f mm it ft mm VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12,-1892. NO. 24. v. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WK. KOBERTS-CIVIL Enginebb Gen eral enpineerlns practice. . Surveying and mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridge, etc. AdJres:P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Claris and specifications furnished for dwellings, ' churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed -Office over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon, DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow or Tararrr Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Snrgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms S and 4 Chap man block.: Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Olhce hours ; 10 to 12 a. m.t 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. in. . D R. O. I. DOANE phtsicias and bo- okok. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence o. 23, Fourth street, one tlock (south of Const House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. 51. A 8. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AV,.Ol-lr iJtes, Oregon. - . DEIDDALL Distibt. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth net on Bowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, (Second Street. - A R, THOMPSON A ttobuet-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon ... F. MHY. B.S. KDirriNOTOB. H. 8. WILSON. AYS. HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOK- JXX nts-at-law. Offices, French's block over run iauonai nans, 1 ne uaues, Oregon .B.MJF'CB. GEO. ATKINS. rBAKK krXN'KFKK. D UFXJR, W ATKINS MENEFEE ATTOB- sEiriT'Uw Hoom ro. , over osi , OQice Building, -Entrance on Washington Street i ne Danes, Oregon. "V17 H- WILSON" AtioY-ir-uw-Rooms T . 62 and S3, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. - - Still on Dee Phoenix Like lias Arisen From the Aslies!. JAMES WHITE, The Keetauranteur He Opened the Baldwin - fiestaitfairt ' '.V; ON MAIS "STREET " ' Where he will be glad to see any and all ,' - of his old patrone. - Open day and Night.- Firet disss meals twenty-five cents COLU1VIBIA. CANDY: FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor, ; " JSatcmor lo Craa k Coisoi.) ManuUcturer f the finest KrencH and , Home Made C Ji. 3ST ZD lOH ' East of Portland! . 1EALER IN . Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco: .' -:.- : . : -. ""i, ' : '" - : ' Can tumtsh . mt of these -goods at Whoiesala ew Retail .. : -.-f -i . ;: :?-. ..... 104 Second Street. 'Fhe Dalles, Or. The Dalles FACTORT- NO. 105. TP1 T?Ci of the Best Brands VX VJrxJkXIO manufactured,, and , -orders from all parts of the countryfitied. on the shortest notice." - -r - - The reputation of THE DALLES Cl- tSAK nas become nrmiy estabiisned, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day;!, o .. A. ULR1CH & SON. rehch & CO.; BACKERS. - TRANSACT A GENEKALBANKING JU8INE8S ' Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. 8ight Exchange and Telegraphic . Transierssoiaon rnew x ortc, umcago, at. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, eattle wasn., ana various points in Or rn and Washington.- - Collections lnade at all points on fav orable term. Faetopy JOHN PASHEK, I - Tailor; Nest door to Wasco Sun. . Madison's Latest Svstcin used in cutting garments, and" a fit guaranteed .- each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. . YOUR flTTEHTIOJl ..Jtn calle4 to the fact that , i Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -arrl the finest Lin of Picture To be found in the City. 72 UJashington Street. A NEW PRINZ NfTSCHKE.' Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete' TTndertaking Establishment, ana as ire are in no way oonneciea witn the Undertakers' Trust our prices - will be low accordingly. Kenaenaber-otir place on- beeond street, I next to Moody's bank. Hugh Glenn Undertaking Establishment ! -: DEALERS IN : Hdy, Grain Masonic Block, Corner Thirit and feu jQolu Jidtel, v v THE DALIjES OREGON. : I Best Dollar a Day . First-CIass; Meals, 25,Ceiits.i .v First Class Hotel in Every .Resjiectl " ' .'' .. -?t''; :;v: : - . .Nne but the SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the- Best; Manufacturing Center in the Inland Emi.ire. . ; ;. ' . -. .'. r . : ' ' r-rr -rr ' - For Further Information Call the Office tf .-' . ' , .... . - ". v Iiitepstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR. THE (IAIIES. '12 WASHINGTON ST., PORTIAND. R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought an d Sold on Commission andMoney . Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. .- .-; -OFFICE OF: j The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line " Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning -'--at 7:30 and Goldendale at ;30. All -X ... -rnriirhf mitot ha' tuft nt W - Hood's office the eve ning before. ' - R. B. HOOD, 'Opposite old Stand. Proprietor. The Dalles, Or. i THE 1 Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Elegant Steamer v -. ; " GUhATOH Will leave the foot of Court Street ' ' ... every morning at 7 A. M. - " ; . for. . ' '. ' : Portland. and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the ' - Fast Steamer At the' Foot of the Cascade . Locks. l-or'Passenjjer or Freight Kates,. Apply r,:J ' -.to Agent, or Parser on Board.. ... Office nortbeast oorde; of Court arid Main street R,' K.FreneliiaB' for sale a number , of improved' raocnes and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman donn'tyi. They' will be sold very cheap ""slid'' on -reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some J good unsettled claims in the same neigh - txjrhood. xxiB aatrress'ip'.urasfl valley. i-Sherman county r Oregon. and Ftea. Court Streets, The Dalles,Oregoi House on the Coast! Best of Whiye Help Employed; k':ih1'ttfta HEAD OF JiAVlb ATIOS. Best Selling Property of the Season in. the North west. . ;-.-v. RE DAIiltES GITY 6I0GBIIB8. Several Persoiis. Reported Buried Be ' ncatli Falling Walls of a Churcli. . STREET CAR MEN STRIKE. 3? : ' -r Thg.:Situation is Becoming Very ... Scr- , ions Several Strikers Arrested. NfiltllASKA ALLIAVtK .IN SESSIOM They FiTor the Sub-Treasury scheme The Strikers Confident or Sac cess Other News. " Rochester, N. i ., Jan. 12. A herce fire was raging here at noon. Hiram Sibley's seed house, a ten or twelve story building, covering nearly a whole square is a mass of flames. The heat from the fire makes it impossible for the firemen to be of much use in eaving the adjoining buildings and it is feared that other fires will follow. At 11 :30, half an hour after the fire started, the south wall of the great building fell, crushing in tfee rear of the store of Howe & Bassett, which is in the Sibley block, in the rear of the burnir g building. A woman and' baby "were res cued by the "firemen " from the third story of this building. . A large portion of the ' southwest wall fell, setting th-e to the Second Baptist church. - Detective Long was in the I back hall of the top floor, .with tenor twelve firemen and citizens, helping to reicue the people within, when the' walls caved "in and all were buried in the ruins. When Long and. two of the." firemen escaped they saw' nothing of the rest oi the people who.. were with them. Long feels- certain-- that some of them are still in the ruins. " - " jr-- ' . r ''J ,Kdlaapalia Strike Orowlif rIo. '-' IsiiK Apotia, Jan .'12. The street' car" strike situation is - grbwiif'g ominoue. The company'. declared Its intention of running today arid asked the board of public safety for' protection. The strik ers. sayHliey will not allow a wheel to turn. . :"' ' - ::. . - This morning a salt car started over the College-avenue line with an escort of police.' ' Thre strikers attempted to stop it and the row'" was Only" quelled by the arrest of eight' strikers. The ' strikers immediately telephoned to fare em ployes of the Atlas Engine works for as-' sistance. - - - - 1 " The situation is becoiniug more criti cal ejrery minute. ' The "strikers arrested were afterwards bailed out. There & a -possibility of the militia -being called out this afternoon. , The police, have all been called in from the . outlying dis- trict to.be in readiness for an emergency and the board of public safety is -how in session; . '. ' ; ' . " - Th Nebraska ' JTaunncrs Session.: ' 'Alliance. - In Liscolx Jan. 12.-rThe 'eleventh an nual meeting of the state' .farmers''alli--ance was held here today. " The meeting will be held. with closed doors but it is known that an attempt will be . made to pass a resolution' endorsing the sub treasury scheme. 'The action of the state legislature in replacing a bounty on beet, sugar has been endorsed and a resolution bordering on'free. trade was discussed.--The meeting promises to be barroonious. Much interest is shown in dispaering the probable - Candidates for governor ,,r:v"Ex'-Senatdr -Van Wyick- is mentioned asa" 'probable candidate -on the independent ticket. ' " . . a ' ! The StrlItCofldeni 'oi Success." ;: Pobtland, Or,, Jan. 12. The striking brakemen on the iSouthern Pacific held k meeting this morning, the outcome of which''wa8 a resolution': to' continue but until the company 'rescinded the order compelling one ' brakeman to remain on the top of the train. . The freight cony doctors on. the Ashland division hav6 joined the .