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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1891)
Th3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Pnatofflce nt The Dalles, Oregon, an gecond-cl&sii matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents .per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notice. All local notices received later than :i o'clock will appear the following day. TIME TABLES. Kallroada. KAHT HOUND. No.: Arrives U:4() a. m. ' Deimrta 11:4s A. M. 8, 12:05 P. M. " lliiSOr. f. WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:40 a. M. ieparts 4:50 a. m. "7. " 6:20 p. u. " 6:45 P. M. Two loou freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:4o a. M., and one for the rat at 8 a. M. STAGES. - For PrlnoTlllc, via. Bake -Oven, leave daily except Sunday) at a. u. - ' For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m . For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wopinitia, Warm Springs ind Tygh Valley, leave daily (except sundav) at 0 A. M. .. . . For 6oldendale. Wash., leave- every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Offlee. ' ' o prior. hours General Dellvrey Window 8 a. m Money Order " " ....8a.m. nil n day u n " 9 a.m. Ci-OKIHG OF MAILS . Uy trains going Kast 9 p. ni. and " West 9 p.m. and Stage for Goldendale "Prineville i. "Duf ur and Warm Springs. . " fLea ving for Ly le & Hartland . to 7 p. m. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. " " i Antelope... Except Sunday. tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursdoy and " Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. METE0E0L0GI0AL BEP0BT. Pacific ' H Rela- D.t'r W State OouBt . bar. 2 tive of 2. of . .Time. ? Hum Wind Weather. 8A.M.-..,. :t0.12 42 S8 West .Hi Clear S P. M :W..!0 .VJ 81 iWest Maximum temperature, C1 ; minimum tem perature, 40. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. The, Nov. 7, 1891. Weather forecast till 12 . tu. Sunday; fair and cooler fol lowed by warmer weatlur. , FAIR SATURDAY, NOV! 7, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dan Crowley, of Antelope, is in the .city. " ' The net earnings of the late Portland exposition amount to nearly $10,000. B. F. Laughlin returned yesterday evening from a- few days .visit to Port land. , - - Walter T. Wooden, la to of Kingsley, is in the city on his way to Walla Walla Mr.' and Mrs. H. F. Woodcock and family are in the city the guests of ' Mr. Mrs. E. N. Chandler. ;rjs Mr. W. A. Hunt and family of Buffalo, N. Y.t have arrived in The Dalles, .where they intend to make their future home. It is said that the Columbia river at this place, raised twd feet, last night; There must have been heavy rains fur ther east. 1 ' . - ; - v . A very heavy shower fell last night some time after midnight, lasting only about twenty minutes, but "very heavy while it lasted. ' - . . Mays and Crowe have commenced to move into their new store and. as the goods are being moved out of the shelves of the old store, Mr. I. C. Nickelsen is filling therri up with a new . stock . of stationary and notions. i . , ' Colonel Houghton has contracted with Billy Uraham to furnish him within the next three days with fifty wild geese. It is ' reported that since the contract hag become known the price of powder and shot has advanced fifty per cent. The Congregational, church will hold services tomorrow (Sunday) as usual at 11 a. in. followed by the administraton of the Lords supper. Sunday school at 12 :15 . Christian Endeavor at 12 :15. At 7 p. in. will unite with the Baptist' and Metho dist churches in union service. Graham, the. restaurant man, will serve his usual game dinner tomorrow. The bill of fare, published in another place, includes wild goose, mallard, teal, canvas-back duck and" pigeon served, in family style." ' These popular meals are all furnished at the usual price twenty-five cents. A party of surveyors numbering about fourteen persons crossed ' the river this morning. .They were fully ' equipped with a complete camping outfit and sup plies. It is their iutentions to complete the survey of the ' portage road on the Washington side of the river. At least that is what rumor says. There will be a sermon to the children at the brick school house ; tomorