The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Pitily, Sunday Excepted. BY . .x THE CHKONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Comer Second nnd Washingto" Dulles, Oregon. Streets, The Terms of Subscription. Her Yeur - Per month, by carrier Single copy : ..6 00 .. 60 STATE OFFICIALS. Uovernoi. . .-- Secretary of State Treasurer Supt. of Public Instruction.. maters. , S. Pennoycr ...G.W. Mc Bride Phillip Metschan ,.. .E. ft. McElroy t J. N. Dolph : J. II. MUchell Congressman It. Hermann State Printer , . . . Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS Countv Judge.... Sheriff Clerk Treasurer Commissioners . C. K. Thornbury l). u cates . ...J. I. Crossen Geo. Huch H' A. Leavens r rank Kiiicum AiweHKor John E. liiimett Snrvevor : ..E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Scliools. . .Troy Shelley kroner William Miehell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. Governor Pennoycr will not call an ' extra1 session of thn legislature. It is his J opinion, often expressed, tjiat it i the j business of the general government to I open the river, and perhaps lie is right i but the trouble with the general govern ! meiit is it won't open the r;ver or at least won't open the river in time to meet the pressing necessites of the In land Empire. Even" if congress passed a bill for a portage road around the dalles at its next meeting, a thing it ia not a bit likely to do, there is no know ing wh?n it would be completed; cer tainly .not as long as railroad influence, could prevent it. We have no faith whatever in obtaining relief, Within any . reasonable time, through the general government. There is therefore noth ing left for ns, as tile Chkonici.k views the situation, but to kook to our own state government. With a new set of mcii in tut- tunc icgi&iuiurc, specially chosen, as far as Eastern Oregon repre sentatives are concerned, backed and reinforced by all the arguments that can be drawn from the grand success of the Cascade portage, surely the state would not refuse to make the needed appropria tion. If the patriotic Oregonian blushes with shame as he contemplates the fact that Oregon is the laughing stock of the fn ion for her penuriousness in failing to provide for a suitable exhibit at the world's fair, he' may comfort himself with the reflection that the blame rests on one man's l-.ead and that man is Governor Pennoyer. In his message to the legislature the governor openly ex pressed his disapproval of any measure that would appropriate public money for an exhibit to be held outside the state, and it is beyond question that if the governor had signified his approval of the measure, at any time when the bill for an appropriation was pending, a score of his admirers would have ' selves hoarse in its favor. As it was the governor was pleased beyond measure when the bill was pat out of the way and we have not a doubt in'the world if ."it had parsed he would have promptly 'vetoed it Governor Pennoyer is a good ;uia nnd :i safe and honest public ser vant but im killed the world's fair ap propriation bill, just the same.- The editor of the Chkojcicle had a conversation yesterday with B. F. Laughlin, manager of " Tbe Dalles Port land and Astoria Navigation, company, during which that gentleman gave it as his decided opinion that before one year shall have passed from the time the Regulator made her first trip on the tiver the feoples' line of boats will have saved to the producers of the Inland Empire a sum. of money equal to theen tire cost of the Cascade portage as well as the entire cost of the line of boats Assuming the estimate of Mr. Laughlin to be correct and no one ought to know ' better than he no more powerful argu ment was ever made for an open river than contained in this one simple state ment. ' . . , The Salem Journal asks; "Why not send flarrey Scott to congress from the second congressional district? All right. Ijet us" xend him. Now as one good turn deserves another we suggest to the Journal; - Why' not send Binger 'Her mann to congvwn from the first congres sional district? ' .' A I'loneiT Gnnf, - Augustus IX-lore died at the Abbott hot fpiings,; in Grant county, October 26, 1S91. . The rause of his death was the effects of a stroke of lighntning re ceived about a year ago. Mr. Delore was a pioneer of pregon, having come Viere "with the Hudson Bay Company in the early 40'g.'and had seen much of the hardships of pioneer life, and had been engaged in many of the Indian wars of early day. He was also a pioneer of Eastern Oregon, having located in the Onk irove country with the first set tlers, and came to this county in in 1882, locating in the Beaver creek country. At the time 4f Ids !i':iih m ws 72 years of age,, and U-a.vvK . a wife and three children. - " . Although Grovor C; never had :ii;y 'militarv training., it is Said be ukes to infantry tactic? jirst like a veteran. NOTICE. . XTOTICE i hereby riven that the Common IX - Council of Unites City Is about to proeeed to establish by ordinance, the grades upon the following streets or parts of streets in said Dalles Citv, to-wit: On Second street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Taylor street. ' On Third street from the west side of Union street to the ea-t side of Monroe street. - i On Fourth street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Jett'erson'street. On Fifth street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Washington street. On Union street from the north side of Second street to thesouth side of Fifth street. On