The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 8.-
WM. J. .ROBERTS Civil Engineer Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM. 3AUNDER8 Aechitkct. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fiee over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fiixow of Trinity
Medics! College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms g and Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thorobury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
GEON. Office; rooms 5 and 8 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12
. A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to s P. M.
nee In Schanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon. ' . . - . '
DEIDDALL, Diimei. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
iVl nsvs-at-law. Offices, French's block over
eixxi .National uanjt, xne uaiies, uregon.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
Wn.' WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms
. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon.
SillPES & KLY.
Wholesale aid Retail Dmiists.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domesh'
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the best quality
and a fine color use the
y Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint
. . For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call theii
attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
. above paint for The Dalles. Or.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram & Conoi,)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Hade
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Note, Cigars and Tobacco.
- Oan furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or neuiu
In Every Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Bnhiel Out M:AdI& in Bufnm
l'm. OlIGHElilt,
And Embalmer, has strain started with a new
and complete stock of everything needed in
. the undertaking business; Particular -attention
pad to embalming and
taking care of the dead. Orders -promptly
attended to, day or
Prices as Low as the Lowest
Place of business, diagonally across from
Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash
ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon
dw , '
Letters of Credit issued available in the
, Eastern States. "',
Sight Exchange and- Telegraphic
Kf Transfers sold op New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
ejections made at all points on fav-
orable terms.
1 M AAlfl!
J Slip
ne.Sneaier Announces the Following
Committees Tott
Senator Plumb's Remains Arrive at
;. Kansas City.
A Cargo of Dynamite Blew up A Cus
tom Officer Discharged Fatal
Washington, Dec. 23. Following is
the composition of the principal house
committees as announced by Speaker
Crisp today:
Ways and means Wm. Springer,
Illinois; McMillin, Tennessee; Turner,
Georgia; Wilson, Vermont; Montgom
ery, J4.entucby;- Whiting, Michigan;
Shively, Indiana ; Cochran, New York ;
Stevens, Massachusetts; Bryan, Neb
raska; Reed, Maine; Burrows, Michi
gan ;' McKenna, California ; Payne, New
York and Dalsell, Pennsylvania.
Elections Oferrel, Vermont; Moore,
Texas; Copp, Alabama; Paynter, Ken
tucky ; Brown, Indiana ; Lock wood,
New York; Lawson, Georgia; Gillespie,
Pennsylvania; Johnstone, South Caro
lina; Hanger, Wisconsin; Taylor, Ten
nessee; Doan, Ohio; Johnson, Indiana;
Reyburn, Pennsylvania and Clark,
Appropriations Holman, ' Farney
Say res and Breckenridge of Kentucky,
Dockery, Mutchler and Breckenridge of
Arkansas, .Barnes, Compton and O'
Neill of Mass., Livingston, Henderson,
Campbell, Bingham, Dingley and Groat.
(Jomage weights and measures
Bland, Charles Tracy, Williams, Kii
gore, Robinson, Pierce, Epps and Will
iams of Massachusetts; McKeigham,
Bart in and Taylor, of Illinois; Stone, of
Pennsylvania; and Johnson, of North
Dakota. ' .
Judiciary D. B. Cuiberson, Gates
Bynum, Stockdale, Goodnight, Boatner
and Buchannan, of Virginia; Chapin
Lay ton, Wolverton, and Taylor, of Ohio
Buchanan, of New Jersey ; and Ray
Powers Berdeck.
interstate ana loreien commerce
Mills, Wise, Price, Raynor, Brickner,
Gray, and Houk, of Ohio; Mallary
Patterson, and O'Neill, of Missouri
O'Neill, Ponne, Livid, Randall and
Ketchum. . '. '
Rivers and harbors Blanchard
Cathings, Stewart, and Lester, of
Georgia; Clark," of Alabama; Haynes,
Wordock, Jones, Paige, Byrnes, and
Henderson, of Illinois ; Herman Stephen
and Stone, of Pennsylvania and Quack
Foreign affairs Blount, MeCreary,
Hooker, Chipman, Filch, Andrews
Cable, Isadar Raynor, Hill, ' Harmer.
O'Donnell, Sanford.
Agriculture Hatch, Lewis. Alex an
der, Youmane, Shell, Farman, White,
Camanetti, Moses, Long, Fvnston, Wil
son, Joley, Waugh and Cheatham.
Pacific roads Riley, Lanbam, Lane,
Brown, Kellis, Covert, Castle, Holedge
Snodgrass, Raines, Elliott, Lind, Taylor.
