The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Poatoffibe at The bailee, Oregon, a aeooad-cUM matter. t Local Advert Ulna;. 10 Cents per line tor first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. . Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae -following day., .; TIMB TA.BI.KS. Tbl Dalles; Portland & Astoria (lav. Co. TXXjlES. The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice under the following schedule. Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves PORTLAND at 6 A. M: -Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays; .Mondays. Wadaesdays sad Fridays:,. -.','' Oj...-- !-pTiTTT. A TiTR." ! TBB'rALte9lit61:'M.: . .v; " Mondays, Jfednead y an Fridays : ,CA8CADB8 at I P. M.s1' L' '" aaewaaya j - . B. F. IjAUGHLIN.OeneraljManager. Railroads. BAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. n. Departs 12:08 A. .12:38 P. ,12:59. . i -, f IWaST BODHD. . ,. i ; ; . Ko. I, Arrives 4;25 A. M. Departs 4:30 a', it. : 7, " : p. . , . " p. ' Two locai freight that carry passengers leave one for the weft at 7-00 a a!., and one for the east at 9:13 A. M. . STACKS. For Prlneville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily at a. k. ' . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave daily at 6 A. M. For Duf or, Kingirtey, Waraic, Waplnitia, Vi arm Springs pud Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. H. For lioldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. -Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Omce. OFFICE HOURS neuentl Ielivrey Window , to ? p. m. Money Order " Sunday vi ' ' .8 a. in. to 4 p. m. .9 a. m. to 10 b. in. t.XOBlKQ or mails " By trains going East 9 p.m. and 11 :43 a. ra " " West p. m. and 4:45 p. m. Stage for Goldendale: 7:S0a. m, " "Prineville 5:30 a.m. ,, i, "imf ur and Warm Springs ..5:a0 a. m, ' tl-eaving for Lvle At Hartland. .5:30 a. m, " " ' " J Antelope 5:30 a. m Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursdny and Saturday, " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1892 V. s. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Th Dalles, Or., Feb. 24, 192. Pacific -3 Rela- D.t'r State Coast BAB. tive of S. g of Time. Hum Wind ? 3 Weather , A. M. 30.17 32 90 East Clear 8 P. M. 30.07 55 46 SE " Maximum erature, 28. temperature, 5G; minimum tem- Heieht of River, 11 a. m. .. 1.5 feet: . . 0.2 feet. Change in past 2i hours. Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 8.63; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.54; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to daie, 3.91; Inches. " VJKATHER PROBABILITIES. Sax Francisco, Feb. 24. 1892. . FAIR Weather forecast till 8 p. m. Thursday; Fair weather, with fogs. ' Kekkham. LOCAL BREVITIKS. Hon. W. K. Ellis spent last night in w-Vka aiirv n rwl 1ff fit rinnia rrt iKa nnAn UV ''J aakaJi IVIV J.VI aiWAUW XM VIIV passenger today.. Mr. Clark Fleck, for many months a member of the Chronicle force has just returned from a trip to Portland. Thy owners of the Cosmopolitan hotel property today began the work of a thorough reconstruction of the founda tions of that large building. la the suit of Middleton vs. The Sun Publishing Co., tried lefore Justice Doherty today, judgment was rendered for the full amount Of wages sued for. John Filloon & Co., successors to Fil- Iaah Tw..Uam. I 4 11 ' 1 implement store in one of Moodv's , warehouses in the East End. ' , -. The attention of Judge Bradshaw,: in t.ha Alrcilit nnilrf wna talpn nn ilmnBt wholly today in arguments of the su:t in equity of Moody vs. Miller, a case -of long standing. ' The Chronicle is pleased to learn that the health of Hon. E. L. Smith of Hood River,, which has long been a matter of serious regard to his. many friends, is alrnost completely restored. " ' ' J. A. Nichols of Boyd is in the city. He reports plowing in full blast in his neighborhood and says the ground was never in better condition nor the pros pects more hopeful for good crops.: . vi Uncle Linus Hubbard' has presented this office with a handsome double pho tograph, taken by D. C. Herri n of this . city, of the Whale back steamers Colgate Hoyt and C. W Wetmore, . .. passing through the Sault St. Marie canal. Close to the hour of noon today six Indians were observed, tenderly carry ing t he-corpse of a fellow. aborigine to' the exlae of the river, below the mouth of uil creek? where they placed it in a skiff and started on a funeral procession to.Memaluse island.- . Mrs. Al W." Ferguson of. Astoria, One of the old and respected pioneers of this city is visiting Mrs. Judge Thornbury, Mrs. Ferguson's late husband was sheriff of this county away back in the'60's and ' - of the Masonic order of the state.; . . .. Jndge Thornbury -weht'dow this moriiing on. the Regulator 1 to Hood Kiyje to,. familiarize ; himself : with the necessities of that section in the matter of improving the eastern approach to the Hood River bridge and the grade on r . the state road leading down to Hayne's Mr. P. Fagan received a large case of spring Baitings today, and his customers cannot fail to be suited now, on call.:....!.,.. A meeting was called last night in this city for the purpose of. organizing a local union of the United ' Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Over a score of persons responded and the proper steps were taken to obtain a charter .v The union will start ' out with "5 charter members. ' ! Mr! IT. 