The palles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Postofflce at .The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local AdTertlslOK- 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and S pents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear Ue following day. TIME TABLES. Railroads. KAST BOUND. So. a. Arrives 11:40 A. M. Departs 11:45 A. M. " 8, " l.!:0dr. . " 12:30 P.M. WEST BOCKD. So. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. Jf. Departs 4 :50 A. M. " 7, " 6:20 P.M. " 6:4oP. . Two loca freight that carrx passengers leave one for the west at 7"45a. ., and one for the cast at 8 A. . STAGES. Kor PrlneviUe, via. Bake Oven, leave daily except Sunday) at t a. m. , For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. . For Duf ur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs nd Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. K. ' Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Office. omci HOURS (icneral Dclivrey Window .8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday i O 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. cixsn OF MAILS By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45a. m. " " West...-. ..9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m. Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m. " Prineville ?5:30a. m. .. "Dufurand Warm Springs ..6:80 a. m. " t Leaving for Lyle A Hartland . .5 :30 a. m. " " " " Antelope v5:S0a. m. Except Sundny. Trl-weeltly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. METEOROLOGICAL EEP0KT. Pacific H Relft- D.t'r 50 State Coust bar. tive of 8. of Time. ? Hum Wind B Weather. 8 A. M 30.25 42 92 Calm .07 Cloudy 8 P. M 30.23 47 93 Maximum temperature, 4p : minimum tem perature, 42. WEATHER PROBABIIITIES. The, Dec. -15, 1891. Weather forecast till 12 m. Wednesday: Scattering rains, slightly cooler. RAIN TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. ' LOCAL BUKVITIES. R. G. Sigman and Field Sexton of Dufur aie in the city. C. A. Iltath, of Grass Valley, gave this office a pleasant call today. Mr. O. Kinersly left this morning on a short business trip to Goldendale. Miss Minnie Michell is expected home . from her eastern visit today or to-' morrow. Frank Amen and his daughter, Miss Ollie Amen of Aurora, Marion county, -are visiting friends around 'Kingsley' and Dufur. Con Howe arrested a couple of "tour ists" last night, and the marshal has made them do good service to the city today in cleaning the mud off the cross walks. The Sherman- county bank, of Wasco, was incorporated yesterday, with a capital stock of $20,000; incorporators, M. A. Moody, W. M. Barnett and V. C. Brock. Holiday presents suitable for young and old,, can be found in endless varjety at. Jaeobeen & Co.'s who. are selling their entire stock at bed rock prices. See ai. '..' . Twenty-one cases bf diphtheria are repotted in Portland for the present month, but most of the cases are of a mild type and are easily handled by the physicians. The fire that was 'kindled in this city on September 3rd is not yet out. This is no figure of speech, as any one can see by visiting the coal heap of the old J. L. Thompson blacksmith shop. ' Seven cars of cuttle, shipped from Weiser City, Idaho, by Capt. Irwin -- ah' uj .. naiirUJarsiie s stock yards last night to feed and rest twenty-four hours and will then proceed to the market below. ' - r- The parties who exhibited the deformed child in this city a short tkne ago have been arrested in Pendleton under the law that makes it a misdemeanor to ex hibit a deformed person, punishable by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than JfoO or imprisonment of not more, than three months in the county jail, or both. The names of the accused are Dan Franks and Fred and Ida Brakenbush. Franks was fined ?50 and Brakenbush . $25. They refused to pay and were sent to jail.1 The wotmfn -a,9 released. . . li North Dalles Shoo. Factory .In Troullei The North Dalles ehev factory was the scene of considerable excitement yester day afternoon when a party of men un der command of C. AV. Wright, repre senting Zi T. Wright of Portland, entered the factory and by virtue of a bill of sale carted off two loads of machinery to ship to Portland. No trouble was experienced in gaining entrance to the building, as the man in charge of the machinery un der' Hugh Glenn, who had. a lien op property, had given orders for its sur render to Mr. Wright. After the last load had been removed Mr, Whealdon entered the building and was holding the fort when a party of men went over this afternoon to (get the rest of the property. The men found the doors and windows barricaded and the party of men inside, one of whom was Mr. Whealdon refused' the men admission. . Justice Gilmore read the riot act of the state of Washington, commanding the men in side to disperse. Those- inside paid no attention to it, and Mr. W. H. Wilson, attorney for Mr. Wright ordered- one of the windows removed. Hans Hanson started to pry off the window frame, while the'men inside kept warning those outside to desist on pain of "getting hurt." Just then Justice Gilmore turned the tables oh the besieging force by or dering them to disperse. - Mr. Wilson or dered his men to leave while he proceeded to write out a complaint against those inside the building with a view to having them arrested ' for refusing to obey the command of an officer. About a dozen persons in all, were outside, probably half of whom were there through curiosity. The besieged num bered probably four men. The attack ing party were unarmed, save that they, being carpenters in the employ of Mr. Glenn had chisels and saws and other tools that might assist them in forcing an entrance to the building. . There were no loud words and no riot in the ordinary