Ci) 'Bpiiiili y.OL. in. ,;..f0 .... JJgE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESD AY, rIlAfiyh27, 1892. NO. 37. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. J. ROBERTS CrviL EMOlHBB Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying and mapping;; estimates and plana for Irrigation, , sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridge,; etc. Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. , --L-: ,il I U- WM. SAUNDERS ABCBITBCT- Plan and specifications furnished for dwellings, Churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of See over French's bank, The 1 .Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fxixow OF Tramr Medical College, -and member of the Col lege of Pbysicisns and Burgeons, Ontarto.--lHiy' aloian and Burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap 4iian block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. -Office, hours; 10 to 13 a. m., 2 to 4 aad 7 to 8 p. TO. DR. O. D. DOANX Ysiciah - 1KD ' nn esON. Office: rooms 6 and S Chapman Block. Residence No. '23, Fourth block south of C'ontt House. A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to s P. M. street. Office hoars 8 to 12 A 8. BENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- A' floe in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. rv , SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extracuon or leexn. Also teetn flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of set on flowed aluminum date. the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AL THOMPSON ATTOaNIT-AT-LAW. Office . in Opera House Block, W ashington Street, Tin uaiies, wregon F. F. MAYS. . S. BDSTTNOTOK B. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOR-HiTS-iT-Liw. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. JOHN PASHEK, - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting . -garments, and a lit guaranteed . each time. Hepaiinng and Cleaning ' ' v Neatly and Quickly rfone. ' 4 - .S.DtlrtJ. 6BO. ATK1MS. rUmilllRI. DUFUR, W ATKINS A MENEFEE ATTOB-KKTB-aT-LaW Room No. - 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street Tb Dalles, Oregon. ... - - WH. WILSON Attokuby-at-law Rooms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, YOUH flTTEHTIOJl Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement - and Building Material of all kinds. -: - Carrie the Finest Iine or Picture - r; B; HOOD, Livery Feed and Sale .;.-!. i- . . .w.T.-iri-;.T--:: -' . Horses Bought and Sold On, Commission and Money Advanced on Horses .Left for Sale. OFFICE OF The. Dalles M Goldendale "Stage Line Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning . at 7:80 and Goldendale at 7:80. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the eve- . - . ning before. R. B. HOOD, Opposite old Stand." Proprietor. ; The Dalles, Or, C.W.ADAMS, THE ARTISTIC Boot and Shoemaker. To bit found in the City. Still on Deek. 72 TXiashington Street. NEW. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! ; JAMES WHITER The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin Hestaiiraiitj ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all V 1 ' : ' , of his old patrons. A UMerUdiog Establishment ! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Open lay and Night. First elass meals twenty -five cents. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (SiccmonoCiani Corson.) Furniture ( and Carpets. We -have added to our. business a complete - Undertaking . Establishment, and as we are in no way connected witn the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. ; ; Remember our place on Second street, j next to Moody's bank. " Repairing a Specialty. 11G Coubt St., The Dalles, Or. Young & Kass, BiacRsmiiti s wagon shod General Blacksmithing and Work done . promptly,": and . all work , -Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality. Third Street, opposite tlie old Lietie Stand, CHILI STILL This GoTernment Will insist en anApol- : ' osf From the Chilians. . THE SUPREME COURT DODGE. peal -ot the silver' act. of 1890 simply that and nothing "more,' It is not even proposed -to 'put , these propositions in the form of bills,.but simply to adopt a eries. of tesplutiona of the mature., of a party platform..! These, jf the program is -carried out, will be. put though ..the house in one lump without any ehance for the members to" vote separately re garding the tariff pr.silver proposition. In this way the stute bosses of the dem ocratic, national committee hope to avoid the danger , of opposition '. from any source.' ' . . NO REPLY RECEIVED. Is Everywhere-Looked Upon as Another one of Chili's Bluffs. BOLD DEMOCRATIC SCHEMB. A Poor Tim to Talk Will Hike Ai - other Attempt to Catch Gam General Mention. - - R. E." French lias for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county.