'Wilson,'" the gentlemanly traveling freight agent of the Northern Pacific railway has presented . this office with a handsome mounted Rand fc Mc- Nally map of the United States. The map is one of 2500 purchased by the company for gratuitous distribution among its patrons. . ,.'.; ' . . ' i The crop of prisoners atthe. city : jail was larger than usual last night, ' three drunks and one victim of " impecuniosity having .been pulled in. One drunk paid his Ine another an . old offender - was -sent off to herd sheep, while the third is working out his fine. . ,The victim of im pecuniosity will also have a chance to earn a square meal under the general ship f Jack Staniels. -j .v ' fk The Chkoniclk office had the honor of a visit fiom W. L. Freeman, of Lower Fifteen-Mile,, today. Mr. Freeman is the man who' forced open a horse car belonging to the Union "Pacific and jumped out his ' horse CwhichI the com pany was holding for an extra freight charge after a contract had been entered into to carry the' horse for a specified sum. Mr. Freeman. is the only man in Wasco- county who ever got even with the Union Pacific. The habeas corpus case . reported yes terday, involving the ownership of a child, which was expected to be tried be fore Judge Bradshawhasl been settled, but just how is unknown to even Mr. E. B.Dufur, the attorney for the plaintiff. It will be remembered that a Japanese and his wife had possession of a child which a Chinaman and his wife claimed as theirs.- The Japs made a similar claim for themselves. - Hence the writ. Yesterday afternoon.the Chinaman set tled the accrued costs and withdrew the suit, but who has possession of the child we have been nnable to learn. .. No Hope, We are permitted to copy the follow ing extract from a private letter received a few days , ago from Washington and written by a gentleman well known in this city and one thoroughly familiar vrith what is going on at the capital. "It is no use to hope for an appropri ation for a public building at The Dalles. I have conversed with many' democratic statesmen in the congress and of the lobby and all appear agreed that the Holman resolution was not meant for "bunkum" but was in the line of prac tical politics and will be adhered to rig idly and the 'more particularly so when the republican state and districts are to be sufferers. There will be BOine sort of showing of fairness in the appropriation bills for current expenses but no new works provided for. Hermann has been making a gallant fight for relief of The Dalles in his advocacy of a portage railroad. No man could have done more. I doubt whether any other one could have done so much. I cannot say what he thinks, but for -myself I am free to confess I have no hope. Even with a republican congress it was uphill work. It was tight, fight, fight, for eyerything had or allowed for our state. Effort and diplomacy gained all we got even when all the circumstances were favorable and so I am of the opinion now that we need expect nothing what ever this year; then we shall not be disappointed. . . NORTHWEST SEW8. Wasco News. lhe general opinion seems to prevail among the farmers that but little if any, of the wheat has frozen out. some consider the .danger over while others are inclined to the opinion that all danger of freezing out is not yet passed. At any rate just at the present time the prospects were never better for another good crop. Wasco JfewsT Vhile Wasco leads in energetic efforts, commercial and me chanical enterprises,' and is in the van of all competitive points, and we hail this fact ' with unalloyed joy upon our lips, and from the- depth of our heart of hearts, it is also with unfeigned satisfac tion and pleasure that we chronicle the fact that Sherman county does not lag behind any county in the state. '. iAll of our sister county towns are, however, making commendable, improvements. The . farmers are also alive to the de mands of the occasion, and their homes are becoming moreand more attractive as the years go by, all of which we are pleased to-note. - -, t t , , . f! ! 4 .. -Ji: Notice to Contractors. GoLDKNOALE? Feb. 23, 1892. The common council of the city of Goldendale will receive sealed bids for the lining of the reservoir of the City Water Works' reservoir to be lined with galvanized iron No. 26. Size of reservoir, length 69 feet; 6 inches. . Width 23 feet, 10 inches. Depth 8 ft. FvBids. will be opened on the 13th day of March at 12 o'clock noon:" J J j Contractors will be required to give good and sufficient bond for the comple tion of the work according to contract on or before April 1st 1892. :Kight reserved to reject or accept any or all bide. -- - - r-- Address bids to H. C. Jackson City Clerk. AtteHt : H. C. Jackson, City clerk. C. E. Marshall, Pres. of council. 