The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 19, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 1.U
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil. Enqinbbr Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimates and plans for Irrigation,
wwerae, waier-worKB, ruiirmauK, pnuges, etc.
Address: P. O. Box 107, The "Dalles, Or.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications fnrnished for dwellings,
chnrohes, business blocks, schools and factories.
uiarges moderate, sansiacnon raaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fxixow or TanrrrY
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physioisns and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
aiclan and Burgeon. Office ; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbuty's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 4
aiu f O n m
AKOH. fkffirw mam, ft mnA M r 'V.
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
" " vmii . cxuubo. uum noUTS IIOU
A B. kRNHTT. ATTnpmrv.iT.T.iir r
jtl flee in Bchanno's building, up stairs.' The
v 8IDDALL DimT. Gas given for the
--' . yaxuima extraction oi (eetn. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Biro of
thai rfnlnn lsu-.!. C? J n a.
AK. THOMPSON Attohbt-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
iJA mbts-at-law. Offices, French's block over
rust x-auonai null, ine Dalles, Oregon.
K.B.Durca. oo. atkims. rum xikiri.
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
. ,82 nd 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Wholesale and Retail Dnupti
Fine Imported, Key West and
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the beet quality
and a line color rise the
Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Saccesser to Cran t Ctrrssi.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish, any of these goods at Wholesala
or Retail
' In Ererj Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
BnrneJDntW Again in Business!
1m. ffllGflidi,
- And Embalmer, has a (rain started with a new
. ana complete siock ot every mintr neeaea in
the undertaking business. Particular (
attention paid to embalming and
taking care of the dead. Orders
promptly attended to, day or . ,
night. ...
Prices as Low . as ' the Lowest
Place of business, diagonally across from
ujwra dium, on um corner oi Tnira ana w asn
ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon
H. Glenn has lemoyed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St. .
leading to the conviction of parties cutting
the ropes or in any way interfering -with the
Co. . H. GI.ENN,
. Next to the Great Fire, of September 2,
nothing has so startled the people of Dalles
City and vicinity as the
We are not offering ojd and unsalable"
eoods at reduced .rates, but your pick of
our entire stock of
prices that surprise " every one who
takes the trouble to
There is no easier -way for you to
make $20.00 than to save it "by
purchasing your family supplies of
come and see.
The Cruiser. San Francisco Arrives Di
rect From Chili.
The English Idea ' of.; the American
Financial Question. .
Three Children; Silled by Woliei An
Old Couple Murdered Want.
Saji Francisco, Nov. 19. The United
States steam cruiser San Francisco, ar
rived this morning from Valparaiso,
Chili, via Acapulco.
The vessel was present at the closing
scenes of tUe Chilian revolution and
Admiral Brown in an interview stated
that the fall of Valparaiso after the de
feat of Balmaceda'a forces was attended
with scenes of carnage and rapine. The
reports of the bombardment of Iqnique,
the admiral stated, had been much ex
aggerated, comparatively little damage
having been done to the city. The fam
ily of Admiral Viel, intendents of Val
paraiso, and other refugees were taken
on board the cru'ser Baltimore and were
landed at Mallendo, Peru. A number of
miner offenders ' who went aboard the
vessel, afterwards went ashore again, at
Valparaiso. Admiral Brown stated that
despite the charges against United States
Minister Egan, the latters conduct had
been dignified and impartial.
Concerning the reports that the cruiser
San Francisco had acted as a spy at
Quintros Bay, the admiral said that
he had denied these charges both in his
letter to Minister Egan and in his re
port to the navy department and that
he "did not care to discuss them further.
The English Idea.
London, Nov. 19. The News, in its
financial article this morning, referring
to the speech of Secretary Foster at the
Chamber of Commerce banquet in New
York Tuesday night, says:: "Secretary
Foster's speech is a confession of bis
opinion that America has gone too far to
draw back. The United States treasury
is in the same position as the bank of
France. It has been saddled with an
immense stock of silver, while taking
measures to hold so large a reserve of
gold that it might just as well not keep
silver at all. America seems so occu
pied with crop and trade prospects that
they neglect the currency matters bo
long as their material progress is not
violently interrupted." '
Indicted . for Violating; the Interstate
v taw, -
Chicago, Nov. 19. Federal grand jury
which has been investigating the inter
state commerce . violations, today re
turned indictments as follows : For ob
taining rebate less cars tariff, the
firm of Swift & Co., for same offense.
George and John Firnick Glucose manu
facturers, of - Marsballtown, Iowa. For
giving rates less than the established
tariff. George B. Sprieggs general agent
of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis
railroad. In the last six months Swift
& Co., received over three thousand dol
lars in rebates. It was shown that over
180,000 in rebates have been paid to the
firm of Fernick within the last six
Killed by Wolres.
