.The Dalles Daily Ghroniek Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Ores"", as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 CentM per line for first Insertion, and S Cents ler line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than :l o'clock will appear t.Te following day. TIME TABLES. Kallroads. KAST BOUND. No. J, Arrive 11:40 a. m. Dejwrts a. m. , " 12:05 P.M. " 12:80 P.M. WKST BOCND. No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M. Departs 4:50 A. M. ' 7, " 6:20 P. M. " P. IS. Two loca freights that carry passengers leave one lor the west at 7:45 a. M.,aud one for the . cast at 8 A. M. ' STAGES. For Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally except Sunday) at rt a. u. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. u. For Uuf ur, Kingslev, Wamic, Wapinitia, V arm Springs ond Tygh Valley, leave dally (except Sundav) at 6 a. m. . , . , For Ooldendale, Wash., leave every day of the vek except Sunday at 8 A. M. OIHces for all lines at the Umatilla House font-Office. OPPICS HOCE8 4eueral Delivrey Window 8 a. in Mouev Order " 8 a. m. Sunday vi U " 9 a.m. I.XO8IX0 OP MAILS By trains going East., 9 p. m. and V " West 9 p. m. and Stage for Goldendale " "Prinevillo....' . to 7 p. m. .to4p.ni. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a. in. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a. in. " ""Dufurand Warm Springs. . 5:30 a. m. t l-eaving tor .yie c iiariiana ' " " " JAntclopo .5:80 a. m. .5:30 a. m. -except sunaay. tTrl-weckly. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. METEOROLOGICAL BEPOST. Pacific H Rela- D.t'r 50 Btato Coast BAB. tive of 5. of . Time. ? Hum Wind p Weather. i A. M. .... 30.01 5:1 94 SW .05 Lt Itains 3 P. M ;10.00 as 88 S W Showery Maximum temperature, i7: minimum tem perature, 44. lVSATUEB PROBABILITIES. TnK Dali.es, Nov. 9, 1891. Weather forecast till 12 - m. Tuesday: Cloudy weather with rain, followed by clearing, FAIR Colder weather. MONDAY, NOV. 9, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. L. Vanderpoel of Dnfur is in the city. Taylor Hill, the well-known stockman, of Crook county, is in the city. Condon, in Gilliam county, wants an attorney and a furniture store. Anthony Tongue, father of State Sen ator Tom Tongue, is in the city. Colonel Lovell clerk of the state board of portage commissioners is in the city. State Senator Blackman passed through the city today on the noon pas senger. . " - "' . Internal revenue reports show that Montana has a saloon for every sixty in habitants. The Baker -City Blade urges the or ganization of a committee for the driv ing of thieves tinhorns pick-pockets and t thugs" out of the city. Mr. I. Hu mason and wife, Miss E. Humason, and Dr. W. H. Wells came up on. the Regulator Saturday evening .to visit friends in the city and returned by the same way this morning. John Booth believes in printers' ink, .. . See his ad. in another column and learn that he always keeps on hand the choicest selection .of fancy and staple groceries to bo found in thi9 city. One common periodical drunk, to whom a blind fate has given means to till up with rot-gut and pay a fine when ever he feels like it,- went . through the usual programme last night and this morning. The engagement is announced of Miss Mattie E. Mitchell, daughter of Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon', to the Duke Francois de la Rochefoucauld of France. The date of the marriage has not yet been announced but it will be celebrated , soon. . -, v The following persons are registered at the Umatilla Honse: T. A. Smith,! Dufur; Lena Burgess, Bakeoven; Matt Busic, Wapinitia ; Joe Summers, Ante lope; Dr. St. C. Cox, Genesee, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Rowan, rrineville; H. E. Cockrill, Pendleton. Sargeant A. II. Kennedy returned from a short visit to Portland yesterday. He says it was raining in elegant .style and that he was so thoroughly disgusted with the place he came near going to Vancouver and enlisting in the regular army, which, it is reported, is