2-24d2t- ; . t -. ' i A Pleasant Surprise. Mrs. Maud Fowler was the happy recipient ; of a pleasant surpris., party . last evening" at her residence in this city. The Woman's Relief Corps and quite a number pf"6ther 'ladies.'.meT; at Mrs. Patterson's, and from there; repaired to 0ra..fowier8, to, the great surprise ,oi that lady.: , ;.Twenty-three. ladies . were present, but to save space and. time-1 wiiromit ftae names. .. Sufficient) to say quite an enjoyable time was had in playing games and having a general social time-'" Eight refreshments were served in the, form ..of delicious cake and fruit At the hour of ten the ladies dispersed to their separate homes all . feelingTxap pier for the1 hours spent in socialj chat with one another;- v. ::; -..-; r t -i.. .t i rj, .;- ) .' .: rlvv wtrn'WAS THERE. Services For Young; Mem. 'Th'e' pastor of the M E. church of this city is preparing a religious service lor young men between ages of seventeen and ;; thirty-five'; years, for ""tomorrow evening at 7 :30 to be held in the" base ment of the new church, and he specially requests the attendance of every .young man in 'the city; ; Wep can assure you that you "will be kihdly treated and given a royal welcomei Ladies also' in vited to be' present. Services every night this week. ' ." " "". ' ' . i. o. o. - ' All members of Colombia Lodge Xo. 5 I. O. O. F. are urgently requested to be in attendance at the next regular meet ing Friday evening, February 26th, as business of importance will come before the lodge. By order of the N. G. 2-24-2t H. Clocgh, Secretary. Peter the Poet for Hermann. Klamath Star. Hon.. T. T. Geer, of Marion county, has popped up before us as an aspirant panting for- and seeking with large-eyed eagerness the republican nomination for 'congress- If o Geer dele gate will go ; from the Klamath or" -Lake counties to the convention, that is posi tive. Hardly anybody in this country has ever heard of Geer, of Marion, while every intelligent man and- woman' has for years been hearing not only of Her mann, but also of Hermann's faithful ness to his constituents.1 The fact is, Hermann is not in a strict sense a party candidate. He is already selected for congress by a considerable majority of sensble men in the ranks of both parties men who set that one quality of faith fulness above all mere considerations of party. ' ' ' ; The convention, I may menHouj ! Will shout "HiixiKN !" with uproar. Then will follow the descension., . (. Of the politicians sore! . ' I)own they'll go, all howling, growling .- '-'- o're the threshold of the door, : Sinking in that outdoor darknes , . Darkness there, and nothing more! V iemorest Contest. To be held at the court house Wednes day evening, February 24th. .' - J. ' ! . " . program : Song Service by Congregational Choir. .. Anthem Reading of the Scripture. T ' Prayer. " - Song. rt. .. !..". Onward C'hristain Soldier 1. In the Bushel or in the Jug. 2. The Rum Sellers legal Rights. Song .. Quartette 8. Our National Curse. 4. A Black Eye for Lager Beer, and a Bier for Lager.; . . . . Song...... ...... ....."....Good Bye My Little Lady 5. How to Curtail the Liquor Traffic. Song :.. . . Solo 6. A Plea for the Fatherlands ' 7. The Deacon's Sunday School Sermon. Kong Quartette 8. Boys of America. 9. The two Fires. . - ". . Song -. ... Solo Decision of Judges. ' Presentation of Medul. ... Benediction.. Late Importations. Byrne Floyd & Co., leading wholesale and retail druggists of The Dalles, have. in addition to other lines of goods, just opened a splendid stock of combs and brushes. You should inspect these goods before purchasing. ' 2-24-dtf The Havana Sprout.' The leading cigar now, with smokers about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout It- is A No. 1, and is to be found at Bvrne, Floyd & Co.'s. Call and trv it 2-24-dtf .. . : Xotlce. All - Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if , . I . . presented ai inv umix. interest ceases from and after this date. Dated February 8th, 1892. -. ' O. KlNEKSLY, tf. - Treas. Dalles Citv. NOTICE. R. E. French haa for sale a number of improved - ranches and unimproved i lands in the larass V alley, neighborhood in Sherman county J They will be sold very cheap and. on reasonable terras. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Gram. Valley, Sherman county. Oregon. ' For the Children., "In buying a cough medicine for children," says H. A. Walker, a . n ' ' oal 1- a I--T A UTallrAV A lMmi. nent druggist of -Ogden; Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger f om it and relief is always sure to follow: I particularly recommend Chamberlain's because I have found It to be safe and reliable. 