The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OK DAI.1-E9 CITY. Published Daily, Sandfly Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, ' The Dalles, Oregon. Termi of Snbicrlptiiin Per Year ..6 00 Per month, by carrier 50 Blngle copy .... -.5 , '; STATE OFFICIALS. Governoi .".S. Pennover Secretary of State G. W. McBrlde Treasurer Phillip Metschan Bupt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy .,, I J. N. Dolph ,nator J J. H. Mitchell ;onpresman . State Printer.. K. Hermann . Frauk Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge Sheriff. Clerk Treasurer Commissioners. . . Assessor C. K. Thornbury i. L eaten J. B. Crossen .Geo. Ruch j H' A. Leavens . Frank Kineaid .John E. Baraett E. F. Sham Surveyor. Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner William Michell RAIN MAKING INJSO VTH DAKOTA. The farmers in South Dakota held a mass meeting lately at which all the counties in the Black Hills dintriot were represented. The meeting was called to make arrangements with rain-maker Melburne for the supply of a specified amount of artificial rain. It id said to have been the largest gathering ever held in that part of the state." Great en thnsiasm was manifested, whether evolved from their necessities or based Ttpon actual tests we are not told, but there was sufficient faith to secure pledges of $5000 from a single county.' Little interest was manfiested in an irrigation convention that was held soon after. The simpler, or at least cheaper scheme of the rainmakers caught the farmers' preferences, and they give no- tice to those who laugh at their credulity that the laugh will be on the other side before the ides of June. So mote it be. ' We have it from a perfectly reliable source that only a few days ago an agent of the Union Pacific visited Goldendale to work that town in the interest of his company by offering inducements to the merchants to ship their goods to Grants instead of to Rockland by the new nav igation company. Three of the mer- . chants, whose names we have hot been able to learn, entered into the arrange ment. Of course this means the cutting . of rates below the regular schedule, which is a direct violation of the inter state commence law. . Our informant says arrangements were made' with the Goldendale papers to say noth'.ng about ' the visit of the agent. Of course they xnay not have known his business and, nowever mat may De, notbing. is said; but it is beyond a reasonable doubt that the professed friends of the new boats will have ample opportunity, during the coming summer, to prove the reality of their profession, by their works. Every 1 thing indicates that the Union Pacific will make a terriffic fight to drive the .new boats off the river. The Eugene Guard says : "The passage of the McKinley tariff bill is followed by the lowest price of cotton ever know, be ing below the cost of production, and in consequence, business is in a very '.e- ' pressed condition in the cotton states." The passage of the McKinley tariff bill is followed by the lowest price of sugar and the lowest price of nearly -every thing on the McKinley tariff schedule ever known. In consequence the busi iness of the country was never in so . prosperous a condition. We offer the Guard excerpt a sample of what some free trade papers knows about the McKinley tariff. It would spoil it to remind the Guard that cotton is on the free list : Tomorrow the Chkonicle will com mence the publication Of the new elec " tion laws of this state, printing as much daily as our npuoe will allow and insert- lae the whole m imr wwL-K- iunui Readers of the Chkonicxk who desire to familiarize themselves with the hew law will do well to preserve these papers for future reference. Others will be eladlv welcomed to the subscription list of the Dest country newspaper in the state of r . v vtv7guii'- .... :..-.,.' s -.Notwithstanding, Maine's restrict; v prohibitory laws her official liquor seller ... nas managed, within the short space of eight month , to dispose , --of $57,164.66 1L t! r '. ... w vi iiu v ihjuuio iut -purely -ineaicinai ana mechanical nurnoses," , It .ia mir ' Bested that "barn raisin" was the ma chanical purpose and J'feeling bad" the f lUCUUiUIHl. .. The first 'railroad ever' ialked of in Oregon had Aatoria for its' terminna For forty solid years the Astornians " hav been talking railroad and they are talking railroad still, and yet Astoria the only town of its size and importance on tne American continent without railroad. An exchange sars that a man in his town lately shot . off his fool. That's nothing. We have a man in The