' - ;.. : v.- . ' r . ... :.-":"- VOL. III. THE DALLES OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1892, NO. 68. i PROfESSioNAL CARDS.; WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Engineek Gen eral eiigineernig- practice, purveying and mapping; estimates and plana for- - irrigation, sewerage, water-workB, railroads, bridges, eta. Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. Wll. 8AUNDER8--Abchitect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, .Churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND FELLOW or Tkinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Office: rooms 8 and 4 Chan- man block. Residence; Judge Tboxnburj's Bee 4 ona street, uiuce nours; iiiwui, m., i coi and 7 to 8 p. m. - - DR. O. V. DOANE rarsiciAif and sua skon. Office: rooms & and 8 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, .one tlorfc south of Court House; Office hours 9 to 12 A. M.,2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M. - - A -- B. BENXETT, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. Of V flee n tichanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. . Rooms:. Sign .of U Golden Tooth, Second Street. - . r s. v ..... " - F. T. MATS. B. B. HUNTINGTON H. S. WILSON. MAY8, HUNTIKGTON & WILSON ATTOa-nbts-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. .. - y B.B.soruB. eco. atkihs. numniiim. DTJFUR, WATK1N8 & -MENEFEE-iATroa-1 KEV8-AT-LAW Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles Oregon, i - . - . . . . WH. WILSON ATtornet-at-law" Rooms 52 and 63, NewYogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes!; JAMES WHITE, -r- tS IfC, -7'' The Restauranteur Has Opened ,the Baldwin Restaurant ON MAIN STBEET Where be will be glad to see-any and all . ,. of his old patrons.' Open day and Night. First class meals ; ' twenty'-five cents.. ' ' .COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM; Proprietor. (Successor to Crani ( Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest French and . ..Home Made. , . V East of Portland, i fr UEALEE IN- Tropical Fraitsott&ars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wbolesals ' or Ketaii -. . . . . . " In Every Style. ' - 104 Seqond Street. The bailee, Or. The Dalles FACTORY- NO. 105. fT( A T;t 'of the Best Brands VVXVJT-iVXAjtO manufactured,- and .jorders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. ,,sv. The reputation of THE DALLES "CI GAR has become nrmly establisned, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day 'f: v A. ULrICH & SON? Young 6 Juss, General Blacksmitbing and. Work' done " promptly',' and" ' all work ' Guaranteed. GigaF : Faetppy FIEST STBEET. Biacksmiins wagon shop orselShaeeing , a Speiality. ' , : TM Street ojposite the oli Lietie Stani A- A- Brown, Keeps a full assortment of . 1 and Provisions. -''"'' -i-- ." ."C. ,. which he offers at Low Figures. : SpECIM. :-: PRICES - to Cash , Buyers. - Highest Casl Prices for Ens anil H.. - BflSr JroSie.: 4 ' - 1.70 SECOND STREET. Handled by; Three Staple and Fancy Groceries Snipes & K . ALSO ALL TH1? LEADING Patent .'(Dedieines and fihggists Sandries, , Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City ibr The Sherwin WiUmi Co Paints , -WE, .The Largest Dealers in Vall; Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West " and Domestic Cigars. Agent tor lansill s i'unch. ' 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon : DEALERS IN ; Staple JDlFaqcy GRiies, Hay Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third !and - THE DALLES, OREGrONr. Best Dollar, a Day - : First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.. First Glass Hotel in Every Respect . : ; ' Nonejiut the Best of White Help Employed. ; rT. T. Nicholas, Ptr0p. lorth Washington SITUATED AT THE Desti ned to .toe the . Best ... Manufacturing: Center in -, the Inland Ernijlre. J 11 ii i For Further Information Call at the Office of fotersrat&ai) vestment 0;D.TAYLORxTHE DAllES; : A NEW iri Establishment ! