MUM 11 SB VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1892. NO. 20. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Enoineeu Gen eral engineering practice. Survey ing und mapping; estimates and plans far irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or. WM. SAUNDERS Abchitkct. Plans and specifications furnished - for dwellings, chcrcbes, business blocks, schoolsond factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's hank, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow or Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col ieire of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Ohice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. TV K. O. D. DOANE FH Y8ICIAX AND SDH- fcitos. Office: rooms 5 and 6 ChaDman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one hlock south of tjonit House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M. VS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of . tice tn Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. S1DDALL Dkstikt. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the (..olden Tooth, Second ad Street. VR. THOMPSON Attornkt-at-law. Office in Opera House mock, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon T. r. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOR-nkys-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DUFCR, GEO. ATKINS. FRANK MKKKPKK. DUFUR, W ATKINS 6t MENEFEE Attorneys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WJ H. WILSON ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Rooms t V 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. Still on Deek. PhcBnix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Reetauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin - Restaurant ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. Open day and Night. First class meals twenty-five cents. ' . COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. ; (Snccsssor to Crait Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest French and -. Home Made O J'lST I IE S East of Portland. 'dealer IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale. orKetail ..:-. AFRESH 4 OYSTES-rS- In Kvery Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. The Dalles FXBST' STJJEETi FACTORY NO. 105. fTf A XC f te Best Brands vyAVJTii VXjIO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. -, " ' . ; The reputation of ;THE DALLES CI GAR Has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. ' . v Af ULRICH & SON. BANKERS. TRAK8ACT A GEKERAIBAKKIKO BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States.' i . Sight Exchange and . Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. v Bonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, 6ftittle Wash., and various points in Or fgon and Washington. . Collections made at all points, on fav orable terms. . Gigaf Faetopy JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, ljText door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used iu cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed ' each time. Impairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. YOUH ATTEJlTIon Is called to the fact that I Hugh Glenn,) Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement j and Building Material of all kinds. : J -Carries the Finest Z.ine of- To be foand in the City. 72 LUashington Street. ANEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. 'DEALERS IN ' " ' ' Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our. business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will De low accordingly. Kememoer our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. Picture . i i Undertaking Establishment ! : DEALERS IN: Staple ami Fancy Hay, Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third and flew (lumBia joteU THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! - First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. V : ; . None but the Best of White Help Emplojed:; T. T. Nichoios, ppop. , W eshington WAITTn Iri I IPC WMhinn" SITUATED AT THE Destined, to, be the Best Manufacturing; Center in the Inland Empire, rr For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate 0. DTAYLOR, THE DALIES. r. b. hood, Livery, Feed and Sale: Horses Bought and Sold on Commission and Money Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. V OFFICE OF The Dalles and Gpldcndale Stage Line Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All freight must be left at R. It. Hood's office the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD, Opposite old Stand. Proprietor.. The Dalles, Or. THE Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAyiGATIOU COMPANY'S Elegant Steamer REGUMTOK Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the ' Fast Steamer DAIikES CITY, At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply to Agent, or Pnrser on Board. ; Office-northeast corner of Court and Main street NOTICE. K. E. French lias for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neitrh- borhood. . His address is Grass Valiev. 1 Sherman county, Oregon. and Feed. Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season : In the North west.. - Groceries, iMestmeiit Go., 72 mm ST., PORTLAND. A CONFLICT EXPECTED. The TrcnWs or the Southern Mi is Serious.' ' THE STRIKERS APPOINTED POLICE. The Senate Commerce Committees Get to Work. AN INSIKANC'E .BUSINESS .MIXED. There Will be Nothing Left to the Sur vivors -An all Round Man -Miller Goes to the Pen. San AntoniOj Tex., Jan. 7. Disorder j among the strikers on the San Antonio and Arkansas pass railroad at Yokunx is threatened. Sheriff Hall has been there for a week with twelve deputies. The mayor of Yokum, who is said to be in sympathy with the strikers, appointed thirty special police from the ranks of the strikers. This news coming to the knowledge of Judge King, of the district court here, he had fifteen additional deputies sent there. . . . -. Work In the Senate Committee. Washington, Jan. 7. The senate committee on commerce held' its first formal session this morning. ; Following are the bills ordered favorably reported : Appropriating $650,000 for the construc tion of a light house at Cape Disappoint ment,. Washington ; to repeal certain sections of the revised statutes; provid ing bonds for the registry. of vessels; providing for the construction of two United States' revenue cutters, for ser yice on the" Pacific coast, and .to estab lish a life saving stations at Rogue river and part of Orford, Oregon. ' " A Badly Mixed p Business. Pjttsbcbg, Jan. 7. The. receiver of the Economical Mutual Benefit Associa tion of Sandy Sake, appointed last Nov ember, has just issued a circular stating that'there' is absolutely no hope of a dividend for ' the surviving members of the concern, after the pending death and disability claims are . satisfied. The af fairs of the association are in a decided tangle. The receiver has thus far failed to find the books of the association. The total assent are less than $5,000 in actual value, against $145,000 which the receiver thinks the association should have. , ' An All-Round Man. WyAsniKGTos, Jan. 7. After reading the senate - journal, David B, Hill, sena tor elect from New York took oath. On motion, Cockerel is to be excused from service on the committee of immigration, McPherson from service on the commit tee on territories, Colquitte on interstate commerce' and . Voorhees on relations with Canada. Hill was appointed to those places. . - ' Gone to Greener -Fields. .Nashville, Jan.' 7. J. H. Week, a prominent lawyer of Dandridge, is miss ing, and is suspected of being about $25, 000 short in bis accounts as; chancery court clerk of that, county. . He is thought to have gone to South America. '' Miller Goes to the Pen. San Fkancisco, Jan. 7. Harry Miller, son of Joaquin Miller, the "Poe't of the Sierras"; was sentenced to two years im prisonment ' today for 1 holding up' a stage in Mendocino county some weeks ago- , : ". ' - Klalne la Better. . ,-Washington, Jan. 7. It is stated this morning that Secretary Blaine is feeling all right, but wpuld remain at home to day for rest. He sent word that he ex pected to be at the Department to-morrow. ;. - ' - ' , A Sewing; Machine Factory Buned. Hamilton, Ont., Jan.! 7.The - Wan Ber sewing machine factory company's premises were damaged by .fire- lait night to the extent .of ; $100,000. .The amount of insurance is unknown.' ' Governor Russell ' Inaugurated Today. Boston Jan. . 7. William'Fl. Russell was today inaugurated governor of Mas sachusetts, and his address was . read to the legislature. --: - . " 'Death From Influenzae : Cairo, Jan. 7. The Khedive of Egypt died this afternoon, from the effects of influenza. . . . '" : -V Fell Ninety Feet...: Albajjy, Or., Jan. 7. A special from ! Lebanon says;' ;-'H. C. Klepper, a car- penter, working on the ventilator of the Lebanon paper mills, this morning lost his footing and fell a distance of ninety feet, first striking the roof forty feet be low, then bounding to the ground, a distance of fifty feet farther, breaking his thighs, arms and mangling his face in a horrible manner. Klepper is still alive but in a very critical condition. He was 55 years of age. Sherman Gone to' Washington. Columbus, 0.,.Jan. 7. Senator SherV man received hundreds of callers during the morning, who came to extend their congratulations on the victory he won. Sherman left for Washington about noon . Ex-govevnor Foraker returned to Cin cinnati this afternoon. In conversation he expressed himself as grieved and dis appointed over the part which Governor Elect" McKinlev took in the contest. Will Not Arm the SlierlSTs. Topkka, Kansas, Jan. 7. Governor Humphrey wired Judge Balkin this morning that he could not put arms in the hands of the deputy sheriffs. The adjutant-general was further instructed not to interfere with the work done by the civil authorities, but to assist them in serving warrants if called upon. A Clean Sweep. Baltimoke, Jan. 7. Neal A Son, a dry goods firm assigned 'for the benefit of their creditors. The firm is one of the largest in the dry goods trade doing business in Baltimore. It is estimated that the liabilities will exceed $150,000, while the assets will fall short $15,000. - Thinks it Means Svar. City of. Mex ico, Jan. 7. There are well founded rumors here that a revolu tion is in progress in Guatemala. There has been no dispatches since the presi dential elections, and the first of Janu ary, received here from any part of that country. ' ; Wan Good finougn for Them. uoEVALLis, ur., Jan. . .i iscott, a prisoner awaiting the action of the grand jury, broke jail last: night and escaped l wo Indians, united fetates prisoners, who were in the jail. at the time,' fused to accompany Scott. Portland Wheat Market. Pomxand, Or., Jan. 7.- Wheat, valley 1.621.65; Walla AValla, 1.57J 1.60. Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, Jan. 7. Close, wheat,, firm; cash, .82; May, .93. Kan Francisco Wheat Market. San Francisco. Jan. 7. Wheat, buyer, season,' 1.86. Opinions of the DIplomate. London, Jan. 6. It appears that French government has sent to different European ambassadors the the in Paris a circular asking them to point out to their government in what an ex ceedingly false light Ribot, the foreign minister, and the whole French cabinet would appear if Bulgaria should not give satisfaction to the French government. In such a case it was pointed out the cabinet would be forced to resign under a reproof that it had acted rashly. Rus sia, it seems, admitted this view of the rtv. : ..