C20 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. BI THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING, CO. The Corner Secoud and Washington Streets Dalles, Oregon. Terms of Subscription. Fer Ymp Per month, by carrier. Single copy .6 00 . 50 STATE OFFICIALS. Governoi s. Pennover Secretary of State G. W. MeBride Treasurer Phillip Metschnn Bupt. ol Public Instruction E. ft. McElroy flnators 3.- N. Dogh J. H. Mitchell Congressman ft. Hermann State Printer Frank iiaker CODNTT OFFICIALS. County Judge. C. N. Thornbary Sheriff u. t Cates Clerk . J. B. Crossen Treasurer Geo. Ruch Commissioners. A: Laven,!' ( brnnk Kineaid Assessor John E. Burnett Surveyor. . ., E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools ... Troy Shelley Coroner William Miehell things that might naturally lead t up to bomb-throwing," the chief of .which were, as oui contemporary points out, the he was editor of a newspaper and wore a stove-pipe hat. The . Chronicle has never gone so far as to publicly say so but it has long thought that the con junction of a country editor and a stove pipe hat indicates a more or less violent form of lunacy, and it thinks so still. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. ' The dispatches inform us that Senator Dolph wiil introduce a number of bills during the present session of congress, for the improvement o the Columbia river. This was to be expected as a matter of course, but it reminds us that the last appropriation for the works at the Cascades will soon be exhausted and that we owe to our posterity, if not to ourselves to give the senator and his colleagues all the moral support we can in their efforts to obtain another appro priation. If The Dalles has practically solved the question of an open river for herself we do not forget that the major part of the Inland Empire is still at the mercy of the railroads and unable to avail itself of the advantages we possess. It is little, perhaps, that we can do es pecially with a coneiess from which iittle is to be expected for public im provements, but what we can do ought to be done freely. The benefits that this section lias derived from a portage ac me cascades ought to make us all the more anxious for the completion of a work that will one day benefit every producer from Idaho to the mouth of the Columbia. Would it not therefore be well for our board of trade to get to gether at an . early date and take such steps as may be proper to supplement the work of the Oregon delegation. Every town in Eastern Oregjn and Washington ought to organize for the same purpose and such a siege be kept up. as will at least convince congress that we are in earnest. The Latest About Sal ton Lil. . A prospector who has just come from the Colorado desert after a six months' trip says that he has ridden around the greater portion of the Salton lake, and tnat, in his opinion, there is little likeli hood of its drying up. In any event it i i i ii . coma not ail evaporate should the flow cease Deiore tne txeshets of next season, when it would again pour into the basin. He thinks that next year the breach al ready made will be enlarged, and that a greatly increased volume of water will flow in, making the lake a permanent feature for many years . to come. The past summer has been eventful in desert history, as there have been an almost unbroken succession of rainstorms, sand storms and electrical storms. Immense quantities of rain have fallen, and the thunder and lightning have been some thing terrific. San Francisco Chronicle. Nw York Real Estate as an Investment. "If you can pick up an unconsidered trifle of real estate anywhere about Man hattan island," said Architect A. J. Horgan yesterday, "grab it as you would a gold mine. I bought a little slice, not more than thirteen feet wide, down on Dey street not long ago for some $30,000, and have already been offered double my money for it. It is singular how some lots lie for a generation or two untransferred on the record. But as soon as a change of title takes place, purchasers crowd upon each other's heels. Paste this in your hat: If you buy a piece of New York real estate for $50,000, within ten davs there will r ten men who will reason that if v. land is worth $50,000 to you it's worth $60,000 or $7o.000 to them." New York Herald. j It is all right to advise a man to turn a thing over in his mind before acting, if he has a mind bigger than the thin to be turned over. NOTICE.- All city warrants, registered prior to February 1, 1890, will bo-paid if pre sented at my office, interest ceases from and after this date. The Dalles, Or., Novdmber 6,lS91 ' ' ... O.Kinsley,: ll-6tf. . : City Treasurer. FLOURING Mill TO LEASE. - THE OLD VA LLE8 MILL AND WATER Company's Hour Mill will be leased to re sponsible iMirties. For information apply to the V ATEE COMMISSIONERS, '1 he Dalles, Oregon. The Old Germania Saloon. JOHN DOflflVOfi, Proprietor. The best quality of AVines, Liquors and Cigars, Pabst Milwaukee Knicker bocker' and Columbia 'tJeer, ; Half and Half and all kinds' of Temperance Drinks. A. A. Brown, ----V 1 .:: j' Keeps & full assortment "of ? ile and Fancy Groceres, and Provisions. which he offerr at Low Figures. SPEGIAIt :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices for Eggs ani other Profluce. 