taking all the men it can get at $24 a month and rations instead of $13.50, we presume on account of Chilian matters. Here's the way the Baker City Demo crat touches off its evening contempor ary. It is just such gems of literature that makes newspaper work endurable in the far west: "The licentious . old reprobate, irregular practitioner and general all round two-legged piece of ir responsibility that is undertaking to palm himself off as an editor, continues his old tactics of lying in the face of the truth, but it profits him nothing. If the peoole were not so well acquainted with him his practices might have some weight. , ' - The lot has fallen on the following persons to act as grand jurors; R. R. Ilinton, foreman ; E. L. Boynton, clerk ; John 'Hienrichs; E. L-Craft; Frank i Graves ; Henry Hillgeri ; .' and Clay Butler. j Robert Bradley of Boyd has traded j his ranch on Union Hollow for a ranch tin Benton county, formerly owned by j William Bennett of Ten Mile. Advices received today from Portland by Dalles shippers quote No. 1 wheat at ninety-four cents. At " this rate the price at North Dalles ought to be ninety cents. In conversation with Mr. R. Spencer of Morrow county today we learned that the old ranch of 200 acres of agricul tural land in Gilliam county, formerly the property of C. L. Richmond of ' this city produced this year year an average of 30 bushels of wheat to - the acre. Charley is sorry that he is not a farmer th is year. An election for mayor and council men for Baker City took place a few days ago. Last Thursday the old coun cil met for the last time and just before adjourning sine die they voted them selves a salary of $60 each for services during the past year. It was proposed to make it if 100 but the sixty-dollar mo tion prevailed. Queer fellows those Baker City fathers. Eight of the nine prisoners in the county jail were put under the hands oi Barber Nicholas this morning and had their haircut and faces shaved prepara tory to their appearance before the cir cuit court. The ninth is a Chinaman and his case is left to the tender mercies to the janitor, John FitzGerald, who is said to be the only white man in the city who can shave" a Chinaman in the cor rect Chinese tonsorial style. Al)Out dark last evening a track walker named Peter Peterson was knocked off a bridge below Hood River, by a passing train and sustained, in juries by which he died a few hours after. The man fell a distance of sixty feet and when the company's physician, Dr. Doan,. arrived he found his "ribs and back mashed in." Peterson was placed on the next train to be taken to the Portland hospital but he died on the way". . ' Bill Allowed. The following bills were allowed by the county court which adjourned last Saturday : E Schutz $ 18 00 Louis Payette 1 70 Thomas Sullivan. .' 1 70 G Conley , . 4 70 James Magill 4 70 J Kaseberger. 1 70 Geo Nowak 1 70 F Hereaux , 1 70 J Knebel 1 70 M J Speicenger... 1 70 Fred Lemke.,... 1 70 J H Jackson. 1 70 Con Howe 1 70 Times-Mountaineer 40 25 T F Grey . . 2 00 E F Sharp 4 ,00 T F Grey .' 2 00 J P Mclnerny 29 00 J F H aworth ... 1 00 M T Nolan . ... .' 8 95 GAR Meyers : 15 00 W H Wilson .'. 2 00 AG Hall...,.'............. 5 15 I J Norman.'. .; IS-00 Hugh Logan 37 50 E Schutz 36 96 R V Gibons . .... . .. 58 20 E Schutz . 4 60 Hood Rivtr Glacier . 3 00 L L McCartney 1 70 E Buschke 1 70 Wm Mann & Co ....... , 70 25 Albert Webster 12 50 Snipes & Kinersly 7 25 Specialty Man. Co . . . ; 6 05 DalleB Ice Co . 6 90 Hood River Glacier. . . 2 50 Snipes & Kinersly 26 30 'Seam Wood Saw. 2 50 Rosco k Gibons 3 25 Hugh Gourlay 1 70 R W Crandall 1 20 Isaac Joles .. 1 20 R G Closter 1 20 S B Adams . : 1 20 Wm Tackman I 20 Maer & Benton 2 00 Ward & Kerns 600 Blakeley & Houghton . 5 90 Wm Michell . . . . 36 50 Thos O'Connor 1 70 Thos Sullivan. . .' l 70 W T Wiseman ... . ,. .... 1 70 C L Richmond. ... -. 1 70 J Stalev 1 70 W J Every., , l 70 John Bonn . 1 20 E Pitman ;.. 1 20 D Graham 1 20 C S Bernett. . 1 20 J Dohertv . . 