C3J The Dalles Daily Chroniele.' Entered at the Poetofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, as decond-cUws matter. Local AdrertUlng. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per Une for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tao following day. TIME TABLES. Railroads. EA8T BOUND. Ho. t, Arrives 11:40 a. M. Departs 11:45 a. m. 8, " 12:05 P.M. " 12:30 P.M. WBST BOUND. -So. 1, Arrives 4:40. M. Departs 4:50 A. M. " 7, " 6:20 P. M. " 6:45 P. SS. Two locat freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:45 A. M., and one for the east at 8 A. M. ' '';- STAGES. For Prinerille, via. Bake Oven, leave' daily except Sunday) at 6 a. m. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamlc, Wapinitla, Warm Springs iind Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. M. i Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. roBt-Ofnce. . omci HOURS General Dclivrey Window. 8 a. m Money Order " 8 a. m rfanday.v D " 9 a.m. CLAmitra op mails By trains going East 9 p. m. and " " West 9 p. m. and Stage for Goldendale to 7 p. m. to 4 p.m. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a.m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:80 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. -rnneviiie V " . "Dufurand Warm Springs.. " t Leaving for Lyle & Hart laud. " " " JAntelopo 'Except Sunday. tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. '. METE0E0L0GI0AL EEPOET. PaciBo ' Kela- D.t'r to State Coast bar. Uve of E. . of Time. ? Hum Wind Weather. 8A.M..... 30.12 32 80 calm Cloudy 3 P. M 30.13 49 86 " " Maximum temperature, 53; minimum tem perature, 32. WEATHER PROBABILITIES., . Tub Dali.es, Iov. 18,1891. Weather forecast till IS m. Friday: Tyreatening weather, scattering rains, slightly wanner. RA(N THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. J. W. Kenna of Hood River is at the Umatilla house. For an iteresting item see John Booth's new advertisement. Get a free sample of compressed yeast of John Booth the grocer, tomorrow only. James Browu of Tygh valley, George W. Burlingarae of Wamic and John Durenkaiup of Antelope are in the city. The hoboes still endeavor ' to use the wool sacks at the AVasco warehouse for beds at night but are not alwavs success ful. " Congregational church prayer meeting this evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the rooms of the pastor, Zimmerman place, Second street. Ole Dahl who has been adjuged in sane a few days ago has been taken to Salem. It is believed his mental abera tion is pnly temporary. Mrs. W. V. Bonney and son, Gussie, left on the noon train yesterday, for Ellensburgh, Wash., which they intend to make their future home. The pound master does not seem to be very discriminative in his arrests. Two days ago the sheriff's cows were put in quod and yesterday night : "Watchman Con Howe's family bovine shared the same fate. . ' ;- The pound muster put in nine head of cows from the streets yesterday, all of which were redeemed -by the owners except one that belonged to an old gray beard and he proposes to take his cow out with an ar. ' ' Lawrence Nolan, J better, a long ways, known as "Dick" lost last night, from the clothes-line, in his mother's yard, a suit of underclothes and a valuable set of clothespins. The thief will be liberally rewarded by leaving bis. address and the clothespins at this office. The contract for builcing the new Methodist church has been awarded to A. Kuykendall of Tacoma, a former resi dent of this county. The work of ex cavating the basement and building the walls is being pushed rapidly. Accord ing to the contract these walls are to be finished by- the 15th 'of, December. Twenty days after the basement is to be covered in, when it is expected, to have one room finished and heated without delay, so as to afford a place for holding meetings till the rest of the building is complete. The contract calls . for everything being finished by April first. - Circuit Court Proceedings. - ' In the case of the state vs. Lawson for larceny of a pistol from the residence of Mrs. Poorman on whom Laween com mitted a rape for which the court has already sentenced him to twenty years in the penitentiary the jury found him guilty and Law sen was sentenced to two years more. This gives him twenty two years. The case of W. H. Wilson vs. Jasper Thompson was settled and dismissed. The t!burt sentenced Wm. and John Jordon to the state reform school for the term of two years. In pronouncing sen tence Judge Bradshaw ' referred to the earnest efforts that had been made by the acquaintances of the prisoners to have them placed where they would be surrounded by influences that ought to couduce to their reformation. The judge could not disregard these solicita tions, but the- prisoners must make np their minds that the suc cess of all efforts to make them good and useful citizens rested - entirely with themselves. If they went to the state reform school under the impression that the state was against them and was not seeking their reformation rather than their punishment little good would be effected. Judge Bradshaw then sen tenced them to two years in the state Reform school. The case of the state vs. Robert Alex ander was submitted to the jury last night.' The Jury -came to a decision