The Dalles Daily Chroniele. ' I'tiblMiol Daily, Sunday ExceptiiY BY ". THK CHKOXICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washiiiiftc"' Streets, Dalle. Oregon. The Term of Subscription. Her YeMr ..6 00 .. 50 5 Per month, by currier. . . Single copy STATE OFFICIALS Governoi -. Secretury of State, Treasurer. Supt. of Public Instruction. nators 'Jon greas man Statu Printer ?. Pennover i. . McBride ...Phillip Metschan K. P.. McKlroy J. X. Dolph " j. II. Mitchell li. Hermann Krnnk Baker OOCKTV OFFICIALS. County Judge C. X. Thornbnry Bheritr -. u. l. . Cates Clerk Treasurer. ;. . ...J. It. Crossen lieo. Ruch , ill' A. leavens -) frank Kincaid Commissioners. Assessor John K. Harnett Hurvevor E. K. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shellr . Coroner William Michell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. The believer in the modern doctrine of evolution who, denies that the human race originally sprang from one human pair through the fiat of an Almighty Creator and holds that man has evolved himself through natural selection and survival of the fittest from some xrim ordial germ through endless grades of invertebrate an l vertebrate being up to his present intelligence and civilization and that the race is still, through like progression in the pathway towards uni versal righteousness and perfection must get a set. back occasionally when he reads accounts like those that reach ub from the wreck of the Strathblane that occurred at Long Heach the other day. While, train and loat and railway brought hundred to the scene of the wreck whose sole desire was to save human' life, others came to nee what they could steal and their shameless piracy paid respect to neither the living nor the dead. The cap of one poor boy whose- almost lifeless body was being rolled on ji barrel in the effort to bring him back .to lite, no sooner fell off his head than it was picked up and con cealed till a more favorable movement would come for getting away with it altogether. The trucks and valises of . the shipwrecked cr.ew, as they floated to the beach, were ruthlessly broken open and robbed of everything valuable and invaluable. Trinkets and souvenirs, of no value to any hut the owner, pictures of the loved ones at home, and of the not less loved and lost shared a common fate. It was the old story of the night of The I'alles fire when thousands of dollar worth of property were rescued from t lie flames and placed on the beach for safety only to .be carried off by heart-' less and conscienceless thieves. It was the old story told under similar circum Bjances everywhere, until one not blinded by the iiction of evolution' is led to iues tion if, under favorable opportunities for thi'ft and concealment, an immmense proportion of the human race arc not born th ieve.s. AVe diiire to call the attention of nd verllser to the superior facilities offered by the Chronicle. We make no idle boast when we say that our daily edition reaches three times more readers, than -any daily naper published in The Dalles, while our weekly edition reaches more readers 'n this and adjoining counties i than any paper published here or else where. The success of the Chronicle is phenomenal. Starting out in the teeth of intensely bitter opposition it has won its way t popular favor by simply telling the truth and taking its stand with' the masses on all questions Telating to their interest. Without a single ugent in the field soliciting sub scriptions its list of readers is steadily increasing at a rate of from twenty to thirty a week ; and the voluntary char acter of these subscriptions gives ample proof that the paper is appreciated. The CitttoxicxE is no longer an experi ment but a complete and gratifying Bnceegs. The necessity of its presence was never more apparent than it is at this moment. Belonging to no clique or purly it fears the frown or favor of none. Its mission is to tell the truth. It has come to stay and just so long as truth telling is' wholesome and necessary-it expects to remain. Meanwhile there is still room on .its subscription list for more names. . ;.' . The CmiON'tr-I. Iinft lrvnw aiiatMxrtaX that George. Francis Train was editing the Pendleton . J:'if( Oreqrmiari The suspicion is now; confirmed by proof strong as holy writ, but as St is of no earthly. interest to the readers, of this . journal wo refrain from presenting it. Here, however, is one of George's latest .pronouueinmentos: "To tar sugar is to raise its value; to tax land by the single tax system, is to decrease its value." That's enough. The editor of this jour nal owns a piece of land which he ac quired by the labor of his own hands and which ho hopes to retain against old age and infirmity should he ever meet them, or to nse a favorite figure of our contemporary should he become a "tick," . and, not able to work for a liv-i"jf- The unearned increment is his .own by 'all laws, .human and divine, and he doeR no'tjapprpye of. any system, that will d,eprea?e its yalae? 