The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 08, 1891, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Gtoucle.
Entered at the Poetofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
- -."'.v.' iv ( Local Advertising.
ir ' ''";lb Cent per line tor first Insertion, and 6 Cents
"ne or each subsequent insertion.
J "Special rates lor long time notices. .
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tae following day.
. "Railroads,
2, Arrives 11:40 . m. Departs J1:a. m.
" 8, " 12:05 P.M. " 12:30 P.M.
So. 1, Arrives 4:40 A.M. Deports 4:50 A. M.
u it 6:20 P. M.V t.- 6:45 P.M.
Two loctu freights that carry passengers leave'
one for the west at 7-45 a. u., and one for the
east at 8 A. M. . . . ' ,
i . ' '' ' STAGES. '.'
For Princvllle, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
except Sunday) at 6 a. M. V'
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6a. m .
For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, apinitia, Warm,
Springs pnd Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. M. '
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a. m.
OtUces for all lines at the Umatilla House.
omcE HOURS. . .
(neral'Deiivrey Window.." 8 . m;
Money Order ... .- .8 a. m.
Sunday li n " .. .... .9 a. in.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and
to 7 p. m.
to 4 p. m.
11:45 a. m.
4:45 p. m.
.7:30 a. m.
" " w est v p. m. auu
Stage, for Goldendale..,...-
- ..i prineviUe..: . ..-.'...
.. " Dufur and Warm Springs .
.5:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
" f Leaving for Lyie s nartiana.
" " ' J Antelope ........
.5:30 a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
-except eunaay.
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and
" Monday Wednesday and
Friday. .
Pacific -J Rela- D.t'r W State
Coast BAR. tlve of S. of
Time. ? Hum I Wind Weather.
8 A. M 29.60 36 i6 Calm ,18 Lt. Rain
SP. M 29.63 41 84. " .14' Cloudy
Maximum temperature, "44: minimum tem
perature, 3:1.
The, Dec. 8,1891.
Weather forecast till IS m.
Wednesday: Scattering rain,
' sligytly cooler. .56 of an inch
of rain fell yesterday.
TUESDAY, DEC. 8, 1891.
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches. . .
C. R. Bone, of Hood River, was in the
city today.
Peter Mohr, of Hood River, was in
town today.
J. A. Vaughan and Geo. MeLeod of
Kingsley were in town today.
Mr. A, ;D. McDonald"-of Monkland,
gave this office a pleasant call today.
Two cases of "drunk and disorderly"'
were entered on the tecorder's docket
last night.
We are pleased to learn that the wife
of M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, who has
been quite sick is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rice and Mrs.
' Elizabeth Soutberland," of Boyd, leave
on the Regulator in the morning on a
short trip-to California.
Wm. M. Bennett, of Wasco, P. J.
Suksdorf, of White Salmon, J. Shoe
make of Centerville, and Geo. Mealey,of
Bake Oven are at the Umatilla house.
Reports come to us from the country
south of The Dalles as far as Tygh Ridge
that it commenced raining there yester
day morning and rained all day and all
last night. -
Owing to the fact that something went
wrong with the electric light last night
as the Waldrop children were about to
give their entertainment, the meeting
was postponed till tonight at the usual
A. J. Brigham of Dufur is in town.
He informs us that the business of the
. S. B. ' Manufacturing company for the
past month was the largest for any one
month since the company . was first
organized, . .
The Brothernood of Locomotive Fire
men paid this morning to F. E. Shontell
who has been pronounced disabled from
further service, his beneficiary claim,
amounting to the handsome sum of
$1280.50. The Chronicle congratulates
Mr. Shontell on his good fortune.
At the teachers' institute held here
last August, a resolution was passed in
structing the superintendent to' appoint
a committee of two to assist- him in ar
ranging a plan for grading the schools of
the county. This committee, consisting
of Superintendent Shelly, Professor' M. '
W. Smith, of this city, and Professor P.
A Snyder, of Hood River, will meet in
this city next Saturday and formulate a
plan according to their instructions ,
which will be submitted to the teachers
of the county for their consideration and
discussion during the holidays. -
The trouble that a large number ei-
perienced last night with their electric
light arose from what the electrician calls
'Too heavy grounds on thf line." In
other words the hiain line of the incan
descent touched the ground in two
places and the result was that the
safety fuse at the station was burned
out. In plain English it was the resuH
of nn accident that could neither have
been foreseen nor avoided. It is one of
those accidents connected with this
mysterious force that might not happen
in a century and again that might
happen at any time.
