3J The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a Ithe Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising. r 10 Cento per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per Une for each subsequent Insertion. Special rotes lor long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. . TIME TABLES. Railroads. EAST BOUND. .. Arrives 11:40 A. M. Departs 11:45 A. U. 12:30 P. M. nnSQliVheU Cyon Clr leave p"d Tygh Valley, leave daily (except '". 12:05 P.M. WEST BOUND. So. 1. Arrives 4:40 A. M. De5Tt" S:S eo A.ae ,-aat at 8 A. K. STAGES. For Prinevilli, via. Bake Oven, leave daily e?PtAnUo Mltchen, Canyon City, leave Monday Springs pnd Tygh FordeudaleiWash., leave every day ol the "gag a'tt-Umatllla House. PoBt-OfBee. OFFICE HOURS Weral Dellvrey Window 8 a. m Monty Order " a.m Sunday ii O " 9 a.m. CUJSINO OP MAILS v trains going East p. m. and i West 9 p. ro. ana Stage lor Goldendale " "PrlnevlUe , . ""IMlUlI dllLl 111 111 -- " Leaving for LyledcHartland. .. " JAntelope Except Sunday. . Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Monday Wednesday and to 7 p. m. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a.m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .6:30 a. in. R-.xo a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. Saturday. Friday. SATURDAY, DEC. 26, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches LOCAL KKBVITIKS. General Jauies A. Varney ia in the city. Mnmiwi-s of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M. will find something to their interest in another column. Snow commenced falling yesterday afternoon and up till this morning four inches and a half bad fallen. The Chronicle is indebted to the courtesy of Col. W. E. McArthur of Washington, D. C, for valuable docu ments received. i Do not forget that the Mendelssohn's were in Portland last night and will be here at the court house tonight. Posi tively one night only. There is one thing the Chkonicle has . done that no other paper ever did ; it has forced the Sun to admit that the proprietors of the Chronicle are com posed of the best citizens of The Dalles. A few more breaks like that will cook ' "the editor's goose. . Mr. P. T. Sharp and Miss Gracie will leave Monday morning for California to spend the winter. Mr. Sharp goes for the benefit of his health which has been . quite poor for some time. Miss Sharp j will remain.- They, go to Mr. Sharp's brother at Stockton. Mr. Sharp hopes to return in February. There will be services of the Congre gational church tomorrow (Sunday) at 11 o'clock. Subject of the sermon, "The uses and lessons of winter." Sunday school at 12 :15 ; Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor at 5 -.30. Union services at 7 p. m. with sermon by Rev. O. D. Taylor, pastor of the Baptist church. Somebody has said that a newspaper that is not a fighter will never be much of a success. If the converse ' of this is true the Astoria Town Talk must be a verv successful journal. Not long ago it had to answer to a libel suit but it got nfF unscathed. It had scarcely recov ered its breath from the big fight over the citv election in which it again came off with- flying, colors when it had the Astoriau chief of police arrested lor threatening to kill the publishers. As the threat was conditioned on tne puD lication of an article which, however, the Talk did Dubhsh. the chief was dis charged. The publishers were all alive at last accounts, but the editor says ne Vina learned that it is useless to CTO to law with the devil and hold the court in hell. On Christmas eve the ' store of E. Jacobsen & Co. was filled to the doors with a large uumber of the friends and customers of that popular firm, the oc casion being the drawing for tne elegant shaving set and beautiful dressing case for which the firm have been distribut ing tickets to their customers during the last week. At 9 :30 Miss Prudence Pat terson was lifted on a counter and drew out of the box containing the coupons number 316, which entitled tne noider of that number to the shaving set. Mr. John Brnhlnian, was the lucky man, " and being present t he. set was at once de livered to him. Then the coupons for the dressing case were placed'in the box and Miss Patterson drew number 307, which entitles the holder of that ticket to the dressing case. If the lady holding that number . will present the same at the store of E. Jacobsen & Co.. she will receive the case. The drawing passed oil pleasantly and tne nrm are mgniy