The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1891, Image 1

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4 I
NO. 5.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Engiseeb Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of TBiirrrr
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians aud Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and: Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and A Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M.,t to 5 and 7 to S P. il.
. flee In Scbanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon. .
D8IDDAIX Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
tet on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
-he Golden Tooth, Second Street.
VR. THOMPSON Attorn et-at-l aw. Office
. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon .
at-law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
V 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Wlotaale and Retail Dmnjsts.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestji
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the beet quality
and a fine color use the
Sherwin,' Williams Co.'s Paint
For "those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of S. I Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
W. S. CRAM. Proprietor.
- (Successor lo Cram iCorsoB.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars aud Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods, at Wholesale
or itexaii
In Kterjr Style. :
' . 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Bnrnei Out lint Anain in Business
And Embalmer, has again started with a new
ana complete stock oi everywing neeaea in
the undertaking business. Particular '
attention paid to embalming and
taking care of the dead. Orders
promptly attended to, day or
night. '
Prices as Low as the Lowest
Place of business, diagonally across from
Opera tuocjt, on in corner oi l oira ana .to hsu-
. difcw
FSEflCH & CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. .
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt
Loui?an Francisco, .Portland Oregon
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on ftiv
orable terms.
Special Sale !
SATURDAYrraBER 19, 1891, "
ilve Facte
- AT
Our entire stock of Mens' Cassimere Suits. . $13.00
These comprise our suits that formerly sold for $14, $ 16, (18 and (20 -
Our entire stock of Mens' Fine Worsted Suits in boxes. $16.00
These suits sold for $18, $20, $22 and f2 .
Our entire stock of Youths' Suits, long pants. . . . $ 7.00
Our entire stock of Boy's Suits, knee pants.... , ; . ... j.. ... . .$ 3.85
A. line of Boy's Suits, knee pants, for every day wear 1.50
All our Mens' Black Frock Coats. .-. . .... . 5.00 -
Alotof Boy's Coats..... ...............................I 1.50
A lot of Boy's Vests .$ .25
Our entire line of Boy's Cassimere knee pants ......$ 1.10
Our entire line of Boy's Cotton knee pants ......... .$ .75
All our Mens fine white and colored laundried shirts . . . . . . . . . . '. . . $ .95
All our Mens' Shoes on first counter. : .. .4 1.20 '
All our Mens' Boots on second counter ........... ..:.......$ 3.00
All our Mens' Hats in Window . .$ 1.50
' All our MenB' Caps in Window . .75
Our entire stock of Ladies' French Kid Shoes. ...... , . . . . .$ 3.85
Our entire stock of Ladies' Lace Calf Shoes . .$ 1.40 -
All our Ladies' Fine Shoes on first counter. $ 1.90
All our Ladies' Fine Shoes on second .... . .$ 2.50 "
Onr entire stock of Cowles Bros'. Fine Kid and Goat Spring Heel
', Shoes: '. ; . . ':
S oJ4...... . .$1.10 -
Sizes 8 to 10i . . . . . . . . . , 1 ....:.$ 1.40
. Sizes 11 to 2 . . . . . .. . ...... .....$ 1.80 '
Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing. , $ .20
Our entire stock of Corsets. . $ 1.00
All our stock of Fine Yarns . 1 . . v $ .12J4
This comprises Shetland Wool, Saxony, Coral Yarn, Fairy
Floss, Spanish Wool.
All our stock of Bath Towels. . . $ .15
Our entire stock of Ladies' Gossemers :
Circulars. '. .......$ .75
Raglans :. . . . , ........ :. : . : . $ 1.50
Newmarkets.. . . . . . . .$ 2.50
Our entire stock of Umbrellas.... ....$ 1.25
You all understand that in this Average Sale
the first comers can secure the better bargains, so
'. -. -.. .
come early, get them, and avoid the rush. .
Novel Attractions !
Very Little .Business Being Done Yet
t Outside of Committee Reports.
The National Republican Clubs Hold a
The Officers Have Been Having a High
Time With Their Charges Serie(J
. Them Right.
Washington, Dec. 19. It is being
understood that there will be but a short
session of the house this morning. The
attendance of members is very small
The report of the committee on rules
was presented, empowering the speaker
to appoint a committee of the last house
with the following charges : ' member'
snip, committee, ways and means com-.
mittee to be increased from thirteen to
fifteen numbers : quadro centennial
committee from nine to eleven numbers
The committee on Indian depredation
claim was dispensed with and the name
of the committee, on commerce was
changed to committee on rules of state
and foreign commerce. A concurrent
resolution was agreed to providing for a
holiday recess from Wednesday, the 23rd
inst., until Tueeday, the 5tb, proximo.
i.nloe, of Tennessee, offered a resolu
tion of the appointment of a special
committee of five numbers to inquire as
to the charge made against the commis
sioner of pensions and the administra
tion of his office, which was referred to
the committee on rules. .
