The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 10, 1892, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily , Chronicle.
Entered a the Foatofltoe at The Dalles, Oregon,
. as aeoood-clnas matter.
10 Cent per line lor first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
'Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria lav. Co.
The boats' of Trie 'Dalle. Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon
day,'eb.15thrand nattt further notice under
the foilBwina? schedule. i . -
Stek'rfljBr'DALES OITTleaTMl
J"lTL,Jtt at 6A l: " -J.
Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays :
CASCADES at 10: SO A. H.:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays :.
Steamer "BEGULATOB" leaves
THE DALLES at 6 A. M.:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays :
CASCADES at 1 P. M.;
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays :
-B. F. LAUGHLIK. General Manager.
No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. K. Departs 12:06 A.
12: 30 P.M. " 12:50 r,n.
No. 1, Arrives 1:25 A. ar. , - " Departs 4:30 A. M.
" 7, " 6:W) r. H. --'." 6:20 e. X.
Two Iocs freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7:00 a. m., aud one for the
east at 9:15 A. K. j, ' .
For Prineville, via. . Bake Oven, leave dolly
(It -A. H. - -
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
daily at 6 A. n.
For Duf ur Klngsley, Wamio, Waptnitia, W arm
Spring-end Tygu Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. M. .'...
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. U.
Omces for all lines at the Umatilla House.
TJeneral'Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order , .8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday li D . . "J 9 a. m. to 10a. m.
closing of hails
By trains going East . 9 p.m. and 11 :46 a. m.
" West.'. . .-..9 p. u. and- 4:45 p. m.
8tuge for Goldendale .7:80 a. m.
" "Prineville. 5:30 a.m.
" Dufur and Warm Springs ..5:30 a. m.
- J Leaving for Lyle & Hartlaud. .5:80 a. m.
" " t Antelope 5:30 a. m.
Except Sunday.
tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and Friday. '
MARCH 10. 1892J
Thi Dalles, Or., Mar. 10, 1892.
Faciflc HRela- n.t'r g Htate
Coast bar. 3 tive of to of
Time. Hum Wind P Weather
S A. M. 29.99 40 85 Calm Clear
S P. M. 29.79 68 44 " ".
temperature, 69; minimum tem-
rature, 37.
Height of River, 11 a. m 3.5 feet;
Change in past 24 hours 0.0 feet.
Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 9.16;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 11.45;
total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.29;
Inches. .
San Fbancisco, Mar. 10, 1892.
Weatlier forecast till S p. i
Friday; Fair weather.
' Hon. . L. Smith, of Hood River, was
in town today, . ' .
C. E. Jones, of Moro, is at the
Umatilla House.- "
The Regulator brought up seventy -five
tons of general freight last night.
J. H. Menefee, proprietor of the Dufur
meat market, was in town today.
Chas. Levin a prominent sheep man
from the Antelope country, is in the city.
County Commissioner Frank Kincaid
came into, town, to attend county court.
last evehng,, -
George. Krouse has let the contract for
a new dwelling to be built -on the old
brewery site corner of Court and Fifth
streets. - '
Mr. P. Fagan, sole agent for Wanna-
maker k Brown, today addresses' him
self to gentlemen. Call and see his
-stock of samples.
The Cascade; Locks has a Vigo rous and
earnest republican club of nearly , fifty
members. Dr. J. 11. Leavens our es
teemed county commissioner is presi
Mrs. A. Uones, of The Dalles Restaur
nt, Union street, is suffering from an
attack of la grippe. Mr,-) Jonea, who
has business interests en Puget Sound,
Is present in the city daring the Illness
of his wife. r . . r. ,
A meeting of The Dalles branch of the
Carpenter's Union is called for Saturday
vening next at 8 o'clock. AH charter
members are requested to attend. The
meeting will be held in the ball over A.
