The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1891, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
. as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cent per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion. ,
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
. will appear the following day. i
So. i. Arrives 11:40 a., m. Departs 11:45 a. m.
' 8, ' 12:05 P.M. ", 12:30 P.M.
No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M. Departs 4:50 a. m.
' 7, " 8:20 P. M. - - "
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7 -45 A. M.,and one for the
at 8 A. M.
For Pritieiii9, via. Bate Oven, leave daily
.except Sunday) at 6 a. m.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M.
For Duf ur, Kingslev, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs una Tygh Valley, leave doily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. M. . ' .
For Uoldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. M.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
' General Delivrey Window. ... .'. .8 a. m. to 7 p. in.
Money Order 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday ti I " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Ooldendale 7:30 a. m.
" "Prineville 5:30 a. m.
Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:30a. m.
" f Leaving for Lyle Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " JAntelopo 5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturdny.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday..
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r W State
Coast ear. tive of 5. of
Time. Hum Wind " Weather.
8 A. M 30.05 35 91 West .08
S P. M 30.24 43 92 S. W.I uay
Maximum temperature, 45; minimum t em
era ture, 35.
1 Tuk, Dec. 21,1891.
FAIR I WeaOur forecast till 13 m.
i Tuesday; Generally fair fol
lowed with rain and snotv in the
MONDAY, DEC. 21, 1891.
' The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
There ia an epidemic of measles in the
The river is practically at low water
Work has closed down on the govern
ment works at the Cascades.
Phil Brogan sr., a prominent stock
man of Antelope is in the city.
.Follow the crowd and see E. Jabobsen
"Tic Co.'s bargains in holiday goods.
Allen Grant a prominent sheep owner
of Antelope came into town yesterday. .
E. B. Dufur went to Wasco thie mot n
ing to attend some law cases that are to
be tried ihere today.
Ben Longley of Eagle Valley, Baker
county, has captured the prise of $100.,
offered by W. H. Man tie of Philadelphia
for the finest potatoe raised in the
United States.
A. Bi-Chloride of Gold Club has been
organized in Portland . with a charter
membership of abont twenty. The re
quirements of membership is a full
course of treatment and graduation for
any disease treated by the Keely gold
cure. :
The Northwest Reform Journal says:
"The state alliance should and probably
will declare for government liquor at
cost." The alliance and reform journal
will have to do without their liquor for
along time if they have to wait until
the government furnishes it to them at
Hon. J. H. Kinehart, the banker and
miller of Summerville and father of Dr.
W. E. Rinebart of this city, paid The
Dalles a visit Saturday night and re
mained over yesterday leaving for Port
land this morning.' Mr. Kinehart has
never been able to get any trace of the
parties who robbed his bank a short
time ago.. T 1
One day last week the marshal of Fos
sil arrested a man for disorderly conduct
and usinft profane language. In making
the arrest the marshal got hot and used
some cuss words himself. Each swore
out a complaint against the other and
both appeared before the recorder,
pleaded guilty and were fined $10 and
costs apiece.
Ad Keller announces a complete stock
of everything in the line of Christmas
and New Year's cakes, French and
home inade candies and wedding and
party cakes made to order besides a
handsome assortment of Christmas tree
ornaments. Mr. Keller authorized the
Chronicle to say that he will make a
present of a handsome wedding cake . to
the iirst gentleman and lady of this city
who get married between ' this ' and
Christmas morning. .Here's an induce
ment to pop the question not often met.
A few days ago the Chbonicle men
tioned the fact that the fire that was
kindled in this city more than three
months was still smoldering in a coal
heap at the site of the old J. L. Thorn p-
son blacksmith shop. That reminds the
scribe of a similar incident that followed
the great fire in Chicago. Exactly,
twelve months after that event and after
a long and severe winter had intervened
a gentleman lit his pipe from a smolder
ing fire among the grain of a large
elevator. The fire had burned for
whole year. : .;
The Chkonicle invites correspondence
on all subjects interesting to the public.
Send us the news and send it in any form
you please, only send it. We shall
gladly take the trouble of making it
Mr. Geo. W. Marquam has bought
the John L. Bradley farm, one mile
eouth of Dufur and is moving his family
there this week. He is an old-timer in
the vicinity, but moved to the Willam
ette valey two years ago.. Then he con
cluded that Wasco county was quite
good enough for him, and has come back
"for keeps." Dufurites tell him "wel
come'" very heartily. Dufur Dispatch.
The famous Mendelssohn Quintette
Club of Boston, Mass., was organized in
1548, and since that time it has had in
its employ the very best talent that the
world affords. It now consists of
Boegner, violin virtuoso; Max Alder,
violinist; Eyan, solo clarinet; Henne
berg, solo flnta ; Diester, violoucello and
Miss Barnard, primadonna. Remember
that for the usual admiission fee you can
hear them at the court house next Fri
day evening. , '
More Candidates for the Penitentiary.
There can scarcely be a doubt that
Marshal Gibons caught two more candi
dates for ; the penitentiary "yesterday
when he arrested Al Mesplie and Billy
Avery for robbing Joseph Chamberlain,
a man of probably 60 years of age whose
home is near the Klickitat Landing.
Chamberlin, Mesplie and Avery had
been in Wolf Sh'roeder's saloon, Satur
day evening last, up till the hour of
closing, sometime about midnight. The
three left together and walked east on .
First street till they came about opposite
the late residence of Mrs. Laughlin.
Here Mesplie and Avery enticed the old
man to the north side of the railroad
track where they knocked him down
and pounded his face and head till he is
almost beyond recognition. The men
have confessed the crime, at' least Mes
plie ownes up to the robbery and Avery
admits he was present when the crime
was committed. By Avery's instruct
ions the marshal went today to a point
back of the Chinese wash house, near
the foot of Federal street where he found
Chamberlain's empty purse. It had
been torn open. Chamberlain says it
contained two five-dollar, greenbacks,
four twenty dollar gold pieces, two fives,
and seven dollars and a half in silver
$ 107 .50 in all. Only two or three dollars
were found on the prisoners.
Mesplie and Avery were brought be
fore J ustice Doherty at three .o'clock
this " afternoon. Avery pleaded guilty
and Mesplie is having his axamination
as we go to press. :
A V. S. Building for The Dalles.
Through the courtesy of Colonel Mc
Arther the Chronicle has received a
printed copy of senate bill No. 601 which
was introduced in the senate by Mr.
Mitchell on the 10th inst. The bill calls
for an appropriation of $100,000 for the
erection of a public building for a post
office and United States land office- at
Dalles City, Oregon. After being read
twice the bill was referred to the com
mittee on public buildings and grounds.
W. H. Mowat, the postal telegraph
manager, who has been out fixing up
the Ashland-Linkville line, took a deer
hunt Monday, V from Soda Springs up
toward Pilot Rock, and brought in some
fine venison, says the Ashlind Tidings.
W. Gee, the champion venison man,
brought in another big lot of meat from
up on the Umpqua. divide. He has
brought in altogether this year the car
casses of more than a hundred deer, and
has wasted none of the meat. If there
were left on his hands at any time any
venison that he could not sell at once he
gave it to people in town who needed it
and could easily keep it from spoiling.
'... Kward--Kyi Lost.
A bunch of keys was left on the shelf
at the money order window in the post
office Saturday noon. Will the party
who took them tby mistake or other
wise) kindly leave them at the Chboni
cle office and be suitably rewarded.
Ad. Keller, the baker, offers for sale a
complete line of ornaments for Christ
mas trees. Unnstmas and JNew Year's
cakes and pure French and home-made
candies. Cakes for weddings and par
ties made to order on short notice. Give
him a call. 12-21-4t.
The Old and the Xew.
' "Of course it hurts but you must grin
and bear it," is the old time consolation
given to persons troubled with rheuma
tism. "If you will take the trouble to
dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bine it on over
the seat ot pain your rheumatism will
disappear,", is the modern and much
more satisfactory advice. 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Snipes & Kinerslv, drug
gists. '; - - djkV
We have purchased a first class tap
ping machine and are now prepared to
do main tapping under pressure, therebv
savinar the evnansn nnH -arnn..on
J 1 uwjciufc, ltJ
our customers of shutting off water to
tap the main. Mays & Crowe.
.. Found.'
A small surgical instrument. The
owner can have it by calling at this
For Sale Cheap.
A gentle, handsome family horse and
a new covered buggy and harness for
sale cheap. Apply at this office. lotf
A Student of Human Nature!
Mis. SUmpurae Why in the world
did you tell Mrs. De Fashion we had
summered in Europe? "
Mr. Slimpurse You don't suppose I'd
confess to her that we'd been economiz
ing in Frogtown, do you? Not much.
Mrs. Slimpurse But, . dear me, shell
tell others, and before long all sorts of
people will be asking us abont Europe,
and we haven't either of us ever been
east of Sandy Hook.
Mr. Slimpurse Don't you fear. Tell
people you've just got back from Europe
and they'll change the subject quicker
than a wink, for fear youll start talking
about it. New York Weekly.
Col. I. N. Muncy. the man who, for
the past few years, has been engaged in
advising the public to keep its eyes on
Pasco, has quit the newspaper business
and engaged in mining..
For coughs and colds use 2379.
2379 is the cough syrup for children.
Stacy Shown having left my employ I
will not be responsible for any debts he
may contract nor anv business he may
transact. W. E. Gaebetson. "
Vm. Michell has added a full line of
picture frame mouldings of all descrip
tions and is now prepared to make
picture frames of all sizes and qualities
at his undertaking rooms, corner Third
and Washington streets, The Dalles.
In lots to suit, the entire house-hold
furniture of Matt Blazen. Parties buy
ing the furniture can have privilege of
renting the house at the same rate as
before the fire. Apply at the residence
on Ninth and Liberty. tf
Is hereby given to the stockholders of
the N. P. Trunk Manufacturing Co.,
that a meeting will be held at the office
of the company, January 2nd, 1S92 at 2
o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing
efBcers for the coming year.
iz-ia-4t. Jb'. ti. Dietzel,
Kotice to the Public.