1 20 Z S Oebufn 1 20 O C Hollister. , 5 00 AH Thompson 30 00 E Jacobsen 4 10 Fish & Bardon 108 55 H F Dietzel 1 20 Jno Crate . 4 00 C Bills . . :.. 4 00 A Field ... 1 70 J W Lewis 1 70 Ed Sharp 3 20 J Dohertv '. ... ' 12 10 EE Lytic... ... .: 1 70 WmDunn 1 70 Thos Scully. 1 70 James Sinclair... : - 1 70 J Dohertv ........ . ......... . 7 95 Maier & Benton . . . .. ... .... 133 75 Harbison Bros ... 9 00 J Doherty. . . 1 75 Song Wah . . :'. " 1 90 Fd Harriman 2 00 C F Wngonblast . 2 00 C Wagon blast 2 00 Ness Simonson 2 00 E F Sharp. 32 00 Geo Herbert '. 2 00 J A Wilson ;.' 2. 00 J R Rankin . . '2 00 Wm Davidson.. ... ' " 2 00 J B Hunt. 2 00 Chas Ceubay 2 00 Olinger & Bone. . 2 00 E Schutz i ,3 00 Troy Shelley.. 3 00 J HCradlebaugh 10 00 Clerk's Bill.. 291 92 Sherifl"s " -.. 936 08 Assessor's " 611 00 C N Thorn bury. .... 2 00 Pay your city tax at once and save extra costs. Time is up. O. KlNEESLV. 21-tf. City Treasurer. DIED. In thfs city, last Friday, Mrs. Mary Case, wife of Mr. J. P. Case, aged about twenty-four years. Mrs. Case arrived inthis city about three weeks ago in company with her husband 'who is a brakeman for the Union Pacific. Last Monday she ' gave birth to a girl baby, which survives her, and which is now in the care of Dr. Rhinehart. The re mains were embalmed by Crandall & Burgett and taken by Mr. Case to her old home iu-Norfolk, Nebraska, on the Saturday night's train. NOTICE. ""OTICJC i i hereby Riven that the Common Xl Council of Dallas City is about to proceed to establish by ordinance, the grades upon the following streets or parts of streets in said Dalles City, to-wit: On Second street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Taylor street. On Third street from the west side of Union street to the e it side of Monroe street. On Fourth street from the west side of Union street to the east side of .Tetterson street. On Fifth street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Washington street. On Union street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Court street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Washington street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Federal street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fourth street. On Laughlin street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street. On Jeltersoii street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street. -.' On Madison street from the north side of Sec ond street to the sonth side of Third street. On Monroe street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Third street. The grades of said streets will be fixed with reference to the supposid stage of low water in the Columbia river, which is fixed at a point 52.81 feet below the top of the hydrant at the southwest corner of First and Union streets, in said Dalles City, and which point -upon the Col umbia river is designated ns the initial point from which the elevations hereiuafter stated are ligiired. The squares inndc by the crossings of the sev eral streets shall be level and shall be of the fol lowing elevations above the datum plane or low water level of the Columbia river, hereinbefore fixed: . At the intersection of streets. , " " Second " Union, 50.8 ft ' " " " " Court. 51.8 ft '. " " " Washington, .V.." ft . " . " " Federal, 55.3 ft " " " Ijuighlin, i ft " " ' .lenerson, 54 ft " Madison, 55 ft " " . " " Man Die. 57.5 ft ' ' ' " " Taylor. IJO ft - Third ". Union. 55.5 ft " " '- " Court. 55.5 ft '" . ' - " " Washington, 01.5 ft " " Federal. 5.5 ft ' " " ' Ijiughlin. 55.5 ft 11 ' - .lenerson, 55 ft " " " " Madison, .Hi ft " ' " Monroe, 00 ft ' Fourth " Union, . a ft " ' " " Court. (tl ft " " ' " . Washington, 01.5 ft " " " " Federal. 00 ft . " " ' " Ijiuphlin, W.) ft ' " " " Jefferson. 00 ft " ' Fifth " Union ' 78 ft " " " Court.' 