mm THE DALLES, OREGON,.; 'rHUIlSD AYV FEBRUARY 18,1892. NO. 56. VOT . TIT. T i i iss MM Wi i . . . . '- : . i FKOFB88IOSAL CARDS WM. J. -ROBERTS Civil, 'EnoiNBBB Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying mid mapping; estimates and plana fur irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges,-etc. Address:-P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. WM. SAUNDERS ARCHITECT. Plans and specifications furnished for . dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. i. SUTHERLAKD Faxtow of Tbihity Medical College, -and member of the Col '1eWr Physicians and Surgeons,-Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. D , R. O. D. DOANE PHT8IC1AK AD - BOa- eiof . office; rooms o ana o cnapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one 'block sooth of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M. a . RENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of .A. See In Schanuo's building, up stairs. The V BsAles, Oregon. set on flowed aluminum plate. the Golden Tooth, 6eeond Dkktist. Gas given for the a teetn Sign of r ainnir.T. Um ' painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth Rooms: Street. A THOMPSON ATTORHET-AT-IAW. Office . in Opera House .Block, v asnington street, The Dalles, Oregon F. F. MATS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON. HCAYS. HUKTINGTON ' WILSON ATTOK- lTA I9K y-at-law. Offices, French's block over First .National Bank, The Danes, Oregon. ANEW Undertaking EstabH ! Young St Kuss, BaGnsmilH&wasop General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work -" . Guaranteed. ERINZ & NITSCIIKEs Horse Shoeeimj a Speiality. "THE DAYS OF 40-NINE" Old Time Opening at Sand Point, lMo "Qnests" anil Pistols. " DEALERS IN j-Tliri Street, opposite tne old Lieoe Stand. CALIFORNIA PIOXEER STARVING. Furniture and . Carpels. We have added Co our business 'a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices, will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. sotice. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terras. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good, unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. The Louisiana Lottery Gets a Lot of Dead Head Advertising. BOOKEK'S KMOWLEDGB 8fRADS. B.B.DUPTJK. QZO. ATKINS. FRANK MXNEFBK. DTJFtTR, W ATKINS 4 MENEFEE Attor ns ys-At-law Room No. 43, - over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attobjjkt-at-law Rooms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles; Oregon. - - -- '- Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen Prom the Ashes! . JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin - Restaarant ON MAIN STREET Where he wilL be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. . D R UG S Snipes k Ki Ki1:rsl.v; THE LEADING Open day and Night. First class meals twenty -five cents. list m Mi Ifflsts Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING .' " " Patent iBedieines ,: and .Druggists . Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the"only agents in tne vjity ior ine onerwin, win auis. j, anno. The English Syndicate Again Heard From Discontent In Oermany Russian Duels. Spokane, Feb. 17. The opening of an enormous dancehouse at ana roim, Idaho, resaltcd in riot and bloodshed last night. Three hundred railroaders, cattlemen and miners were present. In the midst of dancing a row started, in which one man was shot in the breast, another had his brains blown out, and two dissolute females were probable fatally wounded. In the midst of the affray, United States Marshal Warren and Sheriff Morley, with five men, entered and closed the house, and 'now twenty-five of the worst characters in the Northwest are penned up in a stock ade corral and guarded - by deputy sheriffs. this morning to Jhe opponents of the proposed legislation to give a local gov ernment to the, territory .of :Ltah, as propoeedin the bill introduced by a dele gate from that territory? "The committee was addressed by O. W. Powers,, repre senting the liberal party in Utah. That party, Powers said, was composed Of democrats and republicans, who for the time being had cast aside their national political preferences- and .had joined hands for the purpose of building up an American state in the , mountains. . It was because . the Mormon people were honest and sincere that the liberal party opposed the measure, the time not hav ing come, in its opinion, for it. Good. for Wannamaker. Pittsburg, Feb. 17. It is now re garded as positive that '.the ; Reading company has secured absolute control of the Baltimore and Ohio and .its numer our. branches., and also the New York and New England' Railway company The terms of the agreement, lease, etc. were finally determined .upon by the great financiers who have been negotia ting the deal at a conference in Phil adelphia, last night, at which all the necessary papers were signed by the contracting parties. It is the opinion of local financiers that the next announce ment will be that it has a transconti nental line to the Pacific. !W ox TELEGRAPH TO FOSSIL. Escape From Condon Jail-Lilt Morris EecoyeriM. TO THE COMBINATION. The yth Circuit Judgeship Still a Theme for Speculation. BEN WllL RUN STEVE SAYS SO. -WE "ATtE- COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM. Proprietor. ( successor to Ciai & Corson. The Largest Dealers; in .Wall Paper. Cigars. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Agent lor lansill s funch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made Id J- 1ST ID I Ea-st of Portland. DEALER IS IE S Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wbolesala or Retail In Kverjr Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. ; DEALERS IN: an Hay, Grain and -Feed Kioce nes Masonic Block, Comer Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregcn The.Dalles Gioaf paetoiy FIEST STEKET, FACTORY NO. 105. VyXjT-A.XLO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. 1 . - . ; - The reputation of THE J) ALJjES" CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. v . A. ULRiCH & SON. ( BANKERS. . TRANSACT A GENEKALBAHKING BC8INE8B Letters of Credit issued available in the . Eastern States. . - Sight-'' Exchange and ." Telegraphic Transfers sold on Hew .Y ork Chicago, bt, Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon Seattle Wash., and Various points in Or egon and Washington. '.' ' . : ColWtidnmade at all points on fav Crazed From I-a iirippe. Brocktos, ''JJUs.,". Feb. 17. Charles Hudson, 87.years old, has notaten any thing for thirty-nine days. Early in January he had an attack of the grip, and became impressed with an idea that h? would never leave his bed alive. His physician told him that bis recovery was certain. He remarked: "I shall only have the same thing to go ..through with again, and I prefer to die .now." From that time he has refused to V eat. He takes water in small quantities to moisten his lips, and on several occas ions small pieces of ice have been accep ted with. relish., He .is now i unable to sneak above a wiiisoer. He was one of the pioneer-merchants of San. Francisco being interested in the - boot and vshoe trade, and later identified in the boot and shoe and leather trade of Boston. Tbe Modern Style of Adrertlslng; New Orleans, Feb. 16. The presi dent of the Louisiana Lottery was seen yesterday and "asked with reference to the report that the lottery intended to remove to Mexico. He said that the story was false, and was evidently started by an enemy of the company for the purpose of booming Mexican lottery i 1 m I ..-Ill AAnfinna ii a Av. t BLOCK. Ic lULlcrj win v'jiii.iiiuv, v.. . atonce hpre until the expiration of its charter, and after that time it jicill not seek a home anywhere. . : The Man Who Hadn't Heard It. New. York, Feb. 17. Under the head ing: "The Prince not Coming," , a dis patch from Albany printed-yesterday said that a private citizen in that city had received a cablegram which stated that the Prince of Wales, attended bya retinue of twenty-five persons, expected to land in New York May 26th, and go hence to Niagara Falls and Canada. William Lane Booker, the British con- nul.eneral. .said yesterday: . "The Ketter File the Bend. Washington, Feb. 17. On the appli cation of Senator Mitchell, the superin tendent of the money order system, postoffice department, has ordered that the postoffice at Myrtle Creek7 Douglass county, be placed upon the list of ad ditional money order offices next to be established, and the postmaster at that office will be authorized to 'commence the issue and payment of money, orders and postal notes about April 1st, the be ginning of the next quarterly, period ; provided he shall have filed the required bond. Myrtle Creek Advanced The Reading; llailroad Deal Hlgli Price for tirain. . - .. . - .. . Arlington, Feb. 17. George West, a prisoner in tne tjonaon jau,- niaae nis escape Sunday last, secured a horse from a livery stable while the owner was at church', and succeeded in reaching the railroad ten minutes before the eaqt bound train was due, which he boarded. Deputy Sheriff Johnson left Condon as soon as the prisoner was missea, out, only arrived in time to see the train depart. RECOVERING FROM THE WOUND. Light Morris of Fossil, w ho accidently shot himself a week ago, is progressing favorably, and hopes of his recovery are entertained unless blood poisoning sets in. The bullet has not been extracted. . THE FOSSIL LINE. The question of a telegraph line be tween this point and Fossil is being agitated, and it is hoped will have a successful issue.' John Chinaman in the Senate. Washington, Feb. 17. Senator Dolph today reportf-d adversely the Chinese bill introduced b$ ' Senator Sherman He expects in a very short time ;to call an for consideration in the senate his own Chinese bill, and believes it will go through after a brief discussion. As it extends the present ' Chinese laws, ; it cannot be criticised very severely, and gives congress an opportunity to amend the Chinese legislation at' some future time, and procrastination is what, the average congress revels, in. The Storms in Europe. Vienna. Feb. 17. Terrible snow storms are still raging in Galicia, a prov ince of Austro-Hungary in Cisleithania, and the greater part of Austrian Poland. Show is piled up in immense drifts and rrafiioon the various railway lines is al most wholly 8U8oendlr- Wagon roads are also badly blockade '. . THE DALLES, OREGON. Poof Tinlla-P C Tinker- HOllRP. nn t.nft fjnnst.! Prince of Wales has not told me that he ll , . ' f T V " f is T w --r ' W-S-W IMS' WSr W I ; First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. . ' First Class Hotel in Every Respect: None but the Best of "White Help Employed. . T. T. JTliGholas, Ptop. SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. DeetinedytQ .be the Best Man uf actual ng Center I n -the Inland Crnpire. ;"";' Best Selling Propertyof ; the Season In the. North-west. " For Farther Information Call at the Office of . 