A. Browj'Sj,-grocery store; on. :,Second
street. u i'.'t ' i: n.t
Mr. Charles Palmer and Jacob Wise
carver, capitalists of McMinnville, ar;
rived by last night's train, and intend to
remain in the city several days.-Both
. are invalids, and seek The Dalles' pure"
climate as an aid to the recovery of
ine constant urop ot water wears
away the hardest stone; the constant
gnaw of Towzer masticates the toughest
bone ; the constant wooing of a lover
cairies off the blushing maid, and the
- constant advertiser is the one, who- gets
me waae. , - - - -
' Publication of the Australian ballot
law in Thk Chronicle was completed
yesterday,., On Saturday we shall com
- mence the publication of the Primary
law, which is, just at, this time, of more
importance than the ballot law . to the
voting population." Preserve both of
them, you will want them for ' future
reference. ! . --'. '-
. Photographer Hunt has some splendid
pictures of ; the Kegnlator and the
scenery around the cascades taken from
negatives obtained on the excursion to
the tocslast Sanday.:''l l ;'
vi , rj .-..-.-- tiTl.'-i3
i ; Judge Thoraburj reports that Schenck
& BeaU intend to place a: handsome up
holstered divan under their new .awning
oa second street, near.: the Chbonicxx
office. How nice that will be for Dr.
Logan. .
John Booth has just received some
thing; entirely new in the line of fine
candies, Theyt are,, not imported from
France, but from Omaha, and ase there
fore .a native, product. They -are labeled
1'ajtjter Cups", "Boston Drops" "Dew
Drops' V Quintessence Drops' V ,L"8un
Dropa,Y.andvMBoeton "Wafers'-S-'i For
quality and flavor they are believed to
exceed anything produced on the Ameri
can continent.
From te Agricultural College.
. j CoBTAiLis, Or., llarch 8, 1892.
Editor Dallet Chronicle:
We are enjoying just lovely weather.
The Benton county hill are looking quite
green and Linn county peach trees are
blooming.- - - L. ' '- '
The Y. M. C. A. of the O. A. C. is now
a well organized society ; . the .members
of which conduct a prayer meeting every'
evening half .past six, and have a week
day meeting for Bible study..-
In giving the . number of. .delegates
from each : college who attended the
Salem convention I didn't mention the
fact that , the Agricultural college Bent
. The- Monmouth Brass Band gave us a
pleasant entertainment a few evenings
since. ; . .. - . ... , , ,'.
Since the boys from the state normal
went home, our boys have been working
with a will; -fixing up - the ball' ground
and getting the Athletic association
more thorougly organized,'. ,. .' .;. r;
Capt. "Warren intends to make this
the beat military school in the state. He
enforces obedience and compells observ
ance of the College rules.
The Y. M. C. A. boys talk' of making
use of the river by organizing a rowing
Club. ;.. ' -;.;!,'VV . . .", '.. i '
The Christian church is making prep
arations to erect a building in the spring
mat will cost Tz,&uu.
This -evening. I had. the .pleasure of
seeing- the editor the School Journal,
with his coat off. and a carpenter's apron
on, (which contained two pockets,") each
of nails') with a hatchet-that has seen
better days,, trying to repair r old , yard
fence, which was grown" up with -trees
and briars. - . Bunchgbars.
Danger In Decayed Teeth. '
If the teeth are allowed to decay until
the attention required will permit of no
further delay, and it is then desired to
preserve them for further usefulness,
much that could have been avoided by
early care must now be submitted to,
the time occupied in the dental chair is
greatly lengthened, more of the natural
tooth is sacrificed (to be replaced by arti-
hcial-j material) and Increased pain and
discomfort- usually attend the operation,
while not the least weighty among other
considerations is the additional expense
Neglected teeth are not only unsightly
tfhd offensive to others, but frequently
occasion painful nerve complications,
distressing neuralgias, secondarily Injure
the eyesight, induce-, deafness, while
cases of resulting insanity are well
authenticated. Then the effluvia arising
from decaying teeth is not only unen-
durable, .but tae-.air-takeo into tbe-deiK
cat lung structne'(oyer'20,000respira
tiona each twenty-f our hours) is affected
b'yv it, and ' to' titne ' surely has a- dele
terious effect on the health. B. C. Corn-
welL D. !)... in Philadelphia
Arguments for and Against Suffrage.
Once a year in Massachusetts women
have the opportunity to take part in a
very limited way in the ordering of pub
lic affairs by voting, if they choose to do
so. for members of the school cornmittee
in their respective towns or cities. Once
a year,"with equal reguiarrty.'the. legis
lature is asked to extend this privilege
by giving women the right either to vote
for all elective local or municipal officers
or to take part in general elections with
the' same powers as men.
