Ci J. Ml M hfii VOL. III. THEt DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1892. NO. 70. V PROFESSIONAL CABDS. WM. J. ROBERTS Civil. Engineer Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying and mayplrtgj. eatirnates and- plan for irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Address: P. O; Box 107, The Dalles, Or. , WM. 8ATJNDER8 ABCHITECT. Flans and specifications furnished for; dwellings, crunches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges, moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. . Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND FELLOW. OF Tkwitt Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and 8nrgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbnry's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOASE MTYBICIAX AMD SDB obon. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Omce hoars to 12 A. M.,2 to 6 and 7 Col P.M. A 8. BENNETT, ATT ORKKY-AT-LAW. Of . See in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Biles, Oregon. TS BIDCALL Dkktk-t. Gas given for the . pamiess extraction oi teem. Also leew set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Bignof the Golden Tooth, Second Street. P. P. MATS. B. B. BDRTIK8TOK H. S. WILSON. HI AYS. HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOB- il nbys-at-law. Oflices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DDPOB. OKO. ATKINS. PBANK MENBPBB. -pvtFtlR WATK1N8 & MENEFEE ATTOB IJ nets-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office BnUding, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. . " WH. WILSON AttobwbV-at-iw Rooms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. Young & Kuss, BiacksmiiH swap shop General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. ; Hoi'se Shoeeing a Spciality. " :' i l - - Third Street omiosite the old Liete Stanl daw Still od Deek. Phoenix Lake has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, . The Keetanranteur Has Opened the Baldwin Hestaarant ON MAIN STREET Where be will be glad to see any and all of bis old patrons. Open day and Night. First class meals twenty -five cents. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. i (Saccessor to Cram & Cotsdb,) Manulactnrer of the finest French and HomeMade East of Portland. DEALER IN- Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tokeco. an tumlah any of these- goods at Wholesale or retail . " ... .. tm K.ery Style. 104 Second Street. Tbe Dalles, Or. The Dalles Gigaf : Faetopy FACTORY NO 105. fTf A pD of the Best Brands VjlvTii.ri)0 manufactured, and orders from ail parts 01 the country sited on tne snorteei nouce.r .. .... 'The rebniaiion 6f THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manulactured article is increasing every day. ' A. ULRICH & SO A. A. Brown, Keeps a full aBsortment ot MS, and Provisions. which- he offerf at Low Figures. SPEClfilt :-: PAIGES to Cask Buyers'.: .iwif-.r-'AiH'T --'' Highest Cash Prices Tar Ym anil other Proflnce. ' ': 170 SECOND STREET. . " 1 x f. Sni Staple and rancy worn & THE LEADING lone ai Retail Drip " ' 3EP' tr DEtd53 TD DFS. TT Gr S Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADINGr -- " , . : Patent ffledieines and . HOUSE PAIHTS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnisn es and the only agents in . r the Uity tor Ihe bherwin, -WE The Largest Dealers - in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key Agent for Tansill s Funch. 129 Second Street, : DEALERS IN: an Hay, Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third and evu o. Columbia THE. DALLES, OREGON; t Best Dollar a Day First-Class Meals, 25 Cents: First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ' . - . None but the Best of White'IIelp Employed ; T; Tk fliGholas, Ppop. SITUATED AT THE -'bti&tinetrio K4 tHe Bst Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. ,' -'.aii.-For jfiirthir Information Call , at the, Office of y, , . IiiteMate Ifivestmeiit Co., 0. D. TAYLOR THE MIES; 1 A NEW r: Dndertaking Establishment ! aft-' "V- - PRINZ & NITSQHK E. ; " DXALEB& IN .--L' " Furniture and Carpets. TTe nave added to our business! a complete .Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with tbe Undertakers', Trust oar prices will be low accordingly, Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. Kin ERSLY, , Draggists , Sundries, OILS AND GLASS. Williams Co. s faints. ARE- West and Domestic. Cigars. ; The1 Dalles, Oregon and Feed. Court Streets, The Dalles.Oregon or Hotel, House on the Coast! HEAD OF SAVIGATION. Best Sellfng Property of the Season In the North west. ". - .:-" 7mSHOT03 STr PORTlUKD S Giocenes. RAZORS IN THE AIR. T-b UnioB Pacific Mods on ft Lower ; Riyer Eiposei GEX.--MANAGER CLARK COMING. preparations Begun for a War on the Lower Culumbia. ' riNfiST . FLVBT " IJ OPPOSITION. Tbe TelepHone Lrlln,Ueeaai Vr and Astorlsia. Against tk Monopoly Other w. Portland, March 5. The Telegram last evening gave a full account of the traffic war on the part of the U. P. R. R. Co. It says Gen.-Manacer S. H H. Clark, of that monopoly, will be in Port land within ten days. The. reason for his visit does not appear to be known by the officials of the road. If they do know, they will not wtlver or not i. . . a 110 its lk cLttrt any new tinue the work in different pn.' " ; North west which was stopped, on ... last visit, about eight months ago. His arrival is awaited with great interest among rajlroad men of the Northwest. WILL THERE BE A TRAFFIC WAR? There is a war-cloud hovering above the horizon of river steamboat traffic. The withdrawal of- the Harvest Queen, which' ran to Astoria when theTelephone was laid up for repairs, and putting on the speedy -T. J. Potter to compete' with the latter, yesterday, might be called the first 'gun. The steamer Telephone has' started again on the run to .vstoria, but not hntder any arrangement or un derstanding with the Union Pacific, each:' atr formerly -"existed. And Jacob Kamm says that the Lurline will be put on the route in' two'Treelcs: There are some repairs to be completed before she commences'. . When she is put on six boats will be funning ' to 'Astoria,' only two of which will be- controlled by the Union' Pacific. ' The question ' now is, whether or not' freight and passenger rates will remain" at" the present figures. Some steamboat men think; they will, others are doubtful, and some say that the tarffic does not warrant so many boatB, and that one or possibly two," "of them will have to pall off. But they all express a determination to remain on the river, so it appears that war is brewing. - - . - . THE UNION'S PLAN. The original plan of the Union Pacific was to. run four steamers from Portland to Astoria." These were theR. R.Thomp son and Harvest Queen at night, and the T. J.'Potter and the Telephone in the day, leaving Portland in the morning. The scheme will not be carried out, and the trouble to the monopolists was all ceu8ed, it is said, by Mr. Jacob 'Kamm, owner of the Ocean Wave (new), the Lurline' and the Undine. The monopo ly had his Lurline and Undine leased the former on tbe cacade route in opposition to the Dalles City, and the Undine to Vancouver. They paid him $1,200 per month for the two.' The lease expired in December, and 'Mr. Kamin refused to renew it. - The probable reason is that the Lurline was so 'battered up that it has -cost him $3,000 for repairs. The U; 1?. R. " system" desired to keep these two boats off the lower Columbia, and it feared Mr. Kamm would put one of them on tbe route, 'there is ANOTHER -1NTEBKSTISG FACT. - . - The AstOrlan was laid up until Janua ry 17th in the Union Pacific boneyard, under a (6,000 subsidy. The owner of this steamer, Hon.1 H. B. Parker.'is now opposing" tbe UnionPacific in every shape and mauner,-"connecting in Portland with"' the- Dalles,-Portland 'and Astoria Navigation company,: notwithstanding an offer to renew the (500 per month to keep the AstoYiah off. 