Chipman, 'of Michigan, announced the
death of his '; colleague, ' Melbourne H
Ford, and in rfsrct t9 the memory of
the deceased, the house adjourned until
Wednesday, with the understanding
that on that day no business will be
transacted except that of referring to the
recess resolution and to the announce
ment of committees by the speaker.
A Meeting; of the national Repnhllean
Clnba. .
Chicago, Pec. 19. A meeting of the
president and secretary of state's repuh
lican league clubs was held this mora
ing. James D. Clerk son, president of
the national republican clubs, preasded
The states of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Indi
ana, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota
were represented The meeting was
held with closed doors, but it was
learned thrt the session was given up to
matters pertaining to the dissemination
of literature during the next campaign
One of the most important features will
be the collection of figures and statistics
to prove the prices since the McKinley
law bill passed were made, lower instead
of higher. '
He Turned the Prisoner ont.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 10. A sensation
was created here in court today bv the
ex-night watchman of the county prison
Ken Den Khodes, pleading guilty of re
leasing from prison , Beatrice - Collins.
female counterfeiter, and John Miller, a
burglar. He made a statement describ
ing the most shocking disorder, and
drunken carousals in which the female
prisoners and jail. officers participated in
at night. The court .has ordered a full
investigation of the matter. -
. ' Served Them Right. . ;'
Portland, Dec. 19. United ' States
Prosecuting Attorney Mays this morn
ing filed libel against the cargo of the
British bark . Ochtertyre. for $28,000,
The cargo, which was seized by the Cal
cutta of customs last night, consists of
hardware which was shipped to Portland
trom New York by way of Antwerp, in
violation of the statute prohibiting ship
ping ofjlomestic merchandise in foreign
vessels between two American ports.
W1H Soon Knr.w AU About the Chilli
' ' ... matter.
: London, Dec. 19. A dispatch to the
Times from Santiago De Chili, states
that the publication of the correspond
ence between the government 6f Chili
and the United States in relation
to ; the assault ' upon . the sailors
from the American man-of-war Balti
more id completed, The dispatch adds :
"The public is apparently satisfied with
the course pursued by Chili." .:
The Seal Question to Be Settled.
Washington Dec." " 19. -It is ' an
nounced that an agreement has been
reached with the British government as
to a basis of arbitration in regard to the
seal fisheries. The number and power
of the arbitrators are fixed and it is con
fidently expected that their appoint
ment and term of arbitration will be an
nounced in a few days.
Had to Give Up the Plunder.
San Francisco, Dec. 19. Jesse Water
man, a young man employed by. Schus-
sler Brothers, wholesale jewelers, was
robbed of a box containing twentv
thousand dollars worth of loose dia
monds and other precious stones this
morning, but the thieves failed to get
away with the gems, as being closely
pursued they threw the box into the
street arid made good their escape.
y 1 , (
Stockmen the Same as Other Shippers.
Chicago, Dec. 19. At a meeting of
the live stock agents of the Western
roads, which were in session the last two
days in this city, resulted in the adopt
ion of a resolution, by which, taking ef
fect January 1st. The issue of free
transportation to live stock shippers, is
to be abolished, except that provided for
in classification and tariffs.
( The Weather.
San Francisco, Dec. 19. The weather
bureau states that this season rains are
in excess in Western Washington and
Oregon and extreme Northwestern Cali
fornia. . Elsewhere there is a general de
ficiency that ranges from four to five-
and-half inches in the Sacramento val
lev. Rain is falling steadily here todav.
A Slight Blow.-
San Francisco, Dec. 19. A two-story
frame building in a part of the city
known as the Western Addition was
blown down this morning by the wind
and Owen O'Donnell, a hod carrier, was
killed, and two carpenters are probably
fataly injured and the inmates of the
house, Mrs. Kreuz and her two daugh
ters were more ore less "bruised.
A Blast Furnace Exploded.
Milwaukee, Dec. 19. The explosion
of a blast furnace of the Illinois Steel
company at Bay View, this morning
killed two men and injured several
Feel Better Now.
Portland, Or., Dec. 19. J. A. Hayes,
a resident 01 rulon, today committed
suicide by taking "Sough oh Rats."
Ill health is assigned as the cause of the
Fatted a Tariff BUI.
Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 19. The col
onial parliament, after a disorderly sit
ting of thirty-six hours, passed a gov
ernment tariff. . . .
Needed Looking After.
Huron, S. D., Dec. 19. The Huron
national bank has been taken charge of
by the national baDk, examiner.'
Three Men KUIed.
Springfield, Mo., Dec. 19. Three
men were killed this, morning by 'the ex
plosion of a boiler.
Two Engliah Vessels Logt.
London, Dec. 18. Advices from Swa
tow state the British steamer Yunnan
was wrecked and the. cargo lost. The
steamer Longsban, while endeavoring
to assist the Yunnan, went ashore, and
will probably be a total loss. No lives
were lost. ; . ...
. Queen Victoria's Christmas.
London, Dec. 18. The queen, Prin
cess Beatrice and her children left
Windsor castle today and went to Os
born house, Isle of Wight, where Christ
mas will be spent.
