Entered a tthe Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, - as second-claaa matter. . -- Iocal Advertising-. ..'. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents, per line for each subsequent insertion; -. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices reeeired later than 3 o'clock will appear the. following day. - . TIMK TABLES. . Railroads. ' KAST BOCKD. ' No. -Arrives 11:40 A. M. Departs 11:43 iM. " 8,1 '" li:05P. .. ." 12:30 P.M. . : . WBST BOCSn. - ." ... So. 1, Arrives 4:10 A. u. , Departs 40 a. u. " 7, " 6:20 r. If . " 6:45 F. Jl. Two loca freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7-43 a.m., and one -for the STAGES.. For Prinerille, via. Bake Oven, leave -daily except Sunday) at 6 a. . . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. u . For Duf ur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs nd Tygh Valley, leave dally (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. . -.- For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. M . OInces for all lines at the Umatilla House. rost-omce. .--. . - .- .- - . omci hocks .."""' Ueneral Delivrey Window...... .8 a. m. to" p. m. w .... .... rinta, .. 1 ' Am m ,i. -1 ' in .Junday G r: . .. .. .....9 a. m. tolOn. in. casino or MAILS ' By trains going East 9 p.m. and 11:45 a. m. ' West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m. fit age for Goldendale. v '- .7:30 a. m. " "Prinevllle 5:30 a. m. ii "Dufur and Warm Springs . 5:30 a. m. " fl-eaving for Lyle A: Hartland. .5:30 a. m. " " " " t Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sundny. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892. Douglass' children are down will measles, and a few cases of la grippe are reported but none are very serious. The case of McMasters vs. Taylor, which has been in the United States court 'for over a year and. has had five difierent hearings, has been decided by Advertised tetters. The following is the list of letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled forFridav. Jan. 8, 1892. Jfereons call ing for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised : Anderson, Minnie Antomo.Domingb Baldwin, Wallace . . ' . , . Barton, J O juage jjeaay, oicjuasters oeing wraeii Colcomb Paul $755. McMasters resides in Rochester, CummiDgs, G H N. Y., and. when out here some time ago employed Rev. G. D. Taylor of this city to purchase- some land for him. The outcome of this and ' other transac tions was not satisfactory and Mr,Mc Masters suedJMr. Taylor in five counts to recover $5000. The court awarded McMasters $755. Friend, A Gruni, Mrs Thos Hand, J A Hewitte, lra is . Henderson, R M AUWUIU.IA'UJUI Brady, George Campbell, D W Curran, H L . Daniel?, "Win Fisher, Mrs F H Gutnam, W D Hale Geo W Helma, Mrs Rosa HIU, F Jr DKPAKTMKNT OF AGRICl'MURE. WEATHER BIREAU.5 , THK Dalies, Or., Jaii, a, li-- PaciQc Coast Time. 8 A. 8 P. bar. a H(Rela- D.fr so i Hum :h ma r :w.l4 tall 79 scat ::l Hi ! East I - I -sjtnte - of J Weather i . ! cloudv 1 Cloudy Maximum temperature, isi; minimum tem erature, :so. - " - To till precipitution from July 1st to date, S.14: average precipitution from July Iff to date, 7.4s; total excels from July 1st, 191, to dnie, .06 Inchw. " WKATIIK1S rKOBABlLITIES. RAIN . Sax Francisco, Jan.-A, 1892. -Weather forecast till IS in. Snuday: Scattering, raing or tnow, stationary temperature-, except cooler at Baker Cityi. Kkrkiiam. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. A Fw Suggestions. Editor of tlie Chronicle: . If yon consider the following of any interest, use it , if not then you may do as yoiipleaee with it. .'. . - What can we do? Where can we go? TliSse questions have been asked by sev eral of The Dalles young people and seem to be unanswered. Before the fire there were plenty of places, to go to; and plenty to do, to pass the time among the younger classes, bnt at present there is no place to hold socials, dances or any other class of amusements. Now it seems to me . that the long evenings can be passed .Jn a pleasant .and enjoyable manner by the young folks by organizing themselves into a mutual enjoyment society-. The society, to meet at the homes of the ineipbers in succession and by" each member taking part ; in -the evening's enjoyment to the best of their ability. Some by furnish ing something in the way of refresh ments, some bV furnishing music, others by furnishing games and all by Humphrevs, Mrs Ida Johnson, Mrs A Kellv. Miss Grace E Leebersr, E W Meny; Mrs Robert . Montague, G W Moore, G E MctJauley, leo McDonald, R Petterson, John Robinson, S . Russell, Albion Smith & Waterman Woodcock. Newton (2 Wear, Mr - M. T. Nolax. P, M. McKnight. Joe McCartney, J P Newman, N Reed, Mrs Robt Russell, R Smith, S S (3 Smith, Unas Tavlor, J E ' . .