The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a tthe Postoffice at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, aa seoond-cUss matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for flrat Inaertlon, and 5 Cents per Une for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. TIM K TABLES. . Railroads. K AST Bobim. Jro. 2, Arrives 11:40 a. M 8, " 12:06 P. K Departs 11:45 A. it. . " 12: SO r. v. - WEST BOCHD. Ho. 1, Arrives 4 :40 a. x. Departs 4:50 M. 7,- 6:20 P.M. " 6:45 P.M. Two locai freights that csrrr passengers leave (M for the west at 7 -43 X. K, and-oae for the east at S a. M. " ' fc 5 STACKS. For Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally xoent Sunday) at C A. M. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 . M. For Lhitur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs end Tygh Valley, leave dally (except 8nd;r .... week except Sunday at 8 a. M. Olnoes for all lines at the Umatilla House. . Poit-OBc. OFFICE HOOKS General Defivrey Window 8 a. m. Honey Order " . 8 a. m. Sunday u I) " 9 a.m. CLOSIKQ OF MAILS to 7 p. m. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. Bv trains rains: East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:80 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. " West 9 p. m. and Stage for Goldendale "Prineville o Dufur and Warm Springs . " t Leaving for Lyle & Hartland. ' " (Antelope "Except Bunaay. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. 8. DEPARTMENT OK AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. The Dalles, Or.. Feb. 30, ISW.t Pacific Coast Time. Rela- D.t'r to State tive of 8. o of Hum Wind ? 3 Weather 87 East Clear 63 S W " - A. M. 8 P. M. 30.10 30.09 Maximum temperature, 40; -minimum tem "erature, 23. Total precipltatiou from July 1st to date, 8.30; average precipitation from "July 1st to date, 8.80; total deMciency from July 1st, 1891, to daie, .80 Inches. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Sax Francisco, Feb.. 1, 1892. Weather forecast till 8 p. Si. Tuesday; Generally fair, sloxcly rising temperature. Keekham. FAIR LOCAL BREVITIES. Alex. Mcintosh of Moro is in the city. A. A. TJrquuhart has been appointed ity assessor. . . . Don't forget the ball on February 3d, by the Harmonic W. A. Gerow, county assessor of Crook dunty,died on the 27 inst. John M. Davis and wife of Bake Oven are at the Umatilla house. Tom Driver of Wamic who came into town yesterday left for home this after noon. For something interesting' see the advertisement of Snipes & Kinersly in another column. I Married, in Seattle January 27th, Mise Lelia Basche Juker of this city, to Mr. Thurston Daniels of Vancouver. Mr, Theodore Prinz left this morning for Portland in answer to a telegram in forming him of the death of his brother -at that place. The Chbonicle acknowledges the courtesy of a complimentary ticket to the Gesang Yerein Harmonie to be given at Wingate's Hall on Wednesday even ing next. It is anticipated that the ball given by the Verein Harmonic at Wfngate Hall, - February 3d will be one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. Don't fail to attend. Tickets for sale by the committee. See ad. in another -column. - i Some, ungodly miscreant threw out poison in the .neighborhood of Fulton street aud in consequence- Curg Cates' handsome' Coach dog 'Dick" and three ' members of the "Thomas Cat", family bave bit the dust. ' The trouble .with this kind ' of promiscuous slaughter is that the innocent . suffer equally with - the guilty. The machiuery of the North" Dalles shoe 'factory is being removed to this side of the river and stored in the Grant building, corner of first and Washington streets. Drays were at work all day yes terday and today and it will require all clay tomorrow to remove the whole. Just what may be done with it the future alone can tell but a number of -citizens are figuriug on starting a fac tory on this side of the river. The city- tnay never .have such a chance again. -) A crowded house greeted Rev." A. C Spencer last night in the Court house and possibly as many as thirty or forty persons turned away for lack of seats. Mr. Spencer's subject was, "The alleged mistakes of the Bible" taking as his text John 20-27. "Blessed are . they that have not seen and yet have believed The sermon was an earnest appeal to his audience to prore the truths of Christi- ' anity on the lines laid down by the great . Teacher when he said "If any man do -, tny will he shall know of the doctrine whether it is of God or whether I speak of myself." '.." A cowardly attempt -whs made last Friday niaht to blow dd the residence of IT. C Perry, the marshal-of Prineville. A piece of pump pipe was loaded heavily with powder and placed near the house, where it exploded. The force of the ex plosion burst Ihe 'pipe and "drove part of it. through the rustic - and ceiling. Had the bomb ' been ' placed ander the house-Hi believed "the- foroe of the ex plosion -would have been sufficient to have wrecked the building. It is sup posed the would-be assassin became frightened before he had time to place the bomb where it wonld have done most harm. Happily no one was in the building. The perpetrator of the deed is not known but if discovered it is be lieved he would get a short shrift. Two well-known Weston bachelors agreed ,Jp disagree during the past week, and, as th reporter is informed, could not decide asHo a division of furniture and other property which goes to make a bachelor's hall comfortable-. While in this dilemma one of the gentlemeat con cluded to settle the matter in a simple' manner. Procuring a saw lie divided the tables, chairs, cupboard," etc., squarely in the center, and' left his partner's half remaining in the cabin, taking his own to other quarters. It is stated that both are well satisfied and living happily apart, y .-'.- Petitions are out - for a new grade up Tygh Hill. Jfew petitions .'have been rendered necessary because the time for opening the road under the last petition and survey "has elapsed and the work will all have to be done over again. The county judge assured, ,the Chronicle that at the next meeting of tkecourt on March 10th an appropriation of not less than $1000 - will be. made for this road' and the Chronicle hopes' that the court may see its way before long to-give more. But a thousand dollars are prom ised and will' be forthcoming just as soon as the preliminary steps are taken. The Chronicle is most anxious that no false step may be taken in this matter. It is of immense importance that the proper kind of men should be appointed as viewers. It 'might be well tor the people to call in a mass meeting, say at Tygh, between this ana the 10th of March, to fix on the names of men they would like the court to appoint as ew ers and take any other etepstnat may be proper towards the progresspf the work. Conncll Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held Saturday evening at the usual hour. All the members were present . excepting Councilman Haight, who is on a visit to the East. The report of the finance committee was ordered amended so that taxes assessed, to the .Wasco County Fair Asso ciation and charged against the Huma sou estate be remitted. ; . Ordinance No. 244,-an ordinance for the erection, maintainenee and opera tion of an electric and telephone plant in this city was' passed unanimously. The report of the committee on streets and-public property recommend ing that P. H. Del&ney, who was injured some time ago by falling off the street at the old Waldron building, be allowed the sum of $200, was adopted, aad the recorder ordered to draw a warrant in favor of Delaney for that sum. a petition to place an arc light on Alvord avenue near the John Cates property was referred. . The petition of F. Lemke for a cross walk on Ninth and Lincoln streets was granted. The petition of A. Hoth and others for the grading of the square at Ninth and Lincoln Btreeta was granted, and the recorder was instructed to advertise for bids' for grading the same. The street commissioner was ordered to notify Messrs. McGuire, O'Leary and JetTers to move their fence from the street within twenty days. lne petition oi 31. a. farreiiy tor re duction of assessment was referred. A. A. Urquhart was unanimously elected city assessor and his salary fixed at $200. - The monthly reports of the marshal, recorder, coroner, street commissioner and treasurer were placed on file. The bill for arc light was ordered re turned to the company. Ordinance 245, an ordinance for trans ferring certain monies into the water fund passed unamiously. The matter ot rebate of taxes of Wasco Lodge A. F. & A. M. was referred. The following bills were allowed : Recorder . Marshal . . ; Street commissioner.. Engine-r fire department ...... Fire warden? City attorney $109 50 117 00 75 00 80 00 12 00 200 00 water rent . ; . . Maier & Benton, merchandise. . R. 8. Smart, labor , E. Riggs " ........ H. W. Steele " .'". r.-t'.. ... . '. Williams Brothers J. W. Blakeney ........... Young & Kuss, blacksmi thing . Dalles Lumbering Co., lumber . Maier & Benton, merchandise. . 32 00 2 95 34 00 37 00 15 50 12 25 4 25 '-4 45 65 56 - 10 05 . 13 52 A. M. Williams & Co. ' ... Paul Kreft " . . ; Snipes & Kinersly .-. : Bowers Rubber Company, rub 2 75 1 20 3 00 ber buckets . . 36 00 J. Ferguson, hnulinie engine. . . . . " 5 00 I Dalles Electric .Light Co., light ning engine house.... ...v 3 75 Santfe-dor lighting streets 207 65 " " ". ........ 1-60 Con Howe'. .". . . : . 75 (K) G.C. Bills. ...."...........'..... 62 00 J. K, Page, special policeman ... 4 00 John Blaser, witness fees ,. . .-. ... -1 70 C. E. Haight, feeding prisoners. . 28 80 N. Harris, merchandise. . 