The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1892, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle
Kntered a the PoatorBoe at The Dalles. Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local AdTertlsina;.
to Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion. -Special
rates for onq Urn notices. .
All local noikcet) reociVed later tban-3 o'clock
will appear tbe following day. - ;' - ,.
Railroad a.
No. 2, Arrives 12:01 a. u. Departs 12:06 a
12: 80 P. at.
12: 50 P. M.
Departs 4:80 a. x.
. 6:20 r. x.
Ho. 1, Arrives 4:25 a. K.
" 7, 6:00 p. M.
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
ne for the west at 7:00 a. M., and one for the
east at B:15 A. m.. ...
; fTArOBS.
. 1
' For ' Prinerflle.ivia, Bake Oven, leave .daily
xoept Sunday) at 6 A. n. -
For Antelope, Mitehellv; Canyon City, leave
VondaysrWednesdays and Fridays, st 6 a. x.
for Butur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitla, Warm
Springs ind Tygh Valley, leave dally (except
Sunday) at 6 A. X. .
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Bunday at 8 A. x.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
orwea ? HOtraa :
General Delivrey Window. ... ... .8 a. vi. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Bunday j D " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale. 1 7:80 a.m.
, .. "PrineviUe... 5:30a.m.
. it- Dnfuratid W arm Springs ..5:80 a. m.
Leaving for Lyle & Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " " J Antelope 5:30 a. m.
Except Sunday. -
Tri-weekly.' Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" . Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Th Dalles, Or.. .Feb. 9, 1802.
Pacific Rela- D.t'r W S? State
Coast bab. 3 tive of E. 5 of
Time. ? Hum Wind P Weather
s A. M. 30.00 40 71 8 W Cloudy
8 P. M. -au.UO 1G 73 West Cloudy
Maximum temperature, 48: minimum tern
Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 8.50;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 11.48;
total deficiency from July 1st, 1H91, to dale, 2.08;
2 . .-.r v ... 'v : -
Has Fran-cibco, Feb. ft, 1892.
Weather forecast till 8 p. m
Wednesday; Rain or Snow
followed by clearing, cooler
three dollars and thirty-three and a
third cents. Congressional economy is
George Herbert, of Hoed River, is in
the citv. .-
Harvey Smith, of Sherar's Bridge, is SflV,'
Kingsley Itasns.
Kino8Ly, Or., Feb. 7, 1892.
The weather is.,fine. ,The snow is
about all gone-.. The farmers are talking
A SSPiPFSi10' 27i-.K. OF X. Meets in K,I
oays oi each month at 7:S0 p. m. .
... first and third Mnndi
r . . r l ' 1 -r,.T.:
st rh TTm.tni Kma.' . hltimt WJWfilJWlia;. .,jvfcMrsV4
1?' cme thetfMtU-Meetiaglase Satnntay
the;-. regular teachers' examination I fiver new 'tte"in,l5erHai:lnee btVi
The tax levy of Crook county is 21
Prineville butchers still get prime beef
off the range.
The entire population of Hungry Har
bor has got the grippe. .
Remember that the proceeds of the
medal contest goes for the benefit of the
free reading room.
Mr. S. R. Husbands of Mosier, having
concluded to give up farming is going to
Tiave a sale of his surplus live stock on
the 25th instant.
From the Moro Observor we learn that
C A Heath is spoken of as a possible
candidate for joint representative on the
republican ticket.
A call is issued for a meeting to be
held in the council chamber "on Thurs
day evening next at the hour of 8 o'clock
tor tne- purpose ot forming a young
men's republican club.
G. W. ' Stewart wishes to thank his
friends alid neighbers and the ladies of
the relief corps for their kind sympathy
and assistance during the sickness and
death of the late Mrs. Keith.
, The cultivation of awest., potatoes will
berried quite, extensively in the Yakima
valley this summer. Experiments have
already -demonstrated that this crop can
be successfully grown there,' and thisls
quite likely to become one of the imper
tant crops of that fertile region.