- They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. : DEALERS IN : Sianle and Fancy Gmcenes. ; V Hayi Grain and Feed. Iripical FriiKNird Tobacco. Masonic' fJlGcfcrtorner' TMril and Court Sweets. The DaHes.OreEon; r Manufacturer of the finest French and ' Home Made East of Portland. ' ''.-" DEALEK IN ' .' ' The Settlement of the Chilian Question - Yet a Matter of Mot. ,. ALL THE FACTS ARE DESIRED Oan furnish any of these goods at Wholesala or Ketaii , In Eirey Style. ,, . : 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. The Dalles faetopy FACTORY - NO. 105. "iTi ' A J T C "of the Best-Brands I Xjrx.-LVO manufactured, and.l orders from all parts of the country filled. on the shortest notice; ' Jeu- lumllia o tel , ; ; :;. . 'THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. - " , ; ' ' None but the Best of White 'Help Employed. The remitation of THE DALLES GI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand lor the home manuiacturea article is increasing every day. :' ''"A." SON. TRANSACT A GEKERALBANKING BU8INK8 VingtM l0lt ll QlljSSV WashinSton 8ITDATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. ? ' Destined to be: the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. .Washington, Jan. "26. This govern ment t today received a long message fromtinlster Egan conveying the:, offer on the part of the. Chilian rgovernment for the-settlement .of. all. the existing difficulties with thS ' United -States. Conversation rith those acquainted with the text .of the. note, gave the impres- eion that it was not satisfactory. Further inquiry tonight strengthens the impres sion that the reply of Chili is hot satis factory to the members of the United States government. , Although -the an swer proposes, it is understood, to with draw the Malta note, the tenor of the offer is not agreeable and the proposition said to be contained in the reply to arbi trate the Baltimore affair is. taken -to mean the whole question, whether or not Chili will .apologize, as- well as pay indemnity." Of course that will, not be entertained. The United States must be the judge of the propriety of damand- ing an apology that cannot be arbitrated. No one - in a position . to . know, :- would consent to the terms of reply. The fact. however, that there is no reference to an apology , for the assault on the Balti more's sailors, except by arbitration, is sufficient to account for the ; dissatisfac tion of the officials with its terms. .As to the Matta note the offer of Chili is be lieved to be fully up to the demand made by the note of the 21st mst. to Minister Eean. The matter of the lat ter's recall is ..believed to have been sufficiently settled by the terms of that note, and therefore no reference to it in the reply was necessary. As was stated last night, if Chili apologized for the Baltimore incident, the matter of -the amount of indemnity, by way of repara tion, or whether or not. anything should be paid to the families of Riggan and Tnrnbull might very well , become the subject of arbitration, but the apology must come first.. The proposition ofl ; Chili to throw the whole thine into the' j supreme court is variously viewed. By some it is thought to be a declaration by Chili of confidence in the justice and right of her cause, a confidence so great and implicit that she is willing to make creature of the other party the sole judge of its merits. Others, however, think it is, in common parlance, - a "bluff,'.' and that Chili is not honestor sincere in her professions. It is recited that , the Chilians know the jurisdiction and powers of the su preme.court are restricted and limited by the constitution, and that'"Phe made the offer knowing.that it could not be entertained,' The argument is advanced that the suDreme court cannot and would not assume jurisdiction over such a matter, une or.xne justices or any number-of them might act as arbitrators, as was done when five of them took part in the prooeedipgs of the electoral com mission ia 187p. . The court as a whole, J could not take cognizance of the case. -'. The execntiveand the legislative, 1 by the. terms - of -the constitution, are charged with conducting and disposing of diplomatic matters, and they proba bly would not consent, if they could, to turning them over to the judicial branch of the government.