- Drive Whiit Party. A most enjoyable drive whisi party was held Tit the residence of Hon. A. S. Bennett, last evening. The following nersons Dartlcioated in the game : Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Schenck; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crossen: Mr. and Mrs. "H. M. 'Beall ; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lochhead ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hostettler"; Misses Lewis, Brooks and Marden and Messrs. Frank Garretson, Louis C. Ainsworth and John Hertz.- At the close of the garni, the first prize was awarded ;to : Mrs. H. M. Beall and the booby to Ms Iva JBrooks. Lost Her Husband. -A lady and gentleman were taking their vacation traveling in the Alps. He furnish-- was a very daring fellow and in one of BUl;HBlIll&CO Successors to C. K. Dunliaxn. Druggists and Chemists. Pure Dns Medicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. DID YOU KNC5M IT! Night Druggists always in Attendance. THE DALLES, OREGON. WC ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stores and Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Rangs. t We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton parnaee. Afflfflanition and Loaded Shells, Ete. SAHITRHY PliUmBIJHG R SPECIflLtTV. MAIER & BENTON BiacRsmiUi & wagoa sop General Black-smithing and Work done . -- promptly, .and all work '- Guaranteed. EARA i Horse Shoeing a Sp eiality . LOCAL HKKV1TIKH. Measles are still raging on the bluif. E. L. Boynton, proprieter of the King ey hotel is in town. Robert Kelly the Kingalsy postmaster and merchant is in the city. " - The wife of James Ferguson . the ex pressman is, we regret to hear, iuite sick with typhoid fever. ' J. H. Haver ly of Boyd and J. A.' Gul- liford of Dufur gave the Chronicle office a pleasant call today. - The funeral of the late Mrs. Ursula . Michell will take place from the Episco pal church tomorrow .at 2 p. m.- - t .. L. A. Sears, son-in-law of J. "R. Doyle of Eight'. Mile, formerly of Eight Mile, now of Seattle, is visiting friends in and around The Dalles. . Sam Thurinan has .resigned his posi tion as brakemati on the state portage and has "returned to-the city where' his pleasant face will be. welcomed by many an old friend. Uongregational church services as us- . al tomorrow (Sunday) , in the .'court house. Morning 'service' at 11 o'clock. Banday school at IS :15. Young people's society of Christian -Endeavor at 5:30 p. m. Union service at 7 p. m ; preach ing by Rev, Spencer, pastor of the Methodist church. G. W. Johnston and son have opened carpenter's shop at If 2 Mam street where they will attend promptly to and give estimates on all kinds of carpenter . work. The Messrs.-' Johnston heed no recommendation rom us. . ..They are old i settlers, thoroughly honest and reliable : and no better workmen are to be found u. anywhere; . We heartily wish them the success they deserve. ' - Methodist services ' tomorrow as fol lows :' . Class at 10 a. iu. Preaching at 11 from the subject!. "The Purpose of Missions." This sermon is by special request and all should hear it.'. Sunday - school at 12:20. Epworth .League at . 5 :30 p. m. Union service at the court house at 7 ; sermon by Rev. A. C. Spen cer, subject "What shall . the . harvest , be?" "Young people specially invited to these services. '-' ' '""'" ; . An exhibit car, built and conducted at the cost of the Leak Glove company of San Francisco and containing samples of the horticultural and mineral resources of Placer county, Calfornia, has arrived in the city, where it will remain till next Wednesday. The car will be open to the public all day Monday and Tucs- I day and of 'nights .will be brilliantly lighted up by its own electric light plant. It will well ftpay a visit. A private letter from Wamic has the following: "Gordon & Stogsdale have dissolved partnership. 'Gordon remains iu the business and will move his goods . to Tygh-Valley. That , means no store at Wamic for the present. Mrs. Mollie Brattain is very-eick with rheumatism, ''ieara are entertained that Tom Driver's - o.ghter Edna, who has been sick for some time, is " puralyzed on one side. Ike Drivers, Dan Palmateer and Sam ing good will.