The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1891, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postoffice at The TaHe, Oregon,,
as second-claaa matter.
Local Advertising..
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cento
per line for each subsequent insertion. '
Special rates for long time notices. .
- All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
win appear ue iouowiug ua .
Xo. a, Arrives 11:10 a. m. ' Depart 11 : a. m.
. 8, " 12:05 P.M. " 12: 30 P. M.
So. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M.
" 7. " 6:20 P. M.
Departs :50 a. m.
Two locax freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7-4o a.m., and one for the
.Mat at S A. M. .
Kor PrineviUe, via. Bake Oven, leave dally
except Sunday) ot 61.11. ,
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. :
For Duf ur, Kingsley, Wamic, W apinitia, W arm
Springs nd Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 0 A. M. . . .
For Ooldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
reek except Sunday at 8 a. m.
Offices for all lines at the LmaUlla House.
. Poat-OHlce.
'joueral Dellvrey Window . 8a.m.
Money Order "... 8 a. m.
Sunday O n " 9 a.m.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and
" " West 9 p.m. and
"Stage for Goldendale
" "PrineviUe
"Dufur and Warm Springs .
" t Leaving for Lvle & Hartland .
" " " Antelope
Except Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and
" Monday Wednesday and
to 7 p. m.
to 4 p. m.
to 10 a. m.
11:45 a. m.
4:45 p. m.
.7:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r W State
Coast BAR. tive of . of
Time. Hum Wind Weather.
S A. M 29.S3 32 71 F. . puioudv
JP.M;.... 29.83 42 91 W. rW-louay
Maximum temperature, 43: minimum tem
erature, 32.
The, Dec. 19, 1891.
Weather forecast till 12 in.
Sunday; Continuing rains,
light snow in the mouiilains.
SATURDAY, DEC. 19, 1891.
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
Baker City has organized a young
men's republican club.
V. E. Sylvester started this morning
to build himself a residence on his .lot
on Fourth street.
J. F. Hampshire went down to Port
land yesterday morning where he will
remain till the New Year attending to
office work at the other end of the boat
line. .
The secretary .of the North Pacific
Trunk Factory has issued a call for a
meeting to be held ou the 2nd of Janu
ary next to elect officers for the coming
ear. . . ' .
'Robert Mays, jr., arrrived loday on
where he has been attending the uni
versity. . He will remain till after the
holidays. ,
Jacobaen & Co. will have their show
windows filled tonight with steam toys
all in running order. It will., be well
wrtrtli Vrtll. nhilo ti-fc via? t- ho of Aro anrl
have a look at them.
Senator Blackmail of Hepper passed
through the city today on his way home.
He went, down to Portland yesterday
taking with him Phil Heppner . who is
suffering from typhoid fever arid whom
he placed in, the good Samaratin hospital.
The usual auarterlv meeting services
will be held tomorrow in the brick
school house as follows : Lovefeast 10
a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. by Rev. R. C.
Moter followed by the sacrament. Rev.
7 p. in.
. Read and do not fail to do it, for it is
money in yonr pocket, E. Jacobsen &
Co.'s ad in holidays issue. They are
selling then complete holiday stock at
the lowest possible prices. Go and see
their large display, for visitors, are al
ways welcome. . . . .-. :
A bet has been made between Jake
" Craft, Joel Koontz and Pap Chandler, to
run a foot race for a turkey on Christ
mast morninif. The tnrlcev n-ill u , oof
on a barrel in the middle nf t.ha ofroat
opposite the Columbia Packing Com
pany's market and the race will start
from the Grange store. The man who
gets there first gets the turkey. The
race must be run in the middle of the
street, mud or frost.
A ' representative of the Chronicle
called today at the office of W. J. Rob
erts, civil engineer, and was shown some
new- instruments he had just received
from Boston. The first was a; temple
transit with a seven-and-a-half-inch
horizontal circle, graduated on silver to
fifteen minutes of . ate, and reading to
fifteen seconds by double verniers with
microscope attachment. . It also has a
six-inch vertical arc reading to 15 sec
onds, a long bubble for leveling attached
to a telescope of high power, a five-inch
magnetic needle, and with gTadienter
and tangent screwe is very complete.