25 and 50 cent bottles for. sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, dw The committee on Deinorest Medal Contest announce that everything will be in readiness and the contest will be held at the court house on next Wednes day evening, February 24th. This movement has been carried out ' very successfully in other parts of our state, and we doubt not it will receive the heartiest encouragement by the good people ot The Dalles. The sum of twenty-five cents will be charged at the door;" fifteen cents for children, under fourteen years. Proceeds applied on reading room. The best musical talent of the city will afford, music for the occasion.- ...... -. . . Something new Pabets Bohemian Milwaukee Beer only one bit a bottle. Hot clam broth after". 5. p. m. at J. O. Mack's. ..Call and try them. :. ';.2-23tr , Miss Clara B. Story will . instruct a limited . number of pupils in oil . paint ing, water colors, .crayon r charcoal and pastelle f work . and .. China painting. Studio, room- over ' Mclnernv's dry goods store. . . 2-3-tf W'R'i-vi'"!-. JOHN BOOTH: .: 3 , .i ,. : f.'J!i As Staple as Coffee. namDeriain's uouzn icemedv is as staple as coffee in this vicinity. It has done an immense amount of good since its introduction here.'" A. M. Nobdell, Maple Kidge, Minn, tor sale by Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. ' " dw THey Speak From Experience. "We "know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy that it win preveni croup," says ftiessrs. liao berry & Worley, -Percy, Iowa. ;They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the best in the market for throat and lung diseases. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists.. ' . La Grippe ! The tendency of this disease toward pneumonia is what makes it dangerous, La Grippe requires precisely the same treatment as a severe cold. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of severe colds. This Remedy .effectually counteracts the 'tendency of the disease to result in pneumonia, pro vided that proper care be taken to avoid exposure when recovering from the at tack. Careful inquiry among the many thousands who have "used this remedy during the epidemics of the past two years has failed to discover a single case that has not recovered or that has re sulted in pneumonia. '25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. dw Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby vu oick, ire gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria The Dalles Restaurant AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Finest Cooks In The Ialles. All Vrk done by White Help. Next door to Byrne, Floyd A Drug Store. Co.s' 85 Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened. JWps. A. JOflES Proprietor. Everything the Market Affords', at Reasonable Rates. . ' MRS. LOCHHEAD'S Painting CLASS ! ' : ' -. WilL meet on . .Tuesday and , Friday : - Mornings, at 9 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, at 2 o'clock." Orders taken in all branches of Paint ing, A full line of New Studies for sale or to rent. Studio Mr. G. P. Morgan, Liberty streets. at the residence of corner of Third and Will Organize' a Clas's' for v v Instruction in Oil . If a sufficient number of Pupils offer, To make it an object. HER WORK CAN BE SEEN On Kxhtbltlon at the store of Paul Kreft " Sc Co.. and at the Office of . -WIlLum MloheH, . ' v . For further particulars. apply at these places, or to Mrs. Bemish, at the parlor of the Columbia Hotel. ...... . . ."1 2-16.6t DID YOU WE. ARE AGENTS FOR THE Afgand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and flanges, Jemell's Stoves aod.itanges, Universal Stoves and flanges. We ave. also agents for the Celebrated Boynton paraaee. i Bmmanition and Loaded Shells, Etc.- r ; sHHjtTflrv - piiUm&iiic n :;sPECifliiTY. MAIER: & BENTON I. 0. flickelsen , -AGEfNT 1 -Elk rs: .'b ';-;!'' - s.i n:o; tioiii ty.i ir.H liraiiicli k Dai First School Books, Bibles, Blank Books, Music Books, 1 . Jewelry. THE DALLES, J. O. wholesale; Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, UUVT. BUTIaEH & CO., THE LE ADEE LUMBER, MTH RHD SHINGLES. Offlce ml Tail cur. First aMMersmSts. ' SOOTH SIDE ot Railroad Tract Spring -AKKIVIXG Th1 To rrTOfn Largest L.ine ol Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery ; and Musical Instruments. 162 Second Street, , 8occiors to C E. 1 unit a in. Druggists Ji 3Ji Vl.i 'r- 'x. tv- -Pure Drop ani leiicines. .. . 2 4 -.1 j.. 1 r . ; ' Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists' always in Attendance. THE DALLES, OKEGOX. KNOW IT '- FOR- yy P Class Upright pianos. Sheet Music l I. esana OREGON MACK, and retail and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon 1N stock DAILY AT- THE DALLES, OREGON. K. B. HUUU, Livery,; Feed; and Sale Horses Bought and Sqld on Commission and Money Advanced on Horses ; fi: Left for Sale. OFFICE OF-t- The Dalles and Goldendale ' Stage Lin? Stage leaves The Dalles Every MomiiiK at 7:3U and Goldendale at 7;3U. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood s office the eve-- ning before. R. B. HOOD, Opposite old Stand. Proprietor. The Dalles, Oi . Dealer