CI k-5 VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1892. NO. 46. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. J. ROBERT8 Civil Engineer Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying and mapping; estimates and plana lor irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. Wif.r SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's hank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trihitt Medical College, and : member of the Col lege of PhysicianB and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Onice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. D R. O. D. DOANE physician 'and SUR GEON. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chanman Block. Residence No. 23. Fourth street, one block south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 4 P. M. AB. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-tAW. Of . nee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DBIDDALL Dejitist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AR. THOMPSON Attorn ey-at-l aw. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon F. P. MATS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. a. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attor-netb-at-law. Offices. French's block over First National Bank, The Dulles, Oregon. B.B.DUFUB. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK MENIFEE. DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE ATTORNEYS- at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Bnilding, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON ATTORNEY-AT-tAW Rooms 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon. Still on DeGk. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin Restaurant ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. Open day and Night. . First class meals twenty-five cents. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successono Cram k Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Borne Made CA1TDIES, East of Portland. DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail AFRESH OYSTEtS In Every Style. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. The Dalles GigaF : factory FIRST STEEET. . FACTORY "NO. 105. A T C of the Best Brands VXVXjcA-XViO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. , The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured -article is increasing every day. : A. ULR1CH & SON. FRENCH 6V CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKINU BU8INE8B Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange -. and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, 8eattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ..; ANEW, Undertakinff Establishment PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. DRUGS Snipes &, Kinersly, - -THE LEADING - Witt M Rg Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent (Dedieines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and thejonly agents in - the City for The Sherwin, WilTams Co.'s Paints. 'WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of. Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tan sill's Punch. 129 Second Street, JOLES : DEALERS IN:- sa Die am Faneu m Hay, Grain and Feed, iyiasonic Elcck, Ccmer Third and Court Streets, The Dalles.Oregon THE DALLES, OREGON- Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ' . None but the. Best of White Help Employed. T. T. SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Em pi re. - Washington Qf fa DcIUBS, Wastlington . ' y - . . v For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., O. D. TAYLOR THE DALLES. Young & Iuss, BlacKsmilli & Wap Sftop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work . Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality. Third Street, opposite the old Lieoe Stand. SOTIB. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. . His address, is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. AEE - The Dalles, Oregon BROS.. Nicholas, Ppop. HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. Diiiists. DGuiieS, 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND, SIMON IS NOT "IN IT" William B. Gilliert is Said to tje the . ' " ProDaMs Winner. ' v PASSED SENTENCE OX THE RIOTERS. Judge of Crime Foster Gives His Find ings in the Late Trouble. GKT1IXG Garxa is Steadily Organizing Found Guilty Killed by Minor Mention. -One Wan i Train Washington-, Feb. 5. It has been stated before that there is no chance for Joseph Simon to be circuit judge, and it was also stated that the Oregon delega tion "' submitted to the president a com munication highly complimentary of Judge Lord, Mr. Fulton and Sir. Wat son, but it now appears, from sources which seem reliable, that neither of these gentlemen can secure the prize, and this mornine Representative Her mann received from various portions in Oregon, chiefly from Portland, strong endorsements for William B. Gilbert, of Portland, which he submitted to the attorney-general, who is the president's mainstay in looking after the anteced ents of candidates for judicial positions. Among the indorsements sent Mr. Hermann is one from one of the judges of the state court of Oregon. Mr. Gilbert has a fine showing for his candidacy, as one member of the Oregon delegation, Mr. Hermann, realizes the hopelessness of Simon's chances and has made no further effort in his behalf. The delega tion have freely submittad to the presi dent any indorsements received for Or egon candidates, hoping that in the end some OrRgonian may be selected. . The Baltimore Case Pecided. - New York, Feb. 6. The Herald's special ' cablegram ' from, Valparaiso, Chili, -Bays: "Judge of Crimes Foster today passed sentence in the long-pending and much-discussed Baltimore as sault case of Octoper 16, 1891. His sen tence iB subject to review by the court Of appeals. ' The document covers 180 pages, and goes all over again the evi dence against the accused and compares it closely with the evidence presented by the prisoners. The finding of the court is as follows : Carlos Arena and Alias James are sentenced to 540 days' imprisonment for wounding William Turnbull, the coal-heaver of the Balti more, who died of his injuries : 300 for disorder, sixty days for canying a knife and twenty day? for giving an assumed name, This makes a total of 920 days, Jose Rhumada is sentenced to 320 days' imprisonment for injuring Turnbull Frederic Roderigney is sentenced to thirteen days' imprisonment for wound ing Boatswain Mate Charles W. Riggin, another of the American seamen, for public disorder, and for carrying a knife. It is held by Judge Foster that the evi' dence does not show that Roderigney did kill Riggins, on the contrary it is claimed that Riggin's death was caused by a shot which was fired by some un known person. Gomez and Roderigney, under the Chilian penalties, must pay the. families of Turnbull and Riggin damages. These damages are recover able by civil suit. Congress will meet again in April. . - - . . Getting Beady to Fight. Levenworth, Kan., Feb. 5. Colonel Martin. United States army assistant adjutant-general,. with headquarters at San' Antonio, Tex., has just arrived in this city. - He is sure the Mexican ban dit, Garza, is not on American' soil, but passes his. time in the City of Mexico quietly organizing his forces. .To a re porter he said : "Garza's organization is so complet that he can concentrate his strength at -very short notice," and that strength is 'more than - is known. Our troops will do all that is possible to protect the border.: There will, be no fighting between Mexicans on the Ameri can side of the river." . First On Found Guilty. - Pittsburg, - Feb;: 5. Market , Clerk Hastings is the first of the Allegheny City 'officials indicted for "embezzlement to be tried. He was found guilty, and remanded to jail for sentence. The trial of Major Wyruan cornea next. - . ' ' Killed By a Train. . Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 5. Two brothers named Adams were killed, this morning in an accident to a mail train on the Beach. New Haven ' railroad at South The Texan Declare Bio Position nn thn Tariff Question. New York, Feb.' o. A dinner was given tonight at the Reform Club to Roger Q. Mills, by President Ellery An derson. Thomas G. Sherman, tx-Secre-tary Fairchild and jother. well-known Cleveland democrats were ' -present. Alius tor tne nrst time indicated in a i public speech the line of action to be followed by himself and friends in the present congress, regarding the tariff. He declared bis intention to oppose the half-way and stand-still measures some ofthe democratic leaders advocated. He scouted the idea of going back to the tariff; of I8S3 and accepting that as a final settlement. He said the democrats had been lighting that tanit lor thirty years, and he was for earring on an eternal, un compromising war. In closing his speech Mills said : . "I will follow wher ever the flag points to fair trade. I will follow wherever the .flag goes, no matter who carries it ; and I will follow wher ever the battle is pitched.'! Brutality Of German Officer. Berlin, Feb. 5. The order issued by Prinee George of Saxony, as inspector general of the German army and com mander of the twelfth army corps, call ing upon the officers of that corps to stop the inhuman treatment practiced upon privates by non-commissioned officers, is very likely to result in ameliorating the condition of privates of the whole army, and to tree them from the brutal tyranny oi low grade officers, me matter was discussed today bv the buusietcommittee of the reicbstag ana it was rasoived to favor greater publicity in the proceed ing of military tribunals and the punish ments ordered by these courts. The Whaleback at San FranciHco. San Francisco, Feb. 5. The whale- back' steamer Charles W. Wetmore, which made a voyage aroand Cape Horn with a cargo of machinery from Wil mington, Del., for Seattle, Wash., ar rived yesterday with a cargo of coal for the Oregon Improvement company, which she will unload here. It is stated that some of her plates were bent in col lision with a steamer at Seattle a week ago, and that it became necessary to unload a portion of the cargo at Port Townsend before proceeding. The dam age, however, was easily repaired. It is understood the steamer will continue in the coal trade on this coast. A Running Fight. Habbisbcbg, Pa., Feb. James Mar shall and David Dunkley started to fight in a barroom yesterday, and gave two policemen and a crowd of 200 men and boys a race of two miles before they were caught; Both had pistols and kept up a running fire. One of the bullets struck John Sweizer in the left shoulder, in flicting a serious wound. Policeman Yingst was also wonnded in both arms, and a boy shot through the hand. When taken into custody each man was found to have a full set of burglar tools. They are believed to be the companions of William Carney, arrested yesterday for robbery. . j A Small Town Barnlag. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 5. It was re ported here at 1 o'clock this morning that Worthville, a town on the Louis ville & Nashville railroad, fifty-four miles from Louisville, was burning. Six business houses are destroyed, and it was probable that the whole town would go. - Hanged for' Slurder- Hexdersov, Ky., Feb. ' 5. Robert Charlton, colored, was hanged today for the murder of his mistress. Irvike, Ky., Feb. 5. William Pickett was ..hanged today for the Hiurder of William Hall in an election row. Contested Election Case Decided. Washington, Feb. 5. The. house committee on elections today decided the . contested election case from the twenty-fonrth congressional district of Pennsylvania in favor of Craig, a demo crat.' Justin McCarthy Re-Elected. - Dublin, Feb. 6. At a meeting here today of the McCarthyite faction of the Irish parliamentary party, Justin Mc Carthy was re-elected president. ' The early fruitgrowers of Oregon Lad a wonderful market for a few years at San Francisco. In 1854, 500 bushels of apples were shipped from Oregon to Cal ifornia and returned a net profit of from (1.50 to $2 00 per pound. - In 1855 the shipments rose to 6,000 bushels which sold at from $20 to $30 per bushel. In 1856 the shipment rose to 20,000 bqxes, Even in this ' year' big ' prices were re ceived and for choice fruit fancy', figures were obtained, one box of Esopns Spitz enbergs selling for $60r The Calif ornians planted apple trees, and after 1860 the shipments of apples from Oregon, began to - decline. ; Apple raising was more profitable than gold mining for the .first half dozen years of the industry in Ore gon.. . "Wiia hemp grows luxuriantly in Montana."" ' Well,'' see how nature kindly provides correctives ! ; The cattle thieves in Montana should take warning by the suggestive action of nature. PROTECTED BY POLICE. Minister Urn is Being: CareMy Looted After ty the Chilians. WAXTEl) TO CHANGE LODGINGS. A Party of Prisoner. Caught Preparing to Break "Jail. THmfiHT HE WAS TRAVELING. A Sleek Young Man's Scheme ExpoHed - Fouglit a Fatal Duel on Horse back. Losdon, Feb. 5. A correspondent of the Times at Valparaiso, says a police guard at the house of Egan, United States minister at Santiago, is main tained by the Chilian authorities with a view of preventing any attack at the in stance of the rough element. This fact, the correspondent says, threatens to bring about a reopening of the difficulty with the United States. The. corres pondent further says the police judge at Valparafso has increased the severity of the sentences imposed upon the assail ants of the sailors of the United States . steamer Baltimore. This course was demanded by the procurator. Wanted to Change Lodging. Detroit, Feb. 5. Wednesday a deputy sheriff saw signs of a conspiracy among eight prisoners in the county jail to es cape. He was not able to discover their methods of operation and their tools, but it was found that the iron bars in a win- dow had been nearly sawed in two. In the cellar of the building are three cells, called "dark holes," as bad as those in the English jails which Charles Reade told of. They are extremely hot and close, and there. are iron rings six feet from the floor and similar rings near the door. Six of the suspected prisoners were manacled to these rings at 4 p. m., yesterday, their arms being stretched above their heads. The- were left in. that position all night. The torture was- frightful, and all were ready to tell everything this morning. They agreed that George Daily, alias Miller, charged with larceny, was the leader, and the tools were given up. Back of the sink in ward six was found a saw made out of' the shank of a woman's shoe fastened to a piece of broom handle, and in another place a large lack-knife, the blade of which had been notched into a saw. Among the conspirators were Charles Frice; George Jenerson, and tdward. Cornell, who are awaiting trial on the- charge of having committed a daring- burclary. One of them was kept in a dark cell until noon todav, when he fainted. Living With Woman' While Thought be Traveling. to Hawksville, Ky., Feb. 5. Two years ago J. T. Dawson, a traveling represen tative of the St. Louis Range Company, met Mifas Laura Robbins, of this place. She is the daughter of a wealthy retired farmer and horseman, and is known throughout the country for her beauty. Soon after the couple were married, and went to Wichita to reside. After a few months there, they traveled through var ious states, reaching here last spring. Dawson told his wife that he was com pelled to take a trip to Europe for his firm. He went, and in due time Mrs. Robbins-Dawson began to receive letters postmarked London, Hamburg, Paris, Berlin, and other places. The letters were sent in charge of the St. Louis house and forwarded. Recently a letter, postmarked in . Scotland was received bearing United States stamps. This aroused suspicion, and led to an investi gation which resulted in locating Dawson at Belmont, Mo., where be had been all the time living with another woman. The Robbjns family will push Dawson to the limit, and the deceived girl, a brother and her father left this morning for Bel mont. Suicide of a Murderer. New York, Feb. 5. The'dead body of Frederick Seenerf who shot and killed his sweetheart, -Maggie Weissmullin, at 24 East One Hundred and ' Twenty-sixth street, Wednesday night, wa9 this morn ing found on a vacant lot on One Hund red and; Sixteenth street, near Lenox . avenue, with a bullet-hole in the right - side of his head and a 3Z-caliber revel yer lying beside him. A Duel on Horseback. Eldorado, Ark., Feb. 5. A duel on horseback was fought . near here' last night by S. C. Shaw and John Ballard, in which the former was killed and the latter had his horse shot from under him. The coroner's jury rendered self defense as the .verdict. An old feud caused the trouble.