CO VOL. II. THE DALIES, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2; 1891. NO. 144. "11TM. J. ROBERTS CmL ENGINEER Gen. TT eral engineering practice. Surveying and mapping; estimates and plana for Irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Aaaress: jr. v. jbox 1U7, ins jLiaues, ur. TXTM. SAUNDERS ABCHrracT. Plans and tt specifications rurmsnea lor dwellings, eharchas, business blocks, schools and factories. Unarges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of- hw over xrencn muk, ine jjaues, Oregon. . TVR. J. SUTHERLAND FELLOW o TRINITT -M s Aieaioai -lunette, mna member of the Col lege of Physicians and Burgeons. Ontario. Phv. sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. . Residence; Judge Tborntrary's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 MJU I lUOJh III. ' DR. O. D. DOANE physician akd sub geon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. : Office hours 9 to 12 a. iu., ino ana 7 to s Jr. u. A S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of nee in Bchanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DBIDDALL Dkntirt. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of vuv vrv.ucu xuuiU, DUUU Dinet. AR. THOMPSON ATTORKET.-AI-LAW. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon . . . . F. r. MATS. ' B. 8. HUNTINGTON " H. WILSON. t MAYS, HUNTINGTON fc WILSON Attoe-' mets-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DUFCB. GEO. ATKINS. FBANK MENXFEE.' DUFUR, WATKlJfS&SiENEFEE Attorneys-ATiwRoom: No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and S3, New Vogt Block. Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. PES & KIWLY, WMesale . and Retail Druists. -DEAEER3 IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestii PAINT Now is the time to paipt your house ajidif you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the ' Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint !'or those wishing to see the quality and color of 'the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. .COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY . i. - W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. - . '(Successor to Cram k Corsoi.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made . . OAKDIBS, East of Portland. -DEALER IN- Tropical Fruits, NutCigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale a-FESH , OYSTER In Enrj Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. Bnrnel Out lint AEain'ui Business ! Wm. ffilCflEIili, UNDERTAKER. And EmbalmeT, has again started with a new anu complete siock ot every tiling needed in the undertaking .. business. - Particular attention paid to embalming and taking care of the dead. Orders promptly attended to, day or night. Prices as Low as the Lowest Place of business, diagonally across from upen DLuvK, ga me corner ot TQira and Wasn ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon .. dirw - - - . . BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BD8INE8S N Letters of Credit issued available in the , Eastern States. ' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. ifci'S, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. . ; Collections made at all points on fav orable term. I Don't Forget the OF- PQIIP Ladies' -and Misses' Gossamers at - . less than Cost ! i A NEW WAR SHIP. One of toe Most. FomdaMe War' Ves . sels Afloat: THOUSANDS AT THE LAUNCHING. Cyrus Field's Condition is Slightly Im " proved. THB SIBAMSBIP OREGON BURNED. Tll Teasel la Almost an Entire Lou The Prohibitionists Ke-organi- " ing;. Philadelphia, Dec. 2. The United States armored cruiser New York was launched, this afternoon from the yard of Cramp ship building company, in the presence of fifteen thousand people, amoug whom were the secretary of the navy, treasury and interior departments. Miss Helen Page, daughter of Seaver Page, secretary of the Union League Club of New York, broke the tradition bottle of wine upon the tzreat eteel 'ram Of the ' cruiser as ' she slid from her wooden cradle into the Delaware river and christened her "New York." -: When the New York is finished she will be the most formidable cruiser ves sel that floats the stars and .stripes and in addition she has the largest and most powerful engine of any steamship ever built outside European ship yards. If the Mesien bv her "builders is fnlfillfri there is nothing afloat today of her class that will be able to 6team from her or to engage with her with any great hope of victory. The New York will carry a battery of six six-inch breech-loading rittea, twelve four-inch, rapid firing guns, eight' six-pounders, four gattling and six torpedo tubes. Cyrus Fields Condition Improved.' New Yobk, Dec. 2. Cyrus W. Field's candition is somewhat improved this morning. Edward Meld has not only robbed and deceived his oart.nfrs. hnr. has stolen every cent his trusted father had. ; tield realized the fact that he ia penniless in his old age and as he lay on nis death bed yesterday he said to an old friend : "I am as pdbr as the. day I came into the world." ' . At noon Doctor Fuller said there n.a a favorable outlook for his living con siderable time with even slight hopes of an ultimate recovery. A friend of the Field family this afternoon said the fam ily has decided to take Edward M. Field's cace before the judge and jury at once as they want Field's sanitv na&sed liclyeo it can't beeaid hie insanity is uo " jv'oreuBo iw bitving mm ine estimated expenditure of 1892 are from the results of his financial wrong $11,000,000 below those of 1890, and $10, doinire. - 000,000 below those of 1891. 