'Thus, for a while; by paying out $1,700 per month, the mew nopolists kept three steamers off the'Ag tbrlB!r6bte1th.Uhdihe1 Lnriine and As fonan.f 'Irf' the nieantiine Mr.KA'mth built the Ocean Wave, a Bide-wheeler in very Tespect equal . to theT. J. Potter, and by the refusals of Kamm and Parket this entire fine fleet of flyers may be turned to good account in breaking the bac"kborne of the Columbia river monop oly, wBa n'6 ldnger have thifTelephone as anally. : -'s. .'" WHAT ENDED THE COMBINATION. It did"'ndf worK" for the 'reason, that Mr. Kamm would not renew his con tract. As a natural consequence, they anppo'sed he would put the Undine on th lower ran. So it wan no riRe fA nnntinnn paying f50U per inbntH to the Astciriah, ana it was etoppeu. January let, 8 he was put on the 'Astoria route by. Mi1; Parker. The last spoke' in ffie cphiDina1 twn gave way on March 1st', wtieri the contract! between the owners of the tele phone and the Union Pacific was tip and was not renewed. ' As a' result" of- this and the failure to control the traffic;' the railway company how appears some what in opposition to 'the ".Telephone company. The Harvest Queen bad been running to Astoria while the .Telephone' .was laid up, but immediately upon 'her recfiintnencing , yesterday morning . the union Pacific took off the Harvest Queen and put on the T. J. Potter, the' fastest boat they poBsea in competition with the Telephone. Whether or hot rates will be niai n tai n'ed no w, and ' especially w hen Mr. Kamni puts the Lurlineon the route is anxiously awaited by steamboat men . ' trdrkmen Ctrrtsd to 8e. " Boston, March' 4.- When the Leyland line steamer BdBtofiian left this port yes terday f or Li ver pool , . sheh ad on board thirteen Boston carpenters, who were en gaged in finishing up the deck cattle pens and making- other, fittings about the decks secure for the voyage across tire Atlantic. The work was to have been finished when the steamer reached Boston light when the tug Vill was- to take the men off and bring them back to this city, but owing to the tremehd sea running ' when the steamer the light, the tug was unable to " steamer with ' safety and the'.' ' ' rolled to remain oh board, x . . ' . "T was also taken out on the Bosia. ; - npposition is that the the Bostoi..- ' ' -''" : to Halifax, N. S., to land the V may transfer them to some west. vessel. . -. ' Suicide of Banker Collins. San Di"rO, .March 4. A coroners in quest was held this morning on the body of J. W. Collins, president of the Cali fornia ' National bank, and -a'verdict of suicide rendered. 7 It bad been reported that some one had furnished Collins tire pistol 'with which- he shot himself , and art inquiry was directed 'to that -question but the report was hot sustained. - The colored janitor who cleaned up Collins room" on Monday, swore a revolver was then in the pockets of the Clothes hang ing in the dressing room. A deputy marsbal swore he searched" carefully for arms, but failed to find any'.' Collins as signed his life insurance of (85,000 for the benefit of the creditors of the bank. This was the last dollar's worth of prop erty he had to torn over. Keturned to Paris. Paris, March 4. The Due de Rockefo cault and his bride, daughter of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, have returned to Paris and are at the Hotel Continental. Minister Reid and wife give -a banquet in their honor tomorrow, to which twenty-four guests have been invited. Tt is reported that the duke's large estate, Montiraii, is in the market. It is one of the oldest as well as the IbvTiest in France, and many, historical associa tions clnster'around it. ' It has 'never been ' out of the Rochefocault family. Despite all. the statements to the con trary, it is - known' that, the dowager duchess alone consented to the marriage, all the other members of the duke's family opposing it, an J still refusing to receive the couple. ' i . Watihingrton for an Cpen River. WASHiNGTONi'March 4. In represent ing" the petition Of the different granges in" Washington, asking for the improve- meht'bf'the Columbia Rivef,: Senator Alleh stated ' these people" -depended largeljfor the- outlet : td "their market upon the. river. '"He showed the' rich resources in . agriculture,.' . timber ' and minerals, and showed how much benefit would be derived by . an :.nnobstructed navigation of the Columbia; River. from thVeascadeB to the Pacific Ocean: The e'etiator targed that liberal 'appropriations be'ihade'for'.'the'" removal of these' ob structions. - The main object is to- secure aeep water navigation to v anconver. Tk'ai Tndlanapolfi' tim irite. "" ANDiANAPbliiB Mircn'4. Jtidg'e Taylor in the snpreme court this ' morning dis missed1 the contempt case ag'aih'st rfesi dent Frenzel, of the street railway-, hd thffTOttd was turned over to him.