The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1892, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatofflee at Tbe Dallei.'Oregon,
as eoood-clau matter. .
Local AdTertUIn-.. '
to CeuU per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
No. 2, Arrive 12:01 A. M. : Departs 12:f a. m.
" 8,- " .12:30..; !.-' " 12:80?..
Mo. 1, Arrives 4:25 A.M. Departs 4:30 A. .
7, i 6:00 P.M.'! " 6:20 P..
Two ioca freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7 00 a. .,and one for the
aat at 9:15 A. .
For Prinerille, via. Bake
except Sunday) at a. m.
for AUieiuuVt miwuUf
Oven, leave daily
Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. if .
, imuiaiust warm
aauy. (except
For Duf ar, Kingiiley, Wasaic, Wi
Springs pad Tygh yalley, leave
ounaayj at o a. k.
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a. m .
Offices fur all lines at the Umatilla House.
General Dellvrey Window 8 a. m
to 7 p. m.
.8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
.9 a. m. to 10 a. in.
Money Order
Sunday ti 1)
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West .9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m.
" "Prineville 6:30 a.m.
'Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:30 a. m.
" t Leaving for Lyle te Hartlaud. .5:30 a. m.
" " J Antelope 5 :30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesdny Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Thk Dalles, Or.. Feb. 8, 1X92.
Pacific I 3 Rela- So - Sf State
Coast bar. S tive of 5. 5 of
Time. Hum Wind r 3 Weather
8 A. M. 30.15 27 91 Calm Clear
8 P. M. :w.W 4.. 62 West Cloudy
Maximum temperature, : minimum tern
m erature, 27.
Total nreciDitation from Jul v 1st to date. 8..T0;
average precipitation from July 1st to dnte. 11.48;
total aencienry irom juiy isc, ioim, w ut.r, z.o;
San Fbancisco, Feb. 8. 1892.
Weather forecast till 8 p. m
Tuesday; Fair -weather,
and public property, recommending that
First, the number of city arc lights be
increased, to twenty. ;A !: V
Second, that the light formerly ordered
to be placed at the .northeast corner of
Fourth and Federal.
Third, that a light be placed on the
rock mound east of the John Cates
property on Alvord avenue.
Fourth, that a light be placed on some
suitable spot near the residence of Cbas.
Dietzel, was adopted.
The petition of the D. P. & A. N. Co.,
asking ; that) the . city assume the cost
of the arc light at the foot of Court street
was granted J -: J '.
The recommendation of the financial
committee that the petition of Mary E.
Walker for readjustmrnt of assessment
be granted was adopted. -'
The assessment of Mrs. M. A. Bald
win was reduced to $500. .'
The taxes ' bf. A. . Donaldson were re
mitted. '' -
Ordinance 246 for establishing the
grades of certain streets passed " unani
Ordinance . 247 for establishing , the
grades of certain streets was amended so
as to exclude all that part relating to
Fifth street, a The ordinance as amended
then passed unanimously.
The ordinance of the Y. U. Telegraph
company was reterre-l to the city attor
ney, who was also instructed to draw up
a resolution relative to the establish
ment of a grade on Fifth street between
Union and. Washington. '
The committee on streets and public
buildings was instructed to confer with
Civil Engineer Roberts regarding a sur-
vev of the city and report the result to
to the council. - " ." " " "'
The treasurer was ordered to retain
the tax roll till March 1st at which time
all unpaid city taxes shall be declared
The street commissioner was in
structed to notify the Dalles Lumbering
Company to repair forthwith all wash'
outs on the streets and roads of the city
caused by the overflow of their water
flume, and in case of refusal or neglect
the commissioners shall repair the same
and collect the costs from the company.
The future regular monthly meetings
of the council were fixed for the 3rd day
of each month excepting when that day
occurs on Sunday in which "case the
council shall meet on the day following
The council then adjourned.
No loss of stock is reported from any
where in Eastern Oregon this winter.
Circuit court convened this morning
at ten o'clock with Judge Bradshaw
Mr. L. J. Davis of the Eastern Orcqon
Republican, made a visit to our ' city
The Chboniclk office is prepared to do
all kinds of job work with neatness and
A demand is being made in England
for an official enquiry into the- nature
and causes of the prevailing influenza or
la grippe.