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. - ' . DEALER8 IN ; " furniture and , Carpats -.We - have added to our business- a complete Undertaking ; Establishment, and as -we are in no way connected 'with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. . Remember our place' on Second street, next tO-Moody's bank. . r - ? INERSLY, THE LEADING ii Retail Drniisis. Registered Druggists. -- 0tSAP3 GLASS. ; ARE- and Feed: Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon House on the Coast! Date Washington; HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North . west. "- ' GO:, 72WASKISST0SST.PDRTUKD. CANAL AT NICARAGUA. Oregon Petitions Eeacn the Senate1 ;. .'Senator Dolph's Speecn.- IXPORTAXCE AND' VALUE OF IT." Republicans Eager to Defeat Harrison t . ' With Uncle Jerry Rusk. A SOLDIER STATESMAN F.1RHEK. Report That President Barillas has Fled With His Uold Campaign Liars Crop Out. Washixgtox, March 2. In the senate today. Senator Dolph, in presenting pe titions from his state ; faTpring, govern ment aid for the Nicaragua canal, said he was urgently in favor of such legisla tion. He regarded it as the most im portant public-question that now or that has been in the last quarter of a century before congress and before the American people. " He is now sanguine as to the ability of the canal company to secure the construction and . completion of the canal, and he wished to see the United States at the head of the' matter first, because he desired to have the canal speedily constructed ; second, because he desired that when constructed . it should be under the control of the United States ; and third, because be desired the canal to be capitalized only .at its actual cost. The value of the canal, when constructed, to the people of the Pacific coast and to the people of the United States would depend largely on the amount for which the company was capitalized. ' He was, therefore, ear nestly in favor of' government aid to secure the early completion of the canal. " .' Would Vncle Jury. Staid. PVV6imxgton, March -2.-r:Jerry "Rusk for president is the latest thing in the political": line. In Washington. Uncle Jerry does not know it, and has not been even consulted, but a number of repub lican senators, eager to defeat Harrison's. re-nomination, have agreed to take up the farm statesman from Wisconsin at the proper time . and nominate Jiiwi if they can 'swing enough' votes to do it. Rusk is popular with the farmers, and therefore would be a great votegetter, he has a good record as a soldier, he has had experience enough in public affairs to show be is a man of ability and capac ity, and it is argued that if Jerry is put forward in the convention he could weaken Harrison where Harrison is supposed to. be the strongest," in the west and south. If the republican sen ators succeed in brining enough anti- Harrison republicans into line for Rusk, it is probable a break for him 'will be arranged. ' Barillas,' Barrios, Llenflesta. San Fbanxisc.o, March.- 2. Advices from Guatemala via steamer City of Panama, which reached this port yester day morning, are to the effect that Bar illas, the. defeated candidate for the presidency, is a fugitive, and is trying to escape from the country without disgor ging the. money amassed by bun 'during his incumbency in othce. liennesta, who'was elected to succeed Barillas, had not yet been installed in office when- the Panama sailed, and, if the reports ' are reliable, it is doubtful if he will be One of the candidates against him was young Barrios, whose father was once absolute dictator over the land. Barrios is very popular.,- It is now understood that 'the lately defeated Barillas will join forces with him. to prevent, the seat ing of Lienfiesta. . It is understood that the soldiers ' sympathize with Barillas and Barrios, and that Lienfiesta's ene mies are well provided with' funds1 and arms-"' A new outbreakls expected when the lately elected president.attempts to take his seat. .- .-i - Little Khodsfor Crorer. ; PkoVidexce, March 2.