CD : ill . ': ". : : V ii' -. VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1892. NO. 2i. FROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM.' J. ROBERTS Civil Ekcikeeis Gen eral engineering practice; Surveying and mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. WM. 8AUXDERS Abchitbct. Plans and specifications fnrniBtaed for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. unarges moacraie, saasiacunn gunranicea. flee over French's bank, The Italics, Oregon, Of- DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow op Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thombury's Sec ond street. Ofliec hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 mid 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DO AS E physician and bur geon. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one I. lock south of Court House. Office hours a to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M. t S. BENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- J ce In Schanuo's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DS1 DDALL Dkxtibt. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth c-t on Bowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AR. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon , P. P. MAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON a. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. E.R.DCrUR. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK HENEFEE. DUFUR, V ATKINS & MENEFEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Room No. 43, over Post Ofliec Bnilding, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Kestauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin Restaurant OS; MAIN STREET t j Where he will be glad to see any and all of his old iiatrons. ' pen day and Night. ' First class meals twentyfive cents. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY v v W. S. CRAM, Proprietor; SlCCeSS0TlBCTIBkC0TS01.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made O -A- 1ST -3D I IE3 S Kftrt of Portland. v. " t i - - -DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuls, Cigars and Tobacco, Cb iuruWh any of th&e good at Wojesola vr avuui ' In Every Style. 104 Second Street. The Dallea, Or. The Dalles Gigar : Faetopy FIEST 3TEEET.' " FACTORY NO. 105. fT( A ot the Brands VAxJTjLXLO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled n the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES' CI tJAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured rtiele is increasing every day," -4. .- '- . A. UL.R1CH & SON. FRENCH & CO., - BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEBALBAKKINO BUBINE83 Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern States. . Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wasn., ana vancus pointa in Ur egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fv- orable terms. ' JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Next door to Wasoo Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. YOUR ATTEJ1TI0I1 Is called to the fact that Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds.- Carrie the' Finest Une of Picture jnouiflings To be found In the City. 72 fXtashington Street. A NEW Ufldertakinff Establishment ! PRINZ TNITSCHKE. T-DEALER8 IN; Furniture and Carpets; We have' added t our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, ana as we are in no way connectea witn the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. , Kemember ur place on becond street. next to Moody's bank. : DEALERS 13? : S am Hay, Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third and laplB 1 Fancy THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in EArery Respect. "t Washington SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in . the Inland.Empire. ; " Mora For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Mestmeiit Go., 0. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES. r; b. hood; Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bou ght and Sold on Commission and Money . Advanced on Horses . -Left for Sale. OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line Stage Leaves The" Dalles Every 'Morning -at-7:30 and Goldendale at 7:. All freight mustbe left at R. B. y Hood's office the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD, Opposite old Stand. Proprietor. The Dalles, Or. TH15 Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S j , Elegant Steamer KEGUliflTOK Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points ; Connections Will be Made w ith -the " - -Fast Steamer ." ' . ' ' ' DAIiliES GITY, At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Kates, Apply ' to Agent, or Purser on Board. " Oilice northeast corner of Court aud Main street ... . . :xottcW'--- -"y;;:- E. E. French has lor sale a number of improved ranches " and . unimproved lands in the Grass "Valley neigh borhoSd in Sherman county. ; They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled elaims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valfeyj Sherman cunty, Oregon. . ' and Feed! Court Streets, The Daiies.Oregon House on the Coast! None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Pfop. Dalles I Washington HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. ' , i" ! 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND ITIIE DEADLOCK BROKEN The Iowa. Legislature are in Working - - : Orfler at Last THE I. DIKE OF CLARENCE DEAD. The Transcontinental Association in ' Session. rr.uM WASHINGTON. A lli Ion Pacific Statement A China inun Hangeil Cardinal Simeon! Dead. lies Moines, Jan 14. The -deadlock in the senate was broken this morning. Lieutenant-Governor . Paynter, at the opening of the senate, said he is now clearly convinced that only a majority of a quorum is -necessary to elect perma nent officers, 'aud not, as he before "sup posed; that it took a majority of -all the members elected to choose such officers. The roll was then called on the election of a Secretary, . and the democrats, re fused to vote." The republican candi date was then declared elected. The Dike of I'lartBH Dead. "7 London, Jan. 14. The duke of Clar ence, 'eldest son of the "Prince of Wales, and heir presumptive to the British throne, died at D o'clock today. . The news of thu death caused wide spread grief.