The extent tOfWhich the women avail
theinselvefioCtkejimited privilege which
they now have is often made the basis of
argument for or against an extension .of
the suffrage; while, on the other hand.
the advocates of full suffrage for women
claim it as a right founded on the broad
est principles of natural justice and not
to pe impaired by any considerations of
Our artificial society. Boston (Jonimon-
,?ath.-. -- . .. , r ...
ti 1Ltalaeat6Mk.'i ?
THer are-other fishes-which1 -Will at
tack man besides sharks, the worst of
Which are not more ferocious than a
small South American fish found in the
waters of the Orinoco, river. It is a lit
tle creature, only six or eight inches in
length, but in schools it will attack hu
man beings and eat them up alive if it
gets a chance. When you go fighing in
that river, these fierce' pigmies will -take
bites out of the fish you catch as you are
hauling them in and you will -do well
not to fall out of the boat if you wish to
escape being mutilated. Washington
"'-tow insurance tu Sweden,
In the Swedish cities fire insurance is
a bagatelle. In Stockholm Mr. Thomas
paid a premium of -one-twentieth of
percent. Think of that, American -in-
sure rat Stockholm has an excellent fire
department and system of water works,
but so have most American cities. The
difference lies in the methods of build
ing, and herein consists a firBt class ob
ject lesson. New York Tribune.
The Australian Ballot Law.
. Fair Vraw, Or. March 9, 1892. ;.
'Editor Chronicled :. You will do a favor
for the writer,' and a great many, others,
if you will, through the columns of your
paper, answer the following questions in
reference to section 31 of the Australian
ballot, law: The writer, and. many
others, claim that it is a bold and treach
erous step, closely: allied . with . disfran
chisement, by prohibiting any. organiza
tion or political party from nominating
and electing the "men ' Of their choice,
unless they had polled three per cent, of
the whole .vote cast at the last state
election. It seems as though the .bosses
would like to compel, by . law, the hon
est toilers and tax payers of this state to
march'-up and swallow the dose, and
thank the gods it was no more." -No sir ;
Mr. D; and R., we are' our own." physic-,
?ahs',' prescribe our own medicines, com
pound our pellets and fire the Baine with
our own gunst and .deem section. , Jl . un
constitutional and, if so, it were better
that the framers had a mill-stone around
their necks and cast themselves in the
sea. Please answer the writers ques
tions and obliges ' Yours, R. F. W.,
As the Chronicle understands section
31 of the Australian Ballot Law, . candi
dates for 'Office may be nominated in
three ways.' First.- By a convention of
delegates representing a political party
which at the election next proceeding
polled at least three per cent, of the en
tire vote cast in the. state, county, pre
cinct or other electoral district for which
the nomination is made.. Second. -By
an assembly of electors, numbering not
less than a hundred, of the state or elec
toral division thereof.-' - Third. --By- in-:
dividual electors comprising a like num
ber of an Jbundred persons. . We think
our- correspondent is clearly mistaken
when he supposes that the . law is de
signed to shut out new parties.- It does
nothing Of the kind. '- Any assembly of
electors, to the number of an - hundred,
may nominate candidates or; put up a
ticket, .whether they have ever been in
the field previously as a. political party
or not. . In other. words.' any .candidate
who can: command . the suppoit: of an
hundred electors in the state, or any
electoral division thereof, may be put in
nomination for any office id the gift of
the people. .' . ; . ' " : . ....
' BOKN. ' ' . .... .
To. the ife of D. 8. Dufur, March Sth,
daughter, 84x averdupois. Mother
and child doing well.; Then Chronicle
extends. , hearty. ... congratulations and
notes, by the way,' that the coming of
the" little stranger makes Hon: E. B.
Dufur a grandpa.' ' - - '-" l ' : ." -
Something '. iiew Pabsta Bohemian
Milwaukee Beer "onry .one" tit -. a bottle".
Hot clam broth after 5 p." m. at J. O.
Mack's. Call and try them. 2-23tf
Miss Clara B. . Storv "will instruct a
limited' number of pupils in oil-. paint-,
ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and
pastelie work and Uhina painting.
Studio, room 3, over Mclnernv's drv
goods store. 2-3-tf
The Havana Sprout.