Capt. Alex. McDougall said in New
. Year the other day that the demand for
waalebacks was greater than he conld
fill. He is .'building at his Superior
.yard aen steamers and to barges, In
cluding the 500 foot World's Fair Wat,,
which is to cost not far from $750,000.
The keel of a 5,000 ton. boat will be laid
in Jane at the new yard in Everett, on
Puget Round.
D. W. Aldridge editpr,oftha PrioeviHe
Mtevxcw was arresiea a -tew ua-YS ago lor
n alleged attempt to blow up the house
of L. C. Perry of that city on the 24th of
January. The evidence against .him is
all circumstantial but was sufficient to
induce the recorder to bind'hTm to ' ap
pear before the grand jury ia the Bum ef
$1000. He was subsequently discharged
on a wjlt of habeas corpus on; the grounds
of a technic alt jl in the commftmen't.
f roit isutier paid us a pleasant visit
today. He is quite enthusiastic over the
fact that they have got a new precinct
all to themselves out at his place. " Jt js
called Nansene, a pretty and appropriate
Indian name, and to make every thing in
barmony. an political . parties have
am tea on A. M. Branner for its first
justice of the precinct and Joe Robinson
for constable. The Chronicle seconds
the motion. v
- balem is in much the same fix that
The Dalles is in,' with , reference to an
appropriation for a public inifldiug, only
a little more se. If Holman's three per
cent.- rule should be carried out we
might., with, , very good managenten
build a sod dug out", but Salem could not
do even that. A Salem paper says their
share would amount , to exactly thirty
commenced at the county court room
this afternoon.
W. L. Ward, of Boyd, and J. H. Mc-
Haley of Eight Mile paid the Chronicle
pleasant visit today.
The common council of Prineville has
ordered the saloons to be closed on the
first. day-Qf the week. ; '; , '
Twii ritf f rpiirhf . lAama fh flra'f. j-f thn
t -.- -- " ! ' ' 1 r i '
seanvrere fjoaaed today ai the; Wasco
Warehouse for PrineviUe. ..
" We regret to learn that W. F. Laaghlin
has been confined to his room for the
last three days with la grippe.
Major J. W. Ingalls came up from
Portland today on the noen passenger.
The maior is still confident that a liberal
subscription for theworld s fair will be
Uhairman so., r. iNoian nas issued a
call for a meeting of the republican
county central .commit tea held at
10 oclock a; m. next Saturday, the 13th
inst., m the county court room.
The Pacific Baptist -announces- among
other gifts the donation of $400 to Grace
Theological Seminary by Rev: William
Carnes, of Seattle, and in speaking of
his generous act refers to him as "one
of Spurgeon's students,' who is no doubt
greatly influenced by the example of his
teacher.?'. . Mr. Carnes is not unknown
to a number of people in the Dufur and
Kingsley neighborhoods.
I "The Dalles, Or., Fe"b. 6, 1892.
Editor Chronicle:
: JuBt a word about the opinions of the
Columbia at the Dalles :
We have been suspected with schemes;
and bobbies of $2,000,000 -portages,
boat railway and what not that congress
and others were going to do and Vldny"
is here now for some one to scratch his
back and he will see that congress gives
us the portage to ' Celilowell they are
all "talking through their hat" and we
are dividing oar energies.:- There is one
way, and only one, for the present gen
eration to derive benefits from all this.
and that is settle 'down to the idea 'of the
state, bnilding the portage and if his
honor,' the "governor, will 1 not Wiivene
the legislature, and give us a little re
lief, '.rather than so much gush and wind
about his efforts with Crisp and con
gress ; then make up our minds that we
will not Send any man to the legislature
who will not be safe to work for the
"Dalles portage" and that, on the Ore
gon side. '
We have had about enough "special
delegate" "wind" and governor "cheap
advertisement" so' let's tie onr kite to
results and run no more after false Gods.
