The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1892, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a Uhe PostoAce at Tbe Dalle, Oregon,
aa seoon4-olaa soAtter..-
, Local Advertising. . .
10 Cents per Hue for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
12:80r. M.
. RsllrraAt.
.No. 2, Arrives 11:40 a. h. Departs 11:45 a.
' . WE8T.BOCIID. " - .
Mo. 1, Arrirea :40 A.M. Departs 4:50 A. M.
. 7, - -. " - 6:20 r. M- . 6:t5?,x.
-Two Iocs freights that carry passengera lea vis
at for the west at 7:45 A. u., and one for the
Oven, leave daily
For Prinerille, via. Bake
Avramt Ril n.lav tit A A. V.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. u.
For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs ind Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at e tin. . ' ''- . , f . - ; ; . i '
For Ooldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. u. ' '
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. -
General Delivrey Window... .8 a, to 7 p. m.
Money Order . " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday O l " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
. ..p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
. ..9 p. m. aud 4:45 p. in.
fltiura for ftnldendule : 7:80 a.m.
" "Prineville 5:80 a. m.
m u "Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:a0 a. m.
" Leaving for Lyle V Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
k lAntelope 5:30 a. ru.
Except Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and Friday.
8y trains going East...
Th DALLE,"Dr., Jan.-SO, 1MK.
Pacific Rela- 58 State
Coast bar. tive of S. g of
Time,. l- Hum Wind P Weather
A.'. M. H0.11 32 85 CHlm Clear
8 P. M. 80.05 46 54 East "
Maximum temperature,' 46; minimum tem-
rature, A3.
Total precipitation from July lRt to date, 8.50;
verage precipitation from July 1st to date. 8.S0;
total deficiency from July lt, WW, to A.e, .:
thinks- the injured man is liable to be -
laid tip for some time.
N. W. "Wallace of Antelope in the
city. - ' ; .
Louis P. Dorais, a Canadian, today de
clared his intentions to become a citizen
of the United States. ' .
The first man in the county to pay his
taxes for the year 1891 was Martin.
Wehman.who settled with the sheriff
Attention is called to the advertise
ment in another column for a girl to do
cooking and 'general housework; for a
familv in the country. Good wages will
be paid to a competent person ?,;Apply '
at this office. ; i-' :.'
Congregational church" 'services w'ill
be held in the court house tomorrow
(Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock. Suh-
day school at 12:15. Young People's
society of Christian Endeavor at 5 :80 p.
m. Union "services at ;7 o'clock p. 'in.
Preaching1 by, Rev.- Spencer, pastor of
the Methodist church.
More than 2,500 Demorest medals
have been won by the young people of
Nebraska, and more than 1000 by those
of each of the-states1 of Minnesota,
Michigan, Indiana,. Illinois, Ohio, Ten
nessee and, North Carolina. ; The first
one to be awarded in The Dalles will be
competed for February 15, and all good
citizens should encourage Oregon young
people to keep up with the procession.
Mre George Mahn of Mil "Creek met
with an accident yesterday afternoon by
which one of ber arms was -broken in
three places. She and her husband had
just returned from town. After enter
ing their own enclosure Mr. Mahn
stopped to put up the bars when the
horses started suddenly and Mrs. Mahn
was thrown violently against the ground
Dr. O. C. Holhster went out and re
duced the fracture and the -lady was
resting comfortable this morning.
Sax Fhancisco, Jan. 30, 1892.
Weather forecast till 8 p. m.
Sunday; Scattering rain or
snow, clearing away, generally
o. c.
We regret to hear . that Mr.
Stevens of this city is in a very
-condition of health.
The band boys have decided to give a
srand invitation ball at the Umatilla
House on Washington's birthday. Due
notice will be given before hand.
Mrs. Geo. Dysart who has been visit
ing" her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Butler for the last three weeks returned
to her home in Centralia this morning.
Memorial services for Mrs. Ursula
Michell will be held at the brick school
house tomorrow at 11 a. m. Epworth
League at 5 :30 p. m at Y. M. C. A. hall.
Union services at the court house at
p. m., Kev. A. C. Spencer discoursing on
the subject of "Belshazzar's Feast."