The other instrument was a seventeen-
inch wye level of Buff & Berger's make,
designed for very nice work. These in
struments are adapted for use on en
gineering works ; of large magnitude,
euch as canals, tunnels, long span
DriagVH, etc. JLilcjr ilic lUhcicrLtii -JU-
jects in their intricate make-up and will
be very useful to Mr. Robers in his pro
fession. With these "instruments Mr.
Roberts is fully equipped to do anything
and everything in the , line of civil; en
gineering.:; '-. I . ' -j '.' .
And now John Booth, the leading
grocer, steps to the front and says he
will give a box of fine French candy
with every pound of tea purchased and
he claims to have the choicest , selection
of teas in the city.
They know how to tax people over in
Washington. The property of Winans
Brothers, who simply own a couple of
fish wheels and some river front near
Big Eddy is assessed at $23,000. The
same property if in Oregon would be
assessed at about $3000. . , .
H. Herbring calls special attention :' to
his holiday goods in the line of ladies
and gent's silk handkei chiefs, silk muf
flers, silk Windsor scarfs and fishues,
gent's ties and scarfs, kid gloves, facina
tors, silk mittens, muffs, jackets, silk
umbrellas, tidies, table covers, fancy
felt slippers, embroidered slippers and
other useful and ornamental articles too
numerous to mention. Mr. Herbring's
taste in selecting goods is proverbial and
his prices .are, always reasonable. ,.;
This forenoon one of the workmen em
ployed digging the trench for the water
main on Second street caught , a service
pipe on the end of his pick and wrenched
it from its connection with the main.
The result can be easily, imagined., A
stream of water rose high in the air
which threatened for a' time .to deluge
that end of the town. At the suggestion
of a citizen one of the workmen drove a
small plug of wood into the hole when
the rush of water was effectually stopped.
About midnight last night, and after
A. C. Sanford had golietobed, some one
was heard softly ascending the back
steps and laying his hand on the door
knob turn it in the lock. Mr. Sanford,
who - was awake called out, "Who is
there?" but the would-be intruder
beat a hasty retreat knocking down a
number of household articles that came
in his way. If the intruder was in
search of money, Mr. Sanford says he
called at the wrong place' but that gen
tleman keeps a gun and he proposes to
point it in a direction where it will do
the most good next time he is visited in
a similar manner.
The property of the North Dalles shoe
factory is still in the "hands of the sher
iff and will likely .remain there till the
question in dispute has been settled in
the. courts. . It may not be generally
known that the shoe and leather com
pany made a trust deed of the property
to J. M. Arthur and T. F. Qsborn of
Portland, and. N. Whealdon of this city.
The deed was to secure the fulfilment of
the contract on the part of the shoe
company and to secure -the subsidises.
The trustees claim the contract has not
been fulfilled and refuse to recognize the
bill, of sale., given to Mr. Wright by the
shoe and leather company.: This . ex
plains Mr. Whealdon 's connection with
the , matter. He claims the preperty by
virtue of the trust deed as one of and on
behalf of the trustees. -
" Humason I in The Dalles.
The Portland Telegram of the .loth
has an article about a man named Frank
B. Humason. a member of the.Salvation
Army who, it says has been missing
since the 2n'd of. October and who, it is
feared, has been fouly dealt with. The
friends of Humason are informed, that
he is in this city where he has been for
some two months, employed most of the
time, as a. deck hand on ;. the Regulator.
After he left Portland he; went to tan
couver where he. was taken sick and , re
mained under- the weather- for - a
short time. On his recovery' he en
gaged to work on the Regulator where
he remained up till the 17th. Humason
is well and may be found at the Cosmo
politan hotel in this city.
' VIED. ' ' ' '''
Yesterday evening the 18th instant,
after a prolonged illness, Joseph F.
Viera of this city- The funeral will, be
conducted by the Odd Fellows and
Masons and will take place from the
residence of the deceased on Ninth street
tomorrow' afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock.
- " Notice.
There will be services at the Y. M. C.
A., rooms today 11 a. m. and 7:30 p." m.
