The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. III.
NO. 71.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Engineer Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping;; estimates and plana for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Flans and
specilications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trimity
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours;. 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
eon. Office: rooms 5 and Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to 1 P. M.
. fice in Bcbamios building, up stain. The
Dalles, Oregon. t
D6IDD ALL Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attobket-at-law Rooms
52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Young & Kuss,
BiacRsmiin & wagon stioo
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeeing a Spciality.
Ttofl Stress oposite the old Lictie Stand.
Still on Deek.
Phoenix Like lias Arisen
From the Ashes!
The Refetauranteur Has Opened the
Baldwin - Kestaurant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
of his old patrons.
Open day and Night. First class meals
twenty-five cents.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to cram i Corson.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
O-A-UST D I nn s ,
East ol Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail ......
In Every Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. -
The Dalles
-: -. ' -
f jfJ. A T O of the Beet Brands
V-AVXXA.XVIO manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
-the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of
and Provisions.
which he offer at Low Figures.
SPEGifllt :-: PRICES
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Casi Prices for. Ees ani
other Proflnce. .
le and fancy Grocer
Snipes &Kin
Witt mil Retail Brigi.
JE XT 3FL JE5 33 DRL XJ Gr 3
Handled Jiy Three Registered Druggists.
Patent (Dedielnes and Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnisbes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic .Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch.
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Siapie anfl rancy Groceries.
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
flew Qolumbia . Jfotel,.
Best Dollar a Day
. First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. '
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T.T. Jiefaolas.'Pitop.
Washinjtpn fjfj j?th Dcjill6S, Washi"St"
Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center In
the Inland Empire.
For Further Information Call at the Office of
Interstate Investment Go.,
undertaking Establishment !
Furniture antfCarpets.
We have added to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust our prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
Court Streets, The Dalies.Oregon
House on the Coast!
Best Selling Property of
the Season in the North
west. .
Archbisnoi) Ireland of St Paul Tinfli
cated oj trie Pope.
In the Estimation of Leo, to be so Bit'
., terly Assailed as he Was.
Doom of the Seal Mercenary Hunters
Take Advantage of the Situation
Other News.
London, March 6. The article in Mon
ileur di Roma sustaining Arcbishop Ire
land against his caluminators has cre
ated the greatest sensation in the church,
and is freely commented upon by eccle
siastics everywhere. Some go eo far as
to eay it is the most important utterance
emanating from the Vatican during the
present generation, and that it proclaims
an entire abandonment oif the part of
the church of anything like an attitude
of opposition to the progress of republi
can institutions. The factthatone point
of attack upon Archbishop Ireland was
his'Tiberality on the educational ques
tion, and that the pope, in. the inspired
or dictated article in the Moniteur, de
clares the archbishop is in entire accord
with the views of Leo himself is regarded
as especially significant. Pope Leo and
the prelates who surround him are cute
statesmen, thorougly informed in the
methods which prevailed in the political
and ecclesiastical affairs of Italy before
the days of Machiavelli, and they come
promptly to the conclusion that jealousy
of Archbishop Ireland's influence and
standing as a -leader of the church in
America' was at the bottom of the as
saults. tThe pope abhors duplicity. He
appears to have assumed that the eccle
siastic who was so bitterly assailed must
be a man of extraordinary merit, and
his already good opinion of .the arch
bishop was strengthened instead of be
ing weakened. He showed him marks
of especial favor, and made no conceal
ment of his esteem and affection. This
article will put an end to the campaign
against the archbishop, as it leaves no
doubt that his enemies cannot be friends
of the Holy See, and that his policy of
education and conciliation is indorsed to
the fullest extent by the head of the
church. The article is also looked upon
as a proclamation, on the part of the'
pope, of entire amity toward the free
institutions of the American Republic,
just as he recently declared that the
church bad no quarrel and desired none
with .the republic of France.
To 8 Inch Vandals.
Washington, March 5. Representa
tive Bynum, of Indiana, from the com
mittee on the judiciary;, today reported
favorably to the house, with a few ver
bal changes,' the bill of Mr. Enoch to
prevent a desecration of the United
States flag. The report says that the
design of the bill and its only effect will
be to prohibit any person from printing,
or painting upon, or affixing to the flag
of the United States, any advertisement
for publicity. The display of the flag at
all times and places will in no wise be
prohibited by the enactment of the
measure, and the committee is of the
opinion that no person should be per
mitted to desecrate it by. defacing it
with advertisements for pecuniary pur
poses. ' v
The Fresident Disgusted.