about four o'clock . this . morning, when a verdict was returned of not guilty. The ways of a jury are some- times past finding out. Regarding the charge of which Alexander was acquitted it may be said that the accused offered to plead guilty if Prosecuting attorney W. H. Wilson would . dismiss a second charge of a similar nature, now pending against him. ' Alexander even consented to plead guilty to simple larceny, but Mr. Wilson refused with the above re sult. Judging from the past it will require the verdict of a jury to determine whether Alexander was telling the truth or not when he confessed his willingness to admit that he is a thief. . The case of the state vs. William Mor eton occupied the court up till 11:30 a. m., when recess was taken and is likely to oecupy the court for the rest of the day. " ' . Master Items. Mosieh, Or., Nov. 19, 1891. Editor of the Chronicle: Old Jack Frost - has been a regular visitor here for the past few nights, freezing the ground quite hard Sunday and Monday nights.' We expect to have three weeks or a month of skating this winter, and to be able to put up enough ice to keep us frozen all the next summer. Mr. S. Meek s hauled a wagon, load of flour out of The Dalles on Monday to his home at Mosier, whieh looks as if win ter will not overtake him unprepared. Miss N. Cooper, who has many friends at Mosier, started from The Dalles on Monday for-her home in the East where her folks live, accompanied .by her brother, Charles A. Cooper, as far as Rufus. ' Young Mr. George Evans, the .eld est son of Mr. Lee. Evans, narrowly es caped having both arms broken .by being thrown from a horse, the accident having resulted in two very badly sprained wrists which will probably keep him from school for a time. Mr. W. A. Husbands and his brother, W. H. Husbands made a flying trip to The Dalles overland, on business. Mr. C. J. Phillips has been very 11 for the past few days. We all have to have our turn at the wheel I presume. Mrs. Swasey had a wood-chopping Saturday, at which the enterprising young gentlemen turned out and did noble work. No one at Mosier need suffer unless he is a kicker. . Mr. W. A. Husbands lost a very valu able small boat. It was taken away bv the late rise of water in the river. Mr. Thomas .McClure went down to Viento on Monday. , The literary club started again last Saturday, i It meets every Saturday evening at 7 p. m. " M. G. The Chrysanthemum Show. " The chrysanthemum show held at the residence of Mrs. D. M. French on last Tuesday night was generally pronounced to be the most successful affair of the kind ever held in this citv. The unani mous verdict of the lady visitors, who are, par excellence, the best judges in the world was that it was "perfectly lovely,"- and the reporter can do no bet ter than apply this phrase to the whole exhibit and to every . particular., part of it. With this understanding aud with the further avowal that it is hard to dis tinguish where everything was so per fect and beautiful, we may mention as marked features of the exhibit, the dis play of Miss Mary Snipes, the boquet of Mrs. John Schenck, Mrs. Booth's bank of flowers which mast nave taken a world of patience to put in place and the the admirable collection of seedlings. by Rev. Mr. Sntcliffe, Two premiums were awarded, in no way conflicting, one to Mrs. S. B. Adams, a beautiful chate laine, for the largest collection, and the other a handsome manicure set, to Mrs, John Marden far the choicest variety. A large number of visitors crowded the rooms from 7 :30 to nearly 10 o'clock The gross receipts amounted to $52 which was nearly all profit as the penses amounted to onlv about $5. ' - f' ' MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. W. A. Cooper, in this city Wednesday, November 18, 1891, at 5 o'clock p.m., by Rev". W. C. Curtis, Mr. Alexander R. Miller to Miss Mattie Wood, -both of White Salmon, Wash. Only a lew select friends were present, The bride and groom were tastefullv dressed in harmony with, the joyous occasion. : They1 left for a pleas ant trip down the picturesque Columbia by '.he-peoples' elegant steamer Regu lator at 7 o'clock ' this mornine. Mav their journey down the stream of life be as smooth ana tneir joinea lives prove as capable to as proudly carry - the troubles of life as the old Columbia car ries this beautiful boat, is the wish of their manv friends. - - CHKOSICLK SHORT :STOPS, For coughs and colds use 2379. ' 2379 is the cough syrup for children.. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Fresh oysters in. every style at. the Columbia candy factory. i8-tf Parties desiring drive whist cards can secure them by calling at the Chronicle office.. . .. . - , . : Charles- Stubling has opened up his saloon in the building next door west of the Germania saloon. tf J.'H. Larsen will buy all scrap iron of all kinds and pay the highest market price. See him at the East End. 9-9-tf . Maier & Benton are prepared to do all kinds of plumbing, tin-roofing, ' and tin work. See them at the old Bettingen stand, tr Max Blank wishes to inform the peo ple of .The Dalles that he has not raised on brick, and is selling them for the same price as before. And will try and Bupply all demands with the best of improved machine made brick, as soon as time will allow. . 