Court street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Washington street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Federal street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fourth street. On Laughlin street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street. On Jefferson street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street. On Madison street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Third street. On Monroe street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Third street. The grades of said streets will be fixed with reference to the supposid stage of low water in the Columbia river, which is fixed at a point 52.81 feet below the top of the hydrant at the southwest corner of First and Union streets, in said Dalles City, and which point upon the Col umbia river is designated as the Initial point from which the elevations hereinafter stated are figured. ''',"' The squares made by the crossings of the sev eral streets shall be level and shall be f the fol lowing elevations above the datum plane or low water levil of the Columbia river, hereinbefore fixed: ' At the intersection of ktkekt. " Second ' Union, K0.8 f t " " Court. 51.8 ft ' " ' 'Washington, 55.3 ft " . " " ' . Federal. 55.3 ft ' " " " I-aughlin,' 5 ft - " Jefferson, 54 ft " " " Madison, 55 ft " Monroe, 57.5 ft " " -Tavlor. fiO ft " Third Union, ' 55.5 ft " ' " " Court. 55.5 ft .. ' " Washington, 61.5 ft " " . " Federal, 58.5 ft , ' Laughlin. 55.5 f t ' " " Jefferson, 55 ft " " - ' " Madison, ."Hi ft ' ' " Monroe. . ..- .60 ft " Fourth Union, '-.' 03 ft ' "' Court. '- ' 63 ft " Washington, 04.5 ft " ' ; " " Federal. 00 , ft " - Laughlin",-' ' 59 ft " . Jetl'ersou. fiO. . ft ' Fifth " Union C" 7 ft ' " Cow. 74.5 ft " " , " Washington 79 .ft The grades f the uforesaid streets from square to square shall be uniform, and equal, except as hereinafter specified. The grade of Washington street between Fourth and Fifth streets shall break at the south line of the alley, between said streets, at which point the elevation shall be seventy feet. !v order of the Common Council. " FRANK MEXEFEK. ll-H-21 Recorder of Dalles City. A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for eiek headache, bilious com plaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive ness, torpid liver, ate. These pills in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach; regulate the bowels, purify and enrich ;he b!6od and li'iake the skin clear. They also produce a good appe tite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cents a box by Blakeley & Houghton. i ' : NOTICE. All city warrants registered prior to February J, 1890, will be paid if pre sented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. The Dalles, Or., Xovdmber 6, 1891 O. Kinsley, 11-Ctf.V . City Treasurer. For Bale At a Bargain, y The Mission Gardens, ' 'greenhouse, stock and fixtures. I aui prepared to offer a rare bargain owing to a change in residence. For terms enquire at the premises or of A. N. Varney at the land office. . . 15tf. ,. J. A. Vakxev. ' . For Sale Cheap. A gentle, handsome family horse and a new covered buggy and harness for sale cheap. Apply at this office. lotf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria FOR SALE. Four lots with a good house on them, all on the bluff above the brewery which will be sold cheap or trade for cattle. Address J.L.Kelly, . 9-11-lf The Dalles. , For rent Two fine residence lots on Fourth street. Applv athis office. 10- iy-lm. ; . ' LOST. . A ladies gold watch with short gold chain attached. A suitable reward will be given for its return to this office. 11- 9-Vt Pay your city tax at once and save extra costs. Time is up. . ; . " O. KlSERSLY. 21-tf. City Treasurer. ' ", NOTICE.- To the merchauts of The Dalles. In "J ordering freight shipped be sure have it marked cire ot - ttoiman & uo., Portland, Or., who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. . - Holm an & Co. - Draymen and forwarders, No. 24 N. Front street, - 10-22 12-22., , Portland, Or. - - NOTICE. t . - All indebted to the firm of Fish & Bardon will please call at the store of l-Mays & Crowe and pay up all bills im mediately to l'ish &.JLiardou. - , ' Frsa & Babdon. September 14, 1891. r . 14-tf An Old Adage. ' There is an old adage: "What every body says must be true.'.' Henry Cook, of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let ter says: . "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has taken well here. Everybody likes it on account of the immediate relief it gives." 'There is nothing like it to loosen and relieve a severe cold. - For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists: dw For Sale Cheap! ; ; Five good young milch cows,' four giv ing milk and one to come in in March. Applv to W. D. Richards of Eight Mile. ll-il-9 Clia. Stiibbling deeires all those in lebtl to htm to come op and eettle as pooh possible. lie. lost all- liia etock ! by tbe late tire and a prompt settlement j would greatly oblige him. 9-26-d&w-tf t R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold on Commission and Money Advanced on Horses .Left for Sale. office of :. The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line. Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7; 30. All freight must be left at K. B. Hood's office the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. The Dalles,. Or. W&TJVIeCoy BARBERS. Hot -:-and-:- Cold-:-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. ' A NEW Undertakini Establishment I ! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IK Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in. no way" connected with the Undertakers'. Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's vbank. : JOHN PASHEK, JHercMt - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. fepaitung and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done.' . " The Dalles FACTORY" "NO. 105. fTf A T Q of the Best Brands A JL 1 lO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the-shortest notice. - The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR baa become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article. is increasing every day. . . A. ULR1CH & SON. 8t CO.; BANKERS, TRANSACT A GKNERXLBANKING BUSINESS Letters 6f Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and - Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. hJOU X lOUUDW, AUlblOUU UlCjUUp Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. -Collections made at all orable terms. ' points on fav- LIVELY - STABLE, , "Ward & Kerns. We. are now reaidj' for business in our New Barn, corner of Fourth and Federal : ' y-' Streets. . ' ' THE DALLES, OREGON. fork, Tin Repair ing and Roofing. Leave orders at L. Butlers, Grocery Store. Gigar Factory Pipe The Old Germania Saloon. JOHH DOKRVOIi, Proprietor. The best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Pabst Milwaukee Knicker bocker ' and Columbia Beer, . Half and Half and all kinds , of Temperance Drinks. A. LWAY S ON HAND. THE Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S legant Steamer . .- REGULATOR , Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. , ' tor ' . Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the - Fast Steamer DAMiES GITY, , At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on Board. Office northeast corner of Court and Main tstreet D I. Thompson' . J. S. Bchencb, H. M.Beaj.j. President.-- Vice-President. Cashier First ptionai Bank. ."HE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight v. , , Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt ly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou New York, San Francisco and Port " land. . DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. ' J so. 8. Sciikxck. T. W. Spabks. Geo, A. Likbk. . - .' ' II. M. Beall.. ' ' Having made arrangements with a . number of Factories, I am pre pared to furuish Doors, Windows, Mouldings, . STORE FRONTS And all kinds of Special work. Ship ments made daily-from factory and can fill orders in the shortest possible time. Prices satisfactory. - : . -x - it will be to your interest to see me before purchasing elsewhere. . Wm. Saunders; '. ' Office over French's Bank, i W E. GARRETSON, Jeweler. SOI.K AGENT FOK THE : All Watch Worjc. Warranted. Je-welry Made "to Order. 38 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. . Still on Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAM ES WHITE, The Kegtauranteur Has Opened the . - .- - t - . Baldwin - Hestaurant ' ON MAIK STREET-r- I Wliere be will be glad to see any and all ;: of his old patrons. Open day and Night. First class meals "twenty-five cents. ' ., matenais! Leauinp - - -&trs.. J Deek ;. ; COMPLETE IN F.VERY DEPARTMENT. , ; Glothing, Gents' Famishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, - Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stoek and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H. f 6 SI IS THE BEST SEWING MACHINE. Branch Office 8 1 Third St Needles, Oil and Specials. J. M. CROSS, -DEALER IN- Hay, to, Feci rt Floor. 'HEADQUARTERS for potatoes. Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. . All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly TERMS STRICTLY CKSH. Cor. Second Gr eat B a rgains ! Removal ! Removal ! On account of Removal I "will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps. Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J. 125 Seeond StPeet, HUGH CHRISMAN. FREIMKN CHRISM AN &, CORSON Successors to GEO. it ITCH, ' , Keep on Hand a Complete Stock of Groceries, Floiii, Grain. Fnilf ami 111 Feea. Highest Cash Price Paid for Produce. Corner of Washington and Second-St. . Tbe Dalles, Or. The Dalles Mercantile Co., ; Successors to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers lu . General Merchandise, : . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, - Hardware, - Provisions, ; Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE ; V Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. , Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. 390 and 394 Second Street PAUL KREFT CO. ,' SEALEKS IN . Paints, Oils Glass And the Most Complete and the Latest ', Patterns nnd Designs In , -.' US? ATiT F A!lr JiJArt.. Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Kherwin-W llllams Paint used In all our work, and none but tbe most" skilled workmen employed. All orders romptly attended to. 10-17-d SHOP Adjoining Bed Front Grocery. ; - 1 1I Hi I) STREET. . , Herbring- 9 9 & Union Sts., The Dalles. W. K. CORSON. FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. T iHE OLD DALLES MILL AND WATER Company's I lour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For information apply to the WATER COMMISSIONERS, I he Dalles, Oregon. . NOTICE. ; R. E. French baa for sale a number of ' improved ranches and unimproved ' lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold v-' very cheap and on reasonable terras. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh- . -borhood. His address is Grass Valley,. Sherman county, Oregon. , v