The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 13, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. III.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Esoinkkk Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimates uml plans for irrigation,
.sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM.' 8AUNDER3 Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings',
-churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fblxow of Trinity
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. OUice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sur
geon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 28, Fourth street, one
t lock south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M.
flee In Schaitno's buildincr. ni stairm
l'Ue, Oregon.
DSIDDALL Dkntibt. Gas given for the
. -tpainlcss extraction of teeth. Also teeth
t on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
i R. THOMPSON Attorney-at-iaw. Office
2m in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
nbys-at-law. Offices, French's block over
rinit National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFCR, W ATKINS & jfENEKEE Attor-hbys-at-law
Room No. 43, over Post
Ullicc Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
VIT.H. WILSON Attornky-at-law Rooms4
' ",lu ew vogi diock, becona street.
The Dalies, Oregon.
Still on Deck.
PhcBnix Like has Arisen
From the Ashes! -
The Retaurnnteur Haa Opened the .
Baldmin Restaurant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
. of his old patrons. '
Open day and Night. ; First class meals
twenty-five cents.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(SMCMsorioCrsa t Corsoi.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made r
CA.:Lr id x ie s,
East of PortlApd.
Tropical Frails, Nats, Cigars aiid Tobacco.
Can furnish arty of these goods at Wholes la
ot Retail -'
In Every Style.
i04 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. .
The Dalles
GicjaF : FaGtoFy
.' , . FIRST STieET.
FACTORY - NO. 105.
CTff- A T?Cl of te Best Brands
vAv-lli.llJ manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE' DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the i demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
FRENCH ':&'"' CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. .
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
45Jteattl Wash., and various points in Or-
Pfeon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable teTms. '
I Tail,
JJext door to Wasco San.
Madison's Latest System used in catting
garments, and a fit guaranteed -each
Repairing afctd Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.
Is called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass,' Lime, Plaster, Cement
, and Building Material of all kinds.
- Carrie the finest Line of
Picture piouldin gs
To be foand in the City.
72 UJashington Sttfeet.
(."'.,., DEALERS IX'
Furniture and Carpets.
We have -added to our hnninoM
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
me unaenaxerr - lTtiet our prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
Undertaking Establishment!
Staple and Fancy
Hay, Grain i
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
jvf evi Qo I u m b i a JHI o te I ,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents
First Class Hotel in Every Eespect. .
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Ptfop.
HoFth' Dalles,
Washi ngton
Destined to be the Best f
Manufacturing Center in .
the Inland Empire.
For Further Information Call at the Office of '
Interstate Investment Go.,
Feed and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission andMoney
-. Advanced on Horses
Left for Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line
Stage Leaves The Dalles- Every Horning
at 7:80 and Goldendale at 7; 30. All
freight must be left at R. B. -.
. Hood's office the ere-
-; . ning before. .
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
. - Elegant 6teamer - '
Will leave the foot of Court Street
. every morning at 7 A. M.
. ; . for
Portland and Way Points
Connections Will be Made with" the
Fast "Steamer .
At the Foot of the Cascade Locks.
For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply
... to Agent, or Purser on Board.
Office, northeast corner of Court and Main street
' soncK. "
improved ; ranches and. . unimproved
lands in the Grass ; Valley; neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very ' cheap and on. reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon. -. :
anci Feed.'
Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon.
Washingto n
; Best Selling Property of
the Season in the North-"
west. : .
The House Committee and ''Coinage Will
Report a Free Silrer Bill. "
The Heir to the English Throne in. a
, Critical Condition.
Cardinal Manning; 111 The Iowa Senate
Still Locked Are In Far or of
Washington, Jan. 13. Immediately
after the house committee of coinage,
weight and measures affected an organi
zation this morning. Pierce, of Tennes
see, offered a resolution to report the
free silver bill without delay. The dis
cwssion that arose on the .resolution
showed that the committee is a free
coinage committee, although'nhe free
silver and anti free silver men are op
posed to the adoption of the resolution
on the ground tHat it wus too precipitate.
Chairman Bland suggested that the res
olution might be modified so as to sim
ply announce it to be the purpose of the
committee to take up the free coimtge
question at once. No opposition was
manifested to this modification'. Pierce
finally withdrew hi9 resolution for the
present, and by . common consent the
subject went over until the next meeting.
After the meeting Chairman Bland said
to an associated press reporter : i'There
is no doubt the sense- of the committee
is in favor of the free coinage bill. The
temper of the committee is to report the
free coinage bill to the house at an early
date. . It will be a general, free coinage
bill, and in my opinion, such a bill will
pass the house ....
; 'l1'. DikT-Buml7 111.!. . .
. London, Jan. 13. Great apprehension
is felt by all classes of society regarding
the -condition of the duke of Clarence
and Ayondale, heir - presumptive to the
throne.' An attack of congestion of the
lungs, from which he is suffering has 'de
veloped into a very serious' case and the
opinion is openly: expressed that the
dake will, not recover.-
A bulletin issued at 7 o'clock tonight
says the condition of the duke continues
Cardinal Manning, who is suffering
from, a severe bronchial trouble and
congestion , of the lungs is ' growing
rapidly worse- and this morning his
physicians express little hope of - his re
covery.' The last sacrament of the
church has been administered to him.