The law requiring certain expendi
tures of the county court to be published
in the leading paper of each county has
had one good effect at least. It has set
the taxpayers to scanning the official list
&s never before, to eee what has been
done with their money.
Only six men are now at work on the
Cascades locks, and these are employed
in protecting the plant. A good sum of
money yet remains from the last . ap
propriation, which will be sufficient to
rarry on the work until the river and
harbor bill is passed by the present con
gress, if any bill is passed, and if Oregon
gets any appropriations from the 5-cent
There is a vast amount of land in
Sherman county that is yet uncultivated.
Not only in the extreme southern part
but in various parts of the entire county.
And when this all once gets under culti
vation twice the amount of wheat will
be produced to what is now being raised.
What Sherman county needs is more
farmers. " We have some good farmers
in our county but we want more of them.
Wasco Kev e. . "
Newspapers so deficient in circulation,
are to be unable to successfully compete
under the county publication law, cry
sour grapes, but it is a fact that never
before in the history of the state have
the county newspapers so filled their
columns with the details of county gcv-
. rnment. One of these . publishers in
' Marion county, finding he could not
t compete, at once informed the court
that it would be an outrage to pay more
than one cent per square. That is the
Tony Noltner style of doing things.
Salem Journal.
, One of the employes of the Electric
Light company, a yountr man named
Fred Sandifer met with an accident this
morning that might have resulted
fatally. Asitjs'his left hip is .-badly
sprained and- he has besides an ugly
senii-Jacerated wound about two inches
in length over the left eye.- lie had
climbed to the top of an electric light
pole a distarce;,vbf about thirty feet
from the ground when the role. broke
oil" ut the ground. : Sandifer's fall was
broken somewhat bv the pole striking
v the telegraph wires when lie was
' knocked off and fell on the railroad
track. Dr. 1-iOgan, who is in attendance
while anticipating nothing serious,
Wamic Items.
Wamic, Dec. 20,
Editor of the Chronicle: - -
We have been having a nice winter so
far. the days are clear and warm like
spring, with nights cold and frosty
There were .some fears -entertained for
the safety of the fall grain, but I do not
think the freezing has hurt the growing
grain any yet, it makes little difference
with the farmers here if the crops are
light or good. Ifcwe. have more grain
than homg" needs require we have no
market, for we are locked up as it were
without an outlet, and the county court
holds the key, and they are not willing to
assist us in building' a road up Tygh
Hill, so that we can get the products of
our farm to market. It seems to me
that the county court would loose noth
ing financially in making a reasonable
appropriation to assist in building a good
road up Tygh Hill. - The county would
get the money back again in the increase
in taxes, as then every available acre of
farming land would be put under culti
vation, which would soon enhance the
value of taxable property to sucn an ex
tent in this part of the county, that the
tax payer would scarcely feel the differ
ence after the road was built. Hut we
have been asking the county court to
assist us in making that road for a long
time without any effect, and forbearance
has ceased to be a virtue, and it seems
to me, as the primaries are to meet soon
the voters of Tygh Valley Juniper, Oak
Grove and Wamic, should instruct the
delegates whom they send to the county
convention not to vote for any man for
a , county office that , will .not - pledge
himself,-to work if elected,' to obtain
reasonable - appropriation from the
county court to assist in building a road
up Tygh Hill.
.o deaths to report and the sick are
all getting better. Observer.
Advertised Letters.
roiiowing is the list of letters remain
ing ia the postoffice at The Dalles
called for Friday, January 29, 1892. Per
sons calling lor same win give date on
which they were advertised :
Allen, Wnt Avres, A K
Allen, W S Blair, M
Brady, Geo Felker, J W
Herdman, W J Hilderbrandt, Geo
Iddings, I Klein, Mrs Eva
Koshenina, Anton Kohler, Emile
WimiP 9pefaaea MHes Handicraft
itt- "Ut .auaj Taste. ; , . V-.--1.
The" eayinth'ata ' man's faith . . ia
known by' his wbrks, though somewhat
trite,' becomes i "apropos enough "when'thb
works materially; f affect ? they pocket. .