nleased. Over a thousand tickets on each case had been distributed to the lady and gentleman callers at their store during the last week and . this is only one evidence of the fact that this firm is in the lead. They bad an immense holidav trade and deserved it as first class goods and reasonable prices should have their . reward. By actual count Avar three hundred persons were in the store at the time of the drawing. A ri' alarm of fire was sounded this forenoon which proved to be a burning floe in a house belonging ' to Hugh Glenn, corner of Liberty and Sixth atreeta. The fire was promptly extin guished by neighbors before much dam age was done. There will be Methodist services to morrow as follows : Class meeting at 10 a. m., preaching to the children at n, on the subject of "The Star in the East," and Sunday school at 12 :20. These ser vices are held in the brick school house. EDWorth League at 5 :30 p. m. in Y. M. C. A. Hall. Union services at the court house at 7 p. m. A eood ioke is told at the- expense of Henry Villard, who is a prominent free trader. While the BlciUniey Din was pending in congress, . negotiations were opened with a German brewing syndi cate for the purchase ot z,uuu acres oi Northern Pacific land and the terms were agreed' to conditioned on the pas sage of the bill. The Northern i-acinc is now advertising its lands and advoca ting the production of barley, urging as an inducement the advantages to oe de rived in the production of this cereal under the new law. ' . The A. O. U. W. Christmas Tree. The Christmas tree of Temple Lodge No. 3 A. O. U. W., was held Christmas eve in the K. of P., hall and was a com plete success. The hall was well filled. The tree was loaded down and two large tables piled up with Christmas presents. A special feature was a drawing of pres ents given by the lodge. The first prize was a large album and was won by Mrs. King. The. second, a silver butter " dish was won by Mrs. James Harper. The third was a silver pickle dish an 1 was won by Mrs. W. N. Wiley. The - fourth a set of china cups and saucers was won by Mrs. R. F. Gibons. A prize draw ing was offered to girls under twelve years, of a handsome doll. It was won by Mias Cassie Wiley. A like drawing for boys under twelve, resulted in Master Reese obtaining a large, boy's express wagon. Rev. "W. C. Curtis opened the proceedings in a neat and appropriate speech and the company separated about nine o'clock after having spent a most enjoyable time. The Christmas tree was pronounced one of the finest ever seen in this city and it seemed as if every one left the hall with arms loaded with paesents. For coughB and colds use 2379. - . . 2379 is the cough syrup for children. ' Ctono Sknnn hnvincr left TrtV emTjlOV I will not be responsible for any debts he niav contract nor anv ousiness ne ujv transact. - W. E. Gaeeetson. . 11-16-tf. Ad. Keller, the baker, offers for sale a complete line of ornaments for Christ mas trees. Christmas and New Year's cakes and pure French and home-made candies. Cakes for weddiDgs and par ties made to order oh short notice. Give him a call. 12-21-4t. FOR SALE. all on the bluff above the brewery which win De sold cneap or trade ior came. Address J. L. Kelly, - 9-11-tf The Dalles. . - NOTICE. All persons who have not paid their school tax for 1891, will have costs added after January 1 , 1892. 5 " J..M. Huntington. School Clerk: December 9, 1891. . 12-9-1-1 Installation of Officers. Tiio installation of the officers elect of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M., will take place at tne masonic nan m . city on Monday evening, December 28, at 8 o'clock. All masons and their fam ilies are cordially invited to be present. 12-z6-.lt, U. Secretary. For the Children. ill notice the advertise ments in these columns for Chamberlain &-Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From per sonal experience we can sav that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up v.o1 nl4a fan mir- children. and we are uau wiua v w. acquainted with many mothers in Cen- terville who would not De wuuoui n. m the bouse for a good many times its cost and are recommending it every day. Centervitle, S. ., Chronicle and Index. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale by Snipes s rUnersiy, druggists. uw WINK THE OTHER EYE ! stagy sHoairi, Tlie WatGHinaRer, Has opened an office for' Cleaning and .Repairing watciurs, ibwoitj, civ;. All work guaranteed and promptly attended. Orjnhams Orucj Stoi?ey Cor. Second and. Union Streets. Children W. &T.VlGCoy , ' .'BAEBERS. Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Hot -:- and-:- Cold:-Baths. Keep this in Mind. : WE CARRY Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's - In Every SUSIE, STYLE, WI3DTBZ PRICE. And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices !. A. M: WtLLIAMS & CO. rt-tn-io-tf When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria HO SECOND STREET. The Dalles found. , A arii11 Bnrorirstl instrument. The owner can have -it by calling at this omce. Fonnd. - A it'ofli TVip nu-npr ran have the I same by calling at this office and prov ing property. A bunch of keys on a ring, 6 or m XlXJJXk? manufactured, TTinrlor will hp rpwnrfied tav -i-"-r1 . ... 14 11 J .1 11.-. ..... leaving same at this office. Christmas Party. A pleasant Christmas party met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. L,. PhilHns last nieht. . The party was in honor of the presence of Miss Emma Shepard, the niece of Mr. JFhillips, as well as the celebration of the Christmas festival. About twentv-four persons, voiinz and old. sat dow'h to dinner after which a very enjoyable time was spent in eanies. music and dancing. The im portant feature of the evening , was a Christmas tree, which groaned beneath the weight of handsome and costly pres ents. The nartv wound ud a little be fore midnight with a new game, "1 be Pea-nut Hunt," in which there were two naizes. The first prize was a hand j nnme clore case and was won by Miss Shepard and the booby, an elaborately formed string doll, was won Dy Miss Phirman. DIED. In this citv. December 26, of (edema of the lungs, Nellie Lewis, aged. 35 years. ' . Gigar: factory FACTORY NO. 105. Brands and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. D I D YOU KNOW IX I WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and flanges, JemelTs Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges. . We are also agents f or the Celebrated Boynton. pnaee. -Ammunition and Loaded. Shells, Etc. SflHlTRtV PliMlBirlG R SPECIHIiTY. MAIER & BENTON. H. C. NIELS6N, Glothier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps Trunks and Valises, GrOELtS' 3E-U.X"XXij3lila3.S GrOOCiS, eOK.VEIl OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THK DAIXES, OREGON A Narrow Escape. TTxiox. Or.. Dec. 24. An old lady named Tavlor came near being burned to death last night at the home of her son-in-law, Vince Reeves, who resides in North Union. She was alone in the room. and. in mittins some wood in the stove, her dress caught fire and was blazing up around her when, fortunately. jflr. J3eeves arrivcu uxi lug eueiit; nuu with the aid of blankets smothered the flames. The old lady's face and hands were badly but not fatally burned. A Chess Match Arranged. Havax'a, Dec. 24. The details of the great chess match for $2000 a side be tween William Steinitz andM. Tschigorn has been 'arranged, and the game win begin on New Year's Day, Great inter est Is felt in the contest, and the Havanese, who are given to betting, are preparing to wager largely on it. The Boston at Valparaiso. Valparaiso, Chili, Dec. 24. The United ' States steamer Boston arrived here today. It is stated that the su-, preme court will soon hand down -a de cision in the Baltimore case, and that the government then will settle witn tne United btates. Now and then vou meet a inan wh has soured on the world and cftn't see any good in nothin' nor nobody. In such nnaQO Itta til 7k J T m i. i-i ami irmiMI find fl. LODvD JUO iiw "ini VI f U11U J vu chap so mean that a yellow dog will not ioiiow mm. Scientifically, an inch -of rain .means lX) tons to the acre. . The pressure of onnrtier man'n not on a favnrit.fi corn . - 7- , means something like a million tons to the acne.r. Col ton, Whitman county, has a new opera house. Card of Thanks. E. Jacobsen & Co. desire to thank their friends and customers for the sub stantial patronage they have received, and wish to announce to all that they will endeavor to carry only first-class goods, a large stock and at reasonable prices 12-26-lt. FOIt SALE. Th lots to suit, the entire house-hold furniture of Matt Blazen. Parties buy ing the furniture can have privilege ol renting the house at the same rate as before the fire. Applv at the residence on Ninth and .Liberty. " The Old and the New. , ft iwmroA if hnrro hnf. vhii mnst crin and bear it," is the bid time consolation given to persons troubled wnn rneuma itam "Tf