Julins Wiley, Stewart of the Regulator,
is baring a neat residence built for him
self on the lot east of the residence of
W. II. Jones on Tenth street.
Contractors will do well to note that
the daily Chboniclk is the official paper
of Dalles City and that all advertise
ments for contract work are published
only in this journal.
From Mr.- George Blakely we learn
that Dr. Hugh Logan has been 'officially
notified of his appointment as assistant
aurgeon to the Union Pacific company.
This appointment gives two official sur
geons at this place, namely Doctors
Logan and Doane.
The Newfoundland government has
appealed to the imperial government in
behalf of the ratification of the treaty
with the United States,, the- terms of
which were agreed upon ' in 1890, bnt
which the Canadian government has
never yet consented to. - -
Joaquin. Miller claims that at the bat
tle ef Castle Rocks, California, an arrow
hot by au Indian struck the left tide of
his (Joaquins) face, piercing the: cheek
and coming out at the back of his neck.
Now he wants to know the name of the
man who cut the barb off and pulled out
the arrow by the feather end
Articles of incorporation were filed at
Salem on February 6th of the H
River Manufacturing company by Janiei
L. Lanscille, Oscar L. Stranahan. Jamei
W. Wallace, J. W. Kanna and H. C
Joe. Capital jstock $3000; ; object td
Manufacture all kinds of articles at Hood
River, Wasco county.
The following priuted notice has beenl
freely distributed on the road ibetween
this city and Wamic, and - Wapinitia
"A final effort to secure a road up Tygh
Hill. A meeting will be held at Wamic
Saturday Feb. 13th, at 2 o'clock p. m.
where Dufur and Kingley will unite
with Wamic, Wapinitia and Tygh in a
grand effort to secure support from the
county to build this grade. The two
mill tax added for a 1 road . fiind makes
this support possible now. Don't fail to
attend. Give one more day to the work
- and pull together."
..Council Meeting.
An adjourned meeting of the common
council was held Saturday evening at
which all the members were present ex
cepting councilman Haight.
Action on bids for grading the square
at Ninth and Pentland Htreets was post
poned till next meeting. ...
The report of the committee on streets
A Leaned Doctor.
Engineer George Brown says he has
come honestly into - possession . of the
ioiiowmg letter, the production of an
eastern Washington country doctor.
For the rest the letter speaks for itself.
For obvious reasons we suppress the
postmark and name.
To Lr. Hollister:
''Dear dock I hav a pashunt whoa
phisicol sines shoes that the windpipe
was ulcerated of, and bia lung have
dropped intoo his etumick. He is una
ble to swoller and I feer his stumick tube
is gonl I hav giv hym evry thing with
out effeckt. his father welthy Onerable
and influenshial. he is an aative mem
ber of the M. E. church and god nos I
dont want to loose hym. what shall I
due. ans. buy returne male, vours in
Democratic Connty Committee.
At the meetinor of the democratic
county central committee held in this
city on Saturday afternoon H. J. Maier
was elected chairman and Al. Bettinger
jr secretary. The election of a chair
man was rendered : necessary by the
resignation of Judge Bradshaw after his.
appointment to the circuit judgeship
and the removal of George Falloon from
the city and county who was chosen by
the committee to fill bis place.
.. .Last evening, at - wasco, Mierman
county, Gevena Reynolds, the daughter
of W . M. Reynolds, aged seven years
The deceased had been suffering
from Drain trouble for nearly two weeks
Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved
parents as the departed was an unusually
bright and affectionate child and it is
only, about a year since the voungest
child of 5ir. and Mrs. Reynolds was
taken away by the measles.
Tney went to save the Balmon neta . ;
: Out of the hungry sea,
Tvu just outside of the Harbor bar, ' . : -' 1
Aa near as near oould be; .
It was just behind the sandy bar.
:. The women were all on the quay. , , ..
The boa, rode o'er the rolling foam, . .
They palled against the wind,
For twas rough within the Harbor bar.
The breakers reared behind; -
And gray gulls ahrieked o'er the sheltTtnc
bar. : . .
, The caverns with sea birds were lined.
They went to draw the fishing nets; .
A cruel, crested wave
Swept slowly on to the Harbor bar, '
And scooped for them a grave;
The boat heeled over the harbor bar.
And keel np to the women drave.