Starving Feasants of Russia. -
L0ND0X, Dec. 17. It is reported that
a state of siege is declared in many of the
famine-stricken districts of Russia, ow
ing to the prevalence of brigandage and
anarchy among the starving peasants.
It Was Time to Resign.
Wheeling; W. Va., Dec. 18. Chief
of Police Delbrugge was caught Wednes
day night in a low house raided by his
own officers. Yesterday he resigned.
Death of an English Bishop.
London, Dec. 18. Right Reverend
Harold Browne, D- D.t bishop of Win
chester, is dead. . .
' Suffering From Influenza.
Copenhagen, Dec. IS. Both the king
and queen of Denmark- are suffering
from influenza.
Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, Dec. '19. Forecast for
Oregon and Washington: Threatening
with rain.
' San Francisco Wheat Market.
San Francisco. Dec. 19. Wheat,
buyer, '91, 1.79; Season 1.86.
Portland Wheat Market.
Portland, Dec. 19. Wheat, Valley
1.62t ; Walla Walla. 1.5o1.57J.
Chicago Wheat Market. '
Chicago, December 19. Close, wheats
firm ; cash .91K.; May, S1.
A Braxeman KiM by a Mnrderons
The Decision That Half-Breeds Are Not
Indians Creates Great Excitement.
Called to Their Door and Shot for Re-
More lock Than Oood
Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 18. Frank
Kimmel is a brakeman on the Fort
Wayne railroad. When making his run
on the freight last night he found a
tramp riding on the bumpers when the
train was near Warsaw. The fellow
muttered an oath when Kimmel roughly
told him to get off the train. "Come'
and put me off," he growled in response.
Kimmel needed no second invitation,
and going up to hiiu shoved him off the
train. The train was going slowly at
the time and the tramp. was not hurt.
He picked himself up and ehook his fist
at Kimmel. The latter went about his
basiness and thought nothing about it.
The tramp, it seems, boarded the train
as soon as Kimmel's back was turned.
He seemed to have murder in his heart,
for when the train reached St. Mary's
bridge, which is sixty feet above the
river, he sneaked up behind tne Drane-
man and shoved mm on the train, roor
Kimmel with an awful cry, fell head
long into the river, receiving fatal in
juries. The tramp has . not been ar
rested, but the officials are on his track.
Haft-Breeds Are Not Indians.
' Pierre, S. D., Dec. 18. Great excite
ment was created yesterday at Pierre
and other South Dakota towns' bv ad
vices from Washington to the Pierre
land office that the assistant attorney- -general
had decided that Jane Waldron, .
a VtalfVn.fi3 Tnili'an m a n wa Virt-n m
citizen of the United States, and that
her claim that she is an Indian by virtue
I of being born of an Indian mother can
not be allowed, and she can no longer
be permitted to draw rations and annn-
dreds of half-bloods, like Mrs. Waldron, .
have occupied all of the choicest and
most valuable tracts of the lately-ceded
Sioux lauds, some of which, lying oppo
site Pierre, have already advanced many
thousands of dollars in value. The
South Dakota land offices were flooded
with applications all day from whites to
contest these claims of the half-breeds
taken under the severalty act. At least
$1 ,000,000 is involved.
' Man and Wife Murdered.
Shreveport, La., Dec. 18. An ' old
man named Jack Smith quarreled with
Wright Poland over a dog at Buckhorn,
Bienville parish. To get revenge,. Smith
ana ma turtw sons tuiu iuur otner men
rode to Poland's house in the night time, :
summoned Poland and his wife to the
door and shot tnem dead. Mrs. Poland
was about to become a mother. The
children of the Polands saw their par
ents murdered. Charlie Wassam, a boy
who was spending the night with the
Polands, recognized Smith and his sons
among the murderers, The old man
and One eone have been arrested. . The
other son is at large. Frank Stewart,
Charles Beauchamp and L. O. Smith
have also been arrested. James Stewart
charged with taking part in the murders,
is at large. ' ,
Mere Luck Than Good Management.
Chicago. Dec. 18. R. F. Rov. secre
tary of the Boston iron works, last
Thursday took two boxes from the com
pany's vaults one containing diamonds
worth $3000 and the other papers worth
$10,000. He deposited the boxes in the
waste-paper basket, intending to put
them back in the vault in a few minutes,
but forgot them and left his office. - The
janitor, a man named Dahl, dumped
them in a room where the waste paper
is kept, and the police, who were noti
fied of the loss found them. Dahl has
been arrested, but savs that he did not
know the boxes contained anything
valuable. - . , ;
. Tampieo Is Now a Safe Port.
City of Mexico, Dec. IS. United
States Consul Sutton, of Nuevo Laredo,
reports from personal inspection of the
Tampieo harbor improvements that the
problem of securing deep water has been
solved. - There are now- thirteen to
twenty feet of water on the bar, and
Tampieo has become a great port, and
the only safe one on the Gulf of Mexico.
Damaged by Fire.
Long Island City, Dec. Is. Happens'
tin factory, near Laurel Hill, was dam
aged by fire last night; loss, $75,000.