. Arm Date.
'-three" members. Regular mer
irigs ;"-wili'br heT4 on tW.'first Saturdays'
in each- month at 10 a. m." and 'wnf cpnr
ttnae-,all'-.daya-' J'i D.' Whittenr is presi
dent and J. Yauglm; secretary Vis
iting brethren are solicited to attend."
" There HfBi be preacTrim? it the' sch'dol
house Sunday, February 14th at lr f.
m- byvV H6igafe: : ; ' ;
Ed. ;Roudeau is back n .the JCidg
once more and everybody seems well
pleased to isee-. hint back, j Ed. says
there irho place like Tygh Ridge and
r Mesdame's !. K: and' A?" McLebd -ire
very Bidk'-wtttf tKe;'la'gr!pp; ,f Jdhnt:
Roth, sr., is cbhfirieVi to his 'bed and "has
heen-.-foi-, twp; or.- three' weefes.' ,The
trouble -is rheumatism and la. grippe.
He is some better though at this time.'
Charles Fraley is the best pleased man
at Klhgaiey : and is' strutting arorlnd
about the field just like a little boy with
his first, pants. Yoa" astr hltn 1 what is
the''.m'atter ' and he : says f"' "We've
got a feig girl at'"ourr boused" ' The
mother and child are doing well . "and
they have named it Malisie Marier. .
The Kingsley Literary Society is pro
gressing finely with J.. J. Butler as pres
ident -and F. J. .Ward as ' secretary.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
" Mr; . Wood, of Nebraska, was one of
tho spectators at the literary last Satur
day evening. :-;:: '!
Frank Leiblin was in town last week.
James, Knight has returned from
Hood River, and expects to stay with us
until about the let of March.
Toby, Jk.
Alt. Hnnrl Oavnn Va Ul .-. n ja
inffof each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:80 r. ir.
GFJL N0.5ti. o: O. FMeeta
SIT. J!or.?eT eeona and- Court . streets.
8ojourning brothers are welcome. -
oec'y. j. H. A. BlIJ.N. G.
eWerT. UnwlflV AWAnJnv a Lai .
Bchanno building,- corner of Court and Second
rreeta; Sojourning- members- are cordially in-
Tlted-i-i ; . . . ,: w.b.Chm.
I, 11 IT... tr - . . .
at So -clock at the reading room. AUare invited.
pEMPLH tDGir KO. 8, A: O. TJ.- Wl Meets
at K; ( Pi. Hall; Corner Second- and rvmrt.
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 -.30, . . r ;
WS IIysbs. Rnanrler., , - , y. iv
AW &E8M1TH POST,, KaJSO,' Al R- Meets
Haft. oaluraay ' 7:30 ( In the K- f
B-iE. Meets eey Sunday afternoon In
the K. of V. Hall.
evening In the.K. of P. Hall. , .
Tt ' OFi.' F; IilyigldBf, Ko. 167-Meets in the
day of each month, st 7:i p. m.
Cigarette Victim.
The statement comes from London
that many eminent physicians are of the
opinion that the death of the Duke of
Clarence was caused by excessive cig
arette smoking. The Prince of Wales
and Prince George are both badly
dieted to tne nabit. -
Hot Clam Broth at
8 p. m. Try it.
J. O. Mack's after
A rood crirl to cook and do housework.
Good wages. , Apply at this office.
1-15-tf. .
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
WiearBaby waa rick, we gave her Caatoria. 7
When aha was a Child, aha cried for Caatoria,
When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, sbgare them Caatoria
Kepublicam Club.
. The citizens of Wasco County in favor
of the republican party, are requested to
meet at the county court' room in the
new court house on Thursday evening,
February 11th, at eight o'clock sharp, to
take snch measures as in their judge
ment may seem best calculated to secure
the success of the party at the coming
county, state and national elections, and
tor tne purpose of organizing a young
men's republican club.
Tt A Hudson, : -
G&AjfT MYS,r :
G;,V. Bolton,
HtTGH Gourlay,
En. C. Pease, .
P. Fisher,
F. Sharp,
W. E.
G. J. Farley,
C. L. Phillips, :
' Lj E. Crowe,
H. W. Wells, ..
L.D. A Ins worth,
A. N. Vabney,
A. G. Johnson.
Wm. J. Roberts,
Jdlitjs J. Wiley,
Geo. W.,
J. F. Ha worth.
The j protection! accorded to tin-plate
makers is producing home conipetitioft.
There are now five tin-plate works.
which produce in all over 4000 boxes of
tin plate weekly.' These works will soon
be outdone in extent by the-plant at
El wood. Ind,,.which has cost about $1,
OOlS.dott f'llbe.t buildings cover several
acres. I'art ot tne capital has come here
from Wales. The Welsh manager says
that the works will turn 2500 boxes of
American tin plate dailv bv the first of
May. Thus does protection induce for
eign skill and capital to engage in build
ing up our nome industries.
Aever before in the history of the
country .were dishonest and selfish, poli
ticians, at .generally, .and persistently
trounced rat their trickery.and presump
tion as at the present time ; and proba
bly they never so much deserved it.
The press of the country is becoming
peculiarly independent and out-spoken,
Aiiss utara s. fetor v will instruct a
limited number of 'pupils in oil paint
ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and
pestelle ; work-' and r China . rpaintinjj.
Studio, room 3, "over" Mclnerny's dry
gooas store. 2-3-tf ' .
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Lizzie Belat desires to sincerely
thank her many friends and neighbors
who so kindly manifested their sym
pathy towards her in her late bereave
ment.. . ' .
--'i " 1 ''r the Children. .
'In buying a cough medicine for
children," says H.:A, Walker, a promi
nent druggist : Of -Ogden, Utah, "never
be afraid to ' buy Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger f.onr it
and relief is always sure to follow.
particularly recommend Chamberlain's
because I have found it to be safe and
reliable. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, dw
. . ... - k -. - i
Tfcey 8pttk From Experience.
"We know, from experience in the use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
win prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad-
berry & Worley j Percy., Iowa. They
also add that the remedy has given great
satisfaction in this' vicinity, and that
they believe it to .be the -best in-the
mar&et tor - tnroat and ' lung diseases
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druar-
glHW... . .. . , ......
' Kxaniinatlon' of Teachers.
. 1 . i .. .. , ! -yn
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making ' an ' examination of
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent, tnerot win noid a put) lie exam
ination at his office in The Dalles, be-
; ginning Wednesday ,. February 10th, one
o'clock-p.-m.. .All teachers eligible for
State Certificates, . State. Diplomas and
Life Diplomas must make application at
tne quarterly examinations.
Dated this 1st day of February 1892.
County School Superintendent of Wasco
t iXmnty, t)regonr, ,- ., ,2-1-2-12
The tendency of this disease toward
Eneumonia is what makes it dangerous,
a Grippe requires precisely the same
treatment as a severe coldw Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is - famous: for its
enres of severe colds.- This Remedy
effectually counteracts the tendency of
the disease to result in pneumonia.' pro-,
vided that proper care be taken to avoid
exposure when recovering from the--at-
tack.- careful inquiry among the many
thousands who have "used this remedy
during the epidemics of the past two
years has tailed to discover a single case
that has not recovered or that -has re
sulted in pneumonia. 25 cent, 50-cent
and $1 bottles for sale by Blakelev. &
Houghton, druggists. daw
Vrf' and third Monday oi each 'month at 7
UNIOK will meet every Friday afternoon
VJT evehi
KT. rETER B CHURCH Rev. Father Beons-
k7 OEEKT Pastor. .. Taw Unuu pcorv kJnnflui. a
7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at
7r..t. , , ,
in the Y. M. C. A rooms every Sundav at 11
II. HI . ana II. m. Knnnnv nohnnl ImmpHiDtalv
after morning service. J.A. Orchard, pastor.