St. Paul, Nov. 19. The news has
reached this city that three children of
Andrew Gulick' near New Brighton
were killed by wolves this afternoon.
The prairie fires early in the fall drove
a large number of wolves down from the
north. The children who had wandered
into the woods were attacked and before
aid could reach them the bodies were
partially devoured. Armed men killed
eleven of the wolves and a regular expe
dition will start tomorrow.
An old Couple Murdered.
AxLENTowx, Pa., Nov. 19. The mur
der of Mrs. Wm.. Nibch, and the prob
able fatal injury, of her husband, at
Iron ton yesterday, threw , that hamlet
into a state of great excitement. When
found, the " woman was dead, and
her husband conscious. He charged
Wm. , Keck,, a quarryman with the
crime. The couple are over 70 years of
age. An attempt was made to lynch
Keck but he was safely landed in jail.
- Want to be a State.
Oklahoma City, O. T., Nov. 19. The
commercial clnb of this city has iesued a
call for a convention to be held in Okla
homa, December loth, to be composed ot
delagates chosen from each of the politi
cal division in Oklahoma, and the Indian
Territory to discuss the . advisability of
statehood and to fix the boundary lines
of the proposed state .
The Farmers' Alliance.
Indianapolis, Nov. 19. There was an
acrimonoua discussion this morning in
the executive session; of the supreme
council of the farmers' alliance when a
neation was made to hear the reading of
the anti-Bub treasury report. At 1 :30
the supreme council neither adjourned
or listened to . the anti-sub treasury
people. -
Accepted the Offer.
Washington, Nov. 19. Governor
Jackson of Maryland has tendered to
Charles H. Gibson the appointment of
United States Benator from Maryland
until the legislature fills the vacancy
caused by the death of Senator Wilson.
Colonel Gibson accepted the offer.
Sentenced to Be Hung;.
Pvlmouth, Nov. 19. In the trial of
John Allmy, for the murder of Christie
Warden the Judge handed down a ver
dict of guilty of murder in the first
degree, and sentenced Allmy to hang
the first Tuesday in December 1892.
A Foolish Man Gone.
Portland, Nov. 19. Thomas Powers,
a printer died today from the effects of
a dose of morphine taken last night,
with suicidal intent. ' Disappoinimenit
ii) love is assigned a cause of his action.
Will Make no Stop.
SaN Fbancisco, Nov. 19. It is under
stood here that the cruiser Charleston
will proceed direct to South America
withont touching at San Francisco.
Have Declared a DlTldend.
New Yobk, Nov. 19. The directors of
the Northern Pacific railroad have de
clared a regular quarterly dividend of
one per cent, on preferred stock.
Indicted for Train Wrecking;.
Auburn, Calif.-, Nov. 19. The grand
jury have indicted Al Roberta on a
charge of train wrecking. "
Mall AdTleea Front Chill. ;
Saw Fbancisco, Nov. 18. A letter
from Valparaiso, dated October. 7, says
thirteen persons are under the protection
of the American legation. ' They are:
A. Cotapos, Juan E. Mackenna, Guil
lermo Mackenna, General Gana, J. M.
V. Carrera, Adolpo Ibarrez, Richardo
Vicuna, V. L. Valero and five others of
minor importance.
The Herald of October 5 says : "Cer
tain questions have arisen between the
minister of foreign relations and Mr.
Egan regarding the protection given to
the accomplices of the dictator. Mr.
Egan 'pretends it is his duty to give
safety and safe conduct to those under
his roof, conducting them to the sea
board, with freedom to leave the country,
which prevents the Chilian government
trying these criminals by civil laws and
prevents the government assuming his
own. rights in its own territory, and
making it subservient to the caprice of
one man."
Country Merchant Fails.
Latah, Wash., Nov. 18. Wallace
Doty, a merchant, made an assignment
to J. E. White, of Latah, today. His
assets amount to about $6000 ; liabilities,
$5000. There is a mortgage of $2400 in
favor of D. T. Hall. The remaining lia
bilities are held principally by Spokane
parties, who this morning complicated
matters bv serving an attachment
through a deputy sheriff and demanding
the keys of the assignee, J. G. White. -
. Storm on the I.akes.
Manisteb, , Mich., Nov. 18. The
schooner Mattie L. Estelle, from Chi
cago to Buffalo, with a cargo of wheat,
while trying to run into the harbor here,
struck the bar just outside the piers.
The crew took to the rigging and four
were rescued by a lifesaving crew. The
cook and one sailor were drowned. The
captain is still lashed to the rigging and
is supposed to be dead. . .
