T " T C2 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Suudity Excepted. by , - THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Comer Second and Washington Streets, Dalles, Oregon. The Terms of Subscription. Pot Vmt .$6 00 50 3 Per month, by carrier. Single copy STATE OFFICIALS. Governot , Secretary of State Treasurer. Supt. of Public Instruction. . -maters... S. Pennoycr . . G. W. McBride Phillip Metsehan . E. B. McElroy (J. N. Dolph f J. H. Mitchell H. Hermann Frank Baker Congressman . Bute Printer.. COUNTY OFFICIALS. .County Judge. ...a X. Thornbury 8heritf L. L. Cates Clerk ; j. jj. crovscu Treasurer Geo. Ruch Commissioners V A:If,ve"" rrauk Hincaid Assessor John E. Burnett Burveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shellev Coroner William Michell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. The dispatches inform ns that the United States grand jury, which hag been investigating the dealings of the Howell Lumber Company of St. Joseph, Mo., which failed several months ago, has returned six indictments against members of the firm for violation of the interstate commerce law. It appears the ITowells' entered into a secret ar rangement with the agent and weigh inaster of the Kock Island i-oad whereby they were able to get such a rebate from the weight of their shipments of lumber that they were able to pell at a price be low all competition. The action is'bel.l to be in direct violation' of the interstate commerce law. The great trouble con nected with all arrangements of this character is to obtain such proof of their existence us will satisfy the courts. Xo sane man, familiar with the facts can have the shadow of a doubt that the Union Pacilic is granting special favors to M. A. Moody in the shipment ofi wheat or at least that souie arrangement. ! has been entered Into whereby he can pay the Portland price if necessary rather than that a pound of it should be shipped by the people's boats. Months ago, and before a grain of this year's crop was ready for market the writer was informed that zealous friends of Mr. Moody were spreading the report among the farmers of this county that no mat ter how low the Regulator people put the rate on wheat Mr. Moody would have an arrangement with the Union Pacific whereby he could pay a higher price than, anybody. Mr. Moody may never have authorized such a statement but it was made notwithstanding and the writer can furnish the name of his informant a thoroughly truthful and .reliable man whenever it becomes necessary. Moreover it was no ' secret, as numbers in the Dufur and Kingsley neighborhood can testify. Of course the result has been a picnic for the farmers, esjecially those of Kliokitat county, but the live or si cents a bualiel extra they have receiwd for their wheat ia practi cally the premium paid by the Union 'f otitic to obtain the farmers' co-opera-rtfon in the company's effort to cruslvthe people's boats. .. . -Apart ftoiu the" political significance of the late ejections the interests of good -government and a pure ballot have been highly Kiib.ierved by the new system of othig known as the Australian ballot i', V)n all hands, wherever tried, it t8 to have met with general approval nd we predict that time and experience will justify the present impression in its favor. With us it is yet an untried ex periment but almost any system would lje an improvement ori the old method of the ward strikers coraUing voters in'a back room, filling them full of whiskey, fixing their tickets and leading them up to the polls like so- many silly sheep. The business, too, of buying votes at so much a bead will be at au end because the buyer will never know if the con tract has been kept, the ward workers will be kept away from the polls and the voter" will be permitted to . cast his ballot quietly and without interference from anyone. The new systein will be a vast improvement on the old because if will far more nearly give an expression of thts people's-choice of the candidates for office. The Salem ' Jou mal . says : "Land i suitable for cemeteries is scarce in East- ' em Oregon." Did you ever hear any-! thing to equal that? Why weMiave simply millions of acres possessing the super-trsnisvondent qualification that a mail buried here will have a start of a v eu-loc.ter of from two thousand to live thousand feet on the wav to heaven, on the resurrect icn morning. ' There is now a seven-tinie?ia-ueek stago i-ervice between this citv aud Prineville. It ia a thousand pities wo ! .ui.ui mere is a Keven-iimcs-a-week 1 rail service. That would be something! that, would benefit this sectiou 'of East-' en. ..gon more than anything we j know of. j - Ai.e lariiic-rs 01 s l-.urek-.i Flat, - near i Walla Walla. rc slrivl to ftink an artesian well. The Lnjou- j Journal says it ia proposed that each' farmer to be benefitted shall pay 10 cents an acre into a fund to be used for this I purpose, and this assessment on the 100,000 acres owned on the flat would raise a sum large enough to sink a, drill from 1500 to 2000 feet if necessary. The farmers will probably approve this plan, as the cost for each individual' will be small