rmi will take the trouble to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's .fain .tsaim ana Dine ii. on over the seat of pain your rheumatism will aisannear." is the modern and much mi.a ootiafuitAru flrlvifNJ 50 cent bot tles for sale by Snipes & Kmerely, drug gists. . " A PreventlTe for Croup."' We want everv mother fo know that croup can be prevented. True croup d (mmntnm ia iiriarspnpflR! t.hfin the BJ ujpimi" . n " " - - , child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may nave accompanied me uuarae- tha otort A f tfr that, a rpml- KIOGO UUu vuw dvi vs I - iar rough cough is developed, which is followed by tno croup, ine ume io aui, is when the child first becomes hoarse ; a few rlrvKps of Chamberlain s Cougn Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the 1 l.J V... i!-n Vv ? a wAvtkrlTr a a s-liiAtM . Tt. has never been known to fail. 25. cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersiy, uruggisis. Notice to the Public. Uavini i-i vi ri a nil fni- t ill1 VlollflrtVH Olie of the finest assortments of confectionery. fruits, nuts, etc., ever brought to The Dalles, I wisn to respecuuuy can me Tl.o rmrntlnn r.f THE DATVLES CI- xnc ivuutbivu vm. - -- GAR has become firmly established, and the demand tor tne nome manuiaciureu article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. ' THE OLD DA Lr.ES MIliL A1J Alf.K Company's 1 lour Mill will bo leaned to re sponsible partien. tor tniormaiiou appy I he Dallen. I rwn. FOR SALE One of the beet Fruit Ranches in Wasco County, only four miles west of The Dalles. Apply to . , A. Y, Mak8H, The Dalles-. JOS. X. PET.6RS St CO., ' DEALERS IX LiUmBEH, COnD WOOD HND General no Ulaieiiai Olet mi Yard Coraw ot First aid JeBSlrHls. SurtkSBe lit Railroad Track. D. BUJ4HEUU, Pipe Work, 1m Repairs - and Roofing. : Mains Tapped Under Pressure. Ul BUTLiER & CO., "THE LEADERS- -IN IiUjttBEtl, ItflTH flKD shingles: Shop on Third St. next door west of j fo. GflT, RlSt ulll JeSBlSOU StS. SOUTH SIDE (MM Young & Kuss' blacksmith shop. T attention of thoee wishing any thing in thsu linos. T am now nrenared to fur nish them, in any quantity they may wish, and at prices to suit the times, all goods in my line, warranted fresh and first-class in every respect. Special i.i-ici tit nartioa ix-q n 1 1 ti cr crnrwls in auan- piiwo fcv j'". n.-.j c5 e i tities for churches, Christmas trees, etc. As T VmvB (riven mv individed attention to these special lines, I am sure I can ... . . . ! 1 1 i. C l!.tn..i. gratity tne wisnes oi me mwi aouuiuuo. 1 have a complete assortment in every thing touching these lines. Remember the place. The Columbia Candy factory at 104 Second street, The Dalles, ur. ; 12-17-tf. W. S. Ceam, ' Proprietqr; T. R. VBH HORDED, Watchmaker I Jeweler, HAS LOCATED AT 106 Seeond St., The Dalles, Or. And is prepared to do any and all kinds of work jn his line, being a practi cal workman for a period of over thirty years, anu. uo repaired" over four thous . and watches in Las sen County, Cal. All work from the Country promptly attended to, and on reasonable terms. GIVE ME ATRIAL AND BE CONVINCED Closets S Chimneys Cleaned ! Carpets take np, cleaned and put down, also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned on short notice at reasonable .v rates. - Orders received through the postoffice GRANT MORSE - . mia-ti- . CHRISTMAS GOODS To be Retailed at Whoiesaie ,rriu. E. JAGOBSEH & CO., 162 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, " OREGON. V: ; Are selling their complete stock of Holiday Goods, too large and costly to be carried, over until next year, to the trade'at wholesale prices. . Now is the time for BARGAINS ! - ' : . We are selling cloth bound 12mo. books for 25 cents. " Large .full Blze. Vlmh Photograph Albums onlv 60 cents: Silk Plush Jewel or Work. Boxes only 50 cent,. Large Plush Dressing Cases only $1.00. Mrs: Alcott's and all other standard novels have put way down to bottom prices. A complete and fine assortment of Bibles. . MAUY OTHER BARGAINS. "All Goods sold as represented; but as this space, will not : " permit us to give a full list of prices; we respectfully invite the public, calli often ' and see for themselves that we are selling goods at GENUINE BED RQCK pri.es We will also prosent any Lady or Gentlemen who wiU caU J Eve, with a ticket entitling them to a chance in a elegant Dressing Case UWy Christmas Eve. See them in our show window. We give these tickets free of charge. LOW PRICES SELL OUR GOODS !