The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter .- - - Local Advertising;. ; 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. AU local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear toe following day. TIME TABLES. Railroads. , EAST BOUND. Ko. 2, Arrives 11:40 A. M. Departs 11: A. M. 8, " 12:05P.M. " 12:30P.M. WEST BOUND. So. 1, Arrives 4:40 a.m. Departs 4:50 A. M. 4 7j 6;ao p. k. " o:to P. as. Two loca freights that tarry passengers leave one for the west at ?-45 a.m., and one for the past at 8 A. V. j STAGES. For Priuevillo, via. Bake ' Oven, leave daily except Sunday) at 6 a. m. ' For-Antetope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, W aptnlUa, Warm Springs i-nd Tygh Valley, leave daily (exqept Sunday) at 6 a. m. . ... For Ooldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. . Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-office. OFFICE HOURS General Delivrey Window.". 8 a. m Money Order " 8 a. m Sunday O " 9 a.m. cieeiNO OP MAILS By trains going East J. m. and " " West 9 p. m. and 8tage for Goldendale - - to 7 p. m. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. in. 11:43 a. m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. 5:30 a. m. - "Duf ur and V arm Springs . " t Leaving for Lyle&Hartland. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .. .. .. jAnieiopc-. Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday and 5:80 a. m. Saturday. Friday. METE0S0L0GI0AL BEP0BT. Pacific HI W State Coast bar. tive of g. of Time. r Hum Wind s Weather. 8 A. M 30.03 40 83 SW. .08 It Rln 8 P. M 2!.8 44 ! SW. Cloudy Maximum tempera ture, 44: minimum tem- erature, 4'J. WEATHEU PROBABILITIES. The, Dec. 16.1891. Weather forecast till 12 m. Thursday: Scalterina rains, RAIN in Washington; Fair in Or egon; slight temperature changes. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. W. L. Vaflderpool of Dufur was in town today. S. E. Farris has returned from a month's trip to Yakima. Mr. Harry Blanchard of Seattle is in the city, visiting old-time friends. Sidewalks are being built rapidly to replace those burnedupinthe great fire. Andrew Jackson Wall, the proprietor of the Eight" Mile managerie was in town today. . . The city board of charities of Portland disbureed the sum of $7,1 75,50 daring the past year. Ur. and Mrs. William Birmingham of Tacoma are visiting the city, the guests of M. J. Hardy. Word comes to this office that a small vein of coal has been discovered on the Senfert property at the mouth of Ten Mile, three miles above this city. The bomb-thrower who lately at tempted the life of Russel Sage of . New York, has been identified as Henry L. Narcross, a note broker of Boston, Mass. Mrs. B. Goldsmith wife of the chair man of the' democratic state -committee and ex-mayor of Portland died very sud denly last Sunday night at Los Angelos. Did you know that 25 or 50 cents will buy a good Christmas, present at E. Jacobsen & Co.'s, and also give you the best assortment to select from? See their ad. A private letter from Moro informs us that G. D. Bpardman of Rutledge has found the bank, check for $225, which he lost a few days ago 'and which was advertised in these columns. ' . .;' A call has been Issued for the menbers of the democratic state central commit tee to meet in Portland on January 8 for the purpose of designating the time and place for holding the next democratic state convention and for the appoint ment of delegates to the same. . Leslie Butler is now a grandpa. He says he cannot realize it, bnt he's a grandpa all the same. Mrs. Butler writes from Centralis, Washington, that Mrs. Dysart presented her. husband with a daughter on the 14th- instant J ."Mrs. , Dysart will be remembered - as Cora Butler, Mr. Butler's eldest daughter. "' It is by no means certain .that the Chilian troubles will end peaceably, Notwithstanding the assurance of Minis . ter Montt that Chili docs hot want war' and that justice would be done in the Baltimore affair, late dispatches inti mate that the Chiliaus are bent on re turning another Impudent answer to the claims of the 'United States. ' Both Consul " McCreary and Minister Egan hajre advised the authorities at Wash ington that an ngly feeling against, the United- States was' again cropping'out in Chili and that truoble of a serious nature might occur in the near future. The impulsive Chilians are accustomed to work themselves up into periodical paroxysms of frenzy against the govern ment, goaded