-i, : i i i i . :.i. agreed that Bulgaria must give some . sort of satisfaction to prevent France from being humiliated. Germany and Italy maintain a reserved attitude. A Family Sadly. Afflicted.. ' . San Fbancisco, Jan. 6. On Xew Year's morning the wife of Austin Green, of this city, and. their three cbildreu, all girls,' the . eldest being 8 years of age, returned from a trip to .St. Louis, where Mrs. Green had gone for medical attendance." . The same day one of the children died suddenly, and. in a few hours the whole family were in lied with the gripe. On Sunday last the little one was borne to the grave unac companied by either parent.- Later in the day the two others expired. Yes terday they were buried, the parents be ing still unable to leave their beds. 'o Trace of a Missing Iady. ' Ottumwa, la., Jan. 6. Sigouiney is very much excited over the disappear ance of Mrs. J. Raffle, 4i well-known res ident. . She started from, her home some time ago to visit ..friends, but has never been heard .from since. . Letters from relatives state that she has never reached her destination ; and although her family has telegraphed everywhere she might be. no trace of her can be found. The theory is that she was one of the unknown victims in one of the eastern railroad wrecks. Coal Creek . Miners Are Discontented. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 6. The spirit of rebellion is spreading rapidly -among the miners of Coal Creek valley. , They, have issued a proclamation saying that the time to strike for their families and homes is near. They have watched the camps closely, and know, the strength and position of the militia. The miners have called a meeting for tonight, and this will doubtless be the .signal for the outbreak. .;.'. ! RUINED BY POLITICS. The Desire For Olce CaRses the Down fall of Another Good Man. WISH TO AVOID HAVING WAR Lord Salisbury is Not Looking For War with the United States. EKANCE IX A TIGHT It OX. As Usual France lias lilundered The Mexican Trouble is Looking More Serious Other News.. Buffalo, X. Y., Jan. 5. To say that ; the city was shocked yesterday to hear of the complete downfall of Charles J. Ball, is putting it mildly. A bolter fellow, a more conscientious official, :i man more popular throughout the ountry, 1U1 not live, in the opinions of the psuple. In his fall, Ball has also pulled down his aged father, who was for yeaas treasurer of the city of Buffalo. Politics did it. VfiiinnTtolttFao rf-lannfv nnnnln trAaunTW. He aspired to become treasurer. A year ago he secured the rei.ubhcan nomina tion, but after a hot canvas he was de feated by a small majority. Then the trouble began for him. In his endeavors to secure an election he used $6000 of the county funds. Apparently he made that good by giving two mortgages each of $3000, one on his own property and one on that of his mother-in-law. It now, transpires that the latter was a forgery, and Ball's inability to pay led to the discovery. Last night Phillip Slanzoettsr, who was treasurer when Ball was deputy, made good the forged security, receiving a deed of what prop erty Ball still possessed. It is also leurxieu liiul x2tii ii?s;u ipiuw liiu v. olic Mutual Benefit association funds in his canvas, he being at the time grand treasurer of this order. This sum was made good by his father and mother, who are now penniless through his un wise political ambition. No criminal prosecution will be made. Wants to Avoid War. - Liveupool, Jan. G. Sir George Baden Powell, a member of the British Behring sea commission, says Salisbury told him that he (Salisbury) wanted to avoid a war with the United States, but at the same time he wanted to be strong, and to snow ne was not going to yieia a jot to British rights. -Sir George said her thought Salisbury had finally brought an awkward dispute, which might re sult in war, to arbitration, and it was his conviction that ngland would win in the arbitration. The British com missioners, he declared, had made im portant investigations, but the friendli ness they established with Americans and Russians would yet benr fruit. All right-thinking men " in England and America, Sir George added, will be de lighted to find a serious lxne of conten tion removed. - A Ty'ranlcal Mexican Commander. Miek, Mexico, Jan. G. The feeling against General.Lorenzo Garcia is grow ing more intense throughout the state of Tamaulaps, owing to the reiterated charges that he is not only shooting down all the armed men found uu the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, but actually gives 'orders for the killing of children not over iS years o f age. This is doing more harm to the government than the rebel Garza'hiunself, and a re volt of General Garcia's troops would, promptly" occur should the insurgents cross to this side of the river and effect a union with the insurgents in this state. Trnill.s tt Franc and llulirariii. Pabis, Jan. 6. The action of the gov ernment, now that Bulgaria has, in ef fect, refused to grant its demands, is eagerly awaited. The exchange of notes iKjtween the powers is actively proceed ing. It i stated here that Bulgaria sent copies of her reply to the French de mands to England, Austria, Italy and Germany. The note expresses the hope that France will be actuated Dy reelings of justice, that she will reconsider her decision, and that she will again estab lish friendly relations with Bulgaria. . The Behrlnc sea Dlfllculty. ' London, Jan. 6. Sir George Smith Baden-Powell, of the fishery commis sion, speaking at Liverpool last night, said that England and the United States had agreed on a basis of settlement for the Behring sea difficulty, and , hoped that the matter would be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. He also hoped, before the world's fair, to see a fast line of steamers in operation between Eng land and Cannda that would havea good share of travel between the Old - World and the Kewv . , ' . The Pope Declines to AdTlse. . London, Jan. .. 6. The Chronicle's Paris correspondent says : ' The pope "has peremptorily declined to advise French Catholics fn regard to adherence to the rebublic."