The Mes Daily Chronfele. Entered the Postofflceat The Dalles, Oregon, - . as second-class matter. . . Local Advertising. V) Cents per line for first Insertion, and ft Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates tor long time notices. JAU local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. TIM K TABLES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flw. Co. so: TTT-sZS. I The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice nndei the following schedule. Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves PORTLAND at 6 A. M : k. - " Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I : jCA8CABt 10:30 A. M.: .'?. -days, Wednesdays and Fridays: Steamer "EEGULATOE" leaves THI DALLEB at tf A. M.; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays : OAiCADES at 1 P. M.; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays i B. F. IVUCHUN, General Manager. -Railroads.' EAST BO0KO. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 a. K. Departs 12:06 A. M. " 8, " 12: 30 P. x. 12:50 P.M. WBST BOUND. M. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. If. ' Departs 4:30 A. M. ' 7, " &00 p. M. : " . 6:-J0 P. X. Two Iocs freights that carrv passengers leave ne for the west at 7-00 a. m., and one for the un aiv:iu A. K. STAGES. . For PrtnevUle, via. Bake Oven, leave daily For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave nuuunj n, t cuunua) a BI1U r nuavs, HI D A. H. For Dufur. Klnarslev. Wamlc. Wanlnitia. Warm Springs snd Tygn Valley, leave daily (except duuuki ; at u a, m. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. at. vmces iot an lines at tne l; matins House. Post-office. OPPTCB HOURS General Deli vrey Window 8 a. ra Money Order ". 8 a. m Sunday ii D " .9 a. m. CLOSING OF KAILS By trains going East 9 p. m. and " " West and Stage for Goldendale " "'Prinevllle ... -. to 7 p. ra. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a. ra. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a.m. 'Dufnr and Warm Springs . " fLeaving for Lyle fc HartUnd. " " " (Antelope 'Except Sunday. tTri-weeky. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday aud .5:30 a. m. .5:80 a. in. .5:30 a. m. Saturday. Friday. THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1892. V. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Thk Dalles, Or., Feb. 11, 1892. Pacifle Coast Time. Rela tive Hum DLfr of Wind State of Weather s. B A. M. P. M. 30.22 40 92 30.15 IfiOl 58 Calm pt Cloudy Clear Maximum -erature, 40. temperature, 61: minimum tern- Height of River, 11 a. in 7; Change in past 24 hours .1. Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 8.50; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 11.66; total deliclency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 3.16; Inches. WEATHER PROBABILITIES.' San. Francisco, Feb. 11, 1892. Weather forecast till 8 p. in. Friday; Fair weather, cooler. Kerkham. local brevities. FAIR. S. J . LaFrance of Hood River came up on the noon passenger today. C. P. Batch the popular druggist of Dufur was in town last night. Miss Mason has postponed her soiree till Saturday evening next, at the usual hour. t A nail factory ia about to be built at Port Townsend with a capital stock of $100,000. Italy, France and Sweden swill be asked to 'arbitrate the Behring sea matter. Hon. G. W. Johnston of Dufur and E. O. McCoy of Grant were seen on the streets today. J. C. Baldwin has moved his stock of gents' furnishing goods to his own buildings west of the Umatilla house. . E. Thompson a successful farmer from Sherman county, was in town today. Mr. Thompson has 580 acres of fall grain which is looking well and gives promise of a good crop. " The civil marriage' of Miss Mattie Mitchell daughter of Senator Mitchell took place at ' Paris yesterday at day at 3 p. m. The religious ceremony will come off. today. The bill for the boat railway at The Dalles and Celilo Falls and Ten Mile tanMtf va raivt4A t. i .Monday and placed on the calendar. The sum appropriated is $2,860,356. Attention is called to the new time table of the D. P. & A. N. Co. . The Reg ulator will be brought dewnfrom "Hun gry Harbor" on Saturday and will re new her trip to the Cascades on Monday. The grand jury was discharged yester day forenoon after being in session three days, probably the shortest session ever held in this county. Only one true bill wji8 found, that of the state vs. W. G. Averv and Al Meanlia , r . Mr. Wallace McCamant a premineat young lawyer from Portland, now in at tendance at the circuit court, has kindly consented to deliver a short address to the members of the young men's repub lican club at the county court room to night, . , W.'M. Stewart of the late firm of Abrahms & Stewart, paid the city a fly ing visit tody. He is now traveling salesman for the Washburn & Moen manufacturing company,1 of San Fran cisco, having a territory co-extensive with the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada and Utah territory. Gttonre Filloon came down from Pea- dleton last evening and stopped 'over till noon today, when he left for Heppner. During a three weeks' trip to Idaho, Eastern (Oregon : and "Washington , Mr, Filloon sold n less than seventeen car loads of headers. t - '' .'. - , Charles L. Schmidt advertises the sale of select seed wheat of the Chili and Little Club and Vernon varieties, also several varieties of seed oats and barley. He has also for sale feed oats and rolled barley. All will be sold at reasonable priees. Mr. Scliinidt; can be seen "at the Wasco warehouse. ;" A meeting of all citizens of The Dalles and-Wasco county who are interested in the success of republican principles dur ing the coming :'; county,. ' state ' 'and National campaign is called for tonight at 8 o'clock at the court house for the purpose of organizing a young men's republican-club. A-good attendance is requested. John Booth is not one of those whd hate the licht fwanu lia1xli S3 w.o wvyUQ OTA 7 WAX. -.He has therefore imported from the east at great expense, a magnificent arc light globe to correspond with the color of his store iront and now its lurid rays guide the hungry searcher after Quaker Oats and fine groceries to the best place in woria to una them Jacob Craft has relumed to The Dalles from a week trip . to the Nan Bene country. He reports the farmers as all feeling in the best of spirits and all pre paring to put in a laree cron . : Wi nter wheat is not seriously damaged, plowing nas oegun in earnest in some places, stock is in fine condition and there is plenty of feed left. Building is still going on above the bluff as well as below it. A residence' is being built for Julius Wilev near the corner of Eleventh and Liberty. Ritrht on the corner J. T. Peters is going to erect a dwelling. I. J. Norman further west in the same block has moved hi house nearer the street and built on a handsome L fourteen by twenty feet. H. Laflia is building a residence near Stirling's place. Bert Thurston has built a neat cottage on Ninth street and intends to build another. These are only some of the improvements. The Diamond Fourinir Mills after a rest of about a month started up asrain Tuesday morning. This mill turns out an average of 55 barrels of flour per day. It has sufficient wheat to keep it running for about three months and before that time expires Mr. Curtiss expects to be able, without difficulty, to get enough to Keep tne mm busy till next" harvest's crop is ready for market.' The mill turns out a fine analitv of iionr anrl it has been of great benefit to the wheat raisers of this county. It is due to its proprietor to say that he has ; never failed to pay the very highest market price for the quality of wheat he desires to purchase. A private, letter to David Graham of this city from a friend ia Prineville has the following to say about the placer mines of Harney county : "Information received from reliable persons who have been at the mines assure me that there is a strip about two miles long and thirty, feet wide that is very rich. A man can make f 8 to $10 a day with a rocker on that strip but water is very scarce for anything but a rocker and a few men own it all. It isall scale gold and one can get a color anywhere on the surrounding hills. As to quartz a good many who are prospecting in different places say they have fine prospects. The mines are eighteen miles from Burns." Arrangements are being made to hold a band, boy's ' benefit concert tomorrow night, under the auspices of Dan Lewis, who has perhaps no superior in the world as a banjo player. Judge Brad shaw has promised the circuit court room, if it is possible for him to surren der it, and if not then the concert will be held without fail Saturday night. Professor J. Alexander who accompanies Mr. Lewis is said to be an expert in prestidigitation or legerdemain and the occult science of so called spiritualism, exposing the frauds so of ten perpetrated under that name. These gentlemen are not . here on regular playing tour but chancing, to drop off on their way to Portland - they were solicited by the band boys to give the entertainment. Messrs Lewis and Alexander .will be assisted in duets and quartette by mem bers of the band. It will really be a minstrel show and all the band boys will be dressed in character and duly be daubed with burnt cork. From ririvatA conversation with members of the band rmv ubvc ueen uiieaaing renersais, we are assured that the entertainment will be a treat. Report of ths Grand Jury. In the circuit court of the state of Or egon .for Wasco County. In the matter ot the .final report of the grand jury for the February term, 1892. We the grand jury respectfully report to the court that we have now been in ses sion three days, and have found and re ported one indictment, and have also in quired into the condition and manage ment ' of ..all offices pertaining to the court's of justice in the county, and also into the condition and. management of all jails and prisons within the county, and the county hospital. We find that the" office books and accounts of the county clerk are in excellent condition and are neatly and skillfully kept and managea. The same said of the sheriff's office, and the county jail is in better condition and cleaner thaj it has been heretofore and the county, hospital is in good condition, is clean and well kept, and the three inmates thereof are all cared for, and are well pleased and speak highly of their treatment. '-' The county treasurers . books are well kept and his 'accounts are correct .and accurate. - Having finished our labor we respect fully ask to be discharged. Dalles City, Or., Feb. 10th, 1892. . M. V. Harrison-. . Foreman. ; Krom tka Agricultural College. Coevallis, Or., Feb. 2, 1892." Editor Chronicle: .For the last few weeks the weather has been fine, but on account of freezing at night the roads improve quite slowly. . Many farmers have been falowing the plow aa closely as -circumstances would permit and are now preparing to sow. An Evangelical car has been here a few days and the' evangelist in charge, has a packed audience every night The eleventh anniversary of the Chris tian Endeavor movement was celebrated by the Cor vail is societies in a union meeting last Sunday afternoon. There is sharp competition between the photographers. Cabinet photos have suddenly dropped from $4.00 to $2.00 per dozen The undertaker is doing big business of late. The janitor of the college is lying yery low, with pneumonia and may follow Prof. Arnold any dav, Prof. J. D. Letcher is temporary presi- oent ot the Agricultural College. ' An oyster supper in honor of ' Josiah Burlingame and wife, will be given at the residence orJerome Everett, Friday night. Mrs. Burlingame . has improved so much in health that she expects to return with her husband to Dufur in a few days. ; Parties living near the river claim to have distincly felt the earthquake that visited Portland a few days ago. The VV lllamette is now nearly as low "as it was ia the fall. The town U very quiet. The skating rink has played out or moved away. Grangers expect to hold a farmers' In stitute at the Benton Co. Court house on the 18th and 19th of this month. - BuNCHCiKASS. . Mosier Correspondence. Hosier, Or., Feb. 10. 1891. Editor Chronicle : Through your columns I would like to ask the tax payers of Wasco county how they like the new method of assessment viz. 75 per cent..of the actual value of all property, real and personal. I find that owners of property are taxed 25 to 30 per centmore than they were on the same amount of property last year. What has happened to Waaco county that its value should be so much enhanced in one short year.; Will some farmer ae dissatisfied as myself: ase your papers and ask for- an explanation.- - - Yours Truly. . .', 'v.''""'.':: - ,CaNNOTSEKIT.'' C - Mobikr, Or., Feb. 11. 1892. Editor Chronicle:- ' -.. . '' I have been watchine and waiting fAr 'M. G." to pen the news items of the community but I guess he has gone to sieep ana nas not awakened to the fact that there is anything going on. Winter seems to have nassed and some of these weather prophets that prophesied a hard winter and lota nf snow find that their almanac won't do to go by in Oregon. The health of the communitv is onlen. did, grippe attacked some few in a mild form. Mrs. W. T. McClure has been 8ufYerino with inflamatory rheumatism this win ter, Dut we are glad to note she is able to get about in the house again. A party of our roane Gran rem - - - ' . -.1-" v a pleasant time on the Washington aide of the river last Saturday, at the installation of officers of the Grange. lhe Mosier vounz Deo Die are rtt;r, o up an entertainment of a literarv char acter to be held at the. new school house on the 22nd of February, Washington's birthday. The proceeds go. to pay for the new organ. Admission 25 cents in cluding supper, all are cordially invited to attena, Nononv. Notice. :' The steamers 'TWlloi r:t..' i "Remilator" will m.lra u 'a with through connection on Monday, B. F. Lacghlix, ' 2-10-d2t-wlt Gen'l Manager. Miss Clara' R. Stnrir r!ir tii limited number of pupils in oil paint ing, water colore, crayon, charcoal and pas telle work ... and China ; painting. Studio, room 3. over M..lnjn..i. AjJ , 7 .avauv, u v o III y goods store. - 2-3-tf ... Notice. AllrlSollsa nit it j Drior tn Sfntinnh(r 1 1 ftQO ;niv...:jM presented at my office. Interest ceases iiuui suu siier ou aaie. Dated February 8th, 1892. ' ' - O. KlNEKSLY, tf. Treaa. Dalles City. Hunt, the nhntiirrftnhor la at 111 . ioq Court street, where he guarantees to please bis patrons in the photograph lfne. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Babr was nick, ire garo her Caxtorls. . When she was a Child, aha cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she chmg to Castoria, When ah had Children, she fare them CastorU Hot Clain Bifoth at J.;b. Mack's af ter 8 p. m. Try U. ' ..V . ' Stf thej' Speak rram experience. ' . .'!ye know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad b?"yj wrlev Percy; Iowa. They also add that the remedy has givtn great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the best in the market .for throat and lung diseases. For eale by Blakeley. & Houghton, drug gists. ..,'.' 4 Examination' of Teachers Notice is hereby given that for the purpose ef making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of thie i county, the county school superin tendent therof will hold a public exam ination at hia office in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, February 10th, one o'clock p. m. All teachers eligible for State Certificates, State Diplomas and Life Diplomas must make application a, the quarterly examinations. Dated this 1st day of February 1883, . Troy Sbpllbv. , County School Superiptendent of Wasco County, Oregon. . 2-1-2-12 - 1 'us ! Grippe! . .' The tendency of this disease toward Eneumonia is what makes it dangerous, a Grippe requires precisely the same treatment as a severe cold. . Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures . of severe colds. This Remedy effectually counteracts the tendencv of the disease to result in pneumonia, pro vided that proper care be taken to avoid exposure when recovering from the at tack. - Carefnl - '""""d many thousands who have used this remedy e tiucmiuo ui tut) pant two years has failed to discover a single case that has not recovarpri suited in pneumonia. 25 cent, 50 cent uu i Domes xor sale Dv lilakeley & Houghton, druggists." " dw Warner's Butter Reduced to 75 cents per Roll. JOHN BOOTH. Warner's Butter Reduced ta 75 cents per Roll. JOHN PASHEK, I - Tailor, Next door to "Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garuirniB, ana a nt guaranteed each time. tepaifing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the REVERE RESTAURANT In the ' New Frame Building on SECOND STREET, Next to the Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. . Only White Help Employed. '" C. W.ADAMS, ' THK ARTISTIC ' Boot and Shoemaker. Repairing a Specialty. 116 Copbt St., Thk,, Ob. YOUH flTTEflTIOJl Is called to the faet that Dealer in Glass, Lime,' Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie, the Finest Line of ' Pictures pioulilliig To u foand in the City. 72 LUashington tfect. pieiGp Hugh Glenn D I D YOU ; WE ARE AGENTS FOR TE xxxu-iiu. vjtvi w uuu naiiVOs, uttiittiiu vJlU I IO uUU : ; 5aoges; Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. . We are also agents for the Celebrated Bovnton Farnase : Rmmanition and Loaded Shells. Ete. SRjOTRtr PliOmBlflG A SPECIflliTY. MAIER & BENTON I. C. Hickelsen, -AGEN-p First WM Estey School Books, Bibles, Blank Books, Music Books, Sheet Music, . Baby Carriages and Jewelry. THE DALLES, J O. WHOLESALE Finest; Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, . The Dalles, Oregon . UXyi.. BUTLiEf & CO., "THE LEADERS" IN- ItUjWBEH, MTH Office and Yard cor. First and Jefferson VALENTINES T -LARGE ASSORTMENT A1 E. Jacobsen & Co.'s, Book and Music Store, 162 Second Street, Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drugs ant Felines. - Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. THK DALIKS, . ' QKCOOK. fiyrneiioijfl&Co., Successors to C. X. Dnsbsm. KNOlflT lT FOR- sin, Class Upright Pianos OREGON MACK, AND RETAIL DEALER. and Liouors. flllD SHINGLES. Sts. , SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Tract VALENTINES ! "THE DALLES, OREGON. Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold oh Commission and Money i- Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. OFFICE OF ; The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line; Stage Leaves The Dalles Every "Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7.30. All freight mut be left at R. B. ' Hood's office the eve- ' ' ' ning before. . i , ft. B. HOOD, Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, O- Org