on, as report has it, by the), meddlesome and mischief -making : interfence of resident British merchants who have labored assiduously ever since the revolution ended to infia,me the Chilians against" the United States Whatever may be their object there &i be no doubt of the fact, and if Chili gets into trouble with : tjiiis country she will have this' British interference to blame more than anything else. - - . ' ' Affairs at Nosth Dallos. . The arrival of Sheriff Stimpson at North Dalles at 3 o'clock this morning found everything quiet at the factory. Mr. Stimpson knocked at the door, but meeting with no response he came across the river and waited till 7 o'clock,-, when he returned and found fhe factory deserted. The sheriff then put J. ; S. Woodruff back in his old charge as care taker. Meanwhile Mr. Stimpson had ordered .. - the ""' captain of .' the ;' ' Reg ulator not' to load the ma chinery that bad been hauled to the wharf boat at the Rockland land ing yesterday. Sheriff Stimpson is now in possession of the whole machinery by virtue of the attachment in favor of Hugh Glenn and the part removed .to the wharfboat wili be put back in the morning unless sestlement is made and the attachment dissolved by due order of the court.;: It is amusing1 to recall the fact that Justice Gilmore who was taken to the factory yesterday afternoon to read the riot acl to those who had pos session of the building, turned the tables on his employers by commanding them "to disperse" as well as the rest. T,qday it is rumored that his honor 'has issued eleven "warrants for arrest for unlawful assembly or something of that kind, and this number is supposed to cover all in side and outside except the Chronicle representative, who. was merely there to record history while it was in process of manufacture; It is believed that the claim of Mr. Glenn against the machin ery will be settled before many hours. .. Kingsley Items. Editor of the Chronicle: Times . around Kingsley are quite lively at present. . Rev Holgate and Mitchell are holding protracted meetings at the Kingsley school house and con siderable interest is manifested. We have a very successful literary society that meets once a week, and if there is one thing more than another that Kingsley can brag of it is her good speakers, clever disclaimers and able amateur performers in the histrionic art, and this applies equally to the young and old of both sexes. The only trouble the eociety has had to contend with is the occasional rudeness of the "hobo" element, -but hopes are enter tained that this will not beepeated. v The weather is fine, the grass is the best it has been lor several years at this time of the year, and the farmers are busy in all directions turning over the soil preparatory to spring sowing. . . - Onr genial postmaster and storekeeper Robert Kelly, is always on baud to serve out "the .mail or turn the best side of his goods to a purchaser and seems to be doing a thriving business. Every body out here swears by the Chronicle. Keep up your licks, brother Gourlay, and the people will stay with you. Dan Mcginty, je. A Monument to Low Prices. The west show window of the big store of McFarland & French is now dec orated with a work of art that reflects great credit on the inventive genius of the window dresser of that firm. A Greek cross is erected, presumably of wood, covered with white cloth and handsomely draped with ladies' hand kerchiefs in white and mourning linen hemstitched, J. and . white ' and delicate tinted silk embroidered." In the center of the cross is the -inscription "Sacked TO THE MEMORY OF LOW PKICES." The whole is an elegant and ingenious con .ceit and is intended to remind the citi zens of The Dalles and this vicinity that the' present . low prices at this popular store will not last forever. A visit to the interior of tue store and a look at the many empty shelves by one who re members their late crowded condition is calculated to'leave a vivid impression of the immense amount of stock that must ' have been disposed of since the firm began its great; sale. .Still there is enough - left to stock up two. or three small stores, and this too must be dis posed of if low prices will do it. Oregon horses are commanding respect the worhl over -This. time it is a com mon every-day bunch-grasser that has made a record for himself and a name for Oregon.