" At 5:30 p. in. there has been a marked
change for the worse in the condition of
Cardinal' Manning. He is nftw in a des
perate -condition ' and it is believed his
death is only a question of but a very
brief time. - ' .- " ,
-. A dispatch received today from Hong
Kong etates that the steamer Meifoo
ha& arrived .at; that port, bringing the
intelligence of the loss of the steamer
Manchow, off Cupchi point. ; When she
went down she carried with her 414 per-
sons, every one of whom was drowned
' At 5 o'clock ; a bulletin was" issued
stating ; that there had . been a slight
csange lor the better in the duke -e con
ditiop. " , . . ' . .
- J . - ' Fun In the Tow Senate. :
Dbs Mopes," la!,' Jan. 13.-i-The dead
lock in theenate is still oh. .The role
was called again , this ; morning for the
election - ot secretary. Several demo
crats and one reDnblican refrained fmm
voting and Lieutenant-Governor Poyner
ruled as before there was no election.
An appeal was taken from the decision
of the president, but he was sustained
by a vote of forty -two to two. An ad
journment was then taken until tomor
row." -- - " ' ' -.-.':
i.-.r . .f .- Xle Jtefncees Safe. .
' Lokdon, Jan.'13. A-dispatch to the
Timet from Santiago de Chili, etates that
all the refugees given shelter"by the
united btates minister, but one. suc
ceeded in making their escape from the
Vniiian authorities. - The dispatch also
adds that the relations between Chili
and the-United States are improving.
Are In Faror of Blaine.- ' .
Philadelphia. Jan. 13. A convention
was held in each of the five congress
ional districts of this citv todav. to select
delegates to the republican national con
vention. Delegates favorable to James
G. Blaine were elected at all the conven
13, 1892.
tions. There were two anti-Blaine can
didates, but they were defeated.
Not After the Chilians Vet.
Washington, Jan. 13. In reply to an
inquiry as to the truth of t he report of
an ultimatum demanding an instant
apology and reparation being cabled to
Chili. President Harrison this afternoon
said that he had sent no ultimatum to
Chili and is still devoting himself to a
careful examination of the voluminous
Chilian correspondence. "...
ltepublican Delegates Elected.
Washington-, Jan. 13. The republi
cans have elected delegates to the na
tional republican convention. Resolu
tions were also adopted, endorsing Presi
dent Harrison's administration.
Oovernor Brown Inaugurated. -
AxxAroLis, Md., Jan. 13. Governor
Frank Brown was inaugurated today in
the presenee of the general assembly. '
New York Will Exhibit.
Albaxy, N. Y., Jan. 13. A bill was
introduced in the senate to appropriate
$300,000 for a state exhibit at the world's
fair. . .
Sherman Elected Tolay;
Columbus, Jan. 13. The two houses
met in joint . session today and elected
John Sherman as United State's senator.
Kpeaker Crisp Better.
Washington, Jan. 13. Sp aker Crisp
was able to get up and leave his bed for
a short time today.
The New York Hop Exchange. '
New York, Jan. 12. Dealings in fu
tures were begun on the hop exchange,
No. 45 Pearl, yesterday, aud 215 bales
changed hands as the result jf the first
day's work. The exchange, which has
about fifty members, was organized a
year ago ; to facilitate communication
among dealers, but not until now has
there been any speculating done outside
of a regular commercial business.
Under the new ' rules, hops will be sold
for future delivery in lots of twenty-five
bales, or about 5000 pounds. v The quo
tations will be based on points of of a
ceni a pounu. Hops are raised . chiefly
in four states; New i York, Oregonk
Washington and California, and also in
Canada. The 275 bales sold yesterday
consisted of .200 bales of New York hops
and 75 bales of California -' . .The ;New
York hops brought 25 cents for Febru
ary, 26 cents for April" delivery. Cali
fornia hops brought 25 cents lor both
DeDruary and March delivery:
. . . . ; T
' A French Academy Burned. -
Montreal, Jan. 12. The Academy
bt. Louis de Gonzagique, conducted by
Providence nuns, in which there were
over 3000 children, was burned today
The nuns had the greatest difficulty in
preventing a panic among the children,
but alt were rescued safely bv the fire
men. The loss will be heavy, v
-' KebeU are in Possession.
Tangier, Jan. 12. The rebels have
taken possession of the trade roads lead
ing to the interior of the country, and it
is believed they will be enabled to sup
ply themselves with large quantities of
provisions, etc., destined for Tangier,
anu now approacning the city, an an
nonncement which has caused' great ex
Condition of Dake Clarence.
London, Jan. 12. The physician of
Duke Clarence this morning reports no
improvement in his condition. . Reports
received up. to noon today state his
pneumonia has developed into a .severer
type than was announced by physicians
vu uie puuiw, anu inucn anxiety is leit
The Mexican Insurgents.
Djeming. N. M.rjan. 12. No courier
arrived here from Ascension, 'Mexico, up
to a late hour last night, but one is ex-
rurtrn1 tnrinv. Th latest ;nfn..n.i
from Ascension is to the effect the town
is sun in possession or the revolution
ists. Insurrection In Arabia.