74.5 ft " " " Washington, 71) ft The grades of the aforesaid streets from square to square shall bcunifomi und equal, except as hereinafter specified. The grade of Washington street between Fourth and Fifth streets shall break at the south line of the alley, between said streets, at which point the elevation shall be seventy feet. Bv order of the Common Council. , FRANK MEXEFF.E, ll-G-21 llecorder of Dalles City. XOTICE. All city warrants registered prior to February 1, 1890, will be paid if pre sented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. ... The Dalles, Or., Novdmber 6, 1891 , i ' 1 " O. KlXSIiEY, ll-6tf. " Citv Treasurer. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. .When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, he cried for Castoria, . .When ahe became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, They Speak From Experience. ; "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the "best in the market for throat and lung diseases. For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv druggists. NOTICE. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and - unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon., There Is None .Bettor. . Dr. R. L. St. John of Howlaad, Put nam county, Missouri, takes especial pleasure in recommending Chamber lain's Cough Remodv. because he knows it to be reliable. . He has used it in his practice for several years, and says there j is none better, it is especially .valuable i lor colas and as a preventative and cure for croup. This most excellent medicine is for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, Tho Dalles, Or. - ,. . d-w DOB SALE. Four lots with a good house on them, all on the bluff above the brewery which wili be sold cheap or trade for cattle. . . Address . J. L. Kelly, 9-11-tf . The Dalles. For rent Two fine residence Jots oni Fourth street. Apply at thia office. 10- 19-lm. ; , . . A. Favorite Remedy. Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy is a favorite during the winter month's on ac count of its great success in the cure of colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or as promptly relieve the lungs. Then it .counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It is pleasant and safe to take, and fully worthy of its' popularity. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles, Or. . d-w For Sale Cheap! Five good young milch cows, four giv ing milk and one to come in in March. Apply to W. D. Richards of Eight Mile. 11- '6- LOST. A ladies gold watch with short gold chain attached. A suitable reward will be given for its return to this office.' ll-9-6t CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. . Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Fresh oysters . in everv style at the Columbia candy factory. 18-tf Charles Stubling has opened up his saloon in the building next door west of the Grmania saloon. tf J. H. Larsen will buy all scrap iron of all kinds and pay the highest market price. See him at the East End. 9-9-tf. Maier & Benton are prepared to do all kinds of plumbing, tin-roofing, and tin work. See them at the old Bettingen stand. , tf- Max Blank wishes to inform the peo ple of The Dalles that he has not raised on brick, and -is selling them for the same price as before. And will trv and supply all demands with the best o"f improved machine made brick, as soon as time will allow. lotf. Max Blank. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing tive hundred head of stock daily. Trie house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. - Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply bv letter or other wise to the editor of the Chroxicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. The auction sale at Harris' dry goods store will be postponed for the present during the indisposition of Auctioneer Crossen. Goods will be sold, however, at auction orices till the sale is resumed. 