Dalles who lately shot off his mouth. - Salem has organized a base baU club. Capital stock of $10,000 in shares of $50 each. ','' A FACT FROM OVER THE SEA. The People, a paper published, in the town of Wexford, Ireland, in its issue of February 3rd inst., prints the following advertisement : - "Wanted a good mason and plasterer. Wages,' one v pound, per week and accomodation, v -Apply to -the steward, Johnstown Castle." One pound a week $4.84--less than five dol lars for six days work, working not less than tea hours a day, and often twelve. The wagesof a brick mason in this city are fS for a day of eight hours ; a stone mason gets 5 for a day of nine hours, and a plasterer $5 for a day ef eight. Accom odation in the- advertisement means a place to sleep and does not include board. Even at $3 a day the wages of a mason in The Dalles is more than -700 per cent, higher than they are in Wex ford, and yet these same Irishmen come over to this' country in ; thousands . and vote for free trade;-' , The Salem Statesman thiiii.9 that since a salt petre mine has been found at Pendleton the editor of . the East Ore gonion onght to be saved. '. -. ' ' The Portland Dispatch says $40,000 has been offered in good faith for the Even ing Telegram, and refused.- Dead Things Sometimes Crawl." Toledo, O., Feb. 25. The name of Grover Cleveland will be presented in the Chicago convention by Frank Hurd, unless the programme arranged at the Ann ji.rbor conference this week is up set. Mr. Hurd said last night: "lam heartily desirous of seeing Mr. Cleveland placed in nomination, and shall do every thing I can to assist him. I think Hill will have no show against him. New York may want Hill, but the great West will rush like a whirlwind to the ex- president's support. He can be elected without any help from Tammany." The Mic-Mac Glee Club promise a rich musical treat to all 'who attend the concert to be given next Monday even ing, the 29th, for the benefit oi St. Paul's Sunday school. Miss Lang has kindly assumed charge oi tne instrumental portion of the programme, and , Mrs. Loch head is training the vocalists. Miss Meyers will sing a very bright and pretty new song caned "lne .Devoted Apple." Mrs. Bradshaw has been erood enough to promise a vocal solo, and a contralto solo will be given by Miss Urandall.- Mr, Charles Clark, assisted by Messrs.' Win- terton (Jurtis and V ictor Marden will make the Court house rine with the stirring strains of VNahcy Lee." The nrst nan oi tne programme will conclude with a duet by ...Mrs. Varney- and Miss Meyers.: . 2-25d2t For Kent. A fine house of seven rooms with cood farden, at $25 per month. Call on Mrs. 'helps, Eighth and Liberty. 2-zott NOTICE. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Orass Valley 'neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable, terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. - His address is Grass Valley, oner in an county, uregon. I. O. O. K. All members of Columbia Lodge No. 5 I. O. O. F. are urgently requested to be in attendance at the next regular meet ing Friday evening, February 26th. as business of importance will come before the lodge. By order of the J. G. 2-24-3t H, Clocgh, Secretary. ; Notice. All Dalles .City warrants registered prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if fire?ented at my office. Interest ceases rom and after this date. Dated February 8th, 1892. O. KlNERSLY, tf. - Treas. Dalles City. For the Children. "In buying a cough medicine for children," says H. A Walker, a promi- ti i n t rl t-ti rrtr i tj f s ( Hntliin TTt.K . ....... v. uvu, w u.ii j rv.1 be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough xtemeay. mere is no aanger iiom it and relief is always sure to follow. ' I particularly recommend Chamberlain's because J have found it to be safe and reliable. 25 and 60 cent bottles for 'sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.' ,dw , . Late Importations. . Byrne Floyd & Co., leading wholesale and retail druggists of The Dalles, have, in - addition to other tines of goods,' just opened a splendid stock of combs and brushes.- . You -should , inspect -these goods before purchasing. . 2-24-dtf - 'The Havana Sprout.7' ' " r" - The leading cigar now, with smokers about.Tbe Dalles, is the Havana 8prout. It is A No. 1, and is , to be found at Byrne, Floyd & Co.'s. Call and try it. . 