The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 04, 1892, Image 1

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    s:i .a.
f J9 ' as Vs) f --.
NO. 69.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Engineer Gen
eral engineering practice Surveying and
mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation,
sewersge, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: F. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. .
WM. SAT7NDER8 AacHITBCT.. Plans and
apecinoaUons fnralsned for- dwellings,
churches, butriuess blocks, schools and factories.
Cbargesmoderate, satisf action guaranteed Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.'
DR. J. BDTHERLASIVFEliOW. str ; Tbixxtt.
Medical College, and member of the Col
' lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and .7 to a p. m. . .: . .
DR. O. D. DOANB rHTncux and sca
obon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 28, fourth street, one
block south of t'or.rt House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M.
. fice in Bchanuo'a building, up stairs. The
Bailee, Oregon. . . .... , . ...
D8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also tee to
set on nowedaluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Btreet.
Vf AYS, HUNTINGTON 4 WILSON Attob.-kbts-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFOK, WATK1KS & MEKEFEE Attob-kbts-at-laV
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon. . . .
W: H, WIL8QS Aitobub-t-at-law Rooms
. Mand 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Young: & Iuss,
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
florae Shoe'eing a Speiality.
Third Street opposite the old Liehe Stani
Still on Deek.
Phoenix Like ' has Arisen
Prom the Ashes!.!
The Restauranteu Has Opened the
Baldwin Restaurant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
of his old patrons.
Open day and Night. First class meals
twenty -five center
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor
(Saccessor to Cran Corson.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Hade
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In livery Btyle.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
The Dalles
jGigaF : paetopy
fiest STBimrr.
piCTORif,! no; 105JT
fTd A. TjQLf.tb.e Best Brands
VVXXLiannfactnredi and
olterrs from all parts of the country filled
on Lite shortest notice.-'
ThS reputation of THE. DALXE8 CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing eTerj,4ay;;
A. A; Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of
. , J 1 . 1
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures.
to Cash Buyers.
Hi&tet Cast Prices for Egs and
etier PMce
I 1 -
ON I P ES ctt?
Wiott al Retail Bruisis.
. Handled by Jhree
Patent ffledieines-and
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnisbes ind the only agents in
"iv uiuj iui a 11 kjiil h iij,
, ? , , - ;WE ARE
;. The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key
. , ,,: , .. Agem ior lansaii s iunch.
129 Second Street, The?Dalles, Oregon
and Fancy fineries.
Hay,1 Grain
Masonic uiock. uoraer intra ana
flew .o.f (plumbia .6i jotel,
; ' - .1 ;
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coastf
- First-Qlass Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. '
; None but the Best pi White Help Employed.
T. X. piicholas, Ptop.
' Destined; to toe' thiTBest
Manufacturihg reenter in
the Inland Empire. "
For Further Information Call at the Office of ,
f Interstate ' Investment -
Undertakinff Establishment!
- DEALERS IK ; '' ' r
Furniture and Carpets.
We . have added to onr business a
complete - Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are. in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trtist our prices will
be low accordingly.
. .Remember our place on Second street,
Tiext to Moody's bank. " '-
rVJ N E;B S L Y ,
Registered Druggists.
Df adoists " Sundries,
it iiiiauin j. b J. itllllB.
West and Domestic Cigars.
and Feed.
court streets. The Dalies.Oregon
-. - - -s ..
Best Selling Property of
the Season in the North
west. ; -
' -f . ! 7- -
'nil-; ; n'i:; i
A Horse Stealex Wlio.Kiirfiereil Officers
While on TriaL
His Pal Killed Himself to Prevent Being
Hank : In Michigan Iobbed Wstnted
Philadelphia and Heading Bonds
Other News.
: Cairo, 111,, March 3. Last night 200
men from Maiden and Bloomfield, Mo.,
descended on the jail here. They took
Amoe Miller from the jail and hanged
him to a convenient tree. - The body
hang until about 9 o'clock. Miller wa8
the desperado -who assisted in killing
Mayor Cooper and Marshal Sprinkle at
Dexter last Saturday'. He was arrested
at Maiden Tuesday and was taken back
to Dexter. Miller was a very bad man.
He had lived . in Indian territory since
he Was a youne man until abojt a vear
ago. He had recently been to the ter
ritory and the man Moore returned with'
him. . It was believed Hhey were mem
bers of a regularly organized . band of
horse thieves and they were arrested.
There .was a regular battle in the court
room whee the men were being tried
for ' horse thieving. :: Miller and Moore
fired on Mayor Cooper and. Marshal
Sprinkle. The second shot pierced
Cooper's" heart. Sprinkle was shot three
times and Moore' was wounded in the
hip.'- He ran into a field-near the town
and killed, himself to' escape capture.
"A Jealous Husband's Dted. : - ..