Washington, March 6. It is quite
clear from injuiry at the capitol that,
with the exception of a few members of
the house and senate committees on
foreign relations, the senators and repre
sentatives are . in a state of ignorance of
the' present condition of the negotiations
between the United States and Great
Britain respecting the seal fisheries. It
is intimated by some members that
unless the British government evinces a
disposition to act with fairness in the
matter of the modus vivendi, the treaty
may never be sent' to the senate by the
president. A discussion of the subject
has the effect of attracting the attention,
not only of the general public, but also
of enterprising vessel owners, and the
latter, allured by the prospect of large
profits, are making preparations of mat
ing toward Behring Sea in such numbers
as to warrant the belief that unless the
movement is promptly checked the seal
roekeries will be completely depopulated,
' " Armour's Turn.
Chicago, March 6. It is stated that a
bottle of wine was received yesterday by
Mr. P. D. Armour, the, great packer, with
the compliments of Potter Palmer, his
friend, and asking him to try it, as it
was of rare quality. The story goes that
Mr. Armour would not touch the wine,
as he had been warned beforehand by a
former employe that he had overheard
two men in the Palmer house plotting to
send Mr. Armour a bottle of poisoned
wine in Mr. Palmer's name. It has
been ascertained that the men who oc
cupied the room where the alleged plot
was concocted, were registered from New
York and Denver. Mr. Armour is to
have the wiue analyzed. He thinks the
att mpt on his life was made by cranks.
' Several Negroes Wounded.' '. -Locisvili.e,
Ky., March 6. Meager
details of a fierce fight between negroes
and white men in Metcalf county have
been received here. The fight took place
yesterday at Clark's crossing, five miles
east of Edmonton, the county seat. A
number of whjte men who haul lumber
were on their way home, when they met
a negro, and as they passed him, one of
the party, who was probably drunk,
struck the colored man with his whip.
The negro threatened to "get even."
The whites stopped at a distillery near
by, and the negro, returning a short
time afterward with others, a pitched
battle ensued, during which four negroes
were killed and several others wounded,
two of whom will probably die. The
sheriff and a posse have gone to the
scene of the trouble.
Bought With British Gold. -
Manchesteb, N. H., March 6. Con
siderable excitement was created in
Irish -American circles by a report that
John P. Hayes, of this city, has sailed
for England to ' become an emissary of
the British government. Hayes came to
this city from Philadelphia, and it is
charged was concerned in the Dr. Cronin
murder at Chicago. He, at that tinv,
was alleged to have been a prominent
and influental member of the Clan-na-Gael,
one of the famous "Triangle," and
was subsequently charged with be'ng a
traitor to the order and in the pay of the
British government. He was also at
one time an intimate friend of" Parnell.
He. sailed from Boston on a Cuuarder a
week ago. It is alleged he was called to
England by the British government to
assist the conservatives in the coming
parliamentary elections.
, Taken by Surprise.
Memphis, Tenn., March 5. Four dep
uty sheriffs went to the cross-roads about
three miles from town tonight to arrest a
negro who in a quarrel seriously shot a
white man. While the deputies were in
a grocery store the place seemed to fill
with negroes. Suddenly a shot was fired
and Deputy Cole fell to the floor mort
ally wounded. Then the firing became
general and Deputy Harris fell dead.
The negroes then shot Duputies Yierger
and Webber and escaped. No negroes
were hurt. The deputies were taken
completely by surprise.
The Chance on the Ways.
Mabshfield, Or., March 6. The
steamer George H. Chance, which went
ashore on the south spit at the mouth of
the Siuslaw river, February 13, lighter-
ed her cargo of government supplies for
jetty work at that point, and got off
after having remained there ten days.
She worked her way across the spit, over
2,000 feet, at high water. At no time
were there any apprehensions of the
steamer being lost. She is now on the
ways in this city undergoing repairs,
and will be ready to resume her route
inside of a week.
Mr. Springer Worse.
Washington, March 7. At 1 o'clock
this morning Springer's attendants say
there is no change, but he is resting
quietly. There is a recurrence of the
violent form of erysipelas, which had
once almost disappeared. To-night the
left side of bis face is badly swollen and
the eye is nearly closed. His periods of
delirium are also more frequent.