The leading cigar now. with smokers
about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout.
It is A No. 1, and is to be found at
Byrne, Floyd & Co.'s. 3all and try it.
z-24-dtt - . :
Saloon Busluess for Bale.
The fixtures and furniture of a first
class saloon, situated in this citv, for
sale at a bargain. Everything ready for
purchaser to commence business at once.
ipply to John .Barry at J. O. Mack s,
Second Street.
. ,'y , r.- - Late Importations. -Krrnft
"PlnvA Ar. fin.. lfMi Hinr, wlintloaalA
and retail druggists of The- Dalles, have,
in addition to other-lines of goods, just
opened a splendid - stock of combs and
1 1 .. V 1 1 1 " .
uruoiieo. iuu isuuuiu inspect tnese
goods before purphasing. ' 2-24-dtf
On' and after" April lBt parties mittintr
in 'dr using water closets with a contin
uous stream : of witter, will be charged
$5.00 per month Patent shutoff's at the
Old rate. " By order of the Board.
3-7 -t ; V. Li. lHiLLrps, Kecretary.
'" "'" '' ' - ' . . -.
' Jeuralgla Cured In 15 Minutes. -
Mr. J. S; Sturtevant,". editor of . the
Wduvaea Wis.V Post, says : "Last nieht
Chamberlain's Pain .Balm, cured' my
wife of neuralgia of the face - and tooth
in fifteen minutes.V 'We would not be
without it.". 50 cent bottles for sale bv
uianeiey & uongnton,. druggists. .
' ' " - .'; Notice. 'I - -' '
All -Dalles City warrants registered
prior to September 1, J890, will be paid if I
presented at my office. . Interest ceases
from and after this date. .
Dated February 8th, 1892. '.. . . ' : ' ;
. , . u. j&inersly, -tf.
.: Treas. Dalles Citv,
.. , ;" . Kest Tomle. , '
Byrne. Floyd & Co.. the leadins whole-
sate and retail druggists , of The Dalles,
. i - i . i , .
nave lousy receiveu meir second, large
invoice of 'Best Tonic. Best Tonic takes
with all who': have tried it- - It cures
dyspepsia, strengthens the system,- re
stores sound and refreshing sleep,', and
as a beverage at meal time promotes
digestion. - i 2-27 -dtf. -
.. La Grippe Successfully Treated..' .
'.-" I have just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this year," says Mr.
Jas. O; Jones, publisher of the Lea'der,
Mexia, Texas. ,-ln-the latter case' I
used Chamberlain's Coueh Remedy, and
I think with considerable success,' only
being in bed '.a little 'over two days,
against ten days for the first - attack.
The second attack I am satisfied i would
have been eqnaly as bad as the first
but for'the -use of this5 remedy ,:as' I'had
to 'go to bed in about six hours after be
ing 'struck'- with , it, while in the first
'oase I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
50 cent bottles for sale, by . Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. , . ' .
;'i :.;. Jfotlci) to CoBtraetors. t
pealed proposals- will Te received- at
the office of R. F. Gibons inThe-Dalies
until, noon of Monday next, March 14th,
1892, for the construction of a founda
tion and chimneys of the new Congrega
tional church, to be built in this city,
according to the plans and specifications
to be Been at the office of Crandall St
Burget, -166 Second 1 street. Right to
reject any or all bids reserved.
Dated March 8th, 1892. -
R. F. Oibons,- . -
B. S. Huntington,
; 3-8td ... Building Committee.
Notice to Contractors.' ' '
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received up to Friday March 18th'
at 6 o'clock p. mM at the office of the
Sherman county bank at WascO, Oregon,
for the erection of a one story brick
bank building 24x36 feet,, according to
plans and specifications -which may be
seen t at the office of said bank.- The
banking company to furnish the brick
and rock upon the ground for bnilding
the foundation and, the contractor to
furnish all other material'. The bank
ing company reserves the right to reject
any and all bids in their discretion.
Bonds will be required.
3-9d8t W. M. Barnrtt, Pres.
A Remarkable Core of Rheumatism.
Messrs. Cage and Sherman, of Alexander,-
Texas, write- us regarding a re
markable cure of rheumatism there as
follows : "The wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt,
the Postmaster here had been bed-ridden
with rheumatism for several years.