- By this means the pleas ant "and sociable times .oJUtast winter disv be revived. There is plenty of talent among the young people of this city which should' cultivated and these meetinst would be a good- place to bring it outi ' ' Let s hear from some -of .the- young pea pie on this subject. An exchange of Ideas on the matter will do no harm and mar result in many pleasant hours of sociabilitv and mutual benefit before the close of the winter. . C. S. The Chronicle ' would be pleased to see the suggeetiens of "C. S.". carried out and gladly throws open its columns- for the free discussion of the best way to do so. I. v" ' . . ' . The Boctor got one Himself.-'; :'Lust Thursday "after the Chboxicxb man had read - anitem - in" the" Sim which made. the. acsertiou that no cir cular had been issued by The Dalles board of trade urging.the representatives of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to use their bestefforls towards procuring an appropriation for the dalles portage, he stepped into the county court room and while nassine the complements of the season with County Commissioner Leav ens, the author of the Sun item entered the court room and approached . to within convenient distance of the two conversationalists. At this moment Dr. Leavens, who was unacquainted with the,.Sun man, picked tip from his desk a copy of that journal and made' as though he intended to pass some criticism on its contents." The Chronicle man tried to nudge the doctor to 'defer the criticism but their elbows . were too far apart his expliots wasburied beneath an avalanche of snow. ' (- His wife together with some scientists figured it put that at the rate the glacier was moving he would . be uncovered in forty years so at the." end of forty long years she returned and found her lnis band (as she had predicted) looking as yonng and haftdsome as the day he was covered up. She fed him extract of beef and Quaker oats whicn revived him and they lived happily together- and bought their groceries from John -: Booth the grocer for ever afterwards. . . CHROMCLK SHORT STOrS.JSES TIM Street, otpositj tbs Ai Liess Stand. STAGY SHOOlfl, Tie Wat For coughs and colds use 2379. : 2379 is the cough syrup for childreiii. Stacy Shown having left my employ I will not be responsible -for any debts he may contract nor anv business ne may transact. - . W.fe.. 11-16-tf. Garretsox. . Wanted. ;.- housework at a from The 1-4-tf A eirl to do general road ranch seventeen miles Dalles. Apply at this office. - Notice.. All parties having claims against the estate of Ralph ' Fonger, deceased, -will: please present the same to T. T. Nicho- las.tadmimstrator. Columbia Hotel;' January,6, 1892. ; i ; Dalles City, vf"r., - They Speak Froita Experience "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. oaa-berry- & Worley, Percy, Iowa. ' They I i . jj i-t i i i. : a Then the Chronicle man tried to wink Z17-"ui:Za at the doctor but that gentleman was bound to find the item he was looking for and never lifted his head. At last having found the 'item that contained the denial that the circulars had been sent out, the doctor pointed to.it, with his finger and addressing the Chronicle representative said ;. "Look here Gour lay, this fellow says these circulars have not been sent out; by geewhRaker air, 1 got one myself" Tableap. World Wnkof Prayer. . ' Programme for , Saturday" evening : Rey. O. D. Taylor, leader. ' Topic, "The Church at Home.'.! ; Praise for - i clearer, recognition of need and a growing run of responsibility. ' Prayer for a larger, apprehension of the mission of the church ; to' save not only the individual but also society; to purify all human institutions, and rela tionships ; for increased co-operation in behalf of city, country and frontier. Meetings are Tield in the free - reading room and commence at 7 :30 o'clock. - A cordial ihvitation Is extended to all. The Governor Signed It. When Dr. W. E. Rinehart heard of the circular issued by the board of trade of this city urging our representatives in congress- to do all in their power towards obtaining at this session an appropria tion for a portage railroad at . the dalles he obtained one of them jind sent it, ac companied "by a friendly letter,' to Gov ernpr I'ennoyer. This morning the doc tor called at the - Chronicle office and showed us this same circular, bearing on it. in the well-known chirography of hisexcellency the still better known name "Sylvester Pehnoyer." . BOKN. In this city, Jan. 8th, to the wife of Clarence Barnett, a son. . MARRIED. - " - In this city Saturday, 9th January by Rev. Brongeiat" Mr, J.J. Bins to Miss Maggie Weberg, both cf Wapinitia. ..' Wanted. Three-furnished