and the benefits to be derived therefrom' will be large. A loan i Singing In Russia, What Mine, Albani related to her in-, terviewer as one of her most remarkable "experiences was her treatment in Russia at the royal marriage, where the singers, she observed, are all considered aa serv ants. "Well," she says, "it was most strange. We were all put in a sort of balcony wMch looked down upon the banqueting scene below, and as each of I our turns came to . sing we went to a little opening and sang through it. What amused me was this, that all the time we were trying to sing onr best and pro duce our notes more effectively, the clat ter of knives and forks still went on, and to make all complete, the singer might be in a most . impressive passage and right in the midst of it, when, quite re gardless of the uncomplaining singers, there would be flourish of trumpets and somebody would get np and propose a toast. I was more fortunate than Mme. Path, for she was interrupted in the ! middle of her solo. -JLiondon News. "A Large llluckflsli. Mrs. T. Li. Watson takes the prize for big blackfisb caught in Black Bock har bor this year and for many other years also. General T. L. Watson, T. W. Pearsall, Mrs. Watson and Captain O. Penfield were fishing Friday off the spindle near Penfield reef. Mrs. Watson was usihg a light rod, and suddenly her line was struck by something, of unusual size. She pulled in till the rod bent nearly double, and then, declining as sistance, passed the rod back; as the fish could not be lifted by it, and pulled in at the line "hand over hand." The line was light but it held, and she brought ' to the surface and safely landed in the boat a blackfish, which being taken ashore and immediately weighed, pulled down the scale at seven pounds plump. Captain Penfield says it is the biggest blackfish caught in Black Rock harbor iri ten years. Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard. Value of Houses In England. it may be gathered from the annual report of her majesty's commissioners of inland revenue that more than one-third of the whole annual value of houses and messuages in England and Wales is to be found in London, 'and more than one fourth that of the United Kingdom. The annual value for London in 1890 was 35,153,003, and for the United Kingdom 138,580,982. London Tit-Bits. . Working The in for a .Joli; This man Rork, who is organizing farmers' alliances, was thrown out of a job by the dissolution of the prohibition party. He had to have employment so he caught onto the alliance scheme and is working it for all it is worth. He's a daisy friend of the farmer or any body else. Salem Statesman. The Beardstovn IUinoian has the fol lowing : "Absolute rest and freedom from annoyance" is what Jay Gould needs, his physicians says, but these blessings are only offered by the grave. There is one trip Jay can't make without hesitating awfully. The grave has low rates, excel lent accommodations and absolute free dom from annoyances, yet Jay pauses in uncertainty about taking stock in it. His doctors are beginning to think lie's afraid he might put his foot in it. NOTICE. All city warrants registered prior to February. 1, 180, will be paid if pre sented at my office. -Interest ceases from ami after this date. The Dalles, Or., Novdmber G, 1891 -O. Kinsley, ll-6tL Citv Treasurer. For Sale At m Bargain. The Mission ' Gardens, greenhouse, stock and fixtures. I am prepared to offer a rare bargain owing to a change in residence. For" terms enquire at the premises or of A. N". Yarnev at the land office. 15tf. J. A. Vahxkv. Notice. Chus. Stubbliug desires all those in debted to him to come up and settle as soon as nonsihlp. TTo Irutt. -ill Lio otL- by the late fire and a prompt settlement For Sale Cheap. A gentle, handsome familv horse and a new covered buggy and harness for sale cheap. Apply at this office. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby vas sick, we gave her Castoria. . When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria roii Kale. j Four lots with a goodfiouse on them, ' all on the bluff above th lirnw will be sold cheap or trade for cattle. i Address . J. L. Keli.v, j v-u-u The Dalles. "For rent Two fine residence lot on -iipiv mi hhh omoe. . 10"10'lmt..-:...;.; L. :..J ; lost. A ladies gold watch with short gold chain attached. A suitable reward will i iui it. iiurii io iiiis-omi'e. j l -;j-it ..... Kay your citv taut once mid sivi- PXt' 2l-ti." v 1 line is up. . . ". O. Kineksi.v. Citv Treiisurer. , R. B. HOOD, Livery, heed and Sale I Horses Bought und Sold on Commission and Money Advanced on Horses , Left for Sale. , OFFICE OF ' ' The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line. Stage leaves The Dalles Everv Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD,. Opposite old Stand. Proprietor. The Dalles, Or. W.&T.jVlGCoy, BAEBERS. " Hot -:-and-:- CoId-r-Baths. 1 lO SECOND STREET. PRINZ & NITSCHKE. .; DEALEKS IX . Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no wav connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly - Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. JOHN PASHEK, I - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, ana a nt guaranteed - each time. Hep airing and Cleaning ' Neatly and Quickly Done. The Dalles Gigaf : Faetbfy FIEST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. rTfr APC of the Best Brands VX A X.XkD manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. Tllp renntntinn r.f THF niTTro riT I . J VX- GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. FRENCH 8t CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAIBANKIXU BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the . Eastern States. . ; Sight Exchange and , Telegraphic Transfers sold on New-York, Chicago,-St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and vnnnna -rtstinfa I . A NEW Undertaking Establishment ! lircfian 15tgon nd Washington. . , : Collections made at all pointson fav. oralle terms. - : - LIVERY - STABLE, Ward & Kerns. We are now ready for business . in our New Barn,' corner I of Fourth and Federal Streets: . THE DAI I pes a' OREGON. D. BUHNEUli, ! Pipe Work, Tin Repair ing and Roofing. - jr.eave orders' at L. Butler's, 1 . ,Grocerv Store. The Old Germania Saloon. ; JOflH D0NAV0H, Proprietor. The best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Pabst Milwaukee Knicker bocker" and Columbia Beer, - .Half and Half and all kinds of Temperance Drinks. ALWAYS ON THE) HAND. Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPAirrS . Elegant Steamer . REGUkATOH Will leave the foot of Court Street . every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the Fast Steamer DAMtES CITY, At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Kates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on Board. Ofliee northeast earner of Court and Main street P. Thompson Ptesideut. J. S. SCHENCX, H. M.BEAI.). Vice-President. Cashier .First national Bait :he DALLES. ' OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. I. Thompson-. . Jso. S. Sciiexck. T. TV. Sparks. Gko. A. Likre. H. M. Eealx. materials ! Having made arrangements with a number of Factories, I am pre- w . pared to furuish Doqi, Windows, Mouldings, STORE FRONTS And all kinds of Special work. Ship ments made daily from factory and can fill orders in the shortest possible time. Prices satisfactorv. It will bo to v-our interest to see me before purchasing elsewhere. Wm.'Saundet's, Office over French's Bank. W. E. GARRETSON, Jeweler. SOLE AGEXT KOIC TIf K All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 13S Second St.. Th Dalles. Or. Still on Deek. PhcBnix Like lias Arisen : ' From the Ashes! . JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin - Restaarant OX MAIN STREET, Where he will be glad to see any and all of his old patrons. " ' Open day and Night. First class meals twenty-five cents. Leading Hffl FPU. BP COMPLETE IX Clothing , Gents' Famishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Gash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stock and prices before parehasing elsemhere. . H. Herbring. IS THE BEST SEWING MACHINE. Branch Off ice 8 1 Third St Needles, Oil and Specials. J. H. GROSS DEALER IN- Hay, Gri, Feed HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. Cash Paid for Eggs and. Chickens. . All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly TER7VIS STRICTLY CHSH. Cor. Second & Union Sts., Great Bargains ! Removal ! Removal ! On account of Removal I will sell my entire stoclc of Boots arid. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks andYalises. Shelv ings, Counters, Desk:, Safe, fixtures? at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ', ,;. GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J. 125 Second Street, HUGH CHRISMAN. CHRISMAN - . Successors to FRE Keep on Hand a Complete Stock of BroBBiiBS, Flour, Grain, Fruit and pi Feed- Highest Cash Price Paid for Produce. - ' Corner of Washington and Second-St. . The Dalles, Or. The Dalles Mercantile Co., A . Successors to BROOKS & BEECS, Dealers In , ' General Merchandise, ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, Hardware, . Provisions, Flour, Bacon. HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. . 390 and. 394 'Second Street PAUL KREFT CO., DKALKR.S IN Paints, Oils, Glass And the Most Complete and the Latest i I'utterns ana Dei(rnM 111 WATiIj XZX2Xl! PmctU'ol Pulnters on! Phikt ITHiifrcrn. None but the lx-t brands of the Micrwin-Willimns l'aint used in all our work, and noi:c but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders romptly attend ed to. 10-17-d SHOP Adjoining Keel Front Grocery. THIRD STREET. WIEB UBY GOODS EVERY DEPARTMENT. Leading Manufacturers. 1 9 9 r. The Dalles. W. K.-CORSOh. & CORSON (GEO. RUCH, $500 Reward! " wu jn; mc nuuro rewHru Koran caseoi Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In- illmijiKnn . rntiBHtiaHmi .. i ',.,.'.-..... ....... cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when I he directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give ratfsfae tion. Sugar Coated. Laree boxes containimr an tfltions. The genuine mannfaetured only by THE JOHN C. WK8T COMPANY, CHIGAGo, ILLINOIS. - ; " KLAKELEV 3t It'OVGHTON, rrecrlitlon Trngt;lsts, 170 Second St. Fog i The Dalle. r. r