They went to save the salmon nets '
Out of the leaden sea,
Twaa just outside of the Harbor bar,
Kear to home as could be: . .
It was lost behind the sandy bar
i , And beyond the little stone quay.
. One moment black against the wave, , r
The women still with dread.
Then the boat leapt over the Harbor bar.
And on to the Mothers sped;
And two lads lost o'er the shifting bar
Till the sea giveth up her dead.
They went to save the salmon nets -
Out of the surging sea.
From just without the sandy bar.
So near, as you can see;
The screams that rang o'er the fleeting bar
Were the women's cries from the quay.
Miriam Danlell in Youth's Companion.
ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K.
of P. hall the second and. fourth Wednes
days of each month at 7:80 p. m. .
WASCO LODGE, SO. 15, A. F. fc A. ii. Meets
: first and third Mouday of each month at 7
- ' - : .
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
of each month at 7 P. M. .
Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tueedav even
ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:80 r. K.
:,in K.
Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. Clough, Sec'y. H. A. BiUsT. G. .
TpRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9, K. of P.-Meets
i...!fIe.yM,on,lay evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
fSSSnno'builliuK' corner of Court and Second
"j.rv oujuurning memDers are cordially in
vited. . . v t: ' w . m
D. W.VAUSE, K. of R. and s" ' c. C. -
.IJ.-?1;0.?111 meet every Friday afternoon
at 2 o clock at the reading room. All are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. a. A. O n w w.
dLjti Suf HaU' Co" Second and Court
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7:80. . , .
W. 8 Mtkbs, Financier. M. W.
TA8. NE8MITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets
J .every Saturday at 7:30 p. m., in the K. of P.
B E-r"J?t8,?verJr8und"",lfternoonIn
the Kr of P. Hull.
Burglarised on His bedding Night.
Charles Rohan was a graduate of
Oberlin college. He went to New York,
where he wooed and' won a prominent
young lady. On the night following his
wedding his wife was awakened by pis
tol shots, and soon saw her husband
rush into the room. He had burglarized
the next door residence, and, being dis
covered at his nefarious work, was pur
sued and shot at. He fought his way
through a crowd of policemen, who
were attracted by the pistol shots, and
made good his escape. He was soon
afterward captured for another job and
sent to the Ohio.peni ten tiary from Cuya
hoga county. In the meantime it de
veloped that the wedding in New York
was a mock affair, and his supposed
wife has since married a wealthy merchant.
A few days ago Rohan was tried for
the New York crime, and his defense
was based on the affidavit of J. O. Shaw,
his pal, to the effect that the latter was
the man who deceived the young lady
and robbed the house of her next door
neighbor. The young woman, deeply
veiled to conceal her identity, came into
court and identified Rohan as the man.
notwithstanding Shaw's affidavit. Her
name was; kept a secret in the court
room by an arrangement with the at
torneys. Cincinnati Commercial Ga
zette.' " ;' " ' ' '' - - '
In Germany there has been a colony
for epileptics for nearly a quarter of a
century, a colony which now numbers
more, than 1,000 patients. . There are
similar .asylums in other countries of
Europe. -
The much talked of Prince Ferdinand
of Roumania is a slender man of middle
height, with blue eyes, light brown hair
and pleasing maimer. His character is
gentle, but by no means soft. '
The oldest capital in the United States
is Santa Fe, which was the seat of gov
ernment in New Mexico as far back as
1640, and yet its population is only 6,185,
according to the last census.
T evening in the K. of P. Hall. .
OF U F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the
K. of P. Hull tht fire unH rhiHi ur&
day of each month, st 7 :) f. m.
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brons
GSB8T Pastor. f JtW Mils, BnnHov
7 a. M. High Mass at 10:30 a. M. Vespers at
7 P. M.
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sundav at 11
S. in. and 7 t. m. Slinrinv UhnnT ImmnHSotalv
after morning service. J. "a. Orchard, pastor.
STi.SA.UL'8 CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Ell D. Sutclirte Rector, t&fviraw
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 r. it. Sundav
A. M. fcvening Prayer on Fridav at
School 9:45
LOS. Pantnr. Mnrnhiv utvtom ui-u.v CK-
ivv , n.-ueiiiy hi 11 A. M. aaDDHin
bchool Immediately after morning services.
Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi
dence. Union services in the court house at 7
Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. SPENCER, pastor.
Services everv Sunday morning. Sunday
School at 12:20 o'clock p. u. A cordial invitation
is extended by both pastor and people to alL
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
flanges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges. ;
We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Fornaee.
' Rmmanition and Loaded Shells, Ete.
SRfllTAfY PlxTjmBlfiG A SPECIflliTV.
I. G. ;.':'J4ickelsen;
Estey . Organ,
" ' As Staple as Coffee.
"Chamberlain's Coucrh Remedv is as
stapler as coffee in this vicinity. "It has
done an immense amount of good eince
its introduction nere. a. m. jnobdell,
Maple Ridge, Minn. For sale by Blake
ley & Honghton, druggists. dw
Kranich & Bach First Class Upright Pianos,
School Books, Bibles, Blank Books,
Music Books, Sheet Music,
Baby Carriages and
Hot Clam Broth at
8 p. m. Try it.
J. O.
Mack's after
A stood girl to cook and do housework.
ijood wages
Apply at this office.
A go
ood i
Kotice. .
All Dalles Citv warrants registered
prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if
reeentea at my omce. interest ceases
rom and after this date.
Dated February 8th, 1892.
' . O. KlXEKSLY,
tf. Treas. Dalles Citv.
For the Children.
a cough medicine
"In buying a cough ' medicine for
children,'' says H. A. Walker, a promi-.
nent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never
be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger fiom it
and relief is always sure to follow. I
particularly recommend Uhamberlain s
because I have found it to be safe
Liquor Dealer.
Finest Wines and Liquors.
171 Second Street,
Frenchs' Block,
The Dalles, Oregon
reliable. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wban Baby was nick, we tare her Castoria.
When ahewaa a Child, aha cried tat Castoria, -When
she became Hias, she clung to Castoria,
Whan she had Children, aha gave them Castoria
- Has Opened the
In the New Frame Building on
SECOND STREET, Next to the
Diamond Flouring Mills.
Uiyi. BUTliER & CO.,
First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours.
Only White Help Employed.
Boot and Shoemaker.
.They Speak From . .Experience.
"We know from experience in the use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
wiy prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad
berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. They
also add that the remedy has given great
satisfaction in this vicinity, and that
they believe it to be-the best in the
market for throat and lung diseases.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists.. Miss Clara B. Story will instruct a
limited number of pupils in oil paint
ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and
pastelle work and China painting.
Studio, room S, over Mclnerny's dry
goods store. 2-3-tf
For Sale.
: Pure bred Berkshire Boars. Axldres
F. P. Sharp, The Dalles 12-22-wtt
I.a Grippe t
The tendency of this disease toward
Eneumonia is what makes it dangerous,
a Grippe requires precisely the same
treatment as a severe- cold. . Uhamber
lain's Cough Remedy is famous for its
cures of severe colds. This Remedy
effectually counteracts the tendency of
the disease to result in pneumonia, pro
vided that proper care be taken to avoid
exposure when recovering from the at
tack. Careful inquiry among the many
thousands who have used this remedy
Murine the epidemics of the past two
years has failed to discover a single case
tha has not recovered or that has re
sulted in pneumonia. 25 cent, 50 cent
and $1 bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. - dw
ant - Tailor,
Hext doqr to Wasoo Sun. j , ,
,- ' .'.
Madison's Latent System used in cutting
garments, una a fit guaranteed
each time. -
Repairing a Specialty.
116 Copbt St.
The Dalles, Or.
. is oalled to the fact that .
Oice and Tail tor. Firctani Jefferson Sts. SOOTH SIDE of Rafaai Tract
Book and Music Store,
162 Second Street, .
Repairing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
.- and Building Material of all kinds.
Carrie, the Fluent Line of
Piciure Mings
To be found in the City.
72 LLlashington Street.
Successors to C. E. Dunham.
Druggists and Chemists,
Pure Bmp an4 Medicines.
Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specially.
Livery, Feed and Sale
Night Druggists always in Attendance.
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission and Money
Advanced on Horses
Left for Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line
Stage leaves The Bailee Every Morning
ut 7:30 and Goldendale at 7 ;80. All
freight must be left at R. B.
, Hood's oflice tbe eve-
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
Opposite old Stand. ' The Dalles, Or