The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 10, 1892, Image 1

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-yoL. in.
NO. 74. ,
WM. J. ROBERT8 Civil Engikkkr Gen-
eral engineering practice. Survey) ag and
mapping; estimates . and plan for irrigation,
aeweTage, water-woEks, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fkixow of Tiufcmr
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10. to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m. - , ' .
eaoN. OUks: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Const House. Office hours 9 to 12
A.M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 4 P.M.
DBIDDALL Pkktibt. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
' r , set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign oi
the Golden Tooth, Second Street. ,
m.B.DunjK. eso. atxins. fbakk m kkbfeb.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Eutrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
. 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalies, Oregon.
floe in Schanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon. ' ...
W. P. MATS. B. S. HUHTroeTON. H. 8. WILSOH. '
: i'A kbts-at-law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Young & Kuss,
BiaGksmiin & vagon shod
General Blacksmitbing and Work done
promptly, and all work.
Horse Shoeeing a Spciality.
. Thir. tat opposite the old Liehe Stan!
A&w -
Still on Deck.
Phoenix Like has Arisen
Prom the Ashes!
The Reetauranteur Has Opened the -
Baldwin - RestaaFant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
-of his old patrons.
Open day and Night. . First class meals
twenty -five cents.
By using B. B. Headache and liver Cure, and S.
B. Cough Cure as directed for colds. , They were
STJooz:issxTjXjXi-s' .
used two years ago during the La Grippe epi
demic, and very flattering testimonials of their
power over that disease are at band. Manufact
ured by the S. B. Medicine Mfg. Co., at Duf ur,
Oregon. For sale by all druggists. .
The Dalles
CTd- "A "R of tho Seet Brands
VXJ -X VXsjVC manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI-
tiAK nas become firmly established, and
y the demand for the home manufactured
: article is increasing every day. ... -
- arjnim '
Gigap : paetopy
A. A. Brown,
, Keeps a full assortment of T"
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures.
to Cash Buyers.
Hiilest Casl Pnces for Ems anJ
' other Proflnce.
and Fancy-Groceries
Wholesale ana Retail Diils.
.. . Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for the Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. :
The Largest "Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key - West - and Domestic Cigars:
. . Agent for Tansill's Punch. .
129 Second Street,
Staple and Fancy
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
jtfeu .o- Columbia
Best Dollar a Day
, First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. y
First" Class Hotel in Every Respect. J . ;
: J '. None but the Best of White Help Employed.
; A T- T. Nicholas, Pttop.
- Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center In
the Inland Empire.
" . .'for Further information Gall at the Office of " " V'
. Interstate Investment Go.,
Undertaking Establishment !
-"'.' DEALERS IN : 7 , -
Furniture and Carpets!
We - have added to our business a
complete Undertaking .Establishment)
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust .our prices "will
be low accordingly. -. -
. Remember our place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
The Dalles, Oregon
and Feed,-
Court Streets. The Daiies.Oregon
House on the Coast!
Best Selling Property of
theSeasqn in the Northwest.-.;
- "-
Kegro Mnrfierers Taken &om Jail ana
' ' 'SnotBi a M':
-i"::: . -
By- the PeVsecutiea of a Rival Corpo-
. Y--. : t ;' --
- rate? Concern. " .
8rmi-Altfce-.Terry Influd'i Naval
Condition Chill's New Cabinet.
. -Etc. Bsc-"
Memphis, Tenn., March 9. The morn
ing light disclosed the dead bodies ' of
three negroes riddled witla bullets, near
the heart of the city. The negroes had
been taken, from jail by seventy -five
masked men and shot to death. The
crime for which this summary vengeance
was wreaked upon them was the am
bushing and shooting down Saturday
night last of four deputy sheriffs, while
the officers were looking for a negro for
whose arrest they had a warrant. The
bodies which presented a horrible sight
were brought to Walsh's undertaking
establishment this morning. ; In less
than fifteen minutes' the place' was eur-rounded-by
about twenty- negroes, all
afraid to talk, however, on. account of
proximity of the whites. . An inquest
was held at 10 o'clock and the bodies
were then sent to their homes. At 10:15
word reached the city that the negroes
were assembling in large numbers at
The Curve. Judge Dubose immediately
equipped 150 men with Winchesters and
they left the city for that locality.
:' -.Drlren to Madness.
Chicago, March 9. Farmer L. Will
iams, an in venter and patentee of a pro
cess for. making cordage twine . out of
paper, shot himself through the breast
last night, and will probably lie. Will
iams left the institute four weeks ago,
and has . acted strangely at' J-iniee, but
was cured of the liquor habit. After his
self inflicted wound' was dressed today,
he suddenly became furious and fought
the doctor like a madman, and. tried to
jump out of a window. Finally, having
suffered greatly from the loss of blood he
gave up and was put to bed, but again
arose, tore open his wounds, and struck
the phj-sicsan a terrible blow over . the
head; The police were then summoned,
and Williams was taken to the detention
hospital today. . . It is said that his in
sanity is due jto prosecution by the
National cordage company, whose agents
have harassed him and .broken up his
plans for establishing a twine factory. .