Preaching by' Rev. Mr. McManus, from
Michigan. A cordial invitation is ex
tended. '
All members of Wasco lodge, No. 15;
A. F. & A. M. are requested to assemble
at Masonic hall tomorrow at 12:30 p. m.
sharp. By order of W. M.
'j';; " . ; born. .
At Wamic, on the 17th inst. 1891, to
the wife of , A. -E. ; Xake, a son. The
Chsoxici.e extends congratulations.
Is hereby given to the stockholders of
the N. P. Trunk. Manufacturing Co.,
that a meeting will be held at the. office
of the company, January 2nd, 1892 at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing
efficers for the coming vear. -12-19-4U
. , . ' . F. H. Dietzel, .
" ;:" " ", " '" .:" Secy.
' i
v .-. Found.
: A ; small surgical instrument. The
owner -can have it by calling at this
For Sale Cheap.
A gentle, handsome family horse and
a new covered buggy and harness for
sale cheap. Apply at this office. 15tf
Sadder But Wiser Men.
Editor of the Chronicle: ' " '" : " -
. The gallant fifteen headed by that all-
round rascal B. F. . Durpby "who
marched them up the hill and marched
them down again ,' have doubtless come
to the conclusion by this, time that there
are. other sections of this country: where
men are grown who are not to be fright
ened at the hooting of owls. . It .was
amusing as well as instructive to note
how hastily those men came to the , con
clusion that the climate was. more - in
vigorating on the , Oregon side of' the
river. As an object lesson it teaches
"Never bite off more than you can chew"
comfortablv. Lookeb On.
The money ; lender protects himself
against free coinage of silver by stipula
ting for payment in gold, but the laborer
has never been able to do that, is one of
Harrison's epigrams, says the Aslorian.
Another epigram , reads : . , . "In foreign
trade, the stamp gives no added value to
the .bullion cantained in coins." , ,
For coughs and colds use 2379,.
2379 is the cough eyrup for children.
Stacv Shown havincr left mv emnlov I
will not be responsible for any debts he
may contract nor any business he may
transact. W. E. Gabketsost. "
11-16-tf. - - - ' ''
Wm. Michell has added a, full line of
picture frame mouldings, of all descrip
tions and is now prepared to make
picture frames of all sizes and qualities
at his undertaking rooms, corner Third
and Washington streets; The Dalles.
ll-21-lm -
In lots to suit,' the entire house-hold
furniture of Matt Blazen. Parties buy
ing the furniture can have privilege of
renting the house at the same rate as
before the. fire. Apply at the residence
on Ninth and Liberty. tf
Notice to the Public.
Having on hand for the holidays one
of the finest assortments of confectionery,
Christmas tree ornaments, tropical
fruits, nut's, etc., ever brought to The
Dalles, I wish to respectfully call the
attention of those wishing any thing in
these lines. I am now prepared to fur
nish them, in any quantity they may
wish, and at prices to suit the times,
all goods in my line, warranted fresh
and first-class in every respect. Special
prices to parties wanting goods in quan
tities for churches, Christmas trees, etc.
As I have given my individed' attention
to these special lines, I am sure I can
r atify the wishes of the most fastidious,
have a complete assortment in every
thing touching these lines. Remember
the place. The Columbia Candy factory
at 104 Second street, The Dalles, Or.
12-17-tf. W. S. Gram,
' Proprietor.
' A Preventive for Croup." "
We want every mother fo know that
croup can ,, be ..prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. . The
first symptom is hoarseness ; - then the
child appears to have taken a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start. After that a pecul
iar rough cough is developed, which is.
followed ny tho croup. : The time to act
is when the ehild 'first becomes hoarse; I
a few closes - of -Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will prevent the attack. Even
after a rough cough has appeared the
disease may be prevented by ubing this
remedy as directed. - ': It has never. been
known to fail.-' 25 cent, 50 cent and $1
bottles for sale by Snipes & Kineraly,
druggists. . . ;v dw"
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we her Castoria.
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorim,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
. For the Children. '
Our readess will notice the advertise
ments in these columns for Chamberlain
& Co., Des Moines," Iowa. From per
sonal experience we can say that Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up
bad colds for our children and we are
acquainted with many mothers in Cen
terville who wou'd not be without it in
the house for a good many times its cost
and are recommending it every day.