15tf. ' Max Blank, The auction sale at Harris' dry goods1 store will be postponed for the present during the indisposition of Auctioneer Crosseri.. Goods will be sold, however, at auction vrjees till the sale is resumed, 11-6-tf. " The Regulator has reduced freight rates. Wm. Butler & Co., the new lum ber dealers have reduced prices on lum ber ro t hat hnildiner can be done at alfisST f.ra than , onv iirvio in- fha Hiafstr i f I The Dalles. , 10-29-tf, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was nick, -rre gave her Castoria. -When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, . When she became Mi she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria There Is None Better. : ' Dr. R. L. St. John of Ho'wland, Put nam county, Missouri, takes especial pleasure in recommending Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, because he knows it to be reliable. He has used it in his practice for several years, aud says there is none better, It is especially valuable for colds and as a preventative and cure for croup. This most excellent medicine is for sale by Snipes & Kiriersly, The Dalles, Or. d-w , Notice. ... The D. P. & A. N. company have in creased their force at Portland and are new prepared to handle important ship ments as express or fast . freight. The rate on shipments so ordered will be ten cents per hundred higher than the pres ent freight rate. We trust the public will understand and appreciate our en deavors to give them prompt and effi cient service. ' : .; H. R. Sibley: 11-16-21.' . . Superintendent. - A Favorite Remedy. .V Chamberlain's ' Cough Remedy is a favorite during the winter months on ac count of its great success in the cure of colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or as promptly relieve the lungs. Then it counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It is pleasant and safe to take, and fully worthy of its popularity. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles,' Or. d-w Notice. To all business men aud citizens. The D. P. & A..N. company will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by its employes or others, unless the same are properly covered by a written requi sition from th,is office. . ' - H. It. iSIBLEY. il-16-21. Superintendent. . An Old Adage. . ' There is an old adage : "What every body says must be true." Henry Cook, of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let ter says: "Chamberlain s Cough Rem edy has taken well here. ' Everybody likes it on account of the immediate relief it gives." There is nothing like it to loosen. and relieve a severe cold, .nor sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, dw An loir Children Subject to Croup? ' Asa preventive -and cure for croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no rival: It is, in fact, the only remedy that cau always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. There is not the least danger in giving it to children, as- it couiains no injurious substance. For sale atou cents per bottle by Snipes & Kinersly. Druggists, d&w. NOTICE. . To the merchants of The Dalles.- In ordering freight shipped be sure and have it marked care oi rioiman x vo., Portland, Or., who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. - ' - - - HOLMAN UO.. Draymen and forwarders, -No. 24 N. Front street, 10-22 12-22. Portland, Or. , - NOTICE. All indebted to the firm of FiBh' '& Bardon will please call at the store of Mays & Crowe and pay up all bills im mediately to Fish & Bardon. Fish & Bardon. '' September 14, 1891. . I4-tf Stacy Shown having .left tny employ I will not be responsible' for any debts he may contract nor anv business he may transact. -, W-. E. Garbetson. . 11-ltt-tf. '- : .. ' rOR SALE. Four lots with a good house on them, all on the bluff above the brewery which wili be sold cheap or trade for cattle. Address ' J. L. Kei,ly, 9-H-tf . - The Dalles". Notice. ... ' i Chas. Stubbling desires all those in debted to him to come tip and settle as soon aa possible. He lost all his stock by tha late fire and a prompt settlement wnnM vrc&tlv obliee him. 9-26-d&w-tf Building paper for sale by the car load, ton or yard. ; - - ' ' 11-18-25. Dalus Lumbsb Company. - - '5 For Sale At a Bargain. ' The Mission Gardens, greenhouse, stock and fixtures. I am prepared to offer a rarg bargain owing to a change in residence. For terms enquire at the premises or of A, N. Varney at the land office. ' ' 15ti: : J. A- Vabsky. KOtlGE, N OTICE i lierebv riven that the- f:nmmnn Council Of Dallas mtv ia nhnift tn rn... . tO establish hr nrHfn following streets or parts of streets In sakt Dalles City,to-wit: On Second street from the westf side of Union street to the east sfHe of Taylor street. On Third street f rum the west side o Union street to the ea-t sideof Monroe-street. . On Fourth street from the west side- of Union street to the east side of Jefferson street. On Fiftl street from the west side of Union! street to the east side of Washington street. On Union street from the north sideof Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Court street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street? - On Washington street from the north side e Second street to the south aide of Fifth street. . On