W Johnston. 2 00
Chas Davis Kin rale v "makinir ' . . .
jury list j.- t . 'S 60.
S B Phillips assistisg.' 2 00
ElBoyton ' " "2 00
C D Doyle making jury list ' 3 00
Ben Southwell assisting ' 2 00
J R Doyle " 2 00
M M Cushing Dudley non resident-
pauper. . .
E Schuts J P fees.
R V Gibons constable. . . .". . ...
Major J WJngalls witness
Henry Harper . "
Albert Webster " ......
(To be continued.)
5 00
358 00
14 00
1 70
1 70
1 70
35 00
5 50
5 50
5 50
5" 50
5 50
2 50
16 00
-1 09
18 50
27 00
26 75
. 18 00
8 70
37 00
35 00
15 50
II 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
'I Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals-will be received at
the office of R. F. Gibons in The Dalies,
until noon of Monday next, March 14th,
1892V"fbf Ihd 'cehBtfficlioirrotrB'OBTid
tion and chimneys of the new Congrega
tional church, to be .built in" this city,
according to the plans and specifications
to be-seen "at tha.ofl3ce.of i CrandalkA
Burget,' JJ6J5 SecxindU street. Right to
reject any or all bids reserved." - ?
Dated March 8th, 1892.
'- " - R. F- Gibons,: ."-..
- . B. S. Huntington,
3-8td Building Committee.""
. Notice to Contractors. ; .
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received up to Friday March 18th
at 6 o'clock p. m., at the office ot the
Sherman, county bank at Wasco, Oregon,
for. the erection of a one story brick
bank building 24x36 feet,'- according to
plans and specifications 'which 'may be
seen at the office of said bank. The
banking company to furnish the brick
and rock upon the ground for bnilding
the foundation and the contractor to
furnish all other material. Tbe bank
ing company reserves the right to reject
any and all bids , in" their discretion..
Bonds will be required. ' -3-9d8t
W. M. Barnett, Pres.
"- r - . N
Resaar liable Care of KhevmstUm.
Messrs. Cage and Sherman, of Alexan
der, Texas, write us regarding a re
markable cure of rheumatism there as
follows : - "The wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt,
the Postmaster here had been bed-ridden
with rheumatism for several years.
She could get nothing to do her an"
good, We sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was com"
pleteiy cured by its use. '; We refer anv
one to her to vertify this statement." 50
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.' v '
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very .cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. ' His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon. r-;;,!"'
Vanom of the Cobra. "
A vivid notion of tbe intensity of a co
bra's venom is given by the experience
of' Dr Francis T.' Buckland. - He put a
rat into a cage wit IT a snake of that spe
cies., and it. was killed after a plucky
fight. Upon examining the skin of - the
dead - rat - immediately afterward he
found two very minute punctures, like
small needle holes; where the fangs of the
cobra bad entered. Tbe Hesb seemed al
ready to, have actually mortified in1 the
neighborhood of the Wound. '-Anxious
to find outif the skinwas affected. Dr.
Buckland scraped away the hair from
it with his linger nail. ' .
Then be threw the rat away and start
ed homeward. He had not walked 100
yards' before, all of a sudden; be felt as
if somebody had come behind him -and
'struck ' him a severe blow on - the -head
and neck." At the same'time he exrjeri-
enced" a most acute pain and sense of op
pression about the chest. He knew in-
'Stantiy that he was poisoned, 'and so
tost no tuns in seeking an apothecary
hop. -where he was dosed with' brandy
and ammonia. ' He came'1 very" near
dying.: Undoubtedly a small quantity
of venom had made its way into, his sys
tem through a little cut beneath his
nail; where it had' been separated slight
ly from tbe flesh in the process of clean
ing the nail with a penknife a little time
before. Washington Post. '
How m Morocco Town Baeaivisd Its Nam.
One of the best' known towns in Mo
rocco derives its -name from a curious
circumstance.-' The-' place is iTetuan,
which has about 80,000 inhabitants, and
U noted for its manufacture of a large
Variety of 'Moroccan' wares. '"Centuries
ago the inhabitants were in deadly fear
of the wild Berber tribes, who inhabited
the Er.Rif mountains. '-They kept a
watchman, upon a lofty -minaret, and
whenever,, he saw f indications of ap
proaching dangesj fas cried at " the top of
his TOics to arouse sJI the inhabiUnts,
-Tet-Taguent-Tet-Tagnenr (Open your
eyest-'OpSn' yotrr eyes!) In course of
time the' settlement "Was renamed, pod
it derived its hew -appelUtaoil from this
warning cry. Uoldthwaite'S UeogTaphi
cal MafflriM. '. ;." ., ";' .-; i
' -As Irravociabla Oath. "
When a -new- membsr was initiated
into the WestphaHan vehmgeriohte and
swore to keep the secrets of the so
ciety from ' wife and child,- father snd
mother, sister and brother, from' fire and
sword, from the things warmed by the
sun or nourished by the rain,' he did so
with the thumb and two fingers of his
right ; hand upon the' cross' hilt of a
sword. An oath -so taken was held to
be irrevocable and not to be annulled
by even tbe ; pope himself. Chambers
JonrnaL : v ' ' - '- - i : - : :
Interested in Nataral History.