11-0-tf. The Regulator has reduced freight rates. Wm. Butler & Co., the new lum ber dealers have reduced prices on lum ber so that building can be done at a less cost than at anv time in the historv of The Daltes. " 10-29-tf. ,- . NOTICE. To the merchants of The Dalles, In ordering freight shipped be sure and have it marked cire tjf Holm an & Co., Portland, Or., who will transfer all freight to the Dalles Portland )c Astoria Navigation Co. Holmax & Co. Dravmen and forwarders, No. 24 N. Front street, 10-22 12-22. Portland, Or. Are Your Children Subject tn Cronp? As a preventive and cure for croup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no rival. - It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always lie depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. There is not the least danger in giving it to children, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Snipes & Kinersly. Druggists, d&w. NOTICE. All indebted to the firm of Fish & Bardon will please call at the store of Mays & Crowe and pay up all bills im mediately to Fish & Bardon. Fish & Baedox. September 14, 1891. ; . . 14-tf Notice. Chas. Stubbling desires all those in debted to him to come up and settle as soon as possible. He lost all his stock by the late fire and a prompt settlement would greatly oblige him. 9-26-dAw-tf BULLETIN JOHN BOOTH, Ifie Lceoing tel. '62 SECOND STREET. IMPORTED CITRON, IMPORTED SEEDLESS RAISINS, CANDIED, LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL, LONDON LAYER RAISINS. GOLD MEDAL EXTRA CHOICE LARD IN 3 AND 5 POUND PAILS, EXTRA GEORGES CODFISH IN STRIPS, MACKEREL, HERRING, Salt and Smoked, ' WHITEFISH, SALMON BELLIES, SOUSED PIGS FEET IN BULK, PICKLES IN BULK, SUGAR CURED SMOKED BEEF, NEW LOT OF EXTRA FINE CHEESE. ALL, ORDERS DELIVERED PROJBPTIiY STAGY SHOHIH, Has opened an office for Cleaning and j Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc . All 'work guaranteed and -promptly attended. " ' Dunham's Drug .Store, Cor. Second and Union Street. Carpets take up, cleaned and put down, also Closets and Chimneys cleaned . on short notice at reasonable rates. i Leave orders at the store of Cbrisman & Corson. . . GRANT MORSE - 10-15-tf - . FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD DALLES MILL AND WATER Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For information apply to the WATEU COMMISSIONERS, . 1 lie Dalles, Oregon. GlosetsS Chimneys Cleaned ! Keep this in Mind, WE CARRY v Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's . Id Every SIZE, STYLE, "WIDTH PRICE. And Sell them at BEDROCK Prices ! M. WILLIAMS & CO. d - 10 - MAIER & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettinger, Jobber and Betailer in Hardware, Tinware, Woodemvare and Graniteware, Have also a Complete Stock of Heating and Gookstoves, Pamps, Pipes, Plumbers and Steam Fitters Supplies. Carpenter's' and Blacksmiths' and Farmers Tools, and Shelf Hardmare. All Tinning, Plumblin? and Pipe Work done on Short Notice. SECOND STREET, - THE DALLES. OREGON. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to A B RAMS & STEWART.) XrLotailors .xxc3. ffototoers xi Hardware. - Tinware, - Graniteware, - woodenwars, SILVERWARE, ETC. -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies. Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith V and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS FOR Tlie Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Ctitlerv, Mwiden Cutlerv and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves, "limnd" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe, Work and Repairing -will "be done on Short Notice. SECOND STREET. H. G. NIELS6N, Glothiei? and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, t Oonts' jEr,ixxaa.i)sla.x3Lsr G-oods, CORNER OF SECOXD AND WASHINGTON STS.. THE DALLES. OREGON E. Jacobsen & Co., WHOLESALE AND UETAII.' R00KSELLERS AND .STATIONERS. " : ..." Pianos and Organs Sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Notions, Toys, Fancy G-oods and Musical Instru ments of all Kinds. ' 2VXc.X Orders HPiXXod Fromptly. 102 SECOND STREET, - - - - - - THE DALLES, OREGON. JOS, T. PET9RS & CO., DEALERS IX-- LiUmBEH, COHP WOOD HND Building I , Office and Yard Corner of First and Jefferson : DEALERS IK: Siapie ai ay Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. lo - tf Xj. IKS. CBO WJB. FOR THE THE DALLES ; ORE(ifi Streets. North Side of Railroad Tract Kiies, uiateiial.