The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1892, Image 1

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    11 'fclFv
NO. 73.
W1C. J. ROBERTS Civil Enoiiibbb Gen
eral engineering practice. Surrey ing and
mapping; estimates and plana for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroad, bridges, -etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
specifications furnished for dwellings,, bnainesa blocks, soaooaad factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction roarantaed. Of
fice over French's bank, The. Dalles, Oregon. ,
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fsixow of Trjkitt
Medical College, and member of "the Ool
lege of Physician, and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Burgeon. Office ; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence Judge Thornbory'a Sec
ond street. Oince hours? 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8-p. m.
DR. O. D. rOASI-rHTSiciiK ikd sua.
esoH. Office: room. 6 and Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, fourth -street, -nate
Uock south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 13
A. 11., 2 to 6 and 7 to i P. 11.
DfjlDDAM. Dihttrt. Gas- giyen for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Colden Tooth, Second Street. -
DUFTJR," WATKlNS A HEKEPEE Attob-mbts-at-law
Room No. 43, over Peat
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon. . - t
WH. WILSON Attoknkt-AT-L aw Rooroi
hi and 68, New Vogt Block, Second 8treet,
The Dalles, Oregon.
. floe in Schanno's building, up stairs. The
Bailee, Oregon. ' - .-
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Young & Ku'ss,
BiacKsraiin & Wagon Sfioo
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work '
Guaranteed. ?
Horse Shoeeing a Spciality.
fbirt Street opposite me old lielie Stand.
Still on Deek.
Phoenix Like lias Arisen
Prom the!
The. Reetauranteur II aa Opene-d the
Baldwin- Restaur abt
Where be will be glad to eee any and all
of his old patrons. '"--.
Open day and Night. . First class meals
twenty-five' cents. '
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
-- (Successor to.craa Coram., .
- . : ; ; 1 , i i. -.' '
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland. ' "
Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco.!
Oan furnish' an; of these goods at Wholeaala
or RataU t .t . . ;..
&F1?HSH - OYSTHiris-r
-'.J. ! wy-aJtyJj...'. " .; K j
104 Sewmd StwWTlie DalleB. Or.''
The Dalles
CXC T?ia of.thb"Beat Brands
VXvJ xVXkikZ' manufactured, and
orders from all parte of the country filled
6a the shortest notice.
- The reputation of -THE PAIXES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing; every 4&y. -. (
A. A. Brown,
. ' Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
- : -- ......
. , . and Provisions. -
whieh heefiert at Low Figures..
to Cash. Buyers.
Hiihest Cast Priceslor Egs anfl
,y IE? TT ia "Em DBL XTj
V '- Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
- ;-"xALsp All: the' LEApixo ;:;') "c
Patent ffledleines and Druggists Sundries,
v mosHAinTs. oils Mdji: ' -
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnisbes aadthe only, agents' in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. ;
Finest Line of Imported Key West i and 'Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch. 7
129 Second Street, : The, Dalies, Oregon
Siapie and Fancu
Hay, Grain
: 1 : . t j
Wasonic Block, Corner Third and
r ' . ,THE DAXLiis,i OREGON.
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
. V - ; First-Class Meals, 25 Gents . -First
Class Hotel in Every Respect. -
' : . ; - : None but the Best of White Help Employed.
X. T . flichol as , Ppo6.
: Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center in
the Inland Empire. -
- : . .. . r- ; ,
For- Further Information
' ' ft ! "J 4 j
A NErV :
Undertaking Establishment!
Furniture and Carpets.
We have added to our business " a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' 'Trust our. prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our place on. Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
Kf N E R S LY,
and Feed.
Court Streets, The Dalles.Oregon
rBest Selling Property of a
the Season A n the North- v
West.: .f. - J" U.: jy '
Call at the Office of
Mr. SmiBger no Longer Chairaaii of His
Location of tbe Proposed Gun Factory
!"-----"- ' ' ? ' .... .- ; ,
- for thf Pacific Coast
Claims of Oi(n for tatc Kartory 'a
Astoria. Or Oa . tb 4 CoUmbis
River Otkci Kewi. .' . , .