2-24-dtf :- The prescription business of Byrne, Floyd and Co.'s,' has increased rapidly of late, and they have provided a com petent force of clerks to make it at 'all times -convenient to fill prescriptions accurately, , ; V ' ; : ; 2-25dtf Byrne, Floyd & Co., the - leading wholesale and retail druggists have just received a large- invoice of - tooth picks. which they 'are selling at six boxes for -a quarter. ; , - 2-25dtf i- , 'Adrertlaect Letters. . . .' ,,- - Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at-The Dalles un called for; Friday, February 26thF 1892 Persons calling for -same will give date on which they were advertised: "- ' Green wold Felix . .. Harvey Miss L E Harrison Newt ' Holt Miss AD Isaac Geo (3) Leabo Mrs A E : Mendenhall E J . -:. Montgomery H Eigby J W . Seipher Mrs Annie Tremble F ' . Ward W H Ward II B Wallace P T Weatlierford Mrs B Workenstine C H : Wolff Emiel - - Richardson Rev T W P , M. T Nolan, P. M. THE CHTTRCBXS. ST. PETER'S CHDRCH Rev. Father Bboms OBEST Pastor. Low Mass every fiundav at 7A.. k. . Hia-h. Mass- at 10:i A. M..-" Vtsun.t JT. M. " J. ' v.,..:!;a,. ADVENT CHRISTlXNi CHURCH.-Preachina; in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. v Sunday school iminodiatelj after morning service. J. .A. .Orchard, jutiton i -, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street,1 opposite" Fifth. Rev. EUI. Sutclifle Reetor. ' Service every Sunday at 11 AVK. and 7 :30 r-at. Sunday. jmjiumji -j.'io .a. m. evening- rrayer on naav at 7:80 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tat IX) R. Pastor.- Morniner servioea everv Sab bath at the academy at 11-4. at. Sabbath ocaooi ' linmeaiawiy aiccr morning; services.' Prayer meeting 'Friday evening at Pastor's xesl deuce. . Union services in the court house at 7 r.- ai. '.,-" CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. , Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 M. and 7 P. x. -. Sundav Bchool after mm-nino service. Strangers cordially invited, t Seata. tree. ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spenckk, pastor. Services everv Sundav mornin?. Smidav School at 12:20 o'clock p. m. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to alL SOCIETIES. .' ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OP L. Meets In K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:&) p. in. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. St A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 P. M. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meet in Masonic Hull the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 p. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets everv Fridav eveninar at 7:80 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. 11. though, sec y. -. - a. A. uitxa.n. ti. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets everv Mondav evenino- at 7:80 o'clnrk. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in- viiea. . b. lBiM. D. W.Vausb, K. of R. and 8. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. ef P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. George Gibons, W. 8 Myers, Financier. M. W. TAS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R." Meets every Saturday at 7:80 p. M., in the K. of P. Hall. BOF L. E. Meets every Sundu v afternoon In . the K. of P. Hall. C1ESANG VEREIN Meets every Sunday X evening in the K. of P. Hall. BOF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the . K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, st 7:3ti P M. The'Eufopean House, . Corruga'ed Iron Building. Union Street, near 2d, Tbe Dalles, Or, MRS. H. FRAISER, Prop. - ' NO CHINE9K COOKING. Chicken Dinner Daily. -Quail on Toast, mock lurtie houp, and all tne Lux uries of the Season at the shortest notice. ' Handsomely Furnished Rooms with or without Board. Terms to Suit Customers. CARPETS CLEANED AXD LAID, AND FURNITURE PACKED. Chris Meir, formerly in the employ of Prinz and Nitcbske offers his services on reasonable terms to all . those needing any work done in the line of carpet lay ing and cleaning and furniture packing. All orders left at Willig's tailor shop, Gates' building,- will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed.. ; ;2-22-d4t Chbis Meieb. FOR SALE. A desirable cottage of four rooms, situated in the central part of the town of Hood River, inclosed with two highly improved lots all in fine condition, and forming a most desirable home for a small family. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms if taken within the next 30 days. For further particulars enquire of the editor of the Chronicle, or w. JK.-JNett, flood Kiver. 