Camden, N. : J.; . March S.rHo ward
Mason, .-of Camden, a former Phila
delphia police'man, this 'imprning shot
his wife and .cat- her. throat, He went
home at 2 o'clock and .found a strange
man in the house with another woman
and Mason's wife, who was in bed. He
fired, a revol ver : at the stranger. : The
wife threw a lamp at the husband, -setting
fire to the. bed.' He " continued to
empty his revolver, and then cut his
wife's throat.v The blaze from the burn
ing bedclothes called out. the fire depart
ment. "'The fire was extinguished with
out loss. -' Mason surrendered and was
locked up with Mrs. Helen Walker and
Henry Sharey, the two who were in the
house. Mrs. Mason was then taken to
the hospital dangerously injured.' She
is likely to die.. Her husband expresses
no remorse for his act. tf
Safecrackers Make a Haul.
Coldwatee, Mich.,- Mar. 3. .-Last
night the National bank of this city was
robbed. ' The safes were blown open
and $20,000 in cash taken, in addition, to"
a deposit of $-10,000 of Philadephia and
Heading perferred bonds. : - Ten thous
and dollars reward is offered for the ar
rest of the robbers. . The job was the
boldest and one of : the most complete
ever performed in this part of the state,
and -was evidently the work of experts.
They took every cent of cash they could
find. The robbery caused a great sensa
tion here, and the bank . was visited by
hundreds of people this morning. No
clue to the robbers. '. '
- Washington News.
Washington, March 3. The condition
of Congressman Springer, chairman of
the ways and means ; committee, - is so
serious that it excites the gravest appre
hensions of his friend's. ' His family and
most Intimate friends are evidently pre
pared for the worst, as there is a, fear
that erysipelas, heretofore confined to
his face, has gone to the brain. -' -His
physicians concede that, thifCbeing the
case, the result will almost inevitablv be
fatah L : . "
At 3 p. m. debate on the Idaho conT
tested election case closed and the voting
began.g By" avote-of liays 5qj :yeasl''7,
Lthe'aendtQ decided. Clagetti was. not en
titled to the seat, and by a vote of 56 to
5 confirmed DuBois' election.
v , Thq Famine in Hungary.' V
Vienna, March 3. The famine in
Arva, Hungary, is oeconirng" more " and
more intense. . Many children have died
of lunger - ih5 the Mamserto district
Seventy rfiye. cases of death f f rom 8tai
vation . have been reported in two
months. The people's food consists of
hominy mixed with tree, bark, or maize
mixed with chopped straw. -
Arid Lands Legislation.
Washington, March 3. It is claimed
that the biU introduced in the house
yesierday", and which will be favorably
reported from the committee on arid
lands, tomorrow, stands a very good
chance -of. passing -the congress. It is
claimed that lying west of the twenty
seventh meridian;-where the line be
tween arable and ' arid lands is drawn,
there are 550,000,000 acres of land,
which under this bill will be turned
over, to the states and territories in
which they are situated. The mineral
lands' are reserved,- and the states' are
prohibited from disposing of them in
tracta "greater than' 100 acreB. The ad--
vantage claimed for this plan is that it
wm take the land department practic
ally out of the hands of the government
except for the settlement of land now
taken - and awaiting r patent. It " is
thought it will lead to a greater saving,
as the land department is little -more
than self-sustaining J now.. The passage
of the bill is an attempt to prevent for
all time any expenditures for the
reclamation of the arid lands of the
west. - . .. .. - . . ...
Mountains Out of Mole Hills..,
Phoenix, Axi.; March 3. Gen. Luis E.
Torres,- governor of Sonora, said con
cerning the rumor of the resurvsy of the
international ' boundary v line throwing
considerable ' American territory oh the
Mexican side: , . "There will be' no
change that will amount to anything.
It may vary a few yards in, some places,
and that i t al 1 . . Your- A inerican" ne w 8
papers are so sensational that they
seize every opportunity to make; moun
tains out of molehills." Gov'. Torres
further said that the purchase of Lower
California could never be made, because
it was not for sale at any price.
Instructions From the Vatican. -
. Rome, Mar. 3. The Vatican recently
sent instructions to Paris for the forma
tion of a republican the conservative
party in the chamber of deputies to act
as'a mouth-piece of the Vatican in order
to. 'fight radicalism. When this fact
came to the knowledge of representa
tives at the .Vatican, of .Austria, Ger
many Portugal. and j Spain,; they,
quested i an ; -explanation of ? the pbpe'g
abandonment ef his monarchical' policy
In.reply thtey were told; that the instruct
tions would only apply 'to France,, and
that the Vatican did hot intend' to"-dis
play hostility to existing monarchies.
' Harrison Delegates Chosen. ' ' ."
Indianapolis, March 3. Republican
district -conventions were held through
out the state today.' '- In' every, 'district
Harrison delegations were chosen to the
national convention. In the twelfth,
however.'Allen county delegates left the
conveotioh , and adopted - resolutions
repudiating its action. , The trouble was
over the apportionment,- which, they as
serted, deprived 2,000 republicans in
Allen county of a voice in the conven
tion. In the Fourth district,' Captain
Samuel M. Jones was nominated for
congress. This is Representative Hol-
man's district, .
- A Soo Car Forter In Lock. '
St. Paul, March 3. J..M. Billingsby,
a porter running on the Soo line is heir
to a fortune in New Mexico. - His old
bachelor uncle, F. J. Jarvie, of Albu
querque, died last Friday and left an
estate valued at $130,000. When the
will was read Saturday it was found that
one-third of the entire sum was be
queathed to the St. Paul nephew, and
the remainder, in equal shares, to a
neice and nephew, whe are residing in
New Mexico. ' . , .