3 00 -The meeting then adjourned- until Saturday evening, February 6th inst. . Prescriptions compounded at all hours during the night by a graduate in phar macy at Blakely & Houghton's. .2-ltf. Th Brother Snalled. - " : Th, Feb; 1, 1892. - Editor Chronicle: -. ... . ,. j I smiled, yes I laughed, right put right loud t "TheGfaudestQpportuflityiof a lifetime" . recently offered the public spirited rrienCfJ Of this town to purchase a 2400 shoe 'jiant'fot - $12,000. The country is full of t he financial: wrecks of butchers, bakers" and candlestick mak ers, who have formed stock companies, so that they might obtain the proud distinction 1 of having a shoe factory in their town, preferring it to a seat in heaven, and who at the end of their first season's work find that their bal ance sheet stands something like this. Money none ; experience dead loads. There is- not shoe factory in this country today; where thei stockholders are entirely ignorant of the business and .depending . solely upon their brains for tbeir. success. It takes shoemakers to make shoes., "in. industry wouldn't tbrive-:fa this town. judge so. from the fact that there74re none here. ' The Dalles needs a grand holacanst of old, fossil mossbacks, forty per. cejit. money lenders, ia curse to; any town), and such, trash, ' and let the rising -generation be Jaaght that it takes manufacturies, in dustries of all kinds, to make a substan tial, thriving, , prosperous, town. . Agri culture never made a lively business town. The sooner the town begins to encour age industries instead of discouraging them as" is done now 1 by those old second - time -on -earth . fellows, you'll have a prosperous town, and not until then.- . . Observer.' "Notice. United States Land Ofpc'x,'. Washington, D. C, January 20, 1892. Registers and Receivers,- V. S. Land Of fices. Gentlemen : : All desert land entries made subsequent to the act of congress approved March 3, 1891, shall be accom panied by a jnap" of the land entered, which shall exhibit a plan showing the modeof contemplated irrigation. r This office consideres it necessary for claimants, after showing the scource of the water to be used and the amount contemplated to be. used, by miner's inches, to indicate by intelligible means, the ditches, both main and lateral, . and other channels through which, or by mean -of which, every portion of the land is tb be irrigated, giving the width of said ditches and the depth and capac ity of the same. - Also that the party shall indicate, by shading or otherwise, that portion of the land which he expects to be benefitted by the use of each ditch. If there should be knolls or high ground within the tract embraced in an entry not euscep tiable of irrigation the party should in' dicate properly that fact at the ''particu lar points. Respectfully, ;,;. " . W. W. Stone. ,; ... a. Assistant Commissioner. Notice. All parties "having claims against the building ot Ainsworth and Hostetter are notified to hie them with the under signed within thirty jdays for settlement. l-tf. . UCGH VjrLENN. r. b: hood, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought aiid Sold on Commission and Money. Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line 6tsge Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD,' Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or. JOHN PASHEK, jneicfiant Taiioi, Next door to Wasco Sun. -V' Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed . each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. j: YOUR ATTENTIOfl " - . Is called to the fact that Dealer in Glass, Lime, vPlaster, Cement .: and Building Material of all kinds. " - Carrie the Finest X.lne of . Picture ,Jo be foand In the City. Hugh Glenn, T172 LUashington Street. - NOTICE.. -' : . - Notice is hereby vivee- that sealed, nro- posals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 4 o'clock of Feb-? rnary etb, 182, for grading the square t the intersection of. Ninth- and. ent-. hd streets.'- " Particulars furnished upon application to the Recorder. . JBy order of the Common Council, c - .' - - .' Frank Mekefee, ' "" : . . Recorder of Dalles City.""' r Dated Februarv 1st, 1892. ; - 2-1 -5- Examination of Teachers. - - Notice is-herebv iriven that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools "of this county, th count v school surjerin- tendenttnerof will bold a public exam ination at nis omce in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, February 10th, one o'clock p. m. All teachers eligible, for "State Certificates, "State . Diplomas and Life .Diplomas must make application at the quarterly examinations. " uatea tnis 1st day of February 1892. -' " Troy Shelley. County. School Superintendent of Wasco tounty,' Oregon.; .-, 2-1 -2-12 Xh Gesang Verein will hold their, an nual ball at Wingate's . hall on Wednes day,; February 3rd proximo.