170 SECOND STREET. Builtfing materials ! ALWAYS ON HAND. YOUR ATTEfiTIOJl Is called to the fact that Hugh Gl6Dn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and iiuilding Material of all kinds. Carries the Finest tine of Picture JjEHf FBIli HP WIKTffl DBY GOODS . COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothing, Gents' furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers miti saVe money by examining out? stoeM and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H. Herbring. loulis So the Oregon delegation has reepm . mended Joe Simon for the federal judge ehiplandthe recommendation is 'seconded by the Governor.. Pennoyer and Jim Lotan and many prominent republicans of this stale. We dont care if it is. The appointment would be as much of an in sult in its way to every clean republican in the state, as would the nomination of Dyid B. Hill to the presidency, to every .-. clean democrat in. the nation. The only - conceivable rer.son- why. Pennoyer and - and Lotitn 'should" remmend Simon for ' the . position is that if Simon is ap ; pointed, the dispatches say, he will re move to California and Oregon will get rid of him. No, no, the country does not want federal judges' whose chief - qualification is that th;y are smart and unscrupulous political bosses, but Ore- goh would be perfectly . reconciled if Simon should go to California or Can ada. - iron sale. Four lots with a good house on Jheni, all on the bluff above the brewery which will be sold cheaj or trade for cattle. Address J. L. Kelly. 9-11-tf- The Dalles. To be found in the City. 72 tUashington Street. SOCIETIES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. -5, I. O. O. F. every Friduv evenine- at 7::to nWnct. un ; l, -j . . .. . A SS;M.IVJT, XO- 4827' K- OF L'. Meets In K. C. of 1'. hall on first and third Sundays at 3 o clock p. m. " - yiTASCO LOIKJE SO. 1", A. K. A A. M.-MeetH T lirst and third Monday of each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL AKCH CHAPTER NO. r,. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. . . Yf0?.1;11.? WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. - v..n tj ,. ,j.f, ..i i-u, i uumimv even ing i if each week in 1. O. O. K. Hull, at 7:30 p. M. Meets f I t' Mrtll Anrn ....... ..... . . Sojouminc brothers are welcome. IT-KIENDSHip. LO'DOE, NO. a., K. of P.-Meets .-3hanno s bulldinK,'orner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are nordinllv in. v,f. ,. : Geo. T. THoatriiox. ' i). W. VADtK, tjec'y. C. C. - CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE TTXTfX UHII moat Ai-nm - , . ... 1 . v . I mill il 1 I II HI 11 t J o clock at the reading room-. Allure inyited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. Q. V. W. Meets" ?l S:: of p- Ha,1 Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :.'. i.. - . Joan t iuxos. .S Myees, Finnncier. M. W . T. A. Vfljl JiOROEf), Watchmaker 1 Jeweler, HAS LOCATED AT 106 Seeond St., The Dalles, Op. And is prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line, being a practi cal workman for a period of over thirty years, and bas . . repaired over four thous and watches in Las sen County, Cal. Having made arrangements with a number of Factories, I am pre pared to furuish Doors, Windows, Mouldings, STORE FRONTS And all -kinds of Special work. Ship ments made daily from factorv and ran fill orders in the shortest possible time. Jrrices satisfactory. in nui ue 10 your interest to sap mo before purchasing elsewhere. - Wm. Saundeps, Office over French's Bank "An Opportunity" Ladies' and Ch'ildrens' French Felt Hats - 25 cents Trimmed Hats - - - 50 cents and upwards. " Way Down " Ladies' and Childrens' Furnishing Goods. MRS. PHILLIPS, Lean AH work from the Country promptly attended to, and on reasonable terms. THE CHURCHES. . M. . M. Tlie JAigene Guard thinks that the placing of quinine on the free list and the groat reduction in price that has re sulted have done more than almost any thing lse for the cause of "tariff reform." This only proves that' the tariff is largely a local question. To the Webfooter quinine is the staffof life and he wants it cheap. Over this way we ioiVt care A bean if it was a thousand dollars an ounce But the Oaurd should not'give the Webfooters away in that fashion. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bboks GKEST Pastor. Low Mass every Kiinriuv . Hlgn Mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at QT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite jrcry Sunday at 11 a. si. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday ?e.!j, :4r A" v6"1'1- Prayer on Friday at THIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. L. Tiy t1 lok. Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11' . m. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Union services in the court house at 7 I. M. C'OXGllEGATIOXAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. ' Cuims, Pastor. Services everv Sunday at 11 . m. and 7 p. M. Sunday School after morning -crvice. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spkscer, pastor. Sen-ices every Sunday morning. Sunday School at 12:ao o'clock p.'m. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. .Another meeting to raise funds for the Oregon exhibit at the world's fair- was held in Portland last Monday, but be yond the fact that it was "unanimous" and had "considerable enthusiasm" no ho great progress was made.. The move ment has scarcely passed the "resolved" stage yet but it does look," nevertheless, as if the city would get a move on itself in the near future. , In the choice of Crisp for the speaker ship overliis most formidable' Opponent, Mills, the democratic party seems to haue followed the suggestion of the Atlanta Constitution: . "Resplendent as is the democracy of Mr. Mills it is better for the democratic party to be safe than sorrv." ' ' ' A late dispatch naively informs us that there is. a "feeling" at Washington that Mr. Hermann is going to be re turned to congress next June. It is remarkable how , far this pulsation extends. - . . The Telegram, speaking of . the would-be assassin of . Russell Sage and the, probability that both Seattle and Tacoma can- claim t lie distinct iqn of hav ing had hini as a former resident says that "Southworth," as he was known in Seattle, "was capable of doing several A NEW A PRINZ & NITSCIiKK. lEALERS IX Furniture ; and Carpets. We have added to our business- a complete - Undertaking jEstablishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices wilj be low accordingly. ' Remember our "place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. GIVE ME ATRIAL AND BE .CONVINCED YOUNG. KISS '& SASBROCK, . Biacksmiin c wagon snop General Blacksmithing afid Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. ' W. E. GARRETSON, m w ma jewel SOtE AGENT roit THE .l.ucj.wtli All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order I3S Second St.. The Ilallen, Or." 81 Third St J. H. GROSS DEALER IN- lir. 1, Grain, Feel ani HEADQUARTERS POR POTATOES. Cash Paid for Eggs aod. All Cgodj Deiiieted Fret mi Prnplly TERMS STRICTLY CHSH, Cor. Second & Union Sts., Great Bargains ! Still on Deek. Horseshoeing a Speciality. TMrfl Street, opposite tne oil Lielie Stani SOTICK. , R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches - and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the sam'eneigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon.. Phoenix Like lias Arisen Froin the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldiain - Hestaarait ON MAIN STREET Where be will be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. Opea day and Night. First class meals twenty -five cents, ".'-""ii : '. '" . .-v. :3 FOR SALE One of the best Fruit Ranches in Wasco County, only four miles-'est of The Dalles. Apply to ........ . ' ' : " . . ' VA.Y. Marsu, . . The Dalles. FOR CHRISTM JOHN PASHEK, IHeiaK v; Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, ana a nt guaranteed each time. fepaiinng and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. " The public " is -regrotfully.. invited to -visit our store, and inspect all the beautiful goods, and 'call ' often on ' ' ' '' . ' ' ' - -, : ; ..' The Largest Store of its Kind in the city. , All New Goods ! ; Bed-Rock Prices First class Pianos and Organs only. ! Full Assortment of Music and Books. Fine Gold - Watches, Jewelry: ; and Pens, Games,. Toys, Toilet' Cases , . and Albums. V Second Street, The; Dalles, Or. Removal I Removal I On account of Removal' I -will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks andValises,.SheIv ihgs, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain, Come and see my. offer. GREAT REDUCTION i5i RETAIL. 125 J. Seeond Stfeet, The Dalles. HUGH CIIRI8MAN. CHRISM AN & CORSON r-Suceessors to GEO. RUCII, ' . Keep on Hand a Complete Stock of' firaceries, Hour, . Grain, Fruit amf railf . Highest Cash Price Paid for : Produce. Corner of Washington and Seeond-St. : The Dalles,' Or. The Dalles Mercantile Co., " . Successors to BROOKS & BEE11S, Dcnlers m , . General Merchandise, :-:;f , ; ' - Staple and Fang Dry Goods, , ents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. ' Groceries, Hardware, " Provisions, . FIotlt, Bacon, HAY, GrRAIN AND PRODUCE '.. Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. . , ..... r Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and at! parts of the Ciky. : 390 and 394 Second Street PAUL KREFT CO.. ,' .; DEALEKs'lN ' . Paints, Oils, Glass And the Most Complete and the Latest . . Patterns and Designs in . . W ATiIi FAFER.. bat the best brands of the Sherwin-WlHioms Ualnt na1 tn ..11 A L.. 4. 11 ntot (skilled workmen employed. All orders promptly attended to. 10-17-d SHOP Adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STUBET, Closets I Chimneys Cleaned!.. Carpets take up, cleaned ami put down, also Closets and Chlmnevt cleaned on short notice at reasonable ' rates. , , Leave orders at the store of Chrisnian & Corson. . . GRANT MORSE. ' lU-l-Vtf