Jay Gould's. Sickness. 1 -
St. Louib, Mo., March 3. The physi
cal condition of Jay Gould may be in
ferred from the fact that bis brother,
Abraham Gould, the purchasing agent
of. the Missouri Pacific . railroad,- was
denied admittance to his brother while
the latter was enroute to some .' point
south, j The conviction was general that
the 'millionaire was in a critical condi
tion:" Dr. Munn refuses to say what is
the matter witl his patient.;1 The inci
dent is the talk of the. town today.
; ; ; Politically Dead.- "- - - .
Boise, Idaho, March 3. -News ' of the
fact that Fred T. Dubois had been seated
in the United States senate was received
here with every demonstration of joyi
Tonight banderare playing and the peo
ple are holding 'jolification meeting.
Fire crackers and 'Champagne corks" are
making' the" most'p hoise." There ' is ' no
donbf that Dubois is the choice ef the
people. Claggett is regarded as politi
cally dead. ... , .
Aie Opposed to Free1 Lnmber. '" '
Washington, March73i The ways and
means committee today heard a commit
tee of the ' lumbermen's association in
opposition - to the- bill introduced by
Byraa, of Nebraska placing lumber on
the free list. - Others also spoke in op
position to the measure.
Controyersy Concerning ColnmMa Riyer
. CanaR Etc. -
An Outraged People Suffering for Gov
ernment Aid, Say:.
Fennoyer Stirring the Sleepy' Heads
About the National Capitol -Other
Washington-, March . 3. If the gov
ernor of Oregon and a great many more
people of that state who follow his' ex
ample, would deeist from writing letters
to members of the house committee on
rivers and harbors, and the senate com-'
mittee on commerce, the delegation heie
might be able to do much better work in
securing appropriations for the improve
ment of the waterways in that state.'
When the Columbia river improvements
were under consideration today the
chairman of rivers and harbors sprung a
letter from Pennoyer, which was used
ior the purpose of furthering Mr. Her
mann's efforts to secure appropriations
for Oregon. While it did not say di
rectly, yet it insinuated, that the people
would be satisfied to have the work stop
on ' all improvements at the Cascade
locks, and the government give its entire
attention to ' the portage around the
dalles. The letter recited that there'
was around the cascades a portage road
operated by the state at a cost of only
foOOO'a year, Mr. Hermann made '
very vigorous reply to the letter and'
stated that the only thing wanted;' was4
the continuation -of work on the Cas
cade locks, and that he believed - it
should be rushed to as early a comple
tion as possible. He explained that if,
the "government should now cease
w.CCrk-: upon - the improvements
which' - had already cost ove
$1 ,500,000, and allow the masonry andi
other work to crumble under the fierce
freshets of the Columbia river, it would
be nothing "less than' an - outrage. He.
was willing that a portage road be built
around the dalles as a temporary affair,,
but in the end he held that some perma
nent improvements should be made,
which would enable vessels to pass up
and down the river through the dalles,
Therefore it would be necesssary to have
the locks at the caecades completed.
He pointed out the fact that the peo
ple of Portland were expending $500,000
to secure a deep water channel on the
lower Columbia and insisted that there
must be commerce ' behind such local
expenditures as that. So far as the del
egation here can see it is apparent that
Pennoyer and his friends are attempting
to influence the democratic house not to
do anything for Oregon improvements,'
also that political capital may be made
in the coming election in that state.
Prohibition in Iowa.
Des Moines, March 3. The prohibit
tion question came up in the senate
again today in the consideration of the
Gatch bill,' providing- for county local
option.- In presenting the bill, Senator
Gatch goes against the wishes of all his
republican colleagues, except Senator
Brower. It is thought the bill will pass
with the help of the democrats. -
' Unfortunate Collins.
San Diego, Cair, March 3. J. W.
Collins, president of the California Na
tional bank, committed suicide at 1 :40
o'clock this afternoon in his room at the
Brewster. . -- . --. - .
- Chinese Leper la Philadelphia. ' ''
'Philadelphia, March S John Wing,
a Chinaman applied ' at ' the bureau'' of
Charities for assistance. ' He was pro
nounced leper r and sent to the muni
cipal hospital. ,. - - ,, r,-
i- Eigbty-Threv Married Hesv Lost;';'- ''
s oVoatbi March 3. Among those fwhb
lost their, lives in' the "recent gales along
thejcoaet of PorCngal were eighty-three
married men n addition.:; to a large
number who were single, J:r-..-
:; .?-'' Mere OoloT for Europe. ;,'' .
New Yokk)' MarcbT'3; Gold coin to
the amount of $500,000 -has just been
ordered for shipment to . Europe - Satur
day. : j - - V j. r. ,
it" i a.Ani" fob BB-vr. 4 l'f?'-i
r- From ten acres of Creek Bottom
land on Mill creek, adapted to gardening
or; any similar purpose., " Inquire of .
3-3w4t Theo. Mesplik, The Dalles.