-brakemen .. v;The.; strikers are confident of carrying their point, for thje reason that, the company will' be unable to fill their places. '.' - ' - la th Ohio Senate. - . Columbus, Dec. 12. The eenate and house voted separately for United States senator today.' .In the' senate Sherman' received 18 votes and James E. Neal (dem.) 8. In the house Sherman re ceived 93 and Neal 29. . A resolution' to investigate the eligibility of United States Senator Brice was discussed in vigorous speeches in the house, but action was postponed until Wednesday afternoon. . . SSK ; j Petersburg siiow that although the czar may declare there is no famine in .his j dominions, that already the gum of I sixtyfive million roubles has been up-! propriatcd bv the imperial treasury for j j the purpose of ' provyiing the absolute nefeesaries of life , to ,: be distributed anioiig the suffering people. . . . -.The Tn flu our a Spreading. X.OSIWX, Jan. 12. There is no abate- -inent -wluttever in the epidemic of influ enza 'which :is ewefeping over Kurope. lietwrts'-which are 'daily received . from j nnnareas oi places inrougnoui ine con tinent snow, that the disease continues to spread with increasing violence. The number , of deaths ' resulting , from the disease is very large. ' ." ' A Vessel and Crew Lost. ' Sav Diego; Jan.: 11 The news has been received from Cedras Island that the schooner. Jessie D. and her crew are at the bottom'of the ocean. The veeeel was commanded" by Albert Holbrook, as captain, Harry Jenkins as mate, arid a Norwegian sailor named Hansen. " Down on the Jew. 'StVPetebsbcrg, Jan. . 12. Anti-Jsw-ish outbreaks have occurred in many vlflages in Persa and Saratov" and the houees of a number of Jews who were tuspected of hoarding corn have been burned and many of the in'iaatrs killed. - - - A Whaling; Uark Burned. San,' Francisco. ; .Jan. 12. Advices from Honolulu state' that the whaling bark, John P. West, burned ti the water's edge, fire miles off Diamond head January oth. The crew was eaved. ' The Coldest Day Yes. HcttONj S. D., Jan l2. It was 21 de gress' below zero here this morning, and from 15 to24'-degrees below at various points in the state, making it the cold est day of the season.. ; ' -. A VcryBraelnc Atmotphtr't. . Belgrade, Mont., Jan. 12, The spirit thermometers registered 49 degrees be low zero yesterday., TJhe. snow is. two ffet deep.- . ..."., A Murderous Soi." - Chablestox, -W. VTa., Jan. ll. Thtf elopement of a married woman, of Cal houn county, Saturday, almost ended in a murder. Abrin Gftrretson fired hla father's house when the old gentleman was lying; on Jiis dea'th'-bed,"aiid then abandoning his wife"" And children, he stole two of his'- father's" ' horses' arid eloped . with, l Mrs.' 'Marion Boyce, yrho left two young children to the care of her husband. Garretson, sr., was rescued frdm'thejDurhing, building with" diffi culty., - ' '" : f- - RoercT a Snail Verdict. ; BtfFFAi.-bj N. Y.,- J&nl '11. Mrs. .Mar garet G. Allen recovered Saturday a ver dict of $1332, against the estate of her ancle. Lewis F. Allen, who was also the uncle of Grover Cleveland.; The verdict covered the amount1 claimed to be due from the sale of a small piece' of land entrusted to. her uncle, the proceeds of which had been paid to the executors of the estate. : v.-l Thinking; , of Old Scores. '. London, Jan. ll.--The Chronicle says: 'It is probable' is was a ' lively recollec tion of the Alabamaaward which caused tife hitch in theBehring sea. negotia tions. .English representatives need to beware of all ambiguous proposals eman ating from the other side. . We believe, however, the obstacle will not prove in surmountable. . .. . Philadelphia Jan.V 11. The. first Chinaman ever naturalized in Schuyl kill county has received, bis papers. . He is Po Yuen; of Ashland, where be if enr gaged in. the laundry . business. He is 34 years old and has been in this coun try, seventeen years. . '. .;, Two Cbildren Barnsd to Death ' SsDALiAiMo Jan..lL Last night, in the absence from the house of David Buckner and wife, their two children, a boy and girl, aged' respectively 7 ami 5 year's, were bnrned to death;. .". li-?:-.X i'-?; : r '. -j rXrlal of Curtis Postponed. - 'Saw Fbakcisco, Jan; 11. The trial of M'B.1 Curtis,' charged with', the murder 'of PolFcebinn Grant, was postponed this morning until next aionuay. . --..' Jielson te ajo on a fut. , ' yV'ASHixGTbx, ' Jan. 11. Nelson, the great stallion, has been secured for. next summer by the owners of the Kalamazoo stock farm. - - - Portland "Wheat Market. 'Pobtland, - Or., Jan.' 12. Wheat, valley 1.62i.65 ; Walla Walla, 1.57" 1.60: - - - Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, Jan. 12. Close, steady ; cash, .85$' ; May, .95. wheat, ENGLAND WATCHING US " w. - mv:- nv Trr.i, ni. She IS Tafclug OllSerTatlOll Of th6 VOrk at Onr Kayy Yards. HAD YELLOW FEVER OX BOARD. Tll ' InsBFgents Buenos Avres are ' Getting Troublesome. TIIK iiorsE. Free Trade lit so! utlou Ottered X mh' Trie to Kill Ills Father Tn o Children Burned to Death. Washington, Jan. 11. Whether Cireat Britain is or is not using her in- . fluence with Chili to bring about a satis factory settlement of the Baltimore out rage is as yet a matter of speculation, but there is abundant evidence that she is showing the deepest interest iivthe preparations for war whir-h our country has been making. - Our naval officers have not failed to discover that two naval attaches of the British legation in this city, Captains William II. Way and -G. C. Langley, have lieeii watching every movement of the navy department since the talk of war with Chili first commenced. What these officers have -' learned has, of course, Ikicii duly com municated to the home government, tiTfd the reports doubtless have been "the means of convincing the British author ities that the United States is in sober earnest, in her demand for reparation. It is noticeable to those" who have watched the development of the Chilian controversy that the .English influence in the direction of peace commenced just after the naval attaches began familiar izing themselves with our naval activity. These attaches have made personal visits to different places throughout the country where work on war materials is in progress. Only a few dfcys ago Cap tain Langiey visited Mare Island yard and the Union iron works at San Fran cisco to see what truth there. was in the rumors of hurried work on the coast de fense vessel Monterey and other vessels. ' Upon his return, a day or two ago, he told his friends he had beetr on a few days' pleasure trip to- New - York, . .but this did not deceive some of the naval officers bere. . Captain Langley is too. wefl known to the officers on duty on the Pacific slope tp conceal his identity, and he had not been in San Francisco many hours, before his presence and the object of hi& mission became known to the department officials. There can be no doubt that he discovered that the re ports of great activity , in the--work on the Monterey were not exaggerated, and it is to be presumed that lielost no time in informing his government ot her con dition, and what a formidable craft she will be when finished. A Ship With Yellow Fever. "bw Yobk, Jan. 11. The steamship Moorish Prince arrived in quarantine yesterday morning. Tho . captain re ported that on November 26 Chief -Officer Hughes and Willi in Fusch were taken with yellow fever, whi e the ship was at- Rio Janeiro; both. died. The second engineer, James Curncross, be came ill on November 28 and died on. December 3. lldbei t Richardson, the third engineer, v as taken on Dec uiber 2 and died a day later. Since leaving Rio Janeiro tfiere has been no sickness on the Moorish Prince. The health of ficer detained tho; ship and wilr'not allow her to couie to the city until he is certain all danger of a fresh outbreak of the malady has passed. ' - . . Insurgent In Buenos Ay re. Buenos-Aybeu, Jan. 11. Rumors are current 'here that a revolt has taken ; place among the Second and Seventh regimtnts of the line. It is commonly believed that the revolters wtre suborned by the followers of General Roca. - The government has taken measures to -suppress the insurrection. The - First regi ment of the line and the Third artillery have been ordered out to reinforce the' 1 Buenos . Ayres garrison, and cartridges have been served to all of the men,-but' it is feared that despite these prepara tions the insurgents are so strong that they will march from Rosario Mendoza and La Plata upon Buenos Ayres. " ' - , In The House. Washington, Jan. 11 A resolution was ; offered by Breckinridge, of Ken tucky, repealing the third section of the McKinley . bill, and enacting in lien thereof a section authorizing the presi dent to issue a proclamation admitting free of duty from any nation on the American hemisphere, on which no im port duty is imposed on feed, corn meal and other bread products, preserved meat8,Vil, lumber, agricultural imple-. ments and machinery, steel rails;' and was objected to by Biarrowe.of Michigan.