New Yohk, March 8. Jay Oonld has
given $25,000. to the university of the city
of New York. - Tbe gift was made a lew
days after he gave his check for .'$10,000
to the Presbyterian ' church extension
committee. It was Jay Gould's desire
that the gift should be kept a secret. The
Bev. Dr. John Paxton, the pastor of the
chnrch which Mr. Gould and his family
attend, let out the fact last- Bight unin
tentionally to reporter. ; -When-pressed
for further information concerning it, he
eaid'lhe matter was a secret. Chancellor
MeCracuen confirmed later the fact that
the gift had been made. ; ,.r.,
. Mr. Sprtager'a Illness. r
VVASHWGTON.March 8. Mr. Springer's
important chairmanship of the ways and
means committee is practically at an end.
Dr. Vincent, who came from Springfield,
111., to take charge of Mr. Springer's
case, said today, that, even should .his
patient begin to rally at once and contine
to improve from this time on, it' would
be impossible for him to attend to any
business for the next two months. Dr.
Vincent ays that under tbe most favor
able circumstances Mr. . Springer could
not leave-tbe house within the next thre
weeks. After, that the doctor will insist
that Mr. Springer go to Fortress Monroe,
or some other health resort, for a stay of
four or five weeks. J According to Dr.
Vincents program, therefore, Mr. Spring
er has practically concluded his services
as chairman of the ways and means com
mittee for this teasion j of congress, -for
the tariff bills will be , entirely disposed
of by the end of April. . "
, . ..The Bla; Gun Factory.
Wabhingtok, - March 8. The senate
committee on .coast defenses. basTnade a
report to accompany the bill reported
last week. The committee says that, in
view of the difference of "opinion exist
ing as to the exact place on 1 the Pacific
coast where the -factory should be lo
cated, the committee is of- tbe. opinion
that its location should be left to the de
cision of a board of competent experts,
to be appointed by4" the president, as
provided for in' tbejbill.. ! It appears from
the statement of the chief .of ordinance
that if there be no large establishment
of this kind on the Pacific coast there
will he need of two small establishments
for repairs, one to be located at Benicia,
and the other " further north, on the
Columbia river, or on Puget sound.' The
bill appropriates $1,000,000 for tbe erec
tion of suitable buildings, tbe purchase
of suitable machinery and .other 'mater
ials.. The making of a big gun require!"
the best-kind of steel, and the material
baa to be very carefully made. It can be
made on) this coast; by: converting fuel
into4 gas. Oregott has : the metal free
from sulphur and' phosphorus,' and as
soon as a market for . 'billets' ' is created
such as the government has Bought we
shall have no difficulty in handling all
the crude product that comes. -
foster Hade a Bad Break.
r' London, M ardr- 8. Some of the Eng
lish .papers have reproduced the sub
stance of the interview with Secretary
Foster, cabled to New York, in which the
expression -''clam-mouthed'? a vapplied
to Irish emmigranta created Tauch dis
cussion." , Mr. Foster reiterated his state
ment that the expression" was not his;
"I used," aai&he, "tb familiar phrase
'flannels-mouthed' to denote trw emml
grant whose children -become assimilat
od with good American typeK"tr w
. . - - - .t,
A 1111 Cpvtest Settled.
r, Bkioqkpqbt, - Conn., ; March . 8. The
suit begun in. Aprils 1888, contesting the
will of the .late - Benjamin 'Berkeley
Hotchktas, .tbe widelyknown -inventor
et the HotchkJs.sTifle And; cannonj baa
been settled, mad the case has been with
drawn from court. In the amount' in
volved and i in; complications resulting,
the case was perhaps one of the greatest
of the kind ever brought in this state,'
The litigants are the brothers and sisters
of the dead inventor. By - agreement,
the terxns of the settlement are withheld
from the public: ' ' !' :'- '. - ; '
Stock Breeders Association.
- Wali.a Walla, March 9. A call has
been Issued for convention of .stock
breeders, to be held at Ellen eburg on
ou the 22d to perfect a state organization
of live stock breeders. : There are. many
matters of importance to be considered.
One member from the Big Bend country
says he will endeavor to have the asso
ciation" take' 'measures .to " prevent the
cattle stealing from which so many
breeders have suffered in eastern Wash
ington of late years. This is only one oil
ine many suojects tnat will need atten
tion: . ' - . ' -.'. i -
'- . Umatilla Democracy.