- flags at half inaet are displayed everywhere. The Prince, Albert, Victor, Christian, Edward, was born January 8, 1864. He was the eldest son of the Prince of Wales and was consequently in direct line of succession to the throne.' He, was to have been married to the Princess . Vic toria Maria of Teck, on January 27. - By the death of the duke of Clarence, the. next person to the Prince f Wales ifae line of direct succession is . the Prince George of Wales, a brother of the lale duke. " " Tk.- Trana-Coatiaentsl Association . . S.Mlon. . . New Yokk, Jan. 14. At a general meeting 'today of the 'Trans-Continental association, the following roads were not represented : The Rock Island, Denver & Eip Grande, Great Northern, Oregon Railway & Navigation company, Oregon fc .California, and the Rip Grande & Western, v The subject under discussion was the rates between points west of the Missouri river. .The war-like pro ceedings of the Western "Traffic associa tion on the subject of cut rates ' will not effect the Trans-continental association. r" WaablDffton w. WashijiGTon, Jan. .14. The president today nominated the . following post masters; Idaho Marcus, Whitman, Montpelier; Washington John T. Lo- baugh Pullman ; Oregon Wm. N. Cross ley, Forest Grove. The senate committees on territories had tinder consideration this morning a bill to provide a local government for Utah. It was decided to grant a hear ing on February 11, to persons from Utah, who are in favor of, and opposed to the measure. ' A Chinaman Hanged. Bakkk -City, Jan. 14. Mail .advices from Cahvon .City say that Ming How, a Chinaman, was hanged at tnat place last Friday. " The drop failed to break bis neck and he died in convulsions after twelve minutes of terrible suffering. How murdered a fellow countryman last September in Grant counry, He made a confession on the scaffold. . . . . The U. V. Makes m Statement. . - Bostox, Jan. 14. The Union Pacific's NovemTaer statement for the entire sys of its net earnings is $1,823,000, an in crease of $045,000. ' ' , . ; . 'J For the eleven months to November 30th, the net earnings were $14,163,000, an increase of $780,000. " The expenses have decreased $1,707,000. :. ' .- Cardinal Simeon Dead.- Romk, Jan. 14. Cardinal Simeoni, formerlv papal J secretary of state and 'perfect of the general propaganda, died today. ' His death was due to an attack of influenza from which he lias been suf-. fering for several days. .;, . . . The Cold Weatuer Klllinc CttUt. St. Louis, Jan. 14, Dispatches from several points in Texas are to the effect that a great many cattle have died since the unusually cold spell which set in last Sunday. ' "'- To Begin Kiportatlon. ' Odessa,' .Jan. 14. It Is reported in official circles here that the prohibition j of the cxportatiou of cereals from Russia ! will I:e rescinded the first of April. - , j : v ' The Idaho Contest. 7 Wasaingtox, Jan 14. The Idaho contest is again up today before the sen ate committee on privileges and elec tions. , Cloggett spoke in his own behalf. - A Register Appointed. Washington, Jan. 14. The president today sent to the senate the nomination of John Watts as register of. the. land office at Lakeview, Oregon. Weather Forecast. Sax Francisco, Jan. 14. Forecast for Washington and Oregon ; Rain in west ern portion, snow in eastern jiortion. CONSPIRACY OXFir.MEK. . ItevalutluniKtv Are Fitting Out a VeH-tel to 17cpose Ilippolte. Xkw.York, Jan. 13. The Herald this morning publishes an interview with Minister Price, of Hayti, in whicK that gentleman confirms the Herald's slory of Fast -week to the effect that the revo lutionists at Jamaica are again active and were fitting out a war vessel, called Le Pays, iu this country,, for the. pur pose of .striking an efTeclivo blow. against the government of Ilippol vie. . Minister Price has had secret agents at work, and they have learned that the revolutionary party have had their currency, for the use of their new government in- case Hippolyte was overthrown, printed in Rouen, France. Tlje agents of Minister Price say they have located, tho vessel, but they will" not tell where she is. She will - probably be seized by the United States marshal when Minis er Price be lieves the conditions are ripe. , 7, Indicted for Perjury. . Sas Diego, Jan. 13. The United States Federal grand jury at Los Angeles indicted William and- George Buckley, of Otay, . for . periurv. The "Buckleys were witnesses for the government in a case brought . by " Collector of Customs John B. Berry against D. O. and Harvev McCarthy, whom he charged with smug gling horses. The. evidence at that time went to show that the, Buckleys were instrumental (n bringing the hones across the line, although they swore differently. Night before- last-Deputy 'United States Marshal Goodrich arrived in this city and drove--U tho residence of the Buckleys,' placed them tinder. : ar rest and returned tovtbis- city and ; re turned to this city with his prisoners at 3 :30 o'clock yesterday- morning and took an early train to Los Angeles, .A Cold-Blooded Murder. Tccsox, Ariz. Ja'ni'I3. Advices from Solomonville .report ."..