Banking and currency Bacon, - Wike
Grans, Cate Dickerson, 8 perry; Gantz
and,. Cox of Tenn., Cobb of Missouri
Walker of Mass., Brosius, Townsend and
Henderson of Illinois. v '
Public Jands-'-McRae, . Pendleton
Tucker, Merman, Bailey, Dearmand and
Zerley of Ohio; Stout, Pickler, Town
send, Sweet and Clark of Wyoming.
Indian affairs 8.- W. Peet, Allen
Turpen, j, Rockwell, Bradley, Lynch
English, Clover, Kem, and Wilson of
Washington,. Joseph, McKenna, 'and
Hooker of New York, Hopkins Penn
and Harvey of Oklahoma.
Territories J. A. Washington. Kil
gare, ' Monsur, Campbell, Parrett
Branch, Terry, Jerry Simpson, Donovan
Kife and Smith of Illinois, Perkins
O'Donnell and Joseph,
Pensions Wilson, of Missouri, '. Hen
derson, Baukhead, Morton, Parrett
Barwig, Jones, Moses, Stewart, Seull'
Waugh and Houk, of Tennessee, and
PostofBces and post roads Henderson
Blount, Kyle, Pattison, of Ohio, Crosby
Hopkins, Caldwell, Wilson, of. Washing
ton, Bergen, Laud, Came.
Merchants, marine and fisheries
Fowler, Fithian, Moore, Caruth - and
Buchanan of Virginia. Forpjjt.. Mao-noi.
Stump and Wheeler, of Michigan, and
Hopkins, of . Illinois ; Atkinson, Wilson.
ana i-erkina, oi lowa.
A Fire for Sacramento.
Sacramento. Dec. 23. The most dis
astrous fire that has occurred in Sacra
mento for years broke out this, morning
and destroyed the Baker & Hamilton
gricultural implement warehouse, con
taining valuable stock. The contents of
the warehouse were : wagons, reapers,
buggies and agricultural implements.
About - 1,000,000 gun cartridges-were
among the contents and their explosion
kept up a lively noise. Forty pounds of
sample powder exploded just as Fremen
Steve Miller-and Dick Trenjone were
entering the door and they were blown
backward and seriously but not danger
ously burned- and otherwise injured.
The warehouse building belongs to
William H.' Howard of San Francisco
and is insured for $8,000, which will
cover the loss as the walls are intact.
The contents were valued at between
$75,000 and $80,000, which is nearly a
total loss, but is fully covered by insur
Senator Plumba Remains at Kansas City
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 23. The train
bearing the body of the late Senator
Plumb arrived here early this morning,
Those who formed the escort were Gov-
ernor Humphreys, of Kansas, his staff
and the officers of the state, Timothy
McCarthy, department commander of
the G. A. R., of Kansas, his staff, and a
delegation from the various parts of
Kansas. The pall bearers were Mayor
Hannon and the me.ubers of the city
council of Kansas City, and a committee
of representative men of that city, and a
detachment of the metropolitan police
Governor Humphrey formally received
the body from the sergeant at arms of
the senate.
Blew Up the Snip.
Antwerp, uec. 23. lms morning a
cargo of dynamite which was being dis
charged from a lugger into a lighter, ex
ploded, shattering one vessel and sink
ing the other. Twenty men who were
employed on the vessel were either in
stantly killed or blown into the water
where they were, drowned.
A Custom Collector Discharged.
Washington,. Dec. 23. The president
today issued an order for the removal of
Samuel D. Warmcastle, collector of in
ternal revenue taxes ior the 23rd district
of Pennsylvania at Pittsburg. 'Warm
castle is charged with neglect of duty.
Killed Bran Explosion.
Kansas City, Dec. 23. The ammonia
tank in Armour's establishment ex
ploded this morning and four men were
Suicide of a Veteran.
Racine, Dec. 22. Captain E. L,
Baker committed suicide last night, by
shooting. His body was found this
morning in an open lot. He was 59
years old and a veteran of the war! He
has a son in California and a daughter
in providence, a. i. .
Worse off Than Before.
Odessa, Dec. 22. A party of Polish
peasants, who some time ago emigrated
to Brazil in the belief that . their condi
tion would be greatly improved, have
returned in a destitnte condition. They
r i ... . t l 1 i I
iounu it. lmpossiuie uj gain- a uvuuuuu
in Brazil.
Canadian Legislature to be Dissolved.
Montreal, Dee, 22. It is now stated
the Quebec legislature will not he sum
moned the 29th inst., but that the lieutenant-governor
will immediately issue
a proclamation dissolving the legislature
and ordering a new election.
To Run to Paget Sound.
San Francisco, Dec. 22. The state
ment is made that on the arrival of the
steamer Keweenaw from San Diego, she
will .be taken off the freight line between
New York and this port and be placed
in the Puget Sound oal service.'
