The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 11, 1892, Image 1

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" V ' - - " 1 " ' . ' '
NO. 50..
I ; :
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil. EsoiNEEK Gen
. ml engineering practice. Surveying and
mavnine; estimates and plans lor irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, eto.
Address: P. O.BOX 107, The Dalles, Or. ; -.i
WM. BAtFNDERS'-AltcHlTiCT. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. t Of
Bee over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
T"K. J. SUTHERLAND Fiilow of iRisrrt
lege of physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
man block. Kenidence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; JO to 12 a. nu, 2 to 4
auu i w o p. iu. ...... w .- ,. .. .
GEON. Office: rooms S and 6 Chapman
' Block. Residence N. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Conft House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. 11., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M.
fice in Scbanno't building, up stairs. The
PsJles, Oregon. .
6IDDAIA Dentist. Gas given for the
r . i rt lien foath
eton flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
X.m in Opera Mouse sloe, asninguro ouwi,
1 1 A i Hi Ul.'.'li.'lii if w - ' ... . .
Al nets-at-law. Offices, French's block over
First National emu, ioe Aaiicii, vnsuu.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon. ' '
wviyiA f - i. a w ....
Young & Fvass,
Undertakins Establishment ! HrantRmi tfi Wannn Slron
wi.i 1--. Hiuwuwuiiiu a3m -"wr
General Blacksmithing and Work done
, propptlj;,;' and ;aH ; work ;
' Guaranteed.
Tie Simtii is Saiil to Be Solid for Ms
Horse Shoeing a Speciality.
PRINZ & NITSCHKE. J opposite k old Lielie Stand.
. - if i ' ! S-riv ki vna !-' j'r .:i' i - dJcw ...... .
Furniture arid " Carpetf
We have added to "our bnsineea a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and aa we are in no way connected with
the "Undertakers' Trust our prices will
be low accordingly. . ...
Remember our place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank. .
T f irwinnV. V.oa tnr Ddla Till 1Y1 "her Of
. i. 1V1I1.11 una sv
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon.
It Witt do Away With Frauds in the
. '"Timber Land Entries.
7 rot
They Ignore the Wishes of the Feople
. and Stand hy the Board of Equuliza
. , :..' - tion. , .'.. , . ..
. XXT H. ' WILSON Attorket-at-law Rooms
W 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles. Oregon. '
Still on Deek.
: , . " ,.:',. .,-) : : ' . - '
Snipes &, Kiner sly,
Phcenix Like has Arisen
From the Ashes! r
Thf Reetauranteur Has Opened the
Baldmin - Restaurant
Where he will be glad t see any and all
of Ma old patrons.
WlwlEsale mi Mail Briiis
was' nerformed Vbt ihe deputy mayor.
There were only thirty persons present
including Hon. Whitelaw Keid, the
American minister, and". Baron
Struve, Russian minister : at : Washing
ton. After the ceremony was concluded
the deputy mayor said to the duke and
bride": "I am nleased to have the honor
of - addressing to you . the compliments
and the eood wishes of the,, municipal
.officers, upon the union of an officer .of
tri French nrmv. and the bead OI one OI
the most' ancient ancient and historic
families of this country, with the daugh
ter pf an honorable Americansenator.
This marriage endows our country with
a new and charming Frenchwoman, who
I welcome amone ns. especially as she
represents and renews old alliance"
between France and America.. 1 am
proud to salute the eminent persons
here, especially the distinguished Amer
ican minister-.. .1 beg him kindly to
accept my expression of respect for the
srovernment he represents, and. for him-
sell, who enjoys great esteem ana con
sideration here.
The Excessive Snows of Sontnera. Mo
: Cause a Great Loss
The Authorities Make Short Work of
. Such Citizens.
Open day and Night. First class meals
twenty-five cents.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
xsaccessor to Cram i Corsoa.)
---'r Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
.... ..-r., "ALg0 ALt THE LEApiNa "
Patent ffiedieitoes and Druggists Sundries,
Asents forMurphy'sine Varnishes and theonly agents in
the City for' The Sherwin, Will'ams .Co.'s. Paints.