ST. PATJIV8 CHCRCH Union 8treet, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Ell D. Hlltplift'c Rpctor. Ri-rviooa
every Sunday at 11a. m. and 7:30 P. tt. Sunday
ocnooiui-u a. m. Evening Prayer on Friday at
I LOR. Paator. Mornintr Kprrlfv, Bvpm flah.
um in me nraaemy ai 11 a. m. eaODHtn
School immediately after morning services.
Prayer meetine Fridav evening at Pastor's resi
dence. Union ser-iees -in the court house at 7
Ctjbtis, Pastor. Services every Sundav at 11
c. and 7 P; m. Sunday School after morning
serviee. Strangers cordially Invited. Beats free.
f E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. SPENCER, pastor.
1J. Services everv Stindav mnmtnr. simdHv
ovuwi ni i.m o cioca r.. ja, a cpnuai jnvitanon
is extended by both pastor and people to alL .
...... As Staple as Coffee.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is as
staple as coffee in this vicinity. It has
done an immense amount of good since
its introduction here.'" .A. M. Nobdell,
Maple Kidee. Minn, for sale bv Blake
ley & Houghton , druggists. - dw '
Afgarid Stoves' and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
Raages, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges;1 Uniersar Stoves and Ranges. '
. . ., We are also agents for the. Celebrated Boy nton pornaee.
Ammunition and Loaded Shells'; Ete.
I. G.
y- :.-!- l " - IS ": r j-it;;;-.?; J- i 1CI: J.
:- rv -;; i AtJEt FOfo
Kranil & Bad First Class Upright Pianos,
School Books, Bibles, Blank Books;
Music Books, Slieet Music,
Baby Carriages and ' ;
J. O
Finest Wines and Liquors.
171 Second Street,
Frenchs' Block,
The Dalles, Oregon
' ,: Has Opened the
: In the New Frame Building 6d
- SECOND STREET, Next to the
: Diamond Flouring Mills. -
First Class Meals Fdrnisbed at all Hoars,
n Only White Help Employed.
--. -; THI AKTITIC x -..
Boot and 5 Shoemaker;
t - Tailor,
Repai rVns a' Specially.
116 Codkt St.
:l called to the fact that.
Next door to "Wasoo San.
Madison's Latest System used in cutting
garments, anq a fit guaranteed -
' .- . v each time. ' . ' ---
Hunt, 'the' photographer,- at 128' Court
street, where -lie guarantees to please
iiia patrons in :ne pnotograpti line. '
2-&-2-11 - -
Iepaiting and Cleaning
' Neatlyand Quickly DoneT -
Dealer in Glasa," Lime, tPlaater,- Cement
' and Building Material oi all kinds.
Carrlx the finest l,ine of
To' W focmd im the City. ,
Dice aid Tart tor. First ail Jefferson Sts.-' ' SOUTH SIDE of RailM Tract
E. Jacobsen &Cos,
-i.'V- '
162r Second "Street -
J - - ... .' i.i t I rf. a. .ir.
j.:,! 1
"A tit-it
; i.i 1;- ..
! Me DruES M Mefllcines:
- . .. - i.-:- ' i , v :.,j- .
, - '.' . : 1 '..) - ,f.
Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a' Specially.
Horses Bought arid Sold on
Comrtvissiori andJlfoney
Advanced ort Horses
. . Left for Sale.-,
72 Ulashington Street.
Night Druggists always in Attendance.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line
Stage 1-eaves The Dalies Every Morning
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:80. All
freight must be left at R. B. .
Hood's ofllee the eve-,-;-"
v . . .. nliig before. . .
Opposite old Stand.'
The Dalles, Of.