- Two Sources of PowerT
Indianapolis, March 9. The Jenne
Eleotric company today shipped to Mich
igan a fifty horse-power motor to be used
in the submarine torpedo-boat which is
being built for the United' States by
Chicago capitalists. It .will be tested by
the government in about three weeks.
It is cigar-shaped, and hastwosources of
motive power, steam and electricity, the
first generating the power for the second. '
In case of emergency, a storage-battery
system will operate the motor when the
vessel wishes to submerge. The" failure
of nearly eleven submarine lor pedo-boats
has been due to the inability of the in
ventor to keep, the cigar point from fast
ening in the bottom, but in this point
the submersion is accomplished by water
ballast, and, so far, the horizontal po
sition of the vessel has been maintained
in several" experiments. "...
;y. :;hlll's New Cabinet. .
-Valpa-bjuso, March 9. It is expected
that. : arrangements will be perfected
today for; forming a new cabinet. A
meethiof the liberal members of con -grees
was held Monday- night to discuss
the situation, It .is " probable that
Eduardo Matte will be minister of for
eign affairs and Augustine , Edwards
minister of finance, -as Valder "Vergera,
who held the latter office, will not accept
the portfolio again. .... . :
.. -'KDgiand'a Naval Condition. ; '
London, March1' 9. Lord Hamilton ,
first lord of the admiralty,- made his an
nual naval statement 'in commons last
evening. The statement shows an . in
crease of $125,000 over the estimated ex
penditures. Hamilton admits thefin
nuity of nearly $7500,000, which was
granted under tie naval defense act. on
the difetmct pledge that it would only be
: for seven ye&re, will become a perma
nent charge. ' . '. -
. ISresdstnfra la Enrope.
Chicago, March 9. The London cor
respondent of : the Northwestern Miller,
says that stocks of grain in United King
dom ports, gradually diminishing, bow
amounts to 2,725,000 quarters, against
3,000,000 quartere January 1 and 1,200,
000 quarters September 1 last . year.
Some English authorities, who - are in
position- to know better, persist in stat
ing that the United Kingdom port stocks
of wheat and flour amount to about
3,500,000 quarters!; Now the actual return-"
from seventeen ports January 1
only showed 2,500,000 quarters of wheat
Rnd flour, and it is quite certain that
the remaining few minor ports., did not
contain 300,000 quarters, which made a
total of 2,800,000 quarters while since
January l'the-actual imports, have .been
bt200,000:; quartere' $elow nrequkfr
ments. If the presentquantity afloat,'
which is 2,945,000 quarters, be added, it
will be seen that the- United Kingdom
trade has in sight 5670,000 quarters,
against 3,700,000 quarters - last year.
At least 500,000 quarters of the present
quantity afloat for the United Kingdom
will be diverted to the Continent, so
that the United Kingdom has not much
more than 5,000,000 quarters afloat and
in store, of which 1,500,000 may be called
the normal stock. Therefore, put of 6,
000,000 quarters required by the United
Kingdom from now to August 31, about
3,500,000 quarters are assured, leaving
5,500,000 quarters still to be bought.
An almost equal quantity remains to be
obtained for France. Those bears who
talk so glibly of the European wants for
the season 'being already satisfied will
find ere long how wrong their premises
are. The trade, xevertheless, is suffer
ing from the fear of overwhelming sup
plies' from America, and especially from
cheap American flour. The latter is
probably the most serious' obstacle to
any immediate improvement.
Imprisoned His Successor.
City or Mexico, March 9. Advices
from Guatemala state that Gen. Reyna
Barrios, .who was recently declared
elected president ot Guatemala, has
been made a prisoner by order of Presi
dent Barrillas. . , There is great . excite
ment in the Altos, district and the peo
ple are arming. It is rumored that
Senor La Infiesta, who was announced
some time ago as having' been -chosen
president, will be arrested, as Barrillas
is determined to occupy the presidency
or to give, it to L. Larent, one of his
Will go to an Asylum.
San Fkakcisco, March 9. Judge Levy
today issued a warrant for the arrest . of
Mrs. Sarah Althea-Sharon-Terry, and
she was taken to court, where she will
be examined by the commissioners of
insanity, who will pass upon the ques
tion of confining--her at some asylum.
The warrant was issued on the applica
tion of Mamie Flesance, Mrs. Terry's
friend arid nurse. - " ' " .'
Some Funny Business.
Knoxviiae, Tenn., March 9. The
Cherokee Land company has gone into
the hands of a receiver with assets of
$600,000 and liabilities less than $40,000.
The assets are so much in excess of the
liabilities that the receivership will be
only temporary. ..-:' - .
Cost Against tUe Co-Respondent.
- London, March 9. In the divorce court
today in the case of Gilroy ' against Gil
roy, Mr. Gilroy; was granted a decree
with costs against the co-respondents.