. Two Orand Opening.
The openings of W. E. Garretson and
Snipes & Kinersly's last Saturday night
wererSba'biv the largest affairs' of the
kind eves-held in this city.-- Garretson's
store was so full that 'it seemed as if
hundreds had tf go away without' get
ting in. ;'At One time no less than 152
.ladies were packed in the room, though
how they got there or got out alive after
they were there it is impossible to tell.:
Mr. Garretson gave away 187 tickets
which were' all put in a basket and
thoroughly shaken up and at. a conven
ient time Miss Grace Marden was blind
folded and drew out the lucky number
20, which was held . by Miss Jennie
Marden, which entitled her to a hand
some sliver bon bon basket. The larger
store of Snipes & Kinersly was at times
packed fe, the door. One hundred and
twenty-five souvenirs in the form of
handsome frosted figures - were - given
away but this number certainly did not
go half way. As an evidence .of the rush
of ladies that gathered here Fit may be
mentioned, that the janitor for the night,
a handsome young bachelor carpenter,
named" William McCrum" of this city
was driven by the pressaof ladies out of
the back door about 8 o('clock ariefwas
not able to get back again' for four:Bolid
hours. No such crowd ever gathered at
an opening before during the thirteen
years experience of the "firm. Both
stores exhibited displays in their res
pective lines fha,t.were a credit to the
city. One of Snipes& Kinersly's' win
dows was filled with an endles's'-'variety
of Japanese curios, the other with hand
some dressing cases. The immense
ranges of show cases , stretched , on each
side of the store were filled with every
thing in the line of useful and orna
mental brie a brae that art could diverse
or good taste suggest.' Here was a case
filled with all kinds of old and new
narlor games and counters. Yonder
another filled with perfumery or fancy
toilet" articles. One special feature of
the evening was the art exhibit, contain
ing handsome copies of the works of the
old masters done by hand and at reason
able rates, and a charming collection of
photographs of Oregon scenery of which
this house has the controf for all East
ern Oregon. These Oregon i?cenes are
the handsomest little souvenirs we have
ever seen in that line.
Mr. Garretson's windows and show
cases were filled with silver and plated
ware in everything useful and orna
mental conceivable from a gents' satin
finish silver shaving mug to a silver tea
set, gold and silver watches in endless
variety of style and finish, every con
ceivable style of brooch and pin and
ring and ornaments till one could well
feel the force of Mr. Garretson's state
ment, "I try to keep everything in my
line that a lady or gentleman is l-'kely
to need or desire." ,
:. Ktngrsley Items.
, Fine sleighing and the boys seem to
enjoy it.
The Kingsley literary society was re
organized last Saturday night with the
following officers: J. A. Vaughan, presi
dent; John D. Whitter, vice-president,
Miss Sophie Roth, secretary ; Miss Net
tie Fraley, treasurer. The performance
was first-class considering the short
time for preparation. We wish them
the best of success.
George W. MeLeod went to The Dalles
with his bacon Monday,, Rather a
rough day George.'
Robert Eslinger is shaking hands
with old friends on the ridge once more.
William Hunter of Grass Valley has
gone to Canada to visit his mother.
Hugh Morehead's wife is reported to
be very tick.
Rev. Holgate will preach at the King
sley school house next Sunday, Decem
lier 13, at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. All are
invited to attend. The meeting may be
continued a week or ten days.
The grangers held their twenty-fifth
anniversary last Friday at this place.
They had a very interesting time and an
excellent dinner.. Rasp.
' Retronpective.