-- The- it ply of Chili was the subject of a consultation .be tween ' the -: president - and Secretary. Blaine, at a late hour this afternoon; as well as the meeting of the cabinet at noon. - - . " ' j A Poor Time to Tslk. San Fkascisco, Jan. 26.---A New York special says Ricardo Trumbull, -a mem ber of the Chilian congress, when inter viewed , today, referred to Egan as a scoundrel,, He said would show him' up ae such in a lecture -Thursday. ' The Mail and Exprett prints the .following: If the Chilian delegate, .Trumbull, ex- peets bu American audience will allow him to call-Minister Egan a scoundrel and a. few other choice names at the Re form, club meeting Thursday evening, he is very much mistaken. " The moment is not auspicious for Chilian bluster in this patriotic. metropolis, nor for the. contin nance of efforts to purchase arms in this country for Chill, nor for shipment of any such arms already purchased. - Let bur government fearlessly prohibit any export of arms and ammunition to Chili at once and let Trumbull beware, what he eaya. :. : . . The House Has Asked for a Full State ment of the Matter. . To Capture Garza. ... San Antonio, tTex., Jan. 26. The state rangers, under the personal com mand of . W. H. Mabry, adjutant-general of Texas, expects, to have Garza sur rounded before tomorrow night. The wiley revolutionary leader will be called on to surrender, and if he make a resist a rice he will be taken dead or alive. . The rendezous of Garza is a ranch about thirty miles south of Alice, Texas, and the rangers are within tea -miles of the place tonight.. ' Captiaa G. F. Chase and the United States troops in that section have been called on by- General Maybry to assist the rangers. It is confidently expected that startling developing . will take "place within .the-next thirty-six hour. r -. . TTASf A COMMITTEE OF INQUIKTi The Hehrlng Sea Arbitration Left His Creditors An - Officer Killed by Horse Tbleres. ' Best Selling Property of the Season In the North weet. ' ! ' -; " :.i . - . " . " ' Letters of Creditiseued available in the ; : i. 'wi'Easern States ,t . J;v j ' '; Sight -'EfcJiange ' and ..Telegraphic ;Transfersaokiri New York, Chicago, St. ' Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, , Seattle Wash', j and vanona points in ur- ( egon and Washington , ' Collections made at all points on fav- ' OrftbleTterjna. ,. " For Further Information Call at tha Office of Iotefstate Investment Go., , - - , The Values Are Fictitious. St. Paul, Jan. 26. The ' state bank examiner haS reported to the-governor. in regard to the affairs of the American Building and Loan Association, as hav ing assets alleged to reach $11,000,000, and its patrons located in evsry state the Union. The examiners report - to the effect the real estate oi the associa tion is held at a fictitious value. The re port also says extensive loans are made on Washington state realty, which loans are,' with the accumulated interest, in excess of the assessed valuation of property.' . " 1 The l'lnto In France. ' Paris, Jan. 26. 'The new Chilian war ship Presidente Pinto !b in the Granville roadstead, at the mouth of the Bosq, thirty 'miles southwest' of Saint Lo. Granville is a fortified seaport in the department of Da Manche. , The . Pinto is said to' have half her crew on boaid and to be ready to put to sea at any time. Washington, Jan. 26. The cabinet met promptly at 11 :30 today, and de voted nearly the entire sessjon to a dis cussion of the Chilian controversy. All the members were present except Elkins and Foster. That the Chilian matter was under consideration is proved by the fact that a messenger from the state department brought about a dozen cop ies of the entire Chilian correspondence to the White House about noon, and they were taken into the cabinet room at oace. While Secretary Blaine was walking from the house to the cabinet meeting this morning he was asked if a reply to the president's ultimatum had been received from Chili, and he none was yet received as far as he aware. The cabinet meeting lasted about hours, and at its close there was evidence of a determination on the part of the members to give no information what ever on the subject of the Chilian con troversy." It is generally expected that the press dispatch from Santiago will be supplemented by some sort of an of ficial statement, but no facts of any kind could' be obtained. The belief is strong,' however, that something has beetf re ceived from Chili in response to the president's' ultimatum, but whether through the Chilian minister at Wash ington or Minister Egan at Santiago can not be ascertained. said was two Distention in the German Cabinet. " Berlin, Jan. 26. Owing to the dis sensions between Herr Michael, Prus sian minister of finance, and Chancellor von Caprivi, arrising from the' former's insisting upon modifications being made in the sectarian educational bill, the minister of finance has tendered his resignation to the emperor. 