2-20-lm-d. JOHN PASHEK, llg - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. ' - , Madison's Latest System used in cutting . garments, and a fit guaranteed .each time. " - fepaiiring' and Cleaning -Neatly and Quickly Done. MRS. C. DAVIS ' tHas Opened the - In the. Aew Frame- Building on ; "SECOND STREET Next to the ; 1 Diamond Flouring Mills. v First Class Meals Farpished at all Hours. Only White Help Employed. YOUR flTTEllTIOll It called to the fact that Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement ana uunaing Material of all kinds. -- -Carrie tbe Pinent line of ' To De found in the City. 72 LCiashington Street, KESTi RANT Hwh Glenn, J"8. 8CHIVCX'. H. X. Bu Cashier. President. ?Brst Jiational Bank. .1 .. : THE DALLES, - - .OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on mew I ort, ban iWi&ciBco and Port- ' - land. . DIRECTOKS. D. P. Thompsos. ... Jno. S. ScaE.v'cit. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lube. H. M. Beaxl. FRENCH 8t CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEXERALBAKKIXG BnSlXE8S Letters of Credit issued available in the . s .- Eastern States - : Sight . Exchange and Telegraphic xrauaierasfuiuuu new ion, (JmcagO, ot. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. .. . FARMERS' BOARDING HOUSE " -' - AMD BESTAUBAJsTT. MRS. A. J. OBARR Proprietor Meals 25 cents, lxxiging: 25 cents. Table well supplied with erertbing in market. iomioruiuie Deas as any in tne oity. . Second st., near Madison. - Dallea City C. W.ADAMS, THE ARTISTIC i ; Boot and Shoemaker. Repairine a Specialty. .-'1 i !' ii 2 t : 116 Coukt St., The Dalles, Ob. STAGY SJlOOlfl, Tiiela(ciipfei, Has opened an office for-Cleaning and itepairmg watches, Jewelry, etc. AH . work .'guaranteed and promptly attended. BT C. E. D0KHJHBS OLD STAND, Cor. Second ud Union Streets; W. E. GARRETSON. LeailiiTo Jeweler. t f n a H 19 is-1 d ,t c-'. S.t RS ! All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Imllei. Or. Pipe Workr Tin Repairs and Roofing. Mains Tapped Under Pressure. Shop oh Third St.', next door west of Yoongdc Knaa blackeipith shop. ' -i - - - ' . G;W; Johnston & Son, GaroBaters ana Bunasrs, Shop at No.' 1 12 First StreiBt. . All Job "Work promptly attended and estimates given on all wood work. Closets,!- Chimneys Cleaned Carpets take up, cleaned and pat down, also Closets and China nevs cleaned on ehort notice at reasonable . : - rates: .. rder8 received through the postoffice GRANT MORSE - SOLE AOKNT FOR. THE MAYS & -f SALE AGENTS FOR STOVES AND RANGES. Jewett's Steel Rasies, afli Riclarflson-s anil Boptoifs Furnaces. ; We also keep a large and complete stoek of Hardware, Tinware, Granite, uarDea vv ire, .Blacksmiths' (Joal, rumps,: Pipe, v Packing, Plumbers Supplies, ; Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods. PlTimbing, Tinning, Gun' : Repairing and Light Machine Work a Specialty. ;1 COR. SECOND AM) FEDEK1L STS., Great Bargains ! Removal ! Removal ! On account of Removal I will sell rriy entire stock of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer.; ' ' GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. 125 Seeond Street, I r. - . - , . JEW FBLL flJlD .WHITER DBY GOODS ; COMipLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, G Boots and Shoes. Full -Assortment of the Cash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stoek. and priees before purchasing elseaihere. H. Herbring. The Dalles Mercantile Co., Snccessora to BROOKS it BEERS, Dealers In , General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods,; Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. "Groceries, Hardware, Provisions, : Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE s Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates: ; Free Delivery to Boat 'and Curs and all parts of the iCity , ' , . 390 and 394 Second Street , '. h;;c. nie Clothiet? and Tailor, -it-, -r. k-tx :-y- -re.-. KB BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats andrGaps, T CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON', " . THE'DAlLES', OREGON. :PAUL KREFT & CO., . ..i :tii!1." -DKAUtBJi IN i .- '; .'. Paints, Oils, Glass , And the Host Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs In Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bnt the best brands of the 8herwfn-Williaras Paint used In all our work, and none but tbe most skilled workmen employed. All orders promptly attended to 10-17-d Store ud Paint Shop corner Third nd V anil in ton Streets CROWE, THE CELEBRATED ' Blueware, Silverware, Cutlery, '.' THE DALLES, OREGON. The talles. Leading Manufacturers. The Old Germania SalooniJ JOHN DOflflVOfl, Proprietor. The best quality of Wines. Liquors and Cigars, Pabst Milwaukee &bicker- bocker and. Columbia . Beer, Half and Half and all kinds . of Temperance Drinks. A. L"W A. Y OlM HAND