A year ago the Klickitat Leader printed
the following under the caption "Put
the boat back :" "How long, how long
must the people of Klickitat suffer at
the hands of this monopoly which with
its influence and money has driven every
opposition boat off the river as soon as
put on ? Which with its influence felt in
congress and upon, the men sent by con
gress to open the river have kept the
locks from being opened. It is time to
stop this kind of work., The people are
now at the mercy of this grinding, greedy
money-making concern which nas no
respect for them or their representatives
but the day will come when all these
things will be remembered against the
company.. If the boat cannot be run
without losing money whv not take it
off altogether and let someone put on a
boat that can make money and that
Will accomodate the people, instead of
leading them to depend upon it and
then stop when it is most needed."
A Correction.
The Dalles, Or., Dec. 8, 1891.
Editor of the Chronicle:
I notice the Chronicle Bays the deep
snow of 1884 began on the 8th of Decem
ber of that year. The records of that
month say the snow began to fall on
the night of the 13th and continued
without cessation until the 26th and
with the exception of one day snow fell
the remaining days of" the month, r isk
ing a fall of 054 inches of snow. .
S: L. Bkooks,
Vol.. U. Signal Observer.
Governor Fennoyer Favors Crisp.
The correspondent of the New .York-
UWbrZd -yesterday asked Governor Pen-
noyer .his . choice for speaker of 'the
houseT- The governor.ircplied :
-,. "I consider-. the selection of Crisp as a
speaker of the greatest advantage to the
democratic party, believing as I do that
he would favor legislation by which we
could return to the sound policy of the
government, observed for more than
eighty years from its foundation, which
required the free coinage of both gold
and silver, and that he - would . also
favor the expulsion from tne statute
books of congress of the privilege now
given to every money' lender in the land
to dishonor a portion of the national
currency." .1 -ciu.-v
"' For coughs and colds use 2379.
2379 is the cough syrup for children.
Stacy Shown having left my employ I
will not be responsible for any debts he
may contract nor any business ne may
transact. ' W. E. Garretson.
- 11-16-tf. . - ', ; ,.
Wm. Michell has added a full line of
picture frame mouldings of all descrip
tions l and is now prepared to make
picture .frames of all sizes and qualities
at his undertaking rooms, corner Third
and Washington streets, The Dalles.
ii-2i-im .. ;,,:v;i;: , .'
Mrs. Lochhead - will - take r' a' ' limited
number of pupils for painting and for
vocal music after the 10th of December;
For further particulars-inquire at the
residence of W. S. Myers Esq., Third,
street. 12-7-4t'
''Any! person, desiring their horses or
cattle wintered 1. until .the. -let. of March
can do so by inquiring at Chrisman
Bros.' meat market or J. 1. Kelly, for
the reasonable rates of ten dollars.
If you want to send an accptable
Christmas gift to friends in the old
country buy an Anchor Line draft for
any amount payable on demand iu all
cities and towns of Europe, Great Britain
and Ireland. For sale at lowest rates at
the office of Thornburv & Hudson.
For the Children.
Our readess will notice the advertise
ments in these columns for Chamberlain
& Co., Des Moines, Iowa. . From per
sonal experience we can sav that Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up
bad colds for our children and we are
acquainted, with many mothers in Cen
terville who would not be without it in
the house for a good many times its cost
and are recommending it every day.
Centerville, S. X., Chronicle and Index.
25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, dd-w
For Sale Cheap.
A gentle, handsome family horse and
a new covered -buggy and harness for
sale cheap. Apply at this office. 1 5tf
An experienced salesman from the
east desires a position. Best of refer
ences. Address Box 156, The Dalles.
11-30-tf. .
Four lots with a good house on them.
all on the bluff above the brewery which
will De sold cheap or trade tor cattle.
Address J. Li. Kelly,
9-U-tf - The Dalles.
For Rent. -
A nicely furnished, furnace heated
room, in central location, suitable for a
lady or gentlemn. Board if desired.
Inquire at this oruce.
. The Old and the Jiew.
"Of course it hurts but you must grin
and bear it," is the aid time consolation
given to persons troubled with rheuma-
lism. "It you will take the trouble to
dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's fain Balm and bine rt on over
the seat of pain your rheumatism will
disappear," is the modern and much
more satisfactory advice. 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, drug
gists. dw
For Sale At a Bargain.
The Mission Gardens, greenhouse,
stock and fixtures. I am prepared to
offer a rare bargain owing to a change in
residence. For terms enquire at the
premises or of A. N. Varney at the land
15tf. J. A. Varney.
Children Cry for Pitcherys Castoria.
When Baby was aide, we gave her Castoria.
When she wa a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
; To the merchants of The Dalles. In
ordering freight shipped be sure and
have it marked cire 'ot Holmstn & Co?,"
Portland, Or., who will transfer all
freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co.
' HOLMAN & Co.
Draymen and forwarders,
No. 24 N. Front street,
10-22 12-22. Portland, Or.
A Preventive for Cronp.
We want every mother fo kntJw that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness ; then the
child appears to have taken a cold or a
cold may lave accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start. After that a pecul
iar rough cough is developed, which is
followed by tho croup. The time1 to act
is when the child first becomes -hoarse;
a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will prevent the attack. Even
after a rough cough' has appeared the
disease may be prevented by ubing this
remedy as directed; It has never been
known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1
bottles for" sale by Snipes & Kinersly,
druggists. . dw
7 f
The water will be shut off for two or
three hours this evening commencing at
7 o'clock.
The National market is now open and
will furnish you meat at living rates.
Keinember that restaurants, hotels and
steamboats are given wholesale rates.
Do You like Hot Cakes ?
' ''.' ' .w-r ' .' -' .-: "' ' . '
If a, get a aaek of
Eastern BuGKwueai Floor
"'Io CaMn Maple Syrup .
And your utmost desjre.will be satisfie d
N. B'. Quaker Oats, Germea Steel Cut
2)at Meal and Nudavene Flakes, are
. very fine for . Breakfast. ' Get
, . - them from ""
He Leaaing Grocer.
Has opened an office for Cleaning and
. Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc.
; '' - . AH work guaranteed and
' --. . promptly attended.
Dunham's Drug Store.
Cor. Second and Union Streets.
Pipe Work, Tin Repair
ing and Roofing.
Leave orders at L. Butler's,
Grocery Store.
Hot and-:- Cold-:-Baths.
T The Dalles
' -
GigaF : Factory
pjp T)0 of the Best Brands
manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Livery, Feed and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission andMoney
A dvan ced on Horses
I l'j. U.' t 7
jVj L jur nmv.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line.!
Stnpe LenvcR The Iallest Kvery Morning
at 7:30 and Uoldtmdiile ut 7::0. All
freiftlit must be left nt It. It.
Hood s omce ttie eve-
iiiiiK before.
..... R1. B. HOOD, Proprietor
Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or.
the !
Dalles. Portland XAstoriaj
TrnTTTfi'niTnm nntro h arvfa i
REciMToppi Biiiimug
Will leave the foot of Court Street .
every morning at 7 A. M. "
for. ' . :
Portland and Way Points;
Connections . Will be Made with the
Fast Steamer ' '.
At the Foot of the Cascade. Locks.
For Passenger or Freight Kates, Apply
to Agent, or Pnrser on Board.
Office northeast carnerof Court and Main street
V Keep this
Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's
In Every
And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices I
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges.
We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton fornaee.
T Rmmanition and Loaded Shells, Ete.
' rb'ucccfcHors to ABRAMS fc STEWART.)
netaliers A,xa.c5L Jobbers - --
Hardware, - Tinware, - Granileware, - Wooflenware.
"Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand"
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies,
Packing, Building Paper,
Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware.
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlerv nd
Tableware; the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oi Stoves
and Anti-Rust Tinware.
All Tinning, Plumbing,
will be done
Clothier and Tailop,
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
events' F-lxxt-i 1 fTi iTig Goods,
nSTow on
Mia! Mi
We respectfuiiv invite the public to call and look at the finest display of Toys,
Albums, Dressing Cases, Gold Pen with Fancy Holders,. Dolls, Plush and Fancy
IficnAa nf m11 kinrln vpr lisnliiv6d in this citv.
Ow plaee of Business 162 Seeond
' ' nno
Office and Yard Corner of first and Jefferson
ie anl Yari cor. First aol Jelerson
in Mind.
Xj. IE- CRO W Hi.
Pipe Work and Repairing
on Short Notice
The Dalles, Oregon.
North Side of Railroad Track.
Sts. ScUTH SIDE i. '
l Display at