sense but Mr. Wright seems determined to have the machinery and the men went about the business of get ting admission in a cool and determined manner. Mr. Wilson's complaint was being written out when our reporter had to leave. ' . Wedding Bells. The Parlor of the European House was the centter of not a little interest last -evening. The friends of Mr. Wil liam AV. Floyd, of Five Mile, and Miss Nellie Fulton gathere there about 8 o'clock to witness their marriage. The ceremony being ended, the friends were right in the midst of their congratu lations to the happy couple, when it was announced that another couple . were to be thus made happy in an adjoining room and the whole party, led on by a young man present (who for the first time in his life had just witnessed a marriage ceremony) rose up with eager entreaty of mine host for the privilege of being witnesses to that also, which being granted, they adjourned to the scene of interest, but the room was too small for them all, and so they returned to the parlor where Justice Doherty' tied the knot for Mark Enigait and Emma Nuckles. MABBIED. At the European House, in this city, December 14, 1891, by .Judge Doherty, Mark Enigait to Miss Emma Nuckles. In the parlor of the European House, fn this city, December 14, 1891, by Rev. W. C. Curtis, William W. Floyd and Miss Nellie Fulton, both of this city. BORN'. This morning, to the wife of Hudson, a nine-pound son. . T. A. Hers Is a Truth. New York Tribune. To the fashion of denouncing success ful men as "monopolists," "public ene mies," "oppressors of the poor,'.' etc., may be easily traced the special forms of insanity illustrated by recent develop ments. - Half -educated, idle and shift less men reading - and hearing these things while brooding ove"r their own miserable failures, are . impressed by them. They get filled with the insane idea that they are in some way the special victims of these "oppressors of the poor," and gradually work them selves up to the madness of undertak ing by violent means to avenge their own and society's wrongs. When that point is reached a single assassination or wholesale slaughter impends. On a rough- estimate there as been shipped from Kufus this season some thing over 250,000 bushels of wheat. Assuming that the" same amount has been shipped from Biggs and . 100,000 bushels from Grant, we have the sum total of 600.000 of grain shipped from Sherman county this year, besides the large amount of grain that is being held over until next spring. The amount of grain shipped this season has required something near 900 cars to haul it off or putting it in another light, the amount of grain shipped from Sherman county alone would load a train of cars about seven miles- long. With favorable con ditions our county will do' even better next seaspn. Wasco News. :. This is the best short yarn so far seen in the newspapers of December, 1891 : It is said that the timber on the upper Kalama river is so dense that when the trees are. sawed off they just stand on the stump, not. having room to fall. ' A young Swede by the name of Yon Yon son sawed off seven acres of trees and is now waiting for the wind to blow them over. The Ne w ' York World continues its demand that the domoeratic party shall "drop all eastern candidates for; the presidency and seek victorv bv nomi nating a western man." It'asserts that "in no other way can the fight be won next year." - - SOTICE. To the merchants of The Dalles. In ordering freight shipped be sure and have it marked enre of Holman & Co., Portland, Or.,-who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria Navigation Co, Holm an & Co. Draymen and forwarders, No. 24 X. Front street, 10-22 12-22. , Portland, Or. fur Snle At a Bargain. The Mission Gardens, greenhouse stock and fixtures. I am prepared to otter a rare bargain owing to a change in residence. For terms enquire at the premises or of A..N. Vstrney at the land office. - lotf. J. A. Vakxev. CHRONIC- SHORT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. , Stacy Shown having left my employI will not be responsible for any. debts he may contract . nor any business he may transact. W. E. Gakeetson. 11-16-tf. ;.- -Wm. Michell has added a full line of picture frame mouldings of all descrip tions and is now prepared to make picture frames of all sizes and qualities at his undertaking rooms,' corner Third and Washington streets, The Dalles. . 11- 21-lm , ' Any person desiring their horses or cattle wintered until the 1st of March can do so by inquiring at Chrisman Bros.' meat market or J. L. Kelly, for the reasonable rates of ten dollars. 12- 7-17 KOR SALE. ' Four lots with a good house on them, all on the bluff above the brewery which will be sold cheap or trade for cattle. Address J. L. Kelxt, ; 8-U-tf The Dalles. NOTICE. . All persons who have not paid their school tax for 1891, will have costs added after January 1,1892. . J. M. Huntington.' School Clerk. December 9, 1891. 4 12-9-1-1 - i -' Wanted. An experienced salesman from the east desires a position. Best of refer ences. Address Box 156, The Dalles.- 11-30-tf. ..- For Rent. A nicely furnished, furnace heated room, in central location, suitable for a lady' or gentlemnn. Board if desired. Inquire at this office. LOST. A check, on French & Co.'s bank, in favor of G. D. Boardman, for $225. . Pay ment has been stopped. A suitable re ward will be paid for its return to the bank or to this office. . 12-12-d5t-wl. The Old and the New. "Of course it hurts but you must grin and bear it," is the old time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. "If you will take the trouble to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's'Pain Balm and bine it on over the seat of pain your rheumatism will disappear," is the modern and much more satisfactory advice." 