Federal street from the north sideof Second street to the south side of Fourth street.. ' On Laughlin street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street.. On Jefferson street from the north side of Seo ond street to the south side of Fourth street. On Madison street from the north side- of Sec ond street to the south side of Third street. On Monroe street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Third. street. The grades of said streets will be fixed with reference to the supposid stage of low water in the Columbia river, which is fixed at a point 1 feet below the top of the hydrant at the southwest corner of First and Union streets, .in said Dalles Citv. and which nolnt imnn th Cl- mnbia riveT is designated as the nitial point from which the elevations hereinafter stal ted are ngured. The squares made bv the crossings-ofi the sev eral streets shall be level and shall be of the fol lowing elevations above the datum plancor low water level of the Columbia river, hereinbefore fixed , At the-intersection oi " ' SCCOnd STREETS. " Union 5B.8 ft " Court. 51.8 t " Wa8hingtOn,.55.5 ft " Federal, 55.3 ft " Lauehlin.. : SJ- ft " JertcrKon, " Madison, " Monroe,. 1 54- ft 55 ft 57.5 ft Taylor, Union, Court, 6 ft 55.5 ft 55.5 ft Third' Washington;,61.o ft Federal, - 5S.5 f t Laughlin, : i"5.5 ft Jefferson, .. i ft Madison, -. ' 56- ft Monroe, - 09 ft Union,- 62- ft Court. 63 ft Washington, 64.5 ft Federal. 60 ft Laughlin, . 5!t ft Jett'erson, 60 ft U nion 78 ft Fourth Fifth " " " " Court, 74.5 ft " " " Washington, 7U ft The eradesof the aforesaid streets from souhre i'to square shall be uniform and cqunl, except as nereuiHicer s-pwinea. The grade of Washington street between Fourth und Fifth streets shall break at the south line of the alley, between said streets, it which point the elevation shall be seventy feet. By order of the Common Council. FRANK MEXEFEE," 11-6-21 Recorder of Dalles Citv.. BULLETIN JOHN BOOTH, TUB leading Grocer. 62 SECOND STREET. NEW MINCE MEAT IN BULK, SWEET CIDER, QUAKER OATS, SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT, LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP, COMPRESSED YEAST, , " EVAPORATED PEACHES, . - - EVAPORATED PRUNES, EVAPORATED APPLES, EVAPORATED EGG PLUMS, EVAPORATED SILVER PRUNES, EVAPORATED APRICOTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT AND VEGE TABLES. Rhh OlJDEflS DELIVERED PROJflPTIiY STAGY StfOttlfl, Thfl . Ill I, 1110 Has opened an office f6r Cleaning- and ' -Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc-. - All work guaranteed and promptly attended. Dunham's Drug Stotre Cor. Second and Union Streets. - A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Grocem, and Provisions. which he offerr. at Low Figures. SPEGIAIt :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Eldest Cask Prices fir lm ana otlerProte.. 170 SECOND STREET. Carpets take up, cleaned and put down, also Closets and Chimneys cleaned on short notice at reasonable' ' rates. . Leave orders at the store of Chrisman & Corson. GRANT , . 10-I-Vtf . MORSE. iGlpRe Chimneys Cleaned Keep this in Mind. WE CARRY Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's In Every SIZE, STYLE, WlZDTTia: JL3STJD PRIQIL And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices ! A. M W I L L f A M S & CO. d - 10 MAIER & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettinger, Jobber and IBetafler in Hardware, Tinware, f poden wm and Graniteware, Have also a Complete StoTcks of Heating awl Ceokstoves, Pomps, -wppnes. oar-praters' .ana BlaeksmlW amf parawts Tools, and Shelf Hardmars. UT1 ronEng, Plumbllnar and Pltt Work doneion.Sttm SECOND STREET, - bobt: mays. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABRAMS 8TEWAKT.) - Retailors a.zxc3. Tototoor s In Haiuwaie, - Tinware, - GranllBware, - woonepare, '" SILVERWARE, ETC. AGENTS "Acorh' "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps,; Piper Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies. Packing,. Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a- complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. AGENTS FOR ' The Celebrated R." J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Merider CutWy and Tableware, the "Qtrfck Meal" Gasoline Stoves, "Grand" Oil Stovw. . J 13 a n; All Tinning Plumbing, will be done SECOND STREET. h: nielssn, Glothiet and Tailor?, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, G-onts' HJ'TXX-xiljalxlxxs Groods, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS.. THE DA X J.ES. (R, EtJON J E. Jacobsen & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL R00KSELLERS AND .STATIONERS. Pianos and Organs , Sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. . Notions, Toys, Fancy G - ments of all Kinds. AlaU Orders Filled rromitly 162. SECOND STREET, - - - - - THE DALLESy OREGON. JOS. T. PETGRS DEALERS IK LiUmBER, COftf) WOOD Geneial Boiitiini flaletiai Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson Stmts. . Norft Side of Railroad Tract : DEALERS IN Siapic and Fancy Groceries. Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Oalles.OregoSv - 10 - W pipes, Piombers awt Steam Fitters THE DALLESL ORFfirtN FOR THE :- Pipe Work and. Repairing on Short Notice. THE DAl.l.KS, ()HiN. oods and MusicaL Instro i