-WE .AKEt-" T" .."'-.': '
The Largest Dealers 111 Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key . West and Domestic Cigars.
Agenx. ior jaiisin ss x unn.
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Los Axueles, Cal., Feb. ' 10. Colonel
George O. Brown, one of the editorial
writers of the Baltimore Sun, now here
at the poultry association Convention,
todav said: ' ' '
I tell yon Cleveland will be the dem
ocratic nominee; Hill has disgusted the
people of the south and west by his
political trickery. His calling of the
convention so early as he did is the be
ginning of disgust even among the peo
ple in New York. The democrats once
plainly showed that Tamany Hall .did
not rule the man. Thev willdoit again.
Cleveland.has outlined the policy upon
which the success of the deunecracy
hansrs. and inasmuch as he has been, a
inrcwiiient. and a eood One. he will not be
shoved aside for a mere politician. The
neoDle of the South want Cleveland
They are going to the convention to figfit
for him as onlv . Southerners can ngtit
This talk of Hill's boom in the south is
TM-mnvcock. You can tut it in-a pill
i i . . . -
box. Cleveland is ten years aueaa oi
his party in matters of an economical
nature. He is sound on every question.
I think that the plan of . taking one
item of. the tariff at a time is an excellent
one. Thp first thing . to be considered
will be the agricultural implements.
This will interest tbe granger eiemeni
and d'o more than anything else to bring
it over to the party.
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
C -A. 1ST ID I IE S ,
East of Portland. r " ' '
Tropieal Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and-Tobacco.
. . -. ( -
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala
or Retail , 1
, In Every Style. ', .
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Staple and Fanc.i
' ' ir . f ? -. . ' - i ' f' l'i i '
f '". . 1 ft.' ' . I I n ' i ": i m' " n m
The Dalles
, s t ; . .
Hay, Grain : and Feed.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalies.Oregos
The Humor that Blaine Will I-eave the
Cabinet is Most. Emphatically
- V ' j . .
rX i T Ci of "the Best Brands
VJTx;-Ia0 manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice. -' -''--' 's"t;' 1
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, nd
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
.-. rij'isi '-'j ? r
Jeu; o?r: (Columbia )4o tel ,
Best Dollar a Day House on tHe Coast!
- -First-Class Meals;; 25 Cents..; ;;v
First Class Hotel ixi Everj Respect. - " ,?
. . - None but the Best ot White Melp Jbmpioyea.
- 4 te T. flieholas, Prop.
-riSfir CO:;
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San. Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle wasn., ana various pomuj m jt
egon and Washington. ; - -
Collections made at all points on fav
W ashington
-" T' t ,
Horth Dalles,
Destined 'to 'be the Best
Manufacturing uenter in
the Inland Empire. . ..
Best Selling Property of!.,
the Season In the North
west. '
A Change of rrorednre Authorised
Washington, "Feb. 10. In the matter
of crovernment nroceedinzs against the
alleged fraudulent timber land cfntries
in Washington, Oregon and California,
the commissionen-general of the land
office, with the approval of the seretary
of the interior, has instituted a change
of procedure, by which parties claiming
title to these lands will hereafter be re
auired to produce the original entry-men
and their witnesses at the local lana
fnr further examination, with
reference to anv contracts or ar
arrangements which mav have been
made prior to the entry for the convey
ance of land to corporations or syndi
cates. It appears from the records of
the general land office that large tracts
of valuable timber land in different
localities have been entered on the same
day by a large number of persons, and
immediately thereafter all the parties
transferred to syndicates. -It is now
confidently asserted by these syndicates
that the government cannot prove the
entries were originally made in " their
interests. This new order is made with
a yiew of simplifying the ' procedure In
such cases. '. , . . ,
One County Court Loyal.
Union. Or.. Feb. 10. A petition has
been presented to the county court of
Union county, asking the court to ignore
the action of the state board ot equaii
zation. and direct the clerk 6 extend
the taxes on -the roll as. taxed by the
county, uiiuru ui cuoii6.Mv v..
hr. The court, however, denied tne
petition; and ordered the clerk. to extend
the taxes on , the rolls as equaazeu uy
the state board equalization,, that he
add to the valttation of cattle, 30 per
"cent, "f to thevafuatioii 61 sheep) 10 per
cent. ; to money, netes and accounts
334 per cent. ; to city and town lots, 10
per cent.;,, telegraph lines, 26 per cent.:
real estate mortzazes. 3354 per cent.,
and that. be deduct: from; the.Tyaluation
of swine, 10 per pent;, and from Yailroad
rolling stock . on, the main;, line, 17 per
cent. After completing" this work he is
to attach his warrant thereto and turn
the same over to the sheriff , for cqllec--
tion. -'' '
AVilson Wants a flow State.
Washington, Feb. 9. Representative
Wilson, of Washington, wants a hew
state carved out of the Northwest. At
present northern Idaho is separated from
the southern. part of the state by a chafn
of mountains, through which no practi
cable pass has been discovered, and con-
seqaently when the citizenB ot nortn
Idaho visit the south they make a loop
into Washington, and then return back
to Idaho. The state of Washington is
divided bv the Cascade range, running
north and south. Wilson's idea is to
create a state out of the eastern half of
Washington and the northern half of
Idaho, with Spokane as the capital." He
says this state would be as large as Ohio,
and include the most fertile country in
the Northwest. - '
Fell Into a Creek of Lye.
Sax Fkancisco, . Feb. 10. Dennis
Whelan, a , saloon-keeper, fell through
the railroad bridge this morning into the
treek near the candle wtrks. The crtek
s full of lve from the works, and Whelan,
when rescued, was found to be raw from
head to foot, the lve having eaten off the
skin. It is feared he will lose the signt
of both eyes, and probably his life.
Whelan died at 3 o' clock p. m. .
' In tne House of Commons.'
London, Feb. 10. In the commons
Thomas Sexton gave notice that he
would move an amendment to the ad
dress in reply to the queen's speech de
claring a majority of the Irish people and
their representatives in the commons
were convinced of the ability ot jne im
perial parliament to legillate for Ireland
in the manner required by the different
interests of that country.
: For Further Information Call at the Office of
Miss Mitchell Legally Wedded. "
Pasis, Feb. 10' The civil marriage of
Duke Francois de la Rochefoucauld and
Miss Mattie E.JMitchell took place today
at the Maire of the Seventh. Arroudisse-
ment.' The religious ceremony will take
place tomorrow at noon, fit the . church
of St. Clothilde. The ceremony today
Made a False Report.
New Yohk, Feb. 10. Building In
nnector Seaton this afternoon confessed
that he had prepared himself and made
false reports regaining the fire escapes
on the Hotel Royal, which recently
burned down. Over a year ago the own
ers of the building were ordered to put
escapes on their building, and Seaton re
ported the order obeyed, lnow trans
pires his report was false and the escapes
were never put in place.
Lottery DIHclals to be Arrested.
Boston. Feb. 10.- Warrants have been
issued for the arrest of- John A. Morris,
Paul Conrad and eleven other omcials ot
the Louisiana Lotterv Company, indicted
by the United States grand jury here (or
violation of the postal laws.
Minister Reid la Improving;.
Paeis, Feb.10. United States Minister
Reid. althonah till weak from his recent
attack of influenza,, is-abie to go to the
United States legation on horseback
daily, v: v . . ; ' ' ;' ' : "
The Question ot Indemnity.
Vapahais6," Chili, Feb. 10. It is ex
pected the ternis of indemnity will be
delivered in March, with an order to pre
sent the same to congress as its sessian
in April.: ' ; . ,, H -,.
!.-.. pronlnltins; Chinese Immigrant ;
. ' WAshiNGTON. Febt 10. The . house
committee on. immigration tojlay agreed
to report iavqrapiy a Diii,ausQiutriy yiu-
hibiting Chinese immigration.
A private telegram, announced yester
day the opening - ot tne urew. nunusui
all-rail line to, Seattle, wasn. ? via; tne,
Great .Norther 'to . Niectie and the CapaT.
dian Pacific J and ,'SeaitUe; and Montana
roads, n Regulac . trapscontinepJ, rlr.ates
will apply on all IreigDt. : , i- s 3 .-.a-.:
Barnev Goldsmith says Blaine is the
strongest man in the i republican', party
and he would rather see Claioe nomi
nated than Harrison. Barney mnst
think the democrats have a dead sure
thing in the .next presidential election or
else his democracy is suspicious.. f :
Boise City. Idaho, Feb. 9. Another
heavv snowstorm is prevailing through
out Southern Idaho, greatly' to the dis
couragement of stockmen., who baa
hoped for an early spring. The present
fall of snow will amount to six inches,
making it impossible for the starving
cattle and horses to uncover their scant
feed. Stockmen say there is absolutely
no hope for stock upon the ranges.
Thousands of animals are already dead
and the efforts to save the remaining
thousands will be abandoned. In some
of the vallies, farmers have run short of
feed and have been compelled to turn
the-poorest of their stock adrift bo starve
or to be taken up. Every rancher who
comes into Boise reports having taken
up a number of estrays. iscores oi com
plaints have been made to Stock Inspec
tor Clark, but he is powerless to act. .
Stallions owned by stockmen are . a
source of great trouble. They seem to
go mad witn hunger, and run amuck
among the herds and droves, tearing
with their teeth and striking and kicking
with their feet. The present winter
has never been equaled in Idaho. .
Died by the Uarrote. .
Madrid. Neb. 10. The four leaders of
the anarchists, who led the recent at-..
taclr upon the town of Xeres, were gar-
roted today. The platform on which tne
men were executed was surrounded by
detachments of infantry and cavalry,.
and the route from the jail to the -piat-
t ...A., lma1 irith Lf.irllPra Wlt.h 1 01 ffl
1UI1U i i.a . . . v. v .. ..... " --- -
rifles. The executions were public, and
the plaza and streets leading to' it were
nar-trl with a dense mass of people.
..The names of the four men executed
were Busigni,. Zaretella, Laniala, and
Lebrijano. When the prisoners mounted
the scaffold they were accompanied by.
four executioners and by priests and
mnnb. Zarzetella was' ereatlv excited -
and his demeanor showed that he was
terriblv frightened, but the other three
eulnrits were calm and resigned. The
condemned men were led to the chairs,
in which the executioners securely bound .
them. The metal collars were then
placed around their necks. Then each,
executioner took .his position at the
back of the posts and grasped a powerful
leverage operating - the garrote. At a
given signal each executioner gave a
sharp turn to the lever and each con
demned man died instancy. After the
executions, though the spectators, many
of whom were friends of the men exe- .
cuted, were bitter in denunciation of the
authorities, there was no sign of anydis
j turbance and everything in town was
Blaine Will Not. Leave the Cabinet. v
Washington. Feb. 10. Secretary
Blaine had a conference with the presi
dent this morning regarding traae rela
tions with. Canada. . As he was leaving
WVitto hnn-i a rpnresentative of the
Associated Press showed him the pub
lished statement that he was about to
retire ' from the cabinet. He read it
slowly, and then said with deliberation :
"It' is entirely false.' There is not a
word of troth, in it. . These stories are
being circulated, by Idle persons' who
have nothing better to do, arid I ask yon
to deny them in the most emphatic terms,
iestionedj as. to other,ru'mored changes
in the cabinet, Blaine, eaia "4 ao nov
know anything about them. I suppose
these rumors were startea oy tne same
meii who set afloat' the one about me.
There seems' " to ; be ' bo .foundation for
them.".' ' ' - ,. , . ;. ;
The Lottery Company. Indicted.
RnTfiK. Feb. 10. It is reported here
that the Federal grand jury, now is ses
sion, has indicted all the officials 01 tne
lottery company, and that United States
Marshal Gahope would go immediately
to New York-and Louisiana and place
the officials nnder arrest.
orable terms. . .''