Gilroy. formerly owned a -ranch near San
Francisco, Cal., and while there married
Miss Ella Frances Kellogg. '
Sentenced to Bard Labor
London, March 9. Mrs. Osborne to
day in the central criminal court was
sentenced to nine, months' . imprison
ment at bard labor in connection -with
the jewel robbery" from her cousin, Mrs.
Hargreaves. - -
. . Lost With Her Crew.
.. London, Marcji 9. A telegram from
Port" Said says the German steamer
Messena foundered off the Sicillylslands
during a gale February 19. It is believed
that the crew, twenty-four in number,
are lost.." ' " .
.' Kioting In Montevideo.
. : Montevideo, March 9. A serious riot
took place during the recent -carnival.
The police are making arrests' of the
ringleaders. The United States war
ships Chicago, Bennington and Atlanta
have sailed for La Plata. . ; ,
A Counterfeiter Captured.. '
Coiub d'Alenb, Idaho, March 9. Dep
uty United States Marshal li. M. Dryden
and, Deputy Sheriff Joe Warren . made
another haul of a counterfeiter at Sucker
Lake, Kootenai county, joday. -
Held for Trlsl. .
Philadelphia, March 9. N. F. Evans,
ex-director of the Spring Garden National
bank, was arrested Monday for' embez
zlement, and today held for trial. ;
March Marches Upon Minnesota With
Full Force and vigor. ; -
Worst Storm for Years in Iowa, Mis
souri, Nebraska, The Dakotas, etc.
T--',;f X' -'"- '- ' i r :'- - -WILOROBAHLr
Streets Gives up to Wind and Snow
Stores and Business Closed
Train Blockaded.
Minneapolis, Minn., March 9 Since
four o'clock this morning Minneapolis
has been the center of a furious blizzard.
and the reports coming in from outside
points state that the wind is blowing "
across the plains at a velocity ranging .
from thirty-five to fifty miles an hour.
The temperature, has fallen from twenty
to forty-five degrees, and registers all
the way from twelve to twenty below '
zero, and is still falling. The streets are "
given up to the wind and flying snow,
making it impossible to see across streets. -The
leading merchants closed their
stores. Incoming trains, are universally
late. As yet no casualties are reported,
but many of the pranks of the'wind .
have resulted seriously. A passenger oh
the Chicago express, while passing from -one
car to another, was blown from the '
train against an embankment , and sev
erely bruised. At Duluth the streets
are deserted and the street railroad com
pany has abandoned all attempts to get
its line into operation. In Nebraska
the wind has been blowing at the rate
of sixty-one miles an hour. Throughout "
the state the gale has been severe, but
owing to no wires particulars cannot be
given. A epecial from Sioux City, la.,
says the damage to property will amount
to several thousand dollars. In Dakota
the blizzard commenced at 8 o'clock and .
still continues. It is the worst ever
known. No fatalities are reported but .
some are. apprehended. From all re
ports the suffering in' the country dis- :
tricts will be most intense. The . worst
prevails in Cedar Kapids, Iowa. The
weather is growing colder, and a high
wind is doing considerable damage. " In"
Kansas City the storm has been raging
for the last twenty-four hours, and still'
continues, accompanied by .a rapid fall .
in the thermometer. The weather is
clear- with no snow or rain. The'" -
storm prevails throughout Kansas:
Telegraph service is seriously inter
rupted. . . . - , . ' '
- Mascow Just Escaped.
Moscow, Idaho. March 9. Fire brnk
out last night in a building which was
completely consumed and others with it.
The fire is believed to have been the
work of an incendiary. The total loss
amounts to $8,500. But for the fire de
partment the town wonld have been
Sol Blrsch Heard From.
London, March 9. The Daily New
today prints articles praising the ener
getic action of Mr. Hirech, American
minister to Turkey, in protesting to the
porte against . the decree ordering all
schools to procure a license from the
government or else close. .
". To Fill Decobain's Seat.' - i " 1
- Dublin, March 9. The election to fill
the seat for East. Belfast, made vacant ."
by the recent expulsion from the .house
of commons of Edward II." Decobain, on
a charge of gross immorality, has re
sulted in a victory for Wolff, the dissent
ing candidate.- . :' -
Official Slaughter of Cattle. -
Glasgow, March 9. The; market is
closed against cattle, sheep and pigs in
consequence of the prevalence of the
mouth and foot disease. 'A number of
cattle and swine have been slaughtered. '
at Paisley by the authority of officials.
- Crossacks Massing. . . - '
Berlin -March 9. The : Thorner
Zeitung, published at -Thorn, in West
Pru8sia,'says an extensive -movement ia .
in progress amtong the Russian troops
on the frontier, and every place of im
portance is filling with soldiers, chiefly
Cossacks. - .:-"' - -- - : " ,
.Between ifew York and Brooklyn.
Albany, N. Y., March 9. The gov- .-"
ernor has signed a bill incorporating the :
East River Bridge 'company, to build -two.
bridges between New; York and -Brooklyn.
- f