Centerville, S. J)., Chronicle and Index.
25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. dw
T. A. Vflfl NOROEfi,
Watchmaker 1 jeweler,
106 Seeond St., The Dalles, Or.
And is prepared to do any and .all kinds
. of work in his line, being a practi-',
cal workman for a period "of
over thirty years, and has
repaired over four thous
and watches in Las
sen County, Cal.
All work from the Country promptly
attended to, and on reasonable terms.
Closckl Chimneys Cleaned !
Carpets take up, cleaned and put down,
- also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned
on short notice at reasonable
. - rates. . ; .. '
Orders received through the postoffice
- IC-lf-tf ,
' Four lots with a good house on ' them,
all on the bluff above the brewery which
will be sold cheap or trade for patties .
Address ' J. L. Kelly,
9-11-tf The Dalles.
. -. : NOTICE.
All persons who ' have not paid their
school tax for 1891, will have costs added
after January 1, 1892.
- School Clerk.
December 9, 1891. 12-9-1-1
Has :opened an office for Cleaning and
repairing watches, jewelry, etc.
All work' guaranteed and
promptly attended.
Dunham's Dfug Stoire,
- Cor. Second and Union Streets.
The Dalles
GigaF : faetopy
fTf A pCof the Best Brands
orders from all parts of the country' filled
on me snoriesi nonce.
The" reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Company's Hour Mill will he leased to re
sponsible parties. For InformHtion apply to the
- i ho Dal leu. Oregon.
One. of the best Fruit Ranches in
Wasco County', only four miles west of
The Dalles. Apply to
' - A. Y. Marsh;
-.'. , ' The Dalles.
;D. BUflEIill,
Pipe Work, Tin-Repairs
- and Roofing.
Mains Tapped Under Pressure.
Yosun iViss of
To be
Are selling their complete stock of Holiday Goods, too
over until next year, to the trade, at wholesale prices. ,
Now is the time for
v We are selling cloth bound 12mo. books for 25 cents. Large ' full size Plush
Photograph Albums only CO cents. Silk Plush Jewel or Work Boxes only 50 cents
Large Plush Dressing Cases only $1.00. Mrs. Alcott's and all other standard novels we
have put way down to bottom prices. A complete and fine assortment of Bibles. :
MANY OTHER BARGAINS. , All Goods sold as represented, but as this space will not
vv; ' permit us to give a full list of prices, we respectfully invite the public to call often
and see for themselves that we are selling goods at GENUiNE BED ROCK prices.
We will also present any Lady or Gentlemen who will call at our 'place of business, from now until Christmas
Eve, with a ticket entitling them to a chance in a elegant Dressing 'Case or Costly .Shaving Set, to be given away
Christmas Eve. See them in our show window. We give these tickets free of cfc a rge."' -. ;:t ;
w--:: : : --..- .-. - Vj.v . 4'.. '. .
Keen this
X WE CARRY :",-;';-;
Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's
.-a' In Every
. ' And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices !
A. M . WILLI A M S & C O.
d - 10 -
Arpid Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Raoges, Universal Stoves and Ranges.
We are also agents fo? the Celebrated Boynton Faimaee.
. . Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete.
A Box of Fine French Candy with every Pound of Tea.
A Fine Lot of Hem, Season's Tea just reeeived
Oolongs, Young Hysons,
English Breakfast, Slider Leg,
Gunpowder, Natural T,eaf Japan,
Basket Fired Japan.
Tea Blending '-"a Specialty.
A Pound of Fine Tea makes a very acceptable Christmas present.
IEt. vEB IkSi S IkL 2.
A Box of French Candy FREE with everv pound of Tea bought of
the: leading grocer,
XiDmBEH, cou Wood
mm m iioiiiii
Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson
ItUflBEH, IiflTH
i Office and Tartl cor. Firstanfl Jeffersoa
Retailed at Wholesale
in Mind
10 - tf
i?Hirg.EjE5 2
Streets. ' North Side of Railroad Track
SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Tract
large and costly to be carried
. ' i' :! '' " ! ' -!