50 cent bot tles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, drug gists. . " dw MAIN TAPPING UNDER PRESSURE. We have purchased a first class tap ping machine and are now prepared to do main tapping under pressure, thereby saving the expense and annoyance to our customers of shutting off water to tap the main. , Mays & Crowe. 12-12-tf. ' " - . . For Sale- Cheap. A gentle,' handsome family horse and a new covered buggy and . harness for sale cheap. Apply at this office. lotf A Preventive for Croup. We want' every mother fo know that croup can be -"prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness ; then the child appears to hav,e taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start. After that a pecul iar rough cough is developed, which is folldwed by tho croop. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse ; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by uuing this remedy as directed. It has" never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by 'Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.. ' . dw" When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she chrng to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria , ' For the Children. . Our readess will notice the advertise ments in these columns for Chamberlain &-Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From per sonal experience we can say that Cham berlain's Cough. Remedy has broken up bad colds for our children and we are acquainted with many mothers in Cen teryille who wou'd hot be without it in the house for a good many times its cost and are recommending it every day. Centerville, S. D., Chronicle and Index. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. dw . T. JL, VflfT flOItf)EI, ; Watchmaker 1 Jeweler, . HAS LOCATED AT 106 Seeond St., The Dalles, Op. And is prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line, being a practi cal workman for a period of over thirty years, and has- . repaired over four thous and watches in Las sen County, Cah All work from the' Country promptly attended to, and on reasonable terms. GIVE ME A TRI AL AND BE CONVINCED FLQITOG MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD 'DALLES MILL AND WATER Company's Hour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For Information apply to the WATER COMMIS8IOSERS, . ' 1 he Dalles, Oregon. - FOR SALE ! One. of the best Fruit Ranches in Wasco County, only four miles west o'f ine uaiiee. Apply to - . A. Y. Mahbh, The Dalles. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Do You like Hot Cakes ? .''.. . , ' , If ao, get a sack of. '' Eastern BucRwueat Flour AT A CAX OF ; Log; Cafe' Maple Syrap And .'-.'. Will be satisfied N. B. Quaker Oats, Germea Steel Cut Oat Meal and Nudavene Flakes, are very fine for Breakfast. Get theih from - John booth, Tne Leaning Bracei, 62 SECOND STREET. WINK THE OTHER EYE! STAGY SHOOIK, Has opened an office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed and promptly attended. Dunham's Dfug Store. Cor. Second and Union Street. Pipe Work, Tin Repair ing and Roofing. Leave orders at L. Butler's, Grocery Store. W.&T.peCoy, BE3I3E?,S. Hot-:-and-:-CoM-:-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. The Dalies GigaF : Faetory FIBST 3TE,EET. 10S- f-rr A I"- O of the Best Brands VXvJTAjiC manufactured, and orders from all parts of the conntry'filled j on the shortest notice. Tim- f ttm." nif.T.vs r?T XtV BTUVMU-W ' A . V. - vj.- GAR .has become firmly established, and tue aemana ior tne xiome manuiactureti article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. CHRISTMAS u acoD - 162 SECOND STREET, -THE DALLES, - OREGON AVe wiil sell our entire line of Holiday Goods, consisting of presents suitable for Men, Woinen or Children at t- Our line is the largest and-most complete of its kind in the city. 1 All good are nevydirectly bought from the importers and manufacturers, and we are selling - . "L. c ' v .-'i " ' "'. Dolls, Drums, Dressing Cases, photograph Albums, Gift Books, OMer Stands, Christmas Cards, Tops, Gold Pens in fancy holders, at the lowest prices considering the. quality.' ' First Class I'ianos and Organs sold on the installment plan. The public is respectfully invited to call otten anil inspect oOr goods and view one of the finest display of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city. . . ' .";.' - ' .' - ' Any Lady or Gentlemen who will tall at on r place of .busine., from now until Christmas Eve, will be presented with .a ticket, entitling tlicm.t a chance on elegasjt. pressing Case or costly Shaving Set. Dressing Case and Shaving Set will be ivcn av.av C'ln iti1iii.i:-Kvi. ' v ' i '. Keep this in Mind. j: WE CARRY . Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's 3!3 JSE3COeIS, In Every SIZE, STYLE, WIIDTIEa: .JSTTD PRICE. And Sell them at. BEPROCK Prices ! A: M: Wl LLIAMS & C O . d - 10 DID YOU . WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and flanges, JemeU's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and flanges. We ae also" agents fop the Celebrated Boynton Frnaee. Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete. SRfllTflLV PliUmSIflG R SPHCIALiTV. . MAIER & BEN H. C, NIELS6N, Glothie.p and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, - Oonts' 3?-.i''L5: Ooods, COKXKK OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., TTTF. DALU&a.ORElJON JOS. T. PETGRS St CO., DEALERS IX i i , ZtND Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson UlW. BUTLtEt & CO., " THE LEADERS" LUIVIBER, MTH 1 Office au Tarl cor. First and Jefferson Sts. Arid BARGAINS are ready for sen - 10 - tf KNQM TT-I Streets. . North 'Side of Railroad Track. IN- flflD SHINGMS. SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Tract. is COMING you at Go.'s,