12 WASHHiGTGn ST. POHTIiKD. is not coming.but I don't believe that he intends to visit this country or Canada?' It's So English." Santa Barbaba, Feb. 17. Elwood Cooper has sold his olive ranch to an English 'syndicate for $200,000. The olive ranch is the largest of its kind, and is noted for being the scene of the ear liest attempt at American olive-oil mak- ina. i The syndicate will colonize the - . .-. . ' ... . property with immigrants.. . Typhus and Blackpox. Ieklin, . Feb.. 1 7. A . dispatch from VVarsaw says typhus fever and b.lackpor arfii spreading. westward,' and that pouti; cal agitators are doing their utmost .to Inflame the peasantry .with -the result that tKe spirit oi4iscontent is spreading I in an alarming manner. ." Austrian -Klections Aftermath . .. . VienHiaV" Feb. 17 .-'The - Hungarian I elections have been followed by a onm- ber of duels. Four . have already been fbueht at Pesth. In two of these, Dep- I uties Munich and Aeranzl received saber wounds.': In the other encounters no body was hurt. - - " Shall Utah be Americanized. - . Washington ; Feb. 17. The .house committee oh territories gave a hearing London, Feb. 17. Itis thought a number of vessels' were lost in 'the recent storm's, as a large quantityof wreckage is coming ashoVe at different points on the coast.' ' " ; . ' Paris, Feb. 17. A storm is raging here since last evening. Traffic is al most at a standstill. . ,. . Matched for a Bis; Purse. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 17. C. J. Ham lin, the millionaire horseowner, and George Leavitt, of Boston, are arranging to trot their respective horses in a race at Lexington this spring for $50,000 a side.. Hamlin's Chimes Girl, 3-year-old,' will be matched against Ralph Wilkes, of the same age. " Mount Etna Disturbed. Rome. Feb. 17. Mount Ltua is in an unusual state of volcanic, disturbance, People of Zaffar on'a have abondoned their dwellings in consequence of a series of violent shocks. - Typhus Fever Spread Ine- Oakdale, Mass.," Feb. 17. There is considerable excitement- here over five cases of typhus fever. , ff he victims are Jews, a mother and five jchildren, who came here about ten days ago. - .Another BlytheJHelr. ; ' 'Sax Francisco, Feb;- 17. Captain T. C.j Phillips, of Tulare .City," is the latest claimant to fke milliona 4eft byThomas Blyihe. - He has at this late day written i a letter on the subject, to Judge Coffee. V- ; "i-vAX"1 B9.WW Blne. CaicAGOFebi 17. The Chicago Blaine Club has decided to go to Minneapolis and make evef y honorable attempts to secure ihe - nomination of -Blaine for president: , . - - . . " Ad Epidemic of Incendiarism. . Memphis, Tenn.,Feb. 17. There is an epidemic of incendiary fires here.' Every effort is being made to discover the fire-. bugs. .. '.. .-- ' - - -.. . ' . . A Very "Mysterious" Burglary, San Diego, Feb. 17. The most uiys- terious burglary that ever occurred in Ensenada took place last Saturday night, when $1,200 in Mexican silver was taken from the safe in . the cashier's office of the - Colonizatfon Company.; The first known of the theft was when Cashier anra- way opened the safe in the morning and found the interior bare of money. He had put $1200 in the safe Saturday ; and. had locked the inner and outer" doors with combinations as usual, and yet the money was taken out and the safe doors as securely locked as ever. . Mr. Xarra way carries the only key to the inside -door of the safe. As soon as the robbery '.. was discovered the chief of police was notified and a careful examination was made of the otfice. There was not the least sign of the windows or doors hav-. ing been tampered with. ' Unsettled as Yet. -. Washington, Feb. 17. Zera Snow, of Portland, le in Washington, and is look ing after the prospects for the appoint ment of W. B. Gilbert, as circuit judge. - He seems to feel very much encouraged over the prospects, and says, upon in- ' vestigation here, he finds that matters, rest about the same as indicated in the Oregonian dispatches; that Gilbert is now the favorite candidate, and, unless something new should be developed, he has very flattering prospects of success. Uncle Sam to Kiissla. Washington, Feb. 17. The sub-committee to whom were referred several . Russian Hebrew resolutions introduced in the house, has reached an agreement . in renorted. that the American peo " i ' - pie,, .express sympathy for Russian Hebrews and their depressed conditionr anU IlOptS lllitb Hie HUCDiau 6 ......, with which the United States has al ways been on terms of amity and good will, will mitigate as far as possible the decrees lately issued respecting them. Benj.Harrlson in the Field. Xew York', Feb.5!. Stephen B.'Elk- ins.-secretary of war, announced today, in a letter to a personal friend here that President iiarrison is a ranuiuaw mi renomiuation. r The secretary padded that tbe president would, moreover, be the choice of he Minneapolis convention , and,, furtberm'ore worJd be. re-elected. This is the. first authentic announcement that, the president is a candidate tor re nomination., ,, u . - ' '"Ma'Nw':CsMi Reported. ;.New Y9EK-,'Febi'l7. No new cases of typhus fever in this city were reported today , J and, . with., two exceptions, the patients on. North, brothers Island are doing well. The exceptions are women, both of whom will die. ; High Price for tirain. Garfield, Feb. 17. At a public sale on a farm near here, barley sold for $1.12 per cental, and wheat reached $1.14, on eight "months' time without interest. O D. TAYLOR THE DALLES. orable terms. .