Little' credit is due to one who" says "he
aa confidence ' in the town wbo yet
neglects to exhibit hia . confidence by:
something more, substantial than idle
Words? It lsifferen t with 3 J O. Mack. .
Ai'an' expense of more than athousand.
doltafsjoj ! ' cold;' toab hd haa just 'fluted
up, in connection with hia large whole
sale liquor , .business, by long odds tfie
handsomest sample ! room ever seen in
thla city, 'end: what ia etU more to 'his
credit; not a dollar has been? expended
forSriaterial'orwork" that haa not bees
given tp the merch ah ta "and " artisans of
lb', jpaile?,.excipting " only f6r aome
material , 'that . .could "not fTbe procured
ri?te.r--The -carpenter work hM ' been
done by Fj Ross, the deoorating-By Paul
Kreft, the plumbing by Maya as Crowe.
The1 ; Dalles--Electric 'Light t Company
have furnished the chahdeliera, Prina &
Nitschke the linoleum f 'carpets'-1 and
curtains and Will. E. , Garretson
the bronze . statuary. The counter
in ash .top and cherry front and the side
board ia antique oak is the work of the
Oregon Furniture Manufacturing com
pany. All la aa perfect aa good taste and
masterly skill could make it, and yet ; at
the 'risk of invidiousnesa one canHiardly
refrain from saying that the decorative
work of Paul Kreft and the carpenter
work of Mr. Ross will compare with any
thing of the kind to be found here or
elsewhere. Two handsome pictures of
the. horses Salvador and" Firenze, the
king and queen of the Americanjturf,
decorate the walls. They are magnifi
cent picture of two of the fastest run
ners on earth. Two bronze statues of
ancient knights in armor, as handsome
as anything of the kind could be, adorn
the side board. A very tasteful
marble lunch counter stands
against the south wall. The sample
room measures 23& bv-19 feet. It is
lighted by day by a stained glass sky
light and by night by an aggregate of
eighty candle incandescents. There is
not a chair in the room as the trade that
Mr. Mack cultivates and desires fa not of
the class that, loafs around bar-rooms.
It ia only necessary to add that Mr.
Jamea Wilson so long and favorably
known in connection with this house
has charge of the room." ' . - "
Sentenced to Death.
-Vis AJan.' 29; -FrankSchieder and
hia wlte.libeaiie'chaerf'whyrhlavng
decoyed eight young women from their
nomes on'pretext of employing" them"! as
servants, and then muTeringthemi -for
the sake of money and .effects, were thia
afternoon. sentenced tp death , ... ... .
. Two Milliona Involved. ,
- BosTosr JanV29.Th'e failureof Colbv,
hardware - dealer", caused ' startline
711 m nm invnlvlni, fha oniKo T-rt ua rvion sv7
. .1 ..... V - . . h.. vM "S-- . . v
are a
involved. ' - - : i- -.
Us, ld-V '.rrr-. . ... I . . ... .. .
Coming; Silver Legalation.
-' WA8mNdTos."'Jatf.29.-J Ehoufih siirna-
turea have been secured to enable Chair
man -Uolmano call a caucus of the dem
ocratic members pf thet bouse. next, Frir
day settle upon- what action
twui u iucu -uwaru silver leguiiation. J
Indoraed by Republicans. '' ' '
PH.iAi)ELMnA Jari."29. The' reonbli-
can elate committee, today- adopted, a
resolution commending President : Har
rison's ability in - handling: the Chilian
dispute. -. ,...r.
The Gesang Verein will hold their an
nual ball "at Wingate's hall on. Wednesday,-
February 3rd proximo. ' Tickets $1.
Sold by the committee: H. Hansen,. J.
C-Hertz, J. Nitschke, C. Weigel, Geo.
Keller, ; R. Rorden, C. Stubling,- A.
Keller, Ad. Keller, Aug. Buchler, E.
Jacobsen, F. lmke. 1-25-2-2.
A good girl to cook and do housework.
Good wages. Apply at this office.
All Dalles City warrants registered
prior ta June 3d, 1890,., will . be . paid if
presented at mv office. Interest ceases
from, and .after this date.
Dated January 11th, 1892.
tf. Treas. Dalles Citv.
We are agents
Argarid Stoves and RangesrGarland Stqves anrt
Kariges, Jeoiell's Stoves and Ranges;' Ui
We are also agents' foi? the CeiebratBoynton pttmee.
RmmoniHoh and Loa('SbillsEte.
I. C.
Liable tf Einnd Whea It Conies to am
" Indian Appropriation.
E. W. Avres in the Kansas City Times:
Mr. Helman, of Indiana, chairman of
the appropriation committee, has won
great, reputation as an economist.'
There are few bills he does not want
reduced,-and many come in for a square
fight' for their lives. - S-Holman has
gained the sobriquet, of "The Watch
dog." But it has been noted on some
occasions with rage," on others with
mirth, that an Indiana appropriation has
a much better time with Holman than
those of others States. "The Watch
dog"' is warmly given to his own State,
and public moneys ment for "her decor
ation and delight make quite a hit .with
Holman. - -,:
On one occasion, just after the Rep
resentative from Indiana had sat upon
and crushed the puling life out of some
baby appropriation from . some other
state, along come a bill, which sliced off
something over a million to Indianapolis.
"Now this, gentlemen," said the
"Watchdog" with a sauve, ingratiating
air, "1 taice to De a very meritorious
The sharp contrast between Hoi man's
bitter opposition the little alien appro
priation and his smooth greeting of the.
one which was to fill the lap of bis own
state urged Doekery, of Missouri, to
smiling sarcasm.
"The chairman's -sudden change of
tone," said he "when brought from the
contemplation of appropriations meant
for other states to those aimed at Indi
ana reminded me strongly of the lines
of Byron where one reads :
" 'Tis sweet to hear the watchdog' honest bark
For the Children.
"In buvinir a cough medicine for
children," says H. A. Walker, a promi
nent druggist oi Garden,. Utah, "never
be afraid to. buy. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy-- There is no danger torn it
and relief is always, sure to Jollow.. I
particularly recommend Chamberlain's
because I have fou?d it . to be safe and
reliable. - 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, dw
. " ' . , - .-" a
La Grippe! '
The tendency of this, disease toward
-pneumonia is what makes it dangeroue,
iji.tjr.ippe, requires - precisely ine same
treatment as a severe cold.-. Chamber
lains. Cough Remedy is Jamous for its
ciirefl.,of : severe' colds. This. Remedy
effectually counteracts the tendency of
the disease to result in pneumonia, pro
vided that proper care be taken to avoid
exposure when recovering from the at
tack. Careful inquiry among the. many
thousands who have used-, this, remedy
during- the epidemics of. the , past two
years Tvas failed to discover a single case
that haa not recoverea or mat nas re
sulted in pneumonia. 25 -cent, 50 cent
and $1 bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. aw
Bay daep-mouthed
welcome as we draw netir
Iester, Cora
Morton, J is
Roper, H
Swank, Irvin
Tavlor, Ben
Wright, H
Mills. Jas M
Molchoir, Fritz
Sandford, J E (4)
Smith, Mrs Mary
Weiver, C -
Whittey, Jacob
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
The Lane county granges and Alliances
have held a convention and asked each
political party to plie in nomination for
the offices of county judge, commissioner
and legislature men who are in sympa
thy with the farming interests of the
state. The- convention disclaimed all
intention of taking any political action
by the organizations represented. It
seems to us this is a proper course, to
pursue and the farmers' organizations
all over the state should emphasize the
importance of the offices above referred
to. - ; .
After close calculations, Frances Wil
lard has ascertained that the amount of
force, exerted to compress the Waists of
women who wear corsets, .would, if ag
gregated, turn all the Mills between
Minnesota aud Missouri. Frances is
too hard on the dear waist squeezers. .
pacirf irst Glass Upright Pianos,
School Books, Bibles, Blank Books,
Music Books, Sheet Music,
Baby Carriages and
J. H.
DEALER' is" ' ' ' -n - :
' fl 1 ' 1 Til
ra n n nr
X UU U. UUU X. 1U U.JL a
: . -. ,i . . t.-.i t- .