'His majesty, however, did not accept it-. 0. D. TAYLOR THE DALLES. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND. . ' A Bold Scheme. i:NEwYvKK;jjaj26i.--The Jfrald'$ Washington correspondent sends the following : To postpone all legislation on the tariff and silver questions and to inaugurate a simple democratic policy by means of a joint resolution is the lat est programme which has been formu lated by Gorman, Hill and Brice. It is in substance,. Governor Hill's plan as. announced in his speech at Albany, - to go to the people with a demand for a re peal ef the McKinlev tariff and the rer r - Killed by Horse Thieves. ' .. Knoxville, , Jan. 26. Yesterday 1 in Claiborne county, near Cumberland Gap Deputy Thompson was shot and killed by horse thieves, whom he , was trying to capture. ' One ; horse '-'thief was wounded and the other was -captured and brought to the Gap, where it. was reported early this morning that a mob was about to lynch- them. - . . ; The Honse Wants all Facts. Washington, Jan. 26. In the house this morning Breckinridge, of Kentucky, asked for the immediate consideration of. the following resolution : "Resolved, That the president of the United States be respectfully requested to inform the house whether any answer iias been received, either from our min ister to Chili Egan or from 'the gov ernment of Chili to the dispatch sent by " the government of the United States to the republic of Chili January 21, and if so, i'rom whom such answer was re ceived, and at what time, and that "be communicate to the house all corres pondence between the government of the United States, its minister to Chili and the Chilian government not com municated to congress with the message heretofore sent in." - The resolution was referred to the committee on foreign affairs. The house then took up the report of the new, code . of rules submitted bv the rules com mittee. , . . . A Committee of Inquiry. Washington, Jan.' 26. The .house committee on appropriations has agreed to report a resolution, calling for an in quiry by the appropriations committee ' of the house as to whether - the require- ' mentsbf congress providing for holding the Columbian exposition at Chicago have been carried out, whether all ex penditures of whatever character for the exposition were judiciously made, and inquiring into the management "of the . affair. .--.', - v i-ZT A. New Military, Post, v . . Washington, Jan. 26. Senator Haw ley .today introduced abill to establish a military post, near Helena, Mont.", upon requisition, without cost, by the United States, xf 1000, acres -of . land. . For the erection of the necessary buildings, $900, 000 in appropriated. - i . , . - . .. i : .'..-...j-tn. : : - ' ' . '. . Tows Destroyed by I'ire. , - ' w " , Bbvebly. W. Va., Jan. 26.1 The en tire central part -of this town has been burned, including the courthouse. The county" records were nearly , all Saved. Over 500 people lost their homes. ' - A Seaport Town lanndated. Bribbank, Queensland, - Jan. 26 Townsville, a seaport town on Cleveland Bay. . Queensland, is inundated. - A number of ' buildings have . collapsed, and railway traffic is stopped. , . The Behrins; Sea Arbitrators. Ottawa, Ont., r Jan. 26. Sir George Baden Powjell . arrived here last; night and called oil Lord Stanley at the gov ernment .bouse., ,1Sir George says that the Behriag .sea arbitrators have been mutually agreed on by the British and United States: governments, the under standing being that the personalities be not disclosed until the . announcement is made from Washington Dr., Dawson , and himself have their report ready, and , be summoned to. Washington. at any moment. , :., . f . v."-' - Left His, Creditors to Moan. Lynchbubg, Vs.', Jan. 26. Villiam JJ. Wrenn,: a prominent , vouBg citizen and lately.a member, of the, wholesale grocery firm of Robertson, Tait & Co., recently ..disappeared. . He -is said-to have '' -negotiated - -fraudulent paper arabunting'to $1000, "and it is thought ttat-this will be increased by future dis-V coveries. - Wrenn .is .supposed to -have , been ruined' by real estate speculations. . - -'.'''.'iwe ' - - '.'.' ''...