--The democrats of Rhode island met this morning - for the nomination of state officers" and the selection of delegates to ..the national convention.,; Charles E..' Gorman was elected temporary "chairman. His speech' eulogized Cleveland's 'adminis tration,.. and his remarks were greeted with loud Applause. A resolution'-Twas presented." and referred to the platform committee instructing the delegates to the national convention v to vote for Cleveland. It was received .. with great entnusiasnx. Searrell's Coast Defense. "New; York, March; 2. Edward. W. Searrell's new coast . defense is being studied by the committee of coast de-. fense of the seriate- What is claimed for the invention is this r If any 'hostile ship or fleet attempted to enter the har bor, or 'it crossed any given" line, say that six and one-half fathom line in the outer bay, a blow of 50,000 tons could be struck . upon the ship, which would effectually put any vessel now afloat out of the . way of doing damage to New York or any other city.- Twenty of these :S0,000:ton -blows could be struck in ten seconds! time,' 'The six and one half fathom line is distant about' four teen miles from the city hall, and twelve miles from the built-up parts of Brooklyn - . 1I.1U Cannot Carry. New York.. - New Vok, March .-Xhe Post says editorially i . It has been the sole claim for Hill's candidacy, which bis support era in this state have put forward, that he could carry the state of New York. That claim cannot be made any longer, for in view of the elections of the past few weeks it is made so plain as to- be undeniable, that he is the one candidate who certainly could not carry New York. His candidacy would consolidate all the decent elements of politics into an irre sistible mass, which would give the state to any opposing candidate who was an honest, man by' an . overwhelming majority. ... . March 4th to be Seduced. Washington, March 2. The house committee on election of president and vice-president today authorized Repre sentative Crain to prepare fo; submis sion to the house a joint resolution- pro posing the substituting of December 31st for March " 4th a the commencement and termination of the official terms of members of the house of representatives' and United Slates Senators, and provid ing that congress ehall hold its annual meeting the second Monday in January, and substituting April 30th for March 4th as the date, for the commencement and limitation of the term of president and vice- president. - Political Stuffing:.' "Washington, March 'What.is to be the policy of the democrats, regarding free - silver?'? was ; the : question' pro pounded to Senator' Hill.- today; Hill smiled one of his knowing smiles,' - and replied with an innocence childlike and bland: , "I am a senator, and ,1. have not. as yet been able to discover that the democrats have ,a policy- about -any thing." When asked how he would vote on the free-silver bill if one comes before the senate, he said :' "I will not cross thai bridge until I come to it." The Bui-Tlrlng Fairs. , . San Fkancisco, March 2. A morning paper says that a contest of the wifl by which Mrs. Theresa Fair disposed of her f4,000,000 is probable. , Mrs. Fair left two sons, $500,000, each and Jher . two daughters $1,500000 each. ; Charles Fair has returned to the city from- abroad, ostensibly to iook after- his brother's affairs, but it is said that fee was tele graphed for." Mrs. Oelrichs and Miss Birdie 'Fair are on their way from the east, 'and this gathering of all the sur ving Fairs is taken to mean that the will is about to be contested. ; - . Secretary Foster in London. London, March 2. Charles Foster, secretary of the lTni ted States treasury, arrived at Southampton on the ''steamer Spree this morning. ' Upon landing he was presented with a boquet, which a special dispatch says was the gift, of Mrs. Harrison., He took, the 10. o'clock train -'from Southampton for London.' In an interview be said his mission was solely to regain his health." : - . " -. -I. . '. How Minnesota Lost Him. . Minneapolis,. March 2. At the time of Archbishop Ireland's summons to the Vatican-, it was reported he was to be raised to the cardinalate, but it Las since transpired he went to. Rome at the pope's invitation to accept' the position of cardinal prefect.. , . ' . The- E.nt Seal Fishers. ' ' ' !' St." Johns, N F, j March 2.-H0f the 220 men who went sealing :off -the coast .of Newfoundland last .Saturday .and were caught in the storm, - at leasi 40 have been either drowned or frozen to 'death. Most; pf'those lost 'were. ' fathers'and there is'great. lamentation ' among their families., - The legislature adjourned 4s a -mark, of sympathy, : . Mrs. Blaine Starts for New, Tork, , ; . Sioijx Falls, ; March 2.