- A letter to John Schmeer, of Albany, from Little Rock, Ark., states that a horse sold several months ago bv Mr. Schmeer in Portland, and afterwards purchased by an eastern man, has just paced a "mile in 2.22 and was consid ered worth 10,000. When sold he was merely a bunch-grass, and it was not then known that he could pace at all. The fact is that running, trotting4 and pacing horses, capable of making a world-f anied record, can be taken from the ranges fof- Lake county almost any day. Lakeview Examiner.' The authorities of La Grande, backed bp a strong public sentiment in view of the recent outrages committed there and the mysterious disappearance of two well-known citizens of the vicinity, have given orders and are -enforcing them strictly , requiring all gamblers, tin-horns, hobos and rounders generally to leave the ' town.'"'. . ' The". . gambling houses have been Closed and general reformation has set in. , NOTICE. "To the' merchants of The Dalles. In ordering freight shipped be sure and have it marked enre ot Holman & Co.. Portland. Or., who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. , " - . Holman & Co. Draymen and forwarders, , No. 24 N. Front street, l .10-22 12-22. ' . ,; Portland, Or. CHRONICLt SHORT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is J-he cough syrup for children. Stacv Shown' haviner left mv emnlov I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract nor. any- business he may transact.'5 ' .. W. E; Garbetson. 11-16-tf. - .' .- -: Wm. Michell has added a full line of picture frame mouldings of 1 all . descrip tions and - is now prepared - to make picture frames of all sizes and . qualities at his undertaking1 rooms, corner Third and Washington streets, The Dalles. Any person desiring their horses or cattle wintered until the 1st of March can dq so by inquiring at- Chrisman Bras.-- meat market or J. Li Kelly, for the reasonable rates of ten dollars. 12-7-17 - . FOB SALE. Four lots with a on them, all on (he bluff above the brewery which will be sold cheap or trade for cattle Address J. L. Kelly, 9-11-tf . The Dalles. NOTICE. . All persons who have not paid their school tax for 1891, will have costs added after January 1, 1892. ' J. M. HUNTINGTON. . School Clerk. -December 9, 1891. 12-9-1-1 v Wanted. An' experienced salesman from the east, desires-a position. Best of refer ences. Address Box 156, The Dalles. ' 11-30-tf. For Kent. - A nicely furnished, furnace heated room, in central location, suitable for a lady or gentleman. Board if desired. Inquire at this office. The Old and the New. "Of course it burts but you must grin and bear it," is the old time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. "If you will take the trouble to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Pain Balm and bine it on over the 'seat p pain your rheumatism will disappear," is the modern and much more satisfactory advice. 50 cent bot tles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, drug gists. ' dw MAIN TAPPING UNDER PRESSURE. We have purchased a first class tap ping machine and are now prepared to do main tapping under pressure, thereby saving the expense and annoyance to our .customers of shutting off "water to tap the main. Mays & Chowe. . 12-12-tf. - For Sale At a Bargain. The Mission Gardens, greenhouse, stock and fixtures. . . I am - prepared to offer a rare bargain owing to a change in residence. For terms enquire at the premises or of A. N. Varney at the land office. . ' lotf. J. A. Vabney. . For Sale Cheap. A gentle, handsome family horse and a new covered buggy and harness for sale cheap. Apply at this office. 15tf A Prexentive Tor Cronp. We want every mother fo know that croup can be prevented.- True croup never ' appears without a warning. -" The first symptom is hoarseness ; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the. hoarse ness from the start.- Aftei- that a pecul iar rough cough is developed, which is followed by tho croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse ; a . few .doses ' of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by ubing- this remedy as directed. - It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for.