Ajjen, Jan. 12. The Arab insurrection
m Yemen has broken out afresh. The
rebels are marching upon Sanaa, the
capital city, and Turkish forces -are ad-
" "' Guns of the Mlantonomah.
Njew Yosk, Jan. 12. The trial of the
guns and mounts of the steamer Mianto-
nomab is finished, and in every respect
it has been a great success.- ' .
A Benedictine Abbey Itarned.
Paris, Jan. 12. The Benedictine
ahbev' at- Fmmiw luirneri loot nirl,t
causing a loss of 2,000,000 francs.
Portland Wheat Market.
Portland, Or.. -Jan 13. Wheat.
valley 1.62 1.65; Walla Walla, 1.57M
Chicago Wheat Market.'
Chicago, Jan. 13. Close, wheat.
steady; cash, .86; May, .91.
San Francisco Wheat Market.
San Francisco. . Jan. 13. Wheat.
buyer, season, 1.81.
NO. 25.
A Sensation Cansed ey Late DdYelopents
in the Baltimore Case.
After Spending Her Money a Husband
Shuts his Wife in a Mad House.
The WliKlebock as a War Vessel The
King and the Tope The Fire
Vallejo, Cal., Jan. 12. A genuine
eeusation was developed in the Balti
more investigation today, a thing en
tirely unexpected at this lute stage of
the proceedings. The case has draeged
along slowly in the morning session, a
number of sailors being recalled to tes
tify as to the soberness of Riggin, Turn
bull and Davidson, before and during the
riot. After recess, however, Surgeons
Stitt and Wite, of the Baltimore, took
the stand. After testifying to the
wounds of the members of the Balti
more's crew, they" declared that the
death of Turnbull was directly caused by
the neglect in the hospital, where he
was carried by the police. The Chilians
refused to allow the Baltimore's sur
geons to treat their men, and declined to
do it themselves except in a very super
ficial way. For four days the surgeons
vainly begged Judge of Crimes Foster to
allow them to remove the sailors to the
Baltimore, but not till it became proba
ble that Turnbull would soon die, would
he grant them permission. The men
were taken to the shin, but it was too
late for Tnrnbull. Blood poisoning had
set in and he died five days later. The
surgeons were positive that death re-
euiteu i rum negieci ana imperiect treat
ment in the hospital. .
. ' , A Wife's Tale of IMstress.
: Muskegon, Mich., Jan. 12. Mrs. J. H.
drewsrrwho -was-iraudulently placed in
a private insane asylum near Detroit Tiy
her husband, who then eloped with
Miss McGregor, a wealthy young woman
of Jacksonville, 111., has bean released
on demand of her sister, Miss Jailser.
Mrs. Andrews is perfectly sane, but is
prostrated with grief. She married An
drews here, and he has squandered her
large fortune, leaving her peuiiilees in a
mad-house, with two small children, the
youngest of which was born in the asy
lum; Andrews and Miss McGregor are
living in Paris, France. ..'
The Western T; raffle Association.
New York, Jan. 12. The quarterly
meeting of the advisory board of the
Western Traffic Association, was held
this morning at the Windsor hotel. The
regular routine work of the association
was d eposed of, and any difficulties that
may arise.between .any of the western
roads will be discussed and arranged..
President Cable, of the Chicago, liock
Island A Pacific road, said to a reporter
that there was absolutely no foundation
for the rumor that the "association was
on its last legs. ....
The Whaleback as a War Vessel.
West Sdpebior, Wis., Jan. 12. Cap
tain McDougall, inventor of the whale
back, is figuring on applying his vessel
to war service, adapting barges to coast
defense. By means of water-ballast
they can Be submersed, leaving onlv a
small turret for the lookout and the bow
above water. Tn the hum hrn 1,'o.n , ..
guns will be placed, and while one is be-
i rt CT Alhn. ...... K 1. 1 . i.
c ...... v i. uijr itc vuarueu ue-
low in the. vessel. Captain McDougall
u uuwu out patenis on tne vessel in
this and all foreign, countries.
The Klne; and the Tope.
Paris, Jan. 12. La Paix savs todav
King Humbert made overtures to the
pope offering to compromise-the ques-
tior.B at Issue between the state and
Vatican. La Paix further savs the terms
offered by King Humbert, while retain
ing the rights of the crown, are fully
satisfactory to the Vatican. The paper
. r x - " v-pivuuvu .tit
has been broken, and that important re-
buiu Tim pruumoiy ioiiow xne opening ot
negotiations between the qoirinal and
the Vatican.,
Bights of the People.
Washington. Jan 12. Senator f!nl-
lom, speaking in respect to the decision
of the supreme court in the councilman
case, says: "lam afraid the court hardly
realizes that the people are entitled to
protection in their rights as between
themselves and common carriers. The
common carriers are quasi-public Insti- .
tUtionfl. and hatrA tin riol . . n . u A
common law to discriminate between
peri-one or localities."
Bank Clearings.'
Clearances,. i320.285.95; balances.