'and oiiy:we all Of JMiv;i : ',!"! r .. ' ' :-; '"' : '-''' ' -' . Crook,.-county's mineral wealth is slowly but surely being developed. It is only a matter of time when ts hidden ! treasures of gold and silver will lie j brought to the surface. The numerous j "finds" that arc being made are not all j mere glitterings. Some of them will prove to be rich deposites of the prec ious metals. Ochoco Review. '. v- ' For Sale Cheap! Five good young milch cows, four giv ing milk and one to come in in March. Applw to W. I). Kichards of Eight Mile. !-'- v Chas. Stubbling desires all those in debted to him. to come up and settle as soon as possible. He lost all bis stock by the late fire and a prompt settlement would greatly oblige him. 9-2t-d&w-tf A Great Liver Medicine. . iJr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious com plaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive ne83, torpid.iiver, ate. These pills in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich ihe blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appe tite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25. cents a box by Blakeley & Houghton. ' NOTICE. To the merchants of The Dalles. In ordering freight shipped be euro and nave it marked cire ot riolman & Uo., Portland, Or., who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. . Holm as & Co. Dravmen and forwarders, -No. 24 N. Front street, .10-22 12-22. Portland, Or. An Old Adage. . There is an old adage : "What every body eays must be true.'' Henry Cook, of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let ter says: "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has taken well here. Everybody likes it on account of the immediate relief it gives." There is nothing like it to loosen and relieve a severe cold. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, dw notice. . . . All indebted to the firm of Fish ; & Bardon will please call at the store of Mays & Crowe and pay up all bills im mediately to Fish & Bardon. Fish & Baudox. September 14, 1891J 14-tf Pay your city tax at once and extra costs. Time is up. save O. Kisekslv. ' -1 -tf. ' . City Treasurer. , roit SALE. .. Four lots with a good house'on them, all on the bluff a hove the brewery which will be sold cheap or trade for cattle. Address J. L. Kelly, y-U-tf ' ' The Dalles. JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's "latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit 'guaranteed ,. . . . each time. . .. . fepaif incj and Cleaning . Neatly and Quickly Done. The Dalles Gigar : factory rFnasT st:es:e::et. : . FACTORY NO. 105. fJC. A DO of the Best Brands V'AVXx.XijO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. . The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR haa become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Old Germania Saloon. JOHN DOflAVON, Proprietor. The best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars,' Pabst Milwaukee Knicker bocker and Columbia Beer '.. . Half and Half and all kinds -of Temperance Drinks. -- ' ' - ... AIL, WAYS ON HAND. ; ''"- ' THE -. 1) P. THOMPSOW J. S. bCHENCK, II. M.BEALI President. , Vice-President. , Cashier First jlatlonal fiamt. "HE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight . " Draft or Check. ; Collections made and proceeds prompt ly v. remitted on day of collection.' - Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. T. Thompson. Jxo. S. Schkkok. T. W. Spabks. ...I.;. Geo. A. Liebk. ; rr:; ! H. M. Bkaxi,. pep R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought an d, Sold oii ; 'Commission and Money Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. OFFICE OF . : The Dalles and Galdendale Stage Line. Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:30 and Goldendiilc at 7:311. All freight must be left at K. B. . Hood's office the eve- ; ning before. " R. B. HOOD,: Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or. W. &T.VlGCoy, BARBERS. Hot -:- and-:-Cold-:-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. PRINZ & NITSCHKE. - ; DEALERS IN- : Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Tmst. onr nriraa trill be low accordingly. ' Kemember our place on Second street, next to Moody's-bank. , . FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ! TRANSACT A GEN'tRALBANKING BUSINESS letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. ' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San' Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash.,-and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ' ' mm - STABLE, Ward St, Kerns. We are now ready for business in our New Barn; corner of Fourth and Federal Streets. . . . . THE DALLES, OREGON. Pipe Work; Tin Repair v ing and Roofing; - , Leave ; orders at L. Butler's, Grocery Store. ; ANEW DndeiMing Estabfe ! 1. C. j4lCKEliSEfl, " '- - "--;.''