rooms in a private house, suitable for - light housekeeping. Address il, the uhrokiclb once. tvi they believe it to be the best in the market tor throat ana lung diseases. For sale by Blakeley & .Houghton, drug gists.. . " , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby wu nick, we gTe her C&stori. When she wu Child, the cried for Castoria, . When she became Was, abe clung to Castoria,. When she had Children-, she ga-re them Caatoria GUrnaKe 500 BOOKS Hiekelsen's Hem Store. Surplus Stock at Cost. Agent in this city for Krunich and Bach Pianos, Estey Organs, Domestic Sewing Machii.es. . N6rth German Lloyd of Bremen Ham , , burg-American Ticket Co. - ' of Hamburg. Has opened an office for Cleaning- and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed and promptly attended. BYRNE, HELM & CO., Cor. Second and t'nlon Streets. Pipe Work, Tin Repairs ' ' and Roofing. Mams Tupped Under Pressure. -.' Shop on Third St., next door -west of Young & Kuss' blacksmith shop. Tickets to and from ail parts of Europe. : I. C. NICKELSEN, NEXT DOOR. TO YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. J H. CROSS. -DEALER IN- ClosetsS Chimneys Cleaned ! Carpets take npcleaned and put down, ,. also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned . . .. : on short notice at reasonable. ';. - - rates.. .. . t '. Orders received through the postoffice grant morse - .tOLVtf- Hay, Grain, Feel ii Floor. HEADQUARTERS KOR POTATO ES. Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. AH Goods Delivered Fret and Promptly TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. Cor. Second & Union Sts., FOR SALE ! - One ot'the best Fruit" Ranches in Wasco County, only four miles west of The Dalles. Apply to A. Y. Maksii, The Dalles. 44 THE LEADERSl IN IiDftlBEH, IiRTH AIlO SHlKGIiES. 1 Office and Tari cor. First ant Jefferson Sts. SOOTH SIDE of Railroad Tract - For the Children. Our readess will notice the advertise ments in these columns for Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From per sonal experience we can say that Cham berlain's UonKh Kerned y nas broken ur bad' colds for our children and we are acquainted with many mothers in Cen- terviue wno won! a not De witnout it in the honse for a good many times its cost and are recommending it every day. Centerville, S.D., Chronicle and Index. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale by Blakeley & .Houghton, druggists, dw A PreyenilTe for Cranp. We want every mother f o know that croup can De preventea. - iTue croup never appears witnout a warning, i fie first symptom is noarseness ; . tnen tne child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start. After that a pecul iar rough cough is developed, which is followed by tho croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse ; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough-cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by uuing this remedy as directed. - It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. - dw E. Jaeobsen Leading look and ffl Store. r G.W.Johnston & Son, ' "- - - - - "-r ., ''-' carpenters ana Builders, Shop at No. 112 First Street; All Job Work promptly ' attended to and estimates given oh all wood work... Christmas is over, but to make dull times Lively and see how long the, Rush will continue & Co., usic 162 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON, Have this day marked down their Entire Stock of Standard Books in-sets, such. - and Poems, G-eorge Elliott's Works, Scott's Novels and . . x Ch.am"bers' Encyclopedia, TO COST. REMEMBER ! That twenty-five cents buys, an elegantly cloth-bound book of either . Dickens or maiiy other standard authors. . . . . -''.II J-v ' 1 J I 1 r - . We also have at present two square pianos, seconu nanu;, in goou oruer, wnicn we will sell at cost; so as to make room for Spring Goods. fnv Invprs nf mnsif "nnvhfirlv ran savft: ; monev on Piantis and ()r- s. eans bv getting our prices first. We sell for cash or on the installment plan, and - - buy only from-first hands for cash. Our motto'; . "Small Profits and Quick . Sales." ' ; ; ; -. :. . .' . . ,- LARGE and ; complete assortment of Blank Books," "Fancy .Writing5; Paper; Tablets, Bill Files, Office stationery and Ink or pens. Better value for your money obtained here than elsewhere. . '' '. . EVERY PURCHASER will be presented form 'today on until "Nevr. Year with a FinQ Bottle of Good Ink, FREE OF CHARGE. - - . - ' . .... " .- v . - - : ""';'.'.; r . ' . J nlso Agents fop Iieading European' Stearnship Iiines.