(.hat - and woman, .were . found murdered on the Duncan road, last, .jaight. Both were shot twice, and their heads mashed with an ax. When found, a 2-year-old child was sitting by the 4xdy of its mother with its head badly bruised. It would have died from the intense cold had it hot been discovered. - : The woman is supposed to be-Hattie Morgan, en route to join her huBband- at Globe. - Their trunks Were broken open and plundered. . A New Railroad Projected. SaJ6ta Fb, Jan. 13. The Cerrillos Coal & Railway company, with a capi tal stock of $2,500,000, has filed a charter with the secretary of state. The charter calls for building seventy-six miles of railroad line in this country, starting at Cerrillos on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and radiating south and west through the coal and mineral fields to San Pedro. This road will open one of the richest -coal - and mining regions in the west.-- - : Business at a standstill. Madrid, Jan. 13. A dispatch from Seville- states that business in that part of- the city bordering on the Guadal quiver river is brought to a standstill by a sudden rise, in the river. So great is the quantity of debris that has been brought down the river that the port is practically closed to Bhipping. The loss will be ve'rv heavy, and muelT further damage -will result unless he water re- ceedS; -i' - i".'-;iji ; ' ',:. .-Portland Wheat Market. . . - PokTtAND, - Or., Jan. 14.' Wheat, valley 1.62 1.65; Walla Walla, 1.57 1.60. ; . 77 . .. . ; . - - - Han Francisco Wke'at Market. .Sak. Thaxcisco. Jan. .14. Wheat", buyer', season, .1.82J. . '. ; - Chicago Wheat Market. ' .Chicago, Jan. "14. Close, cash, MJi; My,MH' - wheat, D. Fl Stewart, of the Prineville flour ing mills,.- went to -the Warm Spring agency last Monday t put in a bid for furnishing flour and feed for the govern ment -schools at that place. He re turned on Wednesday, and reports hav ing secured the contract for furnishing 50,000 ' pounds of mill feed, and thinks he-will get the contract for furnishing the fiour.r It is a pretty good showing when the Prineville mills can compete with the mills in the vicinity of The Dalles and Dufur and beat them on prices.1 Ochoco-Review. THE CHILIAN CHESTNUT TMs Goyernjnent Reported as Again "Preparing for f ar." . . - ' CHILI AFRAID HARRISON CAUTIOUS. The Mexican Insurgents Arc Again Victorious. STEAI.JNC1 FOI1 FOIISTKEN YEAH!. Cleveland Catches a Destructive Fire- Loiitlou Flour M ills lSurned ! Minor Mention. Washington, Jan. 13. Heports of the testimony taken :it Mare island have been read with great interest bv the senators and rerresentatives. They liave not been able to get full informa tion on the subject. The tesiiiuony taken by Judge Advocate-General Kemey has proven startling to them. " The Chilian situation-vtis the subject of very serious discussion at the capitol. Be sides the testimonny published showing the extent of the outrage, information has been received in an irregular way that there is no foundation for the re ports' that Chili lias assumed a more friendly tone. The prospects of a speedy settlement are considered doubtful. It is know.n positively from the best possi-.. ble authority that this government has received no intimation of peaceful over tures from Chili. The Star says : "Pres ident Harrison has been deeply moved by the reports from San Francisco. He expects that as soon as the investigation is concluded, a brief of the testimony and a report will Le sent to him by wire. If the report is of the character which the testimony thus far taken indicates it will be, he will send it to congress at once, together with the correspondence between this country and Chili." At the cabinet meeting yesterday the president expressed his opinion that the eitoation was more serious than it has been at any previous time. . After look ing the correspondence over very care fully, he finds nothing in it that indi cates the least regret on the "part of Chili for the outrage. He regards 'the so called "unofficial" reports that Chili would apologize as rumors given out for the pnrpose merely of allaying popular feeling. Officially, there has been no intimation, of any amicable disposition, on the part of Chili. ' - , Mexican Insurgents .4 gain Victorious.. Dkmixg. Jf. M., Jan. 13. A cowboy from old Mexico brings the report that the revolutionists have captured Casas Grande, a town south of Ascension, after hard fighting in which several persons -were killed. The attack is said to have been made by a large body of men, well disciplined. Every man at Ascension is armed and serious trouble is feared when the troops arrive from Chihuahua. They are expected to reach Ascension Wednesday, The revolutionists have added daily to their ranks and are strong in numbers. They . will not submit without a battle, and, as the soldiers comprise only 100 men, it is feared the result will be disastrous to the government.- The leader of the revolutionists -is a Mexican" named Sais, the game who participated in the Mess-ilia riots of 1871. Stealing for Fourteen Years. New Yokk, Jan. 13. Joseph W. Mabee, for many years secretary of the Westchester CouBty Savings bank at Tarry town, X.' Y., is discovered to be a defaulter. The amount of the defalca tion is placed at $10,000, and extends over a period of fourteen years. Mabee, who is nearly 50 years old", has confessed and has made partial restitution. It is unlikelv that there will be anv prosecu- tion in the matter. Destructire Fire. Cleveland, O., Jan. 13. A six-story brick block on the viaduct, occupied by the Cleveland Klectric Supply company, the Champion Safety Lock company, and the National Iron works, was burned at 2 o'clock this morning. . The losses aggregate $180,000 ; partly insured. A Crisis in the Cabinet. Melbourne, Jan. 13. There is a crisis . in the ietorian cabinet on the "one man, one vote" question. Three minis ters have already resigned. The Victor ian cabinet, has chosen Shields as the new premier.' The Tangier Revolution Spreading. . Taxgieb, Jan. 13. Information which has reached this city, which is practi cally beleagured by the natives in rebel lion against the sultan, shows the revo lutionary movement is spreading. London Flour Mill Burned. London, Jan. 13. Seth Taylor's flour mills on Tooley street near ' London bridge, were gutted bv fire this morning. Loss, $75,000. -