. Pjikdlkton, March 9. The democratic
county convention yesterday nominated
the following ticket for Umatilla county :
For representatives, Michael Toner, J.
M, Stone, Henry J. Taylor ; for county
judge,Thos. J, Tweedy; for commis
sioner, A. h. Gordon ; for sheriff, W. J.
Furnish ; . for clerk, Walter M. Pierce;
for treasurer, .William H. Jones; for
Assessor,- W. W. Brannin ; for school
superintendent, D. W. Jarvia; for cor
oner.'Dr. Plimell. The usual platform
was adopted, with additions endorsing
the administration ."of Gov. Pennoyer,
and urging upon our -senators and repre
sentatives in congress the great impor
tance of a. speedy completion of the im
provements of the Columbia river : also,
demanding' the passage of the legisla
ture of a memorial to congress asking
the submission of. an amendment to the
constitution providing for the election of
the United States senators by a direct
vote of the people. : The following gen
tlemen were elected as delegates to the
state convention : Clark Walier, J. H.
Clifford. T. B. Wells, Donald McRae, L.
BBlants, J. L. Killian. E. DePeatt, N.
H. Sitton, R. G. Thompson, W. F. Mat
lock, B. B. Beatie, H. K. Sibley, J. H.
Raley,. Chas. H.. Carter. ,.; ... ,
,t . A Bigb Stepplna; Dacness.
. London, March 8. There, is. a decided
disagreement of the most intense char
acter just at present between tbe Duch
ess of Edinburgh' and the queen. The
ducheBs. was. delighted to hold drawing
rooms this season in place of. the queen
and the Princess of ,-Walea. u The usual
presentation listo were submitted to the
queen, and were found to contain: sev
eral .Americans. . Suddenly the duchess
declined to. preside, at the receptions un
less the lists were also submitted to. her
for approval,-and -she positively refused
to accept any- Americans " except - those
who belong to the diplomatic circle.
Thia determination caused much sur
prise, and.ah explanation will probably
be demanded. The duchess is also : fur
ion against her hush and, who favors
the suggested union of- their r .eldest
daughter; Marie, with the Marquis of
Blandford, the Duke of Marlborough's
heir. . She says that no child of a ' niece
of the Russian emperor shall mate with
the beggarly descendant of Jack Church
hill. The duke, on the contrary, thinks
it is an excellent match for his daughter,
in View of the English dukedom and the
superb heirlooms at - Blenheim 1 palace.
The Duchess of Marlborough is delighted
at .the prospect of becoming stepmother
to a-nieco of the czar. She says she
will leave all her savings to the Marquis
of Blandford "if a marriage . occurs.
When this declaration was made to- the
Duchess of Edinburgh, she exclaimed:,
"The insolent woman! One thing is
eertain.- my daughter shall never know
her."' Princess Marie inherits one-third
of her mother's great fortune. - -
Bxettlaa; Bisection la Baersiaento.
' Sacramento, Cal., March 8. The mu
nicipal election took place today and was
close and exciting. The; new. ballot re
ceived another trial, and the people were
pleased, with it. It worked to perfection,
and the political workers had little, op
portunity for the "usual' methods of cor
ruption. ' .The principal -fight was for.
chief of police. John" S. . Rodgers, an
independent,, was elected over. D.- ,W.
Higgana, republican, with. a plurality of
112i :' Just after the -polls . closed ;a. San
Francisco politician -called -'Big -Xeck"
Smith shot and killed Patrick Brannigan,
a plasterer, during a 'quarrel' about the
election - Snuthr ahot -BrAnnigair twice,
and as the latter fell Smith placed this
pietol to hia -head and -fired , the third
sbot.. Brannigan died, ipstantly. j -
-. A BaBBet for ' Claajjetir ' '-
- " Bore CiTTr March 8.rrThereis talk of
tendering Hoht-W. M. Claggett i ban
quet when he returns toldaho: : 'He may
pass through Boise, 'and If he does ; hia
friends in this city will give him a wel
come. ''While" Claggett "has been de
feated in the senatorial -contest, he is
still a very prominent-man In -Idaho
politics. Claggett men here say that,
bow the contest- has been settled they
mil, join with Dubois' supporters for the
good of vthe. party. . , IW , :
Seattle RepnMicaiis EngnlTea in a Polit
. ical Lanflslifle. - ' .