1 The Ship Is Almost an Entire jLoss. Olympja, Dec. 2. The steamship Or egon which was burned last night is a sorry sight. This morning1 ' nothing is left of the wood-work but the charaed timbers. The body of the third cook named Charlie, was found in the ruins burned to a crisD. - The cantain thinks the fire caught in the galley from paint which was stored there beiuir ncnidenf. any ignited The prftw Mpanml irtd 1 - 1 j difficulty but it is thought that not more r.hnn nnp Tvi an waa i more than one man was burned is still being pumped into the hold. ' All the Same Kansas. Portland", Dec. 2. A convention of prohibitionists for the purpose of re-organizing the prohibition party in the state was called to' order this afternoon. , A permanent organization was effected Dy the election of A. M.' Lucas, of Mon mouth, as chairman, and J'. B. Lober of Portland, secretary. After th . ment of a committee' on 'platform, the convention adjourned until this after noon. . Ktdei Big Baal. . Paris, Texas. Dec 2.-Tha: thrnnh Texas express, which day nieht at Glendale. Misnnnri reaohiui here last night.; The express manager, wno relieved Messenger Mullen, says that the haul made bv thii ml.h. may run up intothe hundreds of thou sands of dollars. ill Lois SSOO.OOO. . St. Louis. Dec. 2. Th Aiioma press Company, it is now stated will lXoo about (500,000 by the robbery of the San Francisco nigBt express car near Glen dale Monday night. A Snlt For Damage. Portland, Dec. 2. The suit of d Isaacs, , of Walla Walla, against the eoutnern acibc company to recover thirty thousand dollars damages for in juries received in ' the Lake Lahish wreck, was begun in the United States circuit court today. Will Take a Rest. Washington, Dec. 2. Secretary Fos ter continue to improve slowly, but does not gain strength as rapidly as his friends expected. He will go to some point in the South early next week for a few days rest before resuming his official duties. ' ' " WH Kot Be Troubled that Way Agalm . Portland, Dec. 2. J. A. Hayes, of toait. Iake City, a wheelrightj committed suicide at the Overland hotel this morn ing by shooting himself through the head with a pistol in a fit of despondency. ' , Three Children Burned to Death. Little Rock, Ark.,' Dec. 2. 5apt. Maxwell' at DeWitt bnrned last night. Three children perished. His Condition Dahgerons. Paris, Dec. 2. The condition of Doin Pedro ex-Emperor of Brazil is exciting the greatest apprehension. Foolish Freak of a Sailor. San Fkancisco. Dec. l.-Tred Jones. aj-oung Englishman, deserted his ship last mgnt oy jumping intothe bay, hav ing first pushed a ladder overboard and a pine plank on which " he expected to swim to the city. After floating; about in the dark for three hours, and nar rowly escaping death by passing steam ers, he was picked up by a fishermaii. Jones was somewhat drunk, even after his trip. A Mam Kicked to Death., ' San Fkancisco, Dec. 1. Alfred Sparke, an upholsterer, was kicked and beaten about the face and head la6t night, and sustained injuries from which he died twelve minutes later. The punishment was inflicted bv Will- lam" Flaws, a cook in the employ of John AiBuer, a restaurant-Keeper on xnird street. ' Flaws- was ' arrested, charged with mnrder. ThAmpn veraintAviiiotoJ and quarreled over a dice" game.' Victims of the Explosion. ; , . London, Dec. 1. Efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in ths gas ex plosion in Blackburn ' market yesterday are being pushed as rapidly as possible. Already four bodies are recovered, and it is certain a'large number are still in the ruins. People who were injured are progressing favorably. . ; . - Divided on the Reciprocity Treaty. City of Mexico, Nov.' 3& Regula tions relative to the free-zone frontier will remain in force, as they .are .necessary- for the welfare of the ,. Mexican frontier towns. . Natives are equally di vided on the reciprocity, question. Ger man, English and. French merchants, who are in the. majority oppose it. . ; The Chilian War Budget. Santiago, Chili, Nov. 30. The war budget has been submitted to congress. it estimates tne dencit at over f 3,000,000 in 1891 , Grain Blockade in Russia. . St.. Peternbobg, Dec. 1, There are 13,000 wagons with grain blocked on the Vladikivakikaj railway; Only ten wagons can be sent north daily owing to thd lack ftf rnllincr and'ka tnnn. still further impeds the transportation ui grain,. . . : - . . ; Stricken With Paralysis. Toronto.' Out.' tv.' 1 ISi A V..