-' Tickets fli Sold by the committee: H. Hansen, J. Ci Hertz, J. Nitsdhke, C. Weigel, Geo. Keller.. K. Korden. C. . Stublinz. --A. Keller,' Ad. Keller, Aug. Buchler. E. Jacobsen, F. Jipke. 1-25-2-2. A crood -eirl to cook and do housework. Good wages." Apply at this office.-,;..,,. l-ia-tt. . . " Notice. :' . : .- All Dalles Citv. warrants registered prior to June 3d, 1890, "will be paid if presented at my othce. . ' interest ceases from and after "this date. Dated January 11th, 1892. . - ." . O. KlN'EKSLV, tf. Treas. Dalles Citv. For th. Vblldren. "In - buying a cough medicine for children," says H. A. Walker, a promt nent druggist oi Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There, is no danger f om it and relief is alwavs sure to follow. - I particularly recommend Chamberlain's" because I liave found it to be -safe and reliable.. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv Blakeley & "Houghton, druggists, dw Ls Grippe ! ' " The tendency of this disease toward Eneumonia is what makes it dangerous, a Grippe requires precisely- the same treatment as a severe cold, tbamoer- Iain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of severe colds. This Remedy effectually counteracts the tendency of the disease to result in pneumonia, pro vided that proper caie be taken to avoid exposure when recovering from the at tack. rCareful inquiry among the many thousands who have "used this remedy during- the epidemics of the past two years has failed to discover a single case that has not recovered or that has re suited in pneumonia. 25 cent, 50 . cent and $1 bottles for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton,' druggists.-. dw Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was oick, we gars her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria," When she had Children, she gave them Castoria As Staple as Coffee- "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is as staple as coffee in this vicinity. It has done an immense amount of good since its introduction here.'" A. M. Nordell, Maple Ridge, Minn. For sale by Blake ley & Houghton, druggists, diw They Speak From Experience. "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Blessrs. Gad berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the best in the market for throat and lung diseases. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists.. . Successors to C. E. Dunham. Dmgists and Chemists. "Pare Dregs ni IMclia Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty: Night Druggists always in Attendance. THE DALLES, OK BO ON. J, 6. BCHSHCK, President. H. M. Bsai.i Cashier. first Rational Bank. .'He DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted . deposits received, suDject to Digm - . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ; remitted on day ot collection. , Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on - New York, Han ifrancisco and rort - - land. : - DIRECTORS. '. - ' . D. P. Thompson-. Ji.o. S. Schesck. I Ed. M. Williams",' - Gtko. A. LiSbb. I ' . H. M. Bball. Byrae Helm &Co DID YOU WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ratines, Garland Stoves anil , Ranges, Jeraell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Sang''',. We are also agents !? the Celebrated Boynton Farnaee. ' ; ' ' ' Ammonltion and Loaded Shells, Ete. MAIER & BENTON I. c. -AGENT P1! yy Kranich & Bach First School Books, Bibles, Blank Books, -Music Books, Sheet Music, j , Baby Carriages and ' Jewelry. .';'l-" THE DALLES, J. H. CROSS, DEALER IN , Hay, Itt, Feed ail Floor. .. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. Cash Paid for Eggs aod Chickens. ' All Goads Delivered Free and Promptly termsstrYctlychsh. Cor. Second X sHL in LUJVI. BUTLtER & GO., THE LEADERS" IiUfJBEH, IiflTJt Office and Yard cor. First and Jefferson We make no "bones about saying that nobody can does or shall undersell us, Cheapness Office Stationary, School c.- and Musical Instruments of all kinds at E. Jacobsen & Co., 162 Second Street, STAGY SHOOlfl, TUB WatGaniaKBr, Has opened an office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry; etc. AH work guaranteed and . promptly attended. RT C. E.DUHHRJKS OLD STAND, Cor. Seqnd mxitV Union Streets. Pipe -Work, Tin Repairs ; and Roofing; 7 , Mains Tappad Undsr Pressure. Shop on. Third St., next debr west of &oan Kaj3'.bli3kmith shop. KNOW IT Niekelsen FOR- 1IU Opaan. Class Upright Pianos; OREGON & Union Sts., IN flJID SHlHGIiES. Sts. SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Traci or beat us in any feature ot and Quality. : Supplies, Pianos, Organs THE DALLES, OREGON. G.W. Johnston & Son, Gaipenteis anfl Builders. Shop at No. 112 First Street. All Job - Work promptly attended and estimates given on all wood work. Carnetfl'txike jirt. cleaned and nut down. also Closets and Chicaners cleaned" " . rr alinrl. nnt.lPA f. rpnHnn R 1 A - rates. ' . Orders received through the postofflce GRANT 1015-tf- MORS! Chimneys Cleaned