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria.
Whea she was & Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. V All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly
Cor. Second & Union Sts.,
As Staple as Coffee.
"Chamherlain's Cough Remedy is as
staple as coffee in this vicinity. It has
done an immense amount of good since
its introduction here.'" A. M. Nordeix,
Maple Ridge, Minn.. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists. dw
-They Speak From' .Experience.
"We know from experience in the use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad
berry & Worley, Percy. Iowa. They
also add that the remedy has given great
satisfaction in this vicinity, and that
thev believe it to be the best in the
market for throat and lung - diseases.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists.. - '
rjdjvi. BUTLiER & CO.,
The roar of committee delight which
l f . 1 1 i I'll...! T i :
Liouuweu Kineu luc iuuiaua upprijpri
ation. By sucn sleights are laws made
and public money spent or saved-
Democratic corresponden ts i at Wash
ington have ceased talking about the
jingoism of Mr. Blaine, and have taken
an entirely -different tack. They are
now reporting that Blaine is not at all
in sympathy with the course of the
president in the Chilian affair ; that his
voice was for honeyed words and peace,
and that the relations of the. two men
have approached the verge of a rupture.-
The individual reader in net de-.
termine for himself the size of the doee
that he is willing to swallow of these re
ports. Spokane Ileview.-
Crook, county - note . says : It is a
well known fact that the. pestiferous
cayote is increasing li is kind in this
county at an alarmingly destructive
rate. Unless a ranchman has huiU for
himself a special picket fence, his chick
ens laii an easy prey to tne ravenous
jaws of these varmints. Sheepmen are
especially losers in the respect . men
tioned. Next spring the cattle aud
horse producers of this county will lose,
on the range, enough of young born
stock to justify, them in exerting a wil
lingness to suppress the nuisance men
tioned. ' .;-.'
:- Success pr to C- K. Dunham.
Druggists and Chemists.
' Pure Bus ai Medicines. '
Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty.
Night Druggists always in Attendance.
Wrung Information. -
It was not N. B. Sinnott that made
that big track. It-was a prospector just
in from the mountains after grub, who,
havincr found that Joles Brothers sold
Office and Yard uor. First and Jefferson Sts. ' SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Traci
-We make-no "bones about saying that nobody can
. ' ;. - '.
does or shall undersell us, or beat us in any feature of
Cheapness and Quality.
Office Stationary, School Supplies, Pianos, Organs
and-Musical Instruments of all kinds at
Ysr-fc x- lv mk Qr -Tsx
T H bbbw ' sT . - H k.
162 Second Street,
First national Bank.
:he dalles. -
How many people in this broad iand
will sympathize' -"with - the following,
which appeared lately in a Des Moine,s
paper:, A lamity oi-6ooa standing in
A General Banking Business Transacted
- Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds prom pi ly
remitted on day of collection...
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
: -New York, San Francisco and Port- .
. ' land. '-'
Has opened an office for Cleaning and
Kepairing Watches, Jewelry, etc
" All work guaranteed and
promptly attended.
RJ C. E. DUUtfRflLS OLD STflflD,
Cor. Second and Vnlon Streets.
G.W. Johnston & Son,
Gaiesiiteis M wmi
Shop at No. 112 First Street,
All Job Work promptly attended
and estimates given on all wood work.
the cheapest got his outfit of them and . cmrl 'J ! '
returned to camp. 1-30-lt. . ' . .' ''" " ,,.,,, i rv t tc.;v. .- r' fomW.
blUi 11 ul u iiiwrnivy l mcv, h uani Hive j ; . . - :
very much to live with some ' hired girl Ed. M. Wiixiams, Geo". A. LfEBB.
for the winter." . I - H. M. Bexl.
Fresh Columbia river smelt at W. A.
Kirby's. . 1-30-lt
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs
and Roofing.
Plains Tapped Under Pressure.
- ' - .
Shop on Third St., nextloor west of
&om ICijj', bli3is;ni th shop.
also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned
on short notice at reasonable ..
rates. '
- Orders -received through the postoffic