In Sacramento the Election Closed With
""a" Shooting Match. ; -
An Unwise Act of Secretary Blaioe
Taken as Evidence of a Mental
Itrealt Dovrn."
Ci. i . r 1. n nni - ,
J -. v. a v I. uiv.lri.A
election today was a landslide. The re
publicans have held possession of every
branch of the city government, but. the
democrats now make a clean sweep,
electing . every man on the ticket by
majorities from about 200O for Ronald
over Leary, down. It is thought that
the entire democratic ticket at large, in
cluding nine aldermen, "is elected by
majorities ranging from 600 to 1200, and
that the republicans may have elected
four - delegates out of eighteen. ;Tbe
count will ; probably not be completed,
until this afternoon. The campaign has
been a sharp one, and there was great
PxpltaniAnt.- Prnvdn cratViAixl QrAiml
the polling places, and it was with diffi
culty that the policemen kept the streets
open for traffic. Several arrests for as
sault were made. At the last state
election , Seattle gave 1300 republican
Blaine out of Polities. .-
Washington, March 8. -One of the
developments during the past week is the
peculiar manner in which the Jetter of
Secretary Blaine upon -the divorce case
of bis son is taken. -The general impres
sion is that it is one of the most unwise
acts of-the secretary, and is conclusive
proof he ie either breaking down ment
ally or that he has determined that for
all time he will be oat of politics. . It is
believed be was induced to write the let
ter or statement at the request of - Mrs.
Blaine, who no doubt smarted under the
imputations and assertions of the Dead--wood
court ; but at the same time it is
believed it was a very unwise move.-even.
if Ka Mnn . 1 1
uiu uub wcnu tu retire permanently
from public life. Nobody- in Washington.-
was disposed' to - hold Secretary
-r, ii . .
jjiame reeponsioie ior wuat Has trans--pired
in the past about this unfortunate
marriage. . Some criticism in an under-
tone might have been passed upon the
acts of Mrs. Blaine, but the secretary
was-always held blameless, and now
people are disposed to criticise his utter
lack of judgement in making any . reply
to the statement of the court or under
take , to. secure defense. in the newe-
pacto nucu ueieiiue whes reiusea in me
(nil rtfi Tt ia nn O rf tha nn(r.i.tnnnl
. r 1 .1 f e i . .
circumstances that surround the end of
great mens' careers on account of the
erratic and disgraceful conduct of their
anna TUninA ia of-SU rm- An.l .v. 1..3
with la grip'pe. His temperature is two"
or three degreees above the normal.
His condition is not regard d as serious
by either his family or physician r but it
will be some time before he will be able
to resume charge of the stale depart-
ment. ,
"Jonah and the Whale." "
Olympi a," Wash., March 8. C. B.
Reynolds, secretary of the - Washington
secular' union, "has applied to state super
intendent Bryan to reinstate in the pub
lic school at Davenport, a boy- who was
suspended 'because he recited a sacrili-
.n ... . .:.! ) . it T ... 1 . T
jwua puetu cuiiucu . .iwdii -anu'. me
Whale."' Supt.-Bryan replies ..that he,
can only act in such cases -upon appeals.
ents taken' within the statutory-time,
and ; that the" parties interested must
,:; , -.;,...:W;X.TW Poee.
. ; DsvB,rfColo., i March - 8. Senator
Teller's opposition to the renomination
oi rreeaaent ilarrison, he says is simply
because be don.'t agree with him on his
financial policy as applied to silver, and
not-because or any personal feelings. He
trust' that Colorado will send - a delega
tion to Minneapolis-who ; will vote for a
candidate favoring tbe free' and nmlim-
uea eoinage ot silver. - .
, . tate Importations..
Byrne Floyd & Co.; leading wholesale
and retail druggists of The Dalles, have,
in! addition to other" lines of goods, just
opened a splendid stock, of, combs and
brushes. , You . should inspect these
goods before purchasing.' 1 ' tf