-r-Mrs, . James G. Blaine jr.;. and son : . leave for: New York tonight. . - " Harrison af Nlmrod.:, :. ; . fToRFOLK, March 2-The. ; president returned from. the Ragged, island, club grounds to Virginia beach - this -evening in fine health with a load of game.''; 'The party will start again Friday morning. THE DIAMOND FIELD. Salem's Ten Thonsand Dollars Dii Not ' Catcn on Barrel Out. PAP LYTLE WILL HE RECALLED. An. Amature League Talked of for a Circuit in the Valley. 5EXATOB BLAIR WAS NOT JOKING.' Hard Hitters In New Orleans No More Wat Ship Wanted Other :', . News. - . -. ' .... Seattle, March 2. The "directors of the Pacific 'Northwest baseball league met in this city this afternoon, and fin-, ally determined upon the circuit and other matters for the championship sea son. Jay C. Smith was on hand to represent Salem, the candidate for ad mission. It .was decided, after 'a spirited discussion, that the league cir- cuit' should remain unchanged, inasmuch- as it would-be inexpedient to . have a five-club league, and no town could be found to join with Salem in increasing it to six clubs. A double -championship series was decided upon, the season to open April- 13th at Spo kane and Tacoma, The salary limit was fixed- at J1300 a month for. each' club. The secretary was authorized to engage a staff of umpires. The best of feeling prevailed, and the delegates re ported great interest in the game in. their respective towns. SALEM IS DISAPPOINTED. - 'Salem, " March 2. Salem . baseball ' enthusiasts, feel pretty sore over the Pacific Northwest leagues,' refusal to grant Salem a franchise, after having representations ' made to them that Salem incorporated a baseball club with' a capital stock" of " $10,000 and sent' a , manager V east to figh players, "Pap' Lytle tioW' being at St. Louis for that purpose: "Talk once more slowly 'reverts to the formation of an' amateur league among the ' valley' cities, ' including S"alem,- Albany, Corvallis.and McMinn- villejind probably Eugene.' ' -Not a Joke. - . : .'; Washington, March 2. It has long been suppoeed that the candidacy of ex Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, was .one of the huge jokes of that erratic per- . sonage. ' Blair while in the senate, was one of the most witty and humorous senators on the floor, and when it was announced that he was a candidate for president it .was supposedto be an out cropping of the humor that had been so long pent up, but Governor Little,-of New Hampshire, confirms his candidacy,' and his New -Hampshire friends say they will be for him. It is really one of the odd freaks of this very popular man. , Gave np the Fight. . New Obleans, March 2. The much talked of Fitzsimmons-Maher match' is over and Fitz is winner, the Irishman . having given up the tight, a badly pun- - ished man, after "twelve rounds.' To night's enter:ainment at the Olymphic Club was one of the greatest series of pugilistic exhibitions ever occurring in one club the same nigbt. Fully 5000 persons were present. There were sport ing men from England, Ireland and every corner of the United States. Chicago and New York, between them, had fully 600 delegates, and New Orleans supplied its leading professional men. The Will is all.Itlght. San Francisco, '.March 3 The execu tor of Mrs., Fair's will says there is no truth in the report that Charles Fair in-.' tended breaking his mother's will. The will provided . that in the event of the -death of Jas". G.; jr., the portion allotted to hiin should be paid to Charles; if liv ing. No, James "is dead, and the sum of $500,000,: and $180,000 interest, is to revert to Charles, at the end of six years,' ' at which time" it would have been paid " to his brother." "V' ; No War Ships Wanted. , Washington,- March, 3. Gen Ber dan'a efforts to induce the government to construct a war 1 vessel equipped with sub-marine guns from designs of his own invention .is being opposed by Com.. Folger, chief -of the ordinance bureau, who in a letter to the senate naval com mittee says the naval vessel is not nee-" essarjr and the proposed price of $1,250, 000 is 'two-thirds more than it ought to cost. -- '""