-K..ll l: a : i " . vMiuijucu, iicuuruttui-guvenior - oi vn- tario, who was attacked by a stroke of nnrfltvoia im nAar-Amaiilawi.1 4 . : . : 1 I nit ri .'t ' Atchison Statement for October. London, Dec. 1. The Atchison Octo ber statement" shows an increase in net feartiings (including the St." Louis and ;. : Shot and Killed Himself.. Phocnix, A. T Dec.' 1. Geoive W. Marlar, a ; cattleman, shot himself through the 'head and died "iustantlv. lv.Mnn.:H . . i. . J jvuicouu u uumo won tlJW cause.. ', . Killed His Wife and Himself. SpbiSgfield, Dec, i. George E. Bai, proprieter of the Hotel. Warwick, shot and killed his wife sometime last night and then killed himself. " '- . :'. ; '. . Weutlier Forrca.t, , s San Fkancisco, Dec. 2. Forecast for Oregon' : and : Washington : ' Scattering rains in western portions. v " Portland Wheat Market. Portland. ' Dec. 2. Wheat.v Vallev 1.651.68K ' Walla Walla, 1.601.65. : . . '., San Francisco Wheat Market. San . FBANCi8cd: Dec. 2. Wheat. buyer '91, 1.83; season Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, December 2. Close, wheat, steady: cash, .80; May, .96. WILL NOT APOLOGIZE. The (Man Goyernment Still Maintains a Defiant Stand. AN ARMY . ON A FURLOUGH. Parnell's Brother Will Try and Settle the Irish Questipn. THINK THE VESSEL IS LOST. A Ship Nearly Eight Months Out From Scotland Died From the Ef-. fects of Smoking; a Pipe. Valparaiso, Dec. 1. The United States ship Yorktown arrrived here yes terday. Her crew received a royal wel come from the men of the Baltimore, which will in all liklihood sail for the north. The . intendente of Valparaiso has requested Captain Schley to furnish the evidence of the BaUimore's surgeons in regard to the nature of boatswain's mate Biggin's wounds, to aid in deter mining whether the latter's wounds were caused by Jk pistoPor a rifle bullet. Rifles are carried by Chilian police. The Chilian doctor who attended Jtiggin swears his death was caused by a re volver bullet. Notwithstanding this there is a silent witness to the contrary in the hole made in the shirt and neck tie of the Baltimore's sailor, who was holding Riggin in his arms after Riggin was stabbed. This hole was made by a rifle bullet of 42-caliber, and proves con clusively the shot was fired" by the po lice This is sustained by the evidence of the Baltimore's surgeon, who meas ured the bullet wound,. " In the course ' of conversation with British Minister Kennedy today, he said he regretted the attacks made in some Chilian papers, and by Thompson in the London Ttmeu, on American Minister Egan. Kennedy added that when Min ister Egan's conduct became thoroughly understood the opinion- of the world would be considerably altered in regard to it. Thompson, since his arrival here, has attacked Egan on the strength of in formation from irresponsible, sources. He might have secured reliable informa tion by calling upon Minister Kennedy, but never took that trouble. A Chilian official said today his gov ernment has no intention of making an apology orpajing indemnity as suggested by the United States; The attitude of the; whole- government is still, defiant. No steps have yet been taken to cut down the army or navy, and even the volunteers sent home wee instructed to retain their arms. Parnell's Brother,has a Mission. New York, Dec. 1. John Howard Parnell, eldest brother of. the bite Irish leader, arrived from the South yesterday on his way to Ireland. He. will be ac companied by his mother. Parnell's mission to Ireland is one which is des tined to bring him into much promi nence. As head of the Parnell family he is desirous of bringing to an end the factional spirit which relies upon hie brother's name for its existence. It is his purpose to open a negotiation for the - reunion of all the Irish members under the leadership of William O'Brien or some other equally acceptable man. . A Vessel Thought to he Lost. San Francisco, Dec. 1. It ig feareoV here that the new iron ship Josephine Troop, which left Glasgow 232 days' age for San Francisco with a cargo of Scotch' splint coal, has been Tost at sea. The length of time that has elapsed since she left Glasgow, taken, into consideration with the inflammatory cartro she carried. and the fact that four vessels with simi lar cargoes and bound from the same port to San Francisco have been burned at sea within the year, leads to the be lief that sho lias succumbed to the rava-' ges of fire. .Died From Smoking a Pipe. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 1. Mrs. Mary . McVay, of Bradddck, , died yesterday after having voluntarily fasted 150 days. She was nearly 70 years old, and had for six months been . suffering from cancer of the lower jaw, and had refused all food and drink except buttermilk. " She incurred the cancer as the result of smoking a pipe, which she did inveter ately for forty-five years.;. Through the habit of holding the pipe' for hours in the same position between her teeth, she 'allowed the nicotine to drip upon the same spot in her cheek. A Slight Not Intended. . Rome, Dec. 1. It is reported that. Count Kalnoky has explained to Count Nigra, the Italian ambassador, that in a recent speech in the Austrian delegation he did not intend to allude to the in-, tegrity of Rome, but simply expressed a wish for cordial relations between the Vatican and quirinal, so as to dispel the international anxietv.