- sale by, Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. - daw Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby waa trick, we gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, Bhe cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, ' When she had Children, she gave tb em Castoria For the Children. Our readess will notice the advertise ments in these columns for Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From per sonal experience we can say that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up bad colds for our children and we are acquainted with many mothers in Cen terville who wou'd not be without it in the house for a good many times its cost and are recommending it every day. Centerville, S. D., Chronicle and Index. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale Dy snipes & kinersly, druggists. dw T. fl. Vflfi JlOHDEfl, Watchmaker Q Z - HAS LOCATED AT- " 106 Second St., The Dalles, Ot. rAnd is prepared to do any and all kinds ot wort in ms line, being a practi- -. cal workman for a period of over thirty years, and has repaired over four thous and watches in Las sen County, Cal. . AH work from the Country promptly attended to, and on .reasonable terms. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. - y THE OLD DALLES MILL AND WATEK Company's flour 31111 will be leased to re sponsible parties. For Information apply to the WATER COMMISSIONERS,. . 1 he Dalles. Oregon. "FOR; SALE !.. One of the best Fruit Ranches in Wasco County, only four juiles, west.of The Dalles. Apply to A. Y. Mab8h, ; : " - J- The Dalles. Do You like Hot Cakes ? If so, get a sack of ;i ; Eastern Buckvvneai Flour AND A CAN OF Ui CaMii Maple Symp And y . ; ill be satisfied N. B. Quaker Oats, Germea Steel Cut Oat Meal and Nndavene Flakes, are very fine for Breakfast. Get . them from ' JOHN BOOTH, 62 SECOND STREET. WINK THE. OTHER EYE ! STAGY SHOOIfl, ; Has opened an office for Cleaning and RepairingVatches, Jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed and -promptly attended. Dunham's piug Stofe. Cor.' Second and Union Streets. Pipe Work, Tin Repair ing arid Roofing. Leave orders at L. Butler's, Grocery Store. W.&T.JvIeCoy, Hot and-:- Cold-i-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. The Dalles Gigatf : Faetopy FIEST STREET. FACTORY TTO. 105. fTf A Td of the Best Brands JLvJTxjL manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. : The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly 'established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRlOH & SON. 162 Tie Leading Ok GH I ML UMLLL&, " UMUjiUIM. We will -sell our eniire line of Holiday Goods, consisting of presents suitable for Men, Women or Children at .. ' BED Onr lino ; thA and moot, importers and mannfacturers, and we are Dolls, Drums, Dressing Cases Cards, Tops, (Jold Fens in lancy holders, at tne lowest prices First Class Pianos and Organs sold on the installment The public is respectfully invited Goods ever brought to this city. ' 1 v . . .A - Any way or nenuemen who win with a ticket, entitling them tb a chancfe Set will "be .cive a av Christmas Ere. Keep this in Mind. WE CARRY , ' '' Men's ; Ladies' . Misses' and Children's - . 7 r In Every SIZE, STYLE,' WIDTH JPXCJEL . And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices ! A. M; Wl UL.I AMS & CO. . - d-10-10-M . -" DID YOU KNOW IT I WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves anfl Ranges, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Jemell's Stoyes and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated. Boynton Fornaee. Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete. SAfllTAnV PliUmBlHG A SPECIALITY. xMAIER & BENTDN. H . C. NIELS6N, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Gronts' ox2rxxjE3la.xa.s: Ooods, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS.. THE DALLES. OH KtfOK JOS. T. PET6RS St CO., DEALERS IX . . kpmBEf, COfD WOOD General uiioing Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson GUP. BUTLiEt 8t CO., "THE LEADERS " IN- IiUjaBEK, MTH Office and Yard cor. First and Jefferson Sts. R1STMAS Js eOMING And BARGAINS are ready for ti SlCONU STRllT, ROCK cnmnlete of its' kind in the cit. All selling - ' ." .' Photograph Albums, Gift-' to call otten and inspect our goods and 1. 1 1 ' c I..-,' n . . ran at our piace 01 uumuctp, ..uui m on an egant Dressing Case or costly . ' . penal Streets. North Side of Railroad Track. AflD SHINES. OnTTfTlTT OTTin nf TlniTnnnJ fUnnolr ouuin oiuD ui naiiiuau naui. you at 5 I eoods are new., directly bouiflit from the ' " : , ' " ' " Books' .Oder Stands, Christmas consiaering ine quauvv . plaiii . . .' view one of- the Iinrot display ot Iiolidav .' -. . .. ....( PL.tti T" . i. ...ill Irii Yirocontarl ....n. vui..Ti .M..n .. ... SliaYin? Set. " Dresairrj? Citse ami Friaving . ... Go