- Freh- iel kavslie will retain' the" men mho re fdeai,id' bbStrhctthe ears'1 and lrere Willih g to'returh to wdrk last'lreelf; and also those hew men who" worked! daring the "strike. .This will necessitate the discbarge of some old men, and trouble is likely to. occur. : I . j - ...;. Importations. i Byrne Floyd & Co., leading wholesale and retail arustnsts ot xne jjaues. nave. in- -addition to other lines of goodfl just opened a splendid stock of combs and brushes. .You should inspect - these goods before purchasing. 2-24-dtf POLITICAL MATTERS. Mmia ProMMtioiiists Prepariasfortlie National Campaip. . . OPPOSED TO ALL COMPROMISE. New York - Republicans Hold An Im-. portant Conference. SOME TO FAVOIl SECRETART RtfSK. The Kansas Democracy Farors Fusion Iowa Instructed for Blaine Tbo Anti-Hills. . Lincoln, March 4. The prohibition state convention for the election of dele gates to the' national convention, conclud ed its session this evening. The platform adopted, renews adherence to the cause of ' prohibition ; declares the right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex ; the government should own. and operate the railroads, telegraphs and telephones of the nation ; the moneys of the country ' should be issued by the general govern ment only, and in sufficient quantity to meet the demands of business, and give full opportunity for the employment of labor. Opposition is declared to all -inner of compromise or so-called non : ... -.-..:.-... - -hich the question of --- tramc is IDtu . The a. " " New Yobk, Ma.'" "'" - W ""r-" that the leaders of the iC.' '' of this state ' held an inporta. ence last evening, devoted to a ai ''"1, sion of the best means of achieving ' shc cess at the coming national election. Secretary- Tracy, Senator" "Hisoock, Chtfuncey Depew, J. Slftat Faseett," Cot- neiihs BliSs, Collector ' Hendricks', 'Fhst- master Van Cott; ex-Senator Piatt" 'and several other well-known leaders 'were present. ' A majority of the ' conference believed the re-nomination of Presfdent Harrison probable, although a htimber- of expressions favorable to othei candi dates were made", among them " being Secretary Rust . " If Morton retires' Sec retary Tracy is regarded as one of the strongest candidates for vice-president. It is stated that some of Piatt's friends propose to nominate him for president in order to show their- confidence in. him. They Favor a Fusion. Leavenworth, Kan. March 4. The democratic state central committee met in this city this afternoon. The senti ment of tbe majority of the members was so strongly in favor of fusion with the farmers' alliance that the commit tee declined to call a state convention to nominate presidential electors. Salina was the place selected for holding the convention to elect delegates to the Chicago convention. It will meet April 20. .A large majority of the com mittee are in favor of the nomination of Cleveland. -Will Work for Blaine. Des Moines, la., March 4. The first- republican convention . of the present year was held in 'Adair county . today, and tbe delegates were. instructed to vote for Blaine-for president. ' . BLAINE AS SECOND CHOICE, ' Washington Marchi. Tim . senators opposed to the reuominatidn'of Harrison - have decided to use the name of Secre tary Blaine, his health permitting, for second choice. It is stated thejr have selected J. S. C.larksori, and assert the Iowa delegation, to be. Selected at the state convention." March 29, will be in structed for Blaine first with Clarkson as second choice. , 1 ' - - NOT WEDDED TO CLEVELAND. - 1 JJew Yokk : March"' 4. A morning paper states every-member- of the na tional democratic committee 'will be cent a letter by the -provisional committee of the" anti-Hill party;-declaring in effect, that-the antiHill democrats are not wedded to Cleveland, and will accept any good democrat who can 'carry New York. . r . 1 .J The) Discovery ef America. - Baltimoee, March' 4.--CardiiiaI Gib bons has addressed" a'circhlar letter to the archbisBbpe; and bishops of the United States in favor of the celebration with' religious' observances in all Catholic dfoceses of the United States on the 12th day bf October next, commemorative of the discovery of America. '. T