Having on hand for the holidays one
of the finest assortments of confectionery,
Christmas tree ornaments, tropical
fruits, nuts, etc., ever brought to The
Dalles, I wish to respectfully call the
attention of those wishing any thing in
these lines. I am now prepared to fur
nish them, in any quantity they may
wish, and at prices to suit the "times,
all goods in my line, warranted fresh
and first-class in every respect. Special
prices to parties wanting goods in quan
tities for churches, Christmas trees, etc.
As I have given my individed attention
to these special lines, I am sure I can
gratify the wishes of the most fastidious.
I have a complete assortment in every
thing touching these lines. Remember
the place. The Columbia Candy factory
al 104 Second street, Tbe Dalles, Or.
12-17-tf. W. S. Cram,
A Preventire Tor Croup, 'i t
We want every mother fo know that
croup can be prevented, - True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness ; then the
child appears to have taken a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start. ; After that a pecul
iar rough cough is developed, which is
followed by tho croup. The -time to act
is when the child first becomes hoarse;
a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will prevent the attack. Even
after a rough cough., has appeared the
disease may be prevented- by uuing this
remedy as directed. . It has" never been
known to fail. - 25 cent, 50 cent and $1
bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly,
druggists. dtw
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorim,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When ah e had Children, she gare them Caatoria
For the Children.
Our readess will notice the advertise
ments in these columns for Chamberlain
& Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From per
sonal experience we can sav that Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up
bad colds for our children and we are
acquainted with many mothers In Cen
terville who would not be without it in
the house for a good many times' its cost
and are recommending it every day.
Centerville, S. If., Chronicle and Index.
25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists dw
T. fl. Vflfl flOpEfl,
Watchmaker! jeweler.
106 Second St., The. Dalles, Op.
And is prepared to do any and all kinds
of work in his line, being a practi
cal workman for a period of
over thirty years, and has
repaired over four thous- .......
and watches in Las- .
sen County, Cal.
All work from the Country promptly
attended to-, and on reasonable terms. t
Closetsi Chinmeys Cleaned I
Carpets take up, cleaned and put down,
also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned "'
.. on short notice at reasonable
rates. .
Orders received through the postoffiee
- r'OR SALE. -Four
lots with a good house on them,
all on the bluff above the brewery which
will be sold cheap or trade for cattle.
Address J. L. Kelly, "
9-11-tf ' The Dalles.
All persons who have not paid their
school tax for 1891, will have costs added
after January 1, 1892.
J. M. Huntington.
School Clerk.
December 9, 1891. 12-9-1-1
Tfte WatcftniaRer,
Has opened an office for Cleaning and
Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc.
All work guaranteed and'
promptly attended.
Dunham's Drug Stoire,
, Cor. Second, and Union Streets- '
Hot -: and-:- Cold-r-Baths.
The Dalles
Gigaf : Factory
JL VJTj: jLXk? manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
- Compauv's flour Hill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For iti formation apply to tbe
I he Dalles. Orecron.
One of the best Fruit Ranches in
"Wasco County, only four jniles west of
The Dalles. Apply to
A. Y. Marsh,
The Dalles.
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs
and Roofing.
Mains Tapped Under Pressure.
Shop on Third St., next door west of
Young & Kuss' blacksmith shop.
To be Retailed at Wholesale Prices.
Are selling their complete stock of Holida- Goods, too
over until next year, to the trade at wholesale prices.
Now is the time for
;:' We are selling cloth . bound 1 2mo. books for 25 cents. Large full size Plush
Photograph Albums only -60 cents. Silk Plush Jewel or Work Boxes only 50 cents
Large Plush Dressing Cases only $1.00. Mrs. Alcott's and all other standard novels we
have put way down to bottom prices. A complete and fine assortment of Bibles.
MANY OTHER BARGAINS. All Goods sold as represented, but as this space will not
' permit us to give a full list of prices,- we respectfully invite the public to call often
. and see for themselves
We will also present any Lady or Gentlemen who will call at our place of business from now until Christmaa
Eve, with a ticket entitling them to a cbance in a elegant Dressing Case or Costly Shaving Set, ; to - be given away
Christmas Eve. See them in our show window. We give these tickets free of charge, " ' ' ' '.;
Keep this in Mind.
Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's
In Every
And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices !
d - 10 -
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
flanges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges.
We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Farnaee.
Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete.
A Box of Fine French Candy with Every Pound of Tea.
fl Fine Lot of flem, Season's Tea jast reeeived
Oolongs, Young Hysons.
Ei-glish Breakfast, Spider Leg,
Gunpowder. Natural Leaf Japan,
Basket Fired Japan.
Tea Blending a Specialty.
JOS. T. PET9RS 5t CO.,
Bepl Building
Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson
Office and Yard cor. First and Jeffersou
that we are selling goods at GENUINE BED ROCK prices.
10 - tt
Streets. North Side of Railroad Track.
Sts. SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Tract
large and costly to be carried