Crew of a Schooner Drowned.
London, Nov. 18. The captain of the
American schooner, William N. Brad
ley, which sailed from Charleston, S. C,
October 5, for Weymouth, Mass., and
which was abandoned October 13, states
the crew of the schooner took to the
boats and were drowned,
- A. New Party In the Belchstag;.
Bbelin, 1 Nov. - 18. An . interesting
feature of the reichstag is a new party
known as the colonian party. The
members belong to and vote with" their
respective parties on all other - subjects
but in regard to the interests oMhe col
onies they are united.-,
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, November 19. Close, Wheat,
easy, cash, .91 ; -December,- .92;
May, .99.
Portland Wheat Market.
Pobtlano, Nov. 19. Wheat, Valley,
1.6o1.70; Walla Walla,' 1.601.62.
The Brazilian Clergy AnHous for Dom
. Pedro's Restoration. ,
The Death of a Hero in a Pennsylvania
Coal Mine.
From the Argentine Republic Severe
Weather In Russia A Country
Merchant Falls.
London, Nov. 18. A dispatch frcm
Montevideo says that the clergy are ac
tively agitating in Brazil in favor of the
restoration of Dom Pedro. The clenrv
are dissatisfied with the Fonseca gov
ernment for having abolished the con
nection between church and state, and
although the government still pays sal
aries to the existing functionaries of the
church, yet they are not sure that even
this will long continue. Besides, since
the separation of church andfstate, other
sects hare come to the front much more
boldly than during the imperial regime.
Since the private propeit.", real and
personal, of the imperial family, was
restored to it, the influence of Dom Pedro
has materially revived in certain direc
tions, and the clerical and other agitators
for his jeturn have been encouraged.
It is said that Fonseca now looks upon
the restitution to the imperial family as
a mistake, and that he will probably, in
the event of his success in the present
struggle, take some pretext for confisca
tion of all the real estate at least, and
perhaps give Dom Pedro a reasonable
allowance out of the treasury.
Another dispatch from Montevideo
says that, in pnblic opinion there, Fon
seca evidently sees a serious conflict be
fore him, or he would not have created
a heavy credit for arms and ammunition.
Fonseca is said to be making energetic
rjrenaration for fht atrnrrrt arrainct iVa
' .
opposition forces. -
The Death of a Hero.
Wilkesbabbe, Pa., Nov. 18. Napol
eon DeMontague, a Frenchman em
ployed in one of the Plymouth mines,
had fired a blast today and a spark set a
pocket of gas on fire. There was no im
mediate danger, but Montague thought
the fire would spread and endanger the
lives of 600 men. He at once took off
his coat and started to beat out the fire.
He succeeded but before he could get
back in the breast the roof fell in, crush
ing him to death. He was well educated
and was the son of a Frenchman who
was banished from bis native land forty
years ago. He settled in Canada. Re
verses came, the son came to the coal
regions, and in the absence of any other
employment was compelled to work in
the mines.
Arbitrator of the Behrlng Sea Matter,
Washington, Nov. 18. The repor-t
that the king of Sweden has been named
as the arbitrator of the Behring sea
matter is emphatically denied. Sec
retary Blaine, when asked about it last
night replied decisively: "There is not
a word of truth in it." It is hot believed
in diplomatic circles in Washington that
the arrangements for arbitration will be
completed in detail until after the assem
bling of congress, and consequently the
formal announcement of the arbitrator
will not be made before that time.
- In the Argentine Republic.
New Yobk, Nov. 18. A special from
Buenos Ayres says a dispatch from the
territory of Formosa says a number of
revolutionists irom Paraguay have
sacked the residence of Governor Delga
do. Determined resistance was made,
and it is reported Delgado was wounded
and several of the chiefs of his command
killed. The country seems on the eve
of another revolution. It is reported
the garrison at Rosario in the Santa Fe
province has mutinied and taken chanre
of the town because they were not paid.
, Severe Weather in Russia.
St Petersburg, Nov. 18. Owing to
the exceptional severity of the weather
the government has given orders that
work on the eastern portion of the
Siberian railway shall be suspended for
the . present, . As a measure of relief to
many peasants in the famine-stricken
districts the government is considering
the advisabilitv of engaging thousands
of them to work in the construction of
the Siberian road during the winter.
The work of building the line will be
resumed as soon as the weather moder
ates sufficiently.
Socialists Tictorlous in Berlin.
Berlin, Nov. 18. In a municipal
election in this city yesterday the social
ists won three seats and headed the poll
in two districts, where supplementary
ballot will be necessary.