A. Receiver Appointed. .
New York, Dec. 22. Leo C. Dessar
has beeq appointed receiver for the firm
of Donnell, Lawson & Simpson, bankers,
on supplementary proceedings connected
with old matters, on the application of
judgment creditors. .
- Cruiser San Francisco is Ready.
San Francisco, Dec. 22. The cruiser
San Francisco came - down from Mare
island navy-yard this morning, anda is
anchored in the stream. It is expected
that she will put to sea shortly. .
Deed of a Jealous Husband.'-
Omaha, Dec. 22. Nicholas Fox this
morning shot his wife at South Omaha,
and theij cut his throat with a razor.
Mrs. Fox will recover, but her husband
will die. Jealously was the cause.
Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, Dec. 23. Forecast for
Oregon and Washington : Scattering
rains western portion. "
' Portland Wheat Market.
Portland , Dec. 23. Wheat, Valley
1.62 ; Walla Walla, 1.55I.57.
The Cnilian Police are (Hying ton More
Attention Tnan ne Liies.
China Sends an Officer to Inquire About
, , the World's Fair,
Caused by a Defective Flue Didn't
Want to Live Raising Money
' for the Russians.
New York, Dec. 21. The Herald's
Valparaiso cable' says that Minister
Egan today officially requested the
Argentine minister, Senor Urriburn, to
note the presence of Chilian police .
agents in the immediate vicinity of the
American legation, as also the attempted
arrest Saturday night of Frank Egan,
the minister's son. Senor Urriburn in
his diplomatic capacity will call a meet
ing of the foreign ministers for the pur
pose of requesting the attention of the
Chilian government toward the action
of the municipal authorities in main
taining police surveillance of tha Amer- . :
can legation. An additional insult was ,
offered the American minister yesterday
in the ease of one of the refugees who
applied for release upon furnishing
bonds as recently granted Balmaceda's
minister of war, V alaspuez. The gov
ernment replied the refugee must first
leave the American legation and sur
render himself to Chilian authorities
and submit to imprisonment.
China and the World's Fair.
New York, Dec. 22. A special high
commissioner of the Chinese empire has '
arrived from France. He is Chue- Yow
Sing an attache of the legation in Paris,
and eomea by direct appointment of the
Pekin government to investigate the '
question of a Chinese exhibition at the
world's fair. To a reporter Chue Yow
Sing Baid it was his first visit to this
country. ' "I do not know the inten
tions of the Chinese governmen," he
said, "concerning 'an exhibit at the
world's fair. I understood the govern
ment declined to exhibit, but my in
structions are to make-a searching in
quiry into the conduct and probabilities
of the exposition. I suppose the gov
ernments decision will be influenced by
my report. I want to see what prepara
tions nave been made and above all, to
try and learn just what interest the
American people take in the fair. If
China makes any exhibit I think it will '
be a creditable one,
A Missing Heir Turns Up. ,
Cortland, N. Y., Dec. 22. John
Givens, missing heir to the immense
Givens estate here, has been found in -Wheeling,
W. Va. He has been miss
ing since June, when he left for San.
Francisco. He was heard from there
and then all trace was lost. His bag
gage was found in San Francisco and it
was supposed he had been murdered
and the body concealed. He was
mourned for as dead here. The executor
of the estate, Hubbard, heard from him
this morning.
: t -
Caused by s Defective Flue.
Monrovia, Cal., Dec. 22. At 2 o'clock,
this morning four of our largest business
buildings and contents were consumed
by fire. Large & Wheeler's furniture
store, A. Holdzkom's harness shop,
Mushrush & Adair's meat market and
carriage repository were' totally des
troyed. The Johnson block was par
tially destroyed. The loss is heavy on
all, and only a little insurance. , The fire
originated in a defective flue in the har
ness shop.
Caused by Despondency.
' San Jose, Cal., Dec. 22. Jacob Heft,
the capitalist, after living four days with
two bullet-holes in his head, is dead.
Heft was conscious most of the time
after the shooting until last night, when
he grew delirious and struggled to get
up. The day after he shot himself be
made his will, leaving the bulk of his
property to his wife. The cause of the
act was aesponaency over unprontaDie
- Money for the Russian Poor.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 22. The czar
has had Colonel Wendrick Tobostoff in
vested with absolute power to organize
the railway tariff so as to effect the dis
tribution of corn. The czarowitz has
just donated 50,000 rubles to the famine
fund, while the Grand Dukes George,
Alexander and Sergius each contributed
40,000 rubles. Money for relief purposes
is also flowing- in freely from other
San Francisco Wheat Market.
San Francisco. Dec. 23. Wheat,
buyer, '91, 1.80 ; Season 1.87.