She could get nothing to do her an"
good, We sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was com
pletely cured by its use. We refer anv
one to her in vttrHftr tUio ofatamnt tH
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &J
xiouguion, arnggists.
. NQTICE,; .
R.-E. French has for sale a nUmberof
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in. the Grass Valley, neighborhood
in Sherman county. .They will be sold
very cheap -and. on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon.
r,- : .-.r.
The Dalles Restaurant
One or the Finest Cooks In Tbe Dalles.
. All Work done by White Help.
Next door to Byrne, Floyd &. Co.s?
...... j)rUg Store. " ' " V -"
85 Union St., The Dalles.
Just Opened.
lfe.ri; JOtfES - Proprietor.
Everything the Market
Affords, at Reasonable
' . : 'v....'. ' :; Rates. , . . ..V... ,.
Painting CIxASS !
' " Will meet on
Tuesday and ' Friday
-Mornings, at 9 o'clock, and on .'
Wednesday arid Friday
- Afternoons at 2'o'clock. ' - " ' ' - -
Orderstaken ih'kll branches of Pauit-'
ing.; ' -A' full linel of New Studies for" sale
or 'to' rent.' Studio at the residence of
Mr. G. P. Morgan,- corner of -Third and
Liberty streets. -. : . -
Fifth. Street Grade. .
1.1 Common Council of Dalles City is about to
proceed to tttablun by urainance tnegraae upon
!. n 1 .. . n
to-wit: On Fifth street from tbe west side of
Union street to tbe east side of Washington at.
Tbe (trade of said street will be fixed witb refer
ence to tbe supposed stage of low water' in tbe
Columbia river, which is fixed at a point ag.xl
feet below tbe top of the hydrant at the south
west corner ox first ana nasmugion streets, in
said Dalles City; which point upon the Columbia
river is designated as the initial noint from which
the elevations rereinaf ter stated are made. The
squares made by the crossings of streets with
said street, shall be of the following elevations
above the datura plane, or low water level of the
UlUIIIPin 1ITCI. 1I.71I.1I11 7. HIIV 11. V. ... , a. .111. Ill
tersection of Fifth and Union streets. 78 feet . At
the intersection of Fifth and Court streets 73.6
foet. At tHi intimvtinn t if Ffth nfid Washington
streets 78 feet. . 1 he grades -of the aforesaid street
from square to square shall be uniform and equal
. v oraer ot tne common council.
Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated this 4th dny of March, ... 3-7dl4t
- ,114 SECOND STREET. . '
Our Stoclc bias been most carefully selected, for Comfort and
Durability and will be sold at the lowest possible
prices. Leather and findings for sale. -.
Repairing Neatljr ' 'and.;
Pipe It l Rei af ;
on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss'
' , Blacksmith Shop. '
I. G. Hiekelscn,
I -E lk
Kraiiich fBaclilid
School Books, Bibles, Blank Books,
Music Books, Sheet Music,
Baby Carriages and
' ' . . t -w.r-" ".-
.Jewelry. "
Finest Wines,
171 Second Street,
Frenchs7 Block,-
'; ; v , .'ii, i 'V ' ' " '. - " .
E. Jacbbsen & Co.'s.
Largest Line of Batty1 Carriages, -Books, Stationery
- . and 3Iusical
. V ;:"l62;Seco-I StreetZ
Successors to 3. K. Dnllum. i i i
".:-. ; '-; .-. , .1: i ,
Druggists and Chemists.
Pure Drugs anft MeMcines.:
Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty.
Night Druggists always in Attendance.
Oyfiie, Floyd SCO..
i- 3 S
Expeditiously 7 Done.
Jo . i . luj 'JI
Class Upright Pianos,
and Liquors.
The Dalles, Oregon
vC-i. -14.. V iibWufjlUf VMU
R. B, HQOD.v
Livery, Feed and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
' ; Commission andJWoney ,
- Advanced on Horses
- Left for Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Liu?.
Stage Ijeaves The Dalles Every Morning -:
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:00. AH
J ' freight must be left at R..p.. . V
. . llnod'a nrlice the eve--'
ning before.
' R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
r ij c 3 ' rri. 1 t ..