..' SECOND STREET, 3EIas opened a new store with brand new good in French's Block, .. and . ; there invites everybody to trade, and will cheerfully show all the new . goods, that for quality and price cannot be reached by any other house in the city.; ' STATIONERY, , ' V , . , . ; Counting House, Officej Store, Hotels, Schoolchildren, Families or In-.- , dividuals can make their choice from a full assortment of supplies of . . the best stationery. , '. . : . , music, V-'. vvU-V V.'- Music Books, Sheet Music Strings, and. all. kinds of Instruments, Organs and Pianos sold on easy terms, or. rented. The Knabe Piano, the Krunnicli A Bach Piano, in six different styles. The Packard and Estey Organi First class goods in every respect. t BOOKS, " '' Hundreds of books, from the cheapest novel in paper cover, to the elegant bound volums of Longfellow and Shakespeare. Always adding to stock the latest publications, - ' TOYS, . ; : ::x ; .; ."-' Almost a carload of toys received, and an endless .variety of- the most . pleasing kinds of Dolls and Games, will no doubt attract attention. The T.' largest assortment of all the latest popular games. . JEWELRY, ' - .' Watches a good assortment, and will be sold at closing out prices. Gold Pens, Ornaments and Fancy Goods for presents, everything in Pocket Knives, Pipes, Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Mirrors. HOLIDAY GOODS, ' :. . Numberless Novelties and LTsefal Goods of every description. Dalles, Portland & Astoria! ' NAVIGATION COMPANY'S j Elegant Steamer REGUkATO ft!Glothin9 Fapnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Will leave the foot of Court Street '' every morning at 7 A. M. - , for ; . Portland and Way PointsJ Connections Will be Made with the Fast Steamer - . DAIiliES GITY, . At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on' Board. Oftiec' northeast corner of Court and Main xtreet Building piaterials! Having made arrangements with a numljer of Factories, I am pre pared to furuish Doob, Windows, - STORE FRONTS - - And ail kinds of Special work. - Ship ments made daily from factory and can fill orders in th& shortest possible time. Prices satisfactory. ' . , It will be to 5our interest to see me before purchasingelsewhere. Wm. Saundefs, Office over French's Bank. W. E. GARRETSON. Leatfiag - Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOlt THE . All Watch Work Warranted.. - .'' '. ' ; ). '; . ': Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Uallea. Or. ' Still on Deek. Phcenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldmin - Hestaarant ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. Open day and Night.' First class meals twenty -five cents. k ;-T.?mU:SiZiJZ:t B, 7ml EW FjHJ. HP WHITER DRY GOODS COMPLETE IX EVEKY DEI'ARTM EXT. jboois ana Full Assortment of the Cash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stoek and pFiees before purchasing elsemhere. IS THE BEST SEWING MACHHTE. Branch Office 81 Third St. Needles, Oil and Specials. J. H. CROSS, -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed ani Flour. , , HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATO ES. Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. v . All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly STRICTLY CKSH, Cor. Second &' Union Sts., TECE Great bargains ! Removal ! Removal I On account of Removal I will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and "Valises, Shelf ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ; . : GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J. BREI7VYMN, 125 Second Street, HUGH CHRISMAN. CHRISMAN ' .Successors to Keep on Hand a Groceries, Floor, Grain. . ( Highest Cash Price Corner of Washington and Second-St. . The Dalles Mercantile Co., Successors to BROOKS & BEEItS, Dealers In ' - . .' "C General Merchandise, n Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; ents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, . Hardware, Provisions, , . Flour, Bacon, H AY AINAND PRODUCE - Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. .' 390 and 394 Second Street V? i PAUL KREFT & CO.. DEALERS IN1 - J - Paints, Oils, Glass And the Most Complete and the Lutest Patterns and Designs in a i-.-r. PAPEIl. Prantinfll PAintni tmA Vtmor Haneers. -None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Pnint used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen emploj-ed. AH orders romptly attended to. 10-17-d SHOP Adjoining Red Front Grocery, , . . - , THIBD STREET. . oDoes. Leading Manufacturers. H. Her bring. 9 9 The Dalles. W. K. CORSON. & CORSON GEO. RUCH, Complete Stock of Fruit and mill Feed Paid for Produce. The Dalles, Or. FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD DAIAE3 MILL AND WATER - Company's flour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For information apply to the WATER COMMISSIONERS, r 1 he Dalles, Oregon. notice. :'.;r;.;..; R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and . unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon.