The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 16.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Engineer Gen
- eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: 'P. O. BOX 107, The Dalles, Or.
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories. moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Medical College, and member of the Col
.let." of Fbysieiaus and burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury'g Sec--ind
street. Otiico hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
nr.d 7 to 8 p. m.
GEON, dike: rooms 5 and C Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
Llock south of Cor, it House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M.
lice in Schanno's building, up stairs. The
lialles, Oregon.
DSIDDALI Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
-tt ouliowcd aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
'.be Uolden Tooth, Second Street.
A rt. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office
f. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The DRlies, Oregon
.VI nkys-at-law. Offices, French's block over
rust national Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
J neys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post
omce Building, Entrance on ashington Street
i ce Danes, Oregon.
T H. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms
ii 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Still on Deek.
Phoenix Like has Arisen
From the Ashes!
The Reetauranteur Has Opened the '
Baldwin HestauPant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
of his old patrons.
Open day and Night. First class meals
twenty-five cents.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Sicces9ortoCram& Corson.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made - .
o .a. nsr 3D i 33 s ,
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco!
Can furnish anyof these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In Every Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Bnrnei M Again in Business I
And Embalmer, has again started with a new
and complete stock of everything needed in
the undertaking business. Particular
attention paid to embalming and
taking care of the dead. Orders
promptly attended to, day or
Prices as Low as the Lowest
Place of business, diagonally across from
Opera Block, on the eorner of Third and Wash
ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon .
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers eold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable term. ' '.- ,
- Tailor,
Next door to Wasco Sun.
Madison's Latest System used in cutting
garments, and a lit guaranteed
each time. .
lepaifing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done. -
Is called to the fact that '
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carries the Finest Line of
To be foand in the City.
72 LUashington Street.
Furniture and Carpets.
We have t added to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust our prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our place on Second Btreet,
next to Moody's bank.
Undertaking Establishment!
Staple id
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Evfcry Respect. " t
. None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Pvop.
W ashington
Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center in
the Inland Empire. -
. For Further Information Call at the Office of - ;
i Interstate Investment Go.,
r, b. hood,
Livery, Feed and Sale:
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission a nd Mon ey
Advanced on Horses
Left for Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line
Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning
at 7:30 and Ooldendale at 7:30. All
freight must be left at R. B.
Hood's ofliee the eve
- ning before.
. R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Elegant Steamer
Will leave the foot of Court Street
every morning at 7 A. M.
Portland and Way Points
Connections Will be Made with the
Fast Steamer '
DMIiES mi,
At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. . ..
For Passenger or Freight Bates, Apply
, to Agent, or Purser on Board.
Office northeast corner of Court and Main street
" NOTICE. -;
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and .on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood.. "His address, is Grass Valley,
Sherman sounty, Oregon. , ,
B Gtocfiiles,
and Feed:
Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon
Best Selling Property of
the Season in the Northwest.
It is ProliaWq That tlie Contest Will lie
, . -..Settled May. '-'.'"..
The L Mexican Revolution ' is Looking
.': Serious.' -
two vr.
Will Give S300.O0O for Garza's Head-
Washington News A Fatal Wreck
. An Old Resident Gone.
Colcmbus; Ohio, Jan. 1. The sena
torial contest is reaching a crisis. It is
believed that the close of the day will
find the contest solved, but until tlie
house and senate caucuses vote this
afternoon, the predictions must be ac
cepted as the ebultions of enthusiastic
adherents of the candidates. There were
about seven doubtful assemblymen here
this afternoon and all of them are
claimed by both candidates. The sur
prise of the morning was the declaration
of Representatives Reeves and AVilliams
in favor of Foraker. As a result of these
declarations the Foraker men are very
confident, but a visit to Sherman's
headquarters failed to reveal any lack of
cheerful assurance among his followers
JLvarybody concedsd that .the contest
will be a close one and it looks' at this
hour as though the 93 votes of the cau
cus will be so evenly divided that the
victor will have a majority of less than
half a dozen. The alliance and labor
people are endeavoring to make an im
pression on ftlierman but have ap
parently : failed. Welch of Knoxville,
declares that he will not support Fora
ker, but will vote in favor of McKinley.
The house speakership's contest will
have an important - bearing upon the
contest, the candidates are J. F. McGrew
and Li. C. Laylin, the former it is under
stood will represent the strength of
Sherman in the' house. It was nearly
3 O'clock before the republican' house
caucus got to work.' Lewis C. Laylin
was nominated for speaker, on the first
ballot the voting being 38 to 34, an om
inous sign for Foraker. ;
The Mexican Revolution.
Labedo, Texas, Jan. 2. Col. Ceron,
of the Mexican army, reiterates a denial
of the revolt at Mier and the killing of
General Garza. He "said the clerical
party was behind Garza and is furnish
ing him -with money and. that as soon as
he enlists 5,000 men; they Will furnish
him millions to carry on his campaign.
Neither Garza or the main part of his
followers are.on this side of the river
They crossed into the state of Tainauli
pas and are now in the mountains. The
Mexican government has offered a re
ward of $300,000 for Garza's head. So
far the Mexicans . have killed over one
hundred men on suspicion of their being
revolutionists and this has tended to
drive other poor ranchers to join the
revolt. At Pueblo the populace has re
volted and every priest has been placed
in jail. . ..
- Washington News.
Washington, Jan. 2. The war de
partment today has nothing later from
Rio Grande than has already been given
in these dispatches. ' A statement of the
public debt to be issued this afternoon
shows a decrease of about seyen million
dollars in the amount of cash available
for the payment of the debt since De
cember 1, when the cash balance was
Two United States Soldiers Killed.
Laredo, Tex., Jan. 2. Col. Cameron
of the Mexican forces in Neuvo - Laredo,
received a telegram from down the river
on the Mexican side, stating that a fight
ocenrred on this aide and that two
United States' soldiers were killed. .The
loss to the revolutionists were not given.
Fatal Wreck.
Bkllaibe, Ohio, Jan.' 2. A freight
train : on the Baltimore & Ohio road
broke into three sections last night and
two of the sections collided at a bridge
one mile west of here, wrecking ten cars
and the bridge. Five tramps who were
stealing rides were injured, two fatally.
An Old Resident Gone.
. Seattle, Jan. 2. Colonel James C.
Haines died at his home in this city at
1 :30 this afternoon from a complication
of complaints, induced by pneumonia.
He had been ill only about, one. week.
Col. Haines was one of the best know
men in. Washington.
' ; r. Surrendered to the Coroner.'
- Yoxkeus, 2v. Y.. Jan. 2. Train dis
patcher Osman und Brakeman Merrick,
who were held responsible for the Has
tings accident ou the New York Central
railroad,' surrendered to the coroner
today. Both were at once admitted to
bail. '. .... ;.
A Fatal Klot.
Gkeknbcrg, Pa., Ian. 2. A special
says a riot occurrea this morning at
Millwood, between the employees of the
West Moreland . Dairy company. Fire
arms wore' freely used and several per
sons were shot, one fatally. Warrants
were issued for the arrest of the rioiers.
Took a Change of Vena.
Bud.v Pesth, Jan. 2. The discovery
was made today that Cashier Pinsfiusch
of the Buda Pesth Xrtional Bank is
Bhort in his accounts over 10,000 florins.
When Pinsfusch learned that his
thievery was discovered, he killed him
. , T Tle Sturm ticuersl.
Chicago, Jan. 2. The wind storm of
last night seems to have 'been general
throughout Northern Illinois, Wiscon
sin, Iowa and Indiana and caused con
siderable delay to tlie mail trains due
this morning.
.Mayor Mason Read.
Chicago, Jan. 2. Roswell B. Mason,
who was mayor of Chicago at the time of
the great fire, died at his residence of
congestion of the brain at midnight.
Paid the Penalty.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 2. Jesse
Frierson was hanged at 1 o'clock this
morning for the murder of Officer Mns
grave in December, 1890. . -
A Well Known Man Oone.
Washington-, Jan. 2. Gen. Mont
gomery C. Meigs of tlie United States
engineer corps, (retired) died this morn
ing of grippe.
Wants an Kngllsh Ituler.
' London, Jan. 1 .The viceroy of Kash
gar, in reply to a request from the Chi
nese government, has declared in faor
of .the . Kuglish taking . possession . of
Pamir .'Hft,urges. China to -do all in her
power at the St. Petersburg conference
to attain this end. He holds Kashgar's
trade with India will be ruiued if. Russia
acquires Pamir.
. Kirby Smith's Residence Burned
Nashville, Dec. 31, The residence of
General T. Kirby Smith, at Sewanee,
Tenn.', was burned this morning with all
its contents. Friends have . already
started a movement loeking to raising a
sum sufficient to reinstall the oH veteran
and family in comfortable surroundings
Extensive Blaze at Birmingham.
.. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 1. A fire
which broke out early . this morning in
the Jacksonville block destroyed $150,
000 ; worth of property ; three-fourths
covered by insurance. Numerous fa mi
lies who room in the building narrowly
escapea witn tneir lives.
The Whole Town Threatened.
Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 31 i A mes
sage from Clarksville says the Franklin
House and several other buildings are
on fire. The whole town is threatened
Aid will be sent from here. A later
message says the fire is spreading raoidl v
The wind is blowing and the town seems
Killed by a Burglar.
Seymour, Ind., Jan. 1. Early this
morning L W. Marsh, -a prominent citi
zen, was ehot and killed by a burglar,
who entered his house. Officers and
citizens are in hot pursuit of the burg
lar, and if he is caught justice will be
swift and summary.
To Aid the Famine Sufferers.
Boston, Jan. 1. Governor Russell
has issued an appeal to the people of
Massachusetts, asking them to come
generously to the aid of the famine suf
ferers in Russia.
A County Treasurer Robbed.
Holy ok k, Colo.., Jan. I, The office of
B. -AL Haskins, county treasurer, i of
Phillips county, was. robbed yesterday.
The burglars carried away bonds valued
at $10,700. - . ... . . -
Failure of a Stock Dealer.
Springeield, Mo., Jan. 1. Hiram
Westmoreland, a prominent farmer and
stock dealer, living near here, has failed.
His liabilities are $80,000; assets, 430,
000. .. , ..
' An Italian Minister Resigns.
Rome, Jan. 1. The ifessengeri, a
political newspaper, Bays that Signor
Ferraris, minister of justice, has re
signed. Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, Jan. 2.. Forecast for
Washington and Oregon ; Rain in
western portions.
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, Jan. 2. Close, wheat,
easy ; caeh, .88 ; May, .94.
The Chilian Minister Does Not
. to FiEht tie United State
The, Dynamite Cruiser Vesuvius Or
dered South.
Kaunas Catches a Se-ej-? Snow Sturm
A Foolish Humor Denied Wants
an English Ituler.
Washington, Dec. 31. Senor Montt,
the Chilian miuieter, had another inter
view witli Secretary Blaine today. The
minister laid before the secretary the
following translation of a telegram from .
Matta, minister of foreign affairs, bear
ing on the inquiry into the trouble in
Valparaiso between the Chilian people
and sailors from the United States
steamer Baltimore; "
From a summary of the proceedings it
appears the t-trnggle ' commenced be
tween two sailors in a tavern at Ward
"Arrayan;" that it was continued in
the street with the accession of numbers
of inhabitants and transient parties
from the streets called "Del Clave."
San Francisco" and ''Alamos." The
disorder continued and extended o the
streets ,sPel Arsenal" and "San Martin"
where the police succeeded in restoring
order. All the North Americans except
two said the police did their duty. .
Whenever .the prosecuting attorney
renders an opinion and the time for
producing evidence shall - have expired,
sentence will be given and the estab
lishing of who and how many are the
guilty parties, which may onlv be pre-
be, they will De punished. J-egal pro
ceedings are being actively carried for
ward to tneir proper termination.
The Vesuvius to io South. .
7 . T4 41 rwit , ,
iv AbjiiAuiuf Lrt'c. oi xiie oruers is-
ducu wj iim; wiuiHamici isl tut; CHUVIUH
sending her to Chili, do not look particu
larly peaceful, though made with a
J J w -
number of 200 are being loaded, and
with this dangerous cargo it was posi
tively asserted today that the. little
cruiser will sail for southern waters in a.
short time. Each shell is to be rolled ia.-
cotton and then packed in sawdust, and
tne greatest precautions win De taken to
prevent accidents, as only one would be
required to wipe the little craft out of
existence. The Mian onomah ks also
been ordered to sea for test in ' rough
weather, and if she behaves sufficiently
well she will be sent to the Straits of
Magellan to keep an eye on the
Almirante Cochrane, recently sent there
by the Chilian government.
Chinese Rebel Are Oct Again.
London, Jan. 1. A dispatch' from"
Shanghai received today states that not
withstanding the punishment recently
inflicted by the imperial troops upon
Mongolian outlaws, who
many depredations in Manchurin, law-
o --.i5 in i,iirj
that these bands destroyed a numWr of
temples in that section of Chi
religious or political importance attaches -to
the uprising. It is believed it is not :
a Drecnn( nainirqnain.tiiinit.: -
authorities. The dispatch savn the .
matter is partly due to agrarian trou-
that the marauders iuclude a large -number
of Shan Tung farmers. .
Severe Snow Storm in Kansas.
Kaksan City, Jan. 1. A terrific bliz
zard is raging in Kansas and northwes
tern Missouri today. It began last niirht
with a heavy rain and snow i-torm.
About midnight the weather began to
get cold, and a sleet storm set in and
crippled the telegraph and telephone .
service. ' This morning it began to snow.
The snow is drifting: badlv alontr the
lines of all : the railways, and trains
are delayed . in all directions. Trains
from Chicago due early this morning are
all from three to five hours late, and
western trains are in a still worse plight.
At noon the storna continues. The storm
is the most severe of the winter.
A Foolish Bimot Denied. ' -
Rome, Jan. 1. Some surprise has
been occasioned here by the receipt of
cable dispatches ' from Montreal and
other places in Canada and the United
States, anxiously inquiring as to the '
trnth of n. mmnr t.fint t.tiA noru. Woo au
sassinated. It is unknown here how
the rumor originated, for it certainly -had
no basis in truth. The . pope is en
joying his usual health, and no attempt
whatever has been made to assassinate
him or inflict any injury upon him.
Floods In Austria.
Vienna, Jan. 2. Disastrous floods are
reported in upper Austria.
'mil' i