Crop Outlook In California.
Los Angeles, March 6. The crop out
look in southern California is highly
favorable. The late rains have quickened
the grow'th of cereals, and wish the
usual spring precipitation a large yield
is assured. The acreage in barley is un
commonly large. Crops of early, vege
tables are comparatively light owing to
the absence of rain in the early part of
the season. - Extensive planting of fruit
trees is in progress.
Must Withdraw the Boycott.
San Fbancisco, March 6. All the
shoe factories in San Francisco closed
this evening and will reopen Monday
morning with non-union men because of
the boycott against several firms. The
offer of the Council of Federated Trades
to arbitrate the differences, is declined
by the employers until the .boycotts are
"No Chance for Free Coinage" Sail
Secretary Foster.
A Barbarous Family in Kentucky
Brother Against Brother.
The Santlam Mines Murder in Idaho
Springer Falling Suicide
Minor Mention.
London, March 6. In an interview
last evening Secretary Foster said the
gold shipments .now being made from
New York to Europe will not have any
serious effect upon the home monetary
situation. The gold can be well spared.
He added : "The trouble is, some of
our most sensible men in other respects
seem to have lost their judgement,
through the fear that free coinage will
be inaugurated. As a matter of fact
there is not the slightest chance of carry
ing such a measure. It is not true that
I am tcying to arrange an international
monetary conference. I gather that
public sentiment in England is growing
toward the rehabilitation of silver. Out
side of London the feeling seems univer- '
sal in favor of such a change. There
would be no difficulty in maintaining a
double standard if the great nations
agreed on that policy, and Germany and
France are only waiting to follow Eng
land's lead in the matter." He declared
that in his opinion the issue of pound
notes in England was perfectly practic
able, and he regarded the opposition to.
the innovation as absurd.'
Met Bis Fate at Last.
Mount Vernon, Ky., March 6. Yester
day Emmett Snod grass, the town mar
stal, was shot and killed by his brother,
Isaac Snodgrass. It was the result of
Emmet having killed his brother, Squire
Snodgrassf wo years ago. At that time
Isaac sent word to Emmet he had killed,
his favoritejarother, and requested him
not to speak to him. At Crab Orchard
some time last year the two first met. '
Emmet drew a pistol and attempted to
shoot Isaac, but 'bystanders, interfered..
Last week Isaac was iu town. Emmet
met him and began, as usual, to abuse,
him, when Isaac told him to go awajr
and not bother him, sayin :g "You killed
one of our brothers ; don't add another
to the list. I don't want to be killed nor
to kill any one." 'Yesterday they met,
but blood was avoided by the interfer5
ence of citizens. Isaac went home,
armed himself and the two brothers met,
Isaac killing Emmet. In 1876 Emmet
killed his brother James. Later on he
killed a negro. After this his brother
Squire built a house on his own land and
allowed Emmet to occupy it and culti
vate the land free of charge. They 1 fre
quently quarreled. One day Emmet
went over where Squire was living, at
his mother's, and when he met him
both twgan firing. Squire fell at the
second shot. His mother rushed
up and placed Squire's head upon
her lap, when Emmet remarked :
"Three out of four is pretty good marks
manship, ain't it, mother?" For all
these crimes he was. acquitted, strange
as it may seem, and was recently elected
marshal of Mt. Vernon.
The Santlam Mines.
Brownsville, Or., March 6. There
is a section of country here in western
Oregon reaching from the Columbia
river on the north to the northern boun
dary of California on the south which
contains large quantities of mineral ore
and is well supplied with wood and
water, the two great factors in success
fully working mines. Already an Albany
company has a fine ten-stamp mill in
operation in the Santiam district, and
has proved to the world that gold does
exist in that camp in paying quantities,
and from the fine gold found in every
stream flowing down the western elopes
of the Cascades there is no doubt but
that good mines will be found the en
tire length of the state, if once thoroughly
prospected and developed.
Best Tonic.
Byrne, Floyd & Co., the leading whole
sale and retail druggists of The Dalles,
have today received their second large
invoice of Best Tonic. Best Tonic takes
with all who have tried it. It cures
dyspepsia, strengthens the system, re
stores sound and refreshing sleep, and
as a beverage at meal time promotes
digestion. 2-27-dtf.