. Little Dot-My kitty is real mean. 1
dave her some of my medicine and she
wouldn't touch it. .
. Mamma-r Why did yon ' wish her to
take it? - . ., -. ?
Litttle DoXrl wanted to see how a cat
looked when" she- made a face! Good
,News.--r-1..'-! '
German Lutheran service will be held
next Sunday at 10 :30 a. m., in the chap
el on 9th street. Sundav school at 2 :30
p. m. A cordial welcome to everybody
A. Horn, Pastor. - '
A meeting of The Dalles branch of the
Carpenterts Union is called for Saturdav
(this) evening at 8 o'clock. All charter
members are requested to attend. . The
meeting will be held in the hall over A
A. Brown's grocery store on Second
street. .' - .
Miss uiara u. btory will instruct a
limited number of pupils in oil paint
ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and
pastelle work and China painting
Studio, room 3, over Mclnerny's dry
goods store.- .; 2-3-tl
Tbe Havana Sprout.
- The leading cigar now, with smokers
about The Dalles,1 is the Havana Sprout.
It is A No. 1, and is to be found at
Byrne, Floyd & Co.'s. Call and try it.
2-24-dtf '
Saloon Business for Sale.
' The fixtures and furniture of a first
class ealoon, situated iti this city, for
sale at a bargain. Everything ready for
purchaser to commence busint ss at once.
Apply to John Barry at 'J. O. Mack's,
171 Second Street. : ,. r v.., 3-3-6t
j:- -l.a Grippe Succesarulljr. Treated. .
'' '-I have just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this year," says Mr.
Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the 'Leader,
Mexia, Texas. . ' In the latter case I
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
I think with considerable success, only
being in bed"a - little over two days,
against ten days for the first attack.
The-second attack I am satisfied would
have been equal y as bad as the first
but for the u Be of this remedy, as I had
to go to bed in about six hours after be
ing 'struck'.-with it,.while ,-ia -the . first
case'I was able to attend1 to 'business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists, r i- .t : I '
Fifth Street Qrade. "
J3I Common Council of Dalles City, is about to
Our Stock has been most carefulhr .selected for Comfort and
DuraDuity ana will De sola at tne lowest possible
- prices. Leather and findings for sale, -u -
Repairing Neatly . and Expeditiously Done.
1 lm- - ffj ft ' ! .
Building Material, Rpugh
and Dressed
Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement.
A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us.
JEFFERSON STREET, between Second and Railroad, . THE DALLES, OR
firoeeed to estaDiisn ovrainanoe tnecrraoe upon
he following named street in said Dalles City,
to-witl . On Fifth street from the west side of
Union street to the east side of Washington st.
The irrade of said street will be fixed with refer
ence to the supposed stage of low water in the
Columbia river, which is fixed at a point 52.81
feet below the' top of - the hydrant at the south
west corner err irsi ana asningum sireew, in
said Dalles City, which point upon the Columbia
river is aesifrnawa as me liuiitii wirii irom wnicn
And the Most Complete and tbe Latest Patterns and Designs in
CaaPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tbe best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none bat
the. most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Painta. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
I. G. iekelsen
& Bach First Glass Upright PiaBOS,
School Books, Bibles, Blank Bobkis,
Music Books, Sheet Music,
Baby Carriages and
the elevations rereinafter Stat
are made. The
sa im res msds by the crossings of streets with
said street, shall beof the following elevations
above the datum plane, -or low water level of the
Columbia river, hereinbefore fixed. At the in
tersection of Fifth and Union streets. 78 feet At
the intersection of Fifth and Court streets 73.5
feet. At the intersection of Ffth and Washington
streets 78 feet. 1 be grades of the aforesaid street
from square to sijunre shall beuniform and equal
, - My oraer oi tne i-ormon i.ouncu.
. . s. Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated tins 4tn any oi .unrcn, iwj, . a-iam
J. o
Finest Wines and Liquors.
Frenchs' Block, - -
171 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
!.... ....... I
" ' -- v a.- n C' 1 -
-- r .,-. : ' : ! - ' ;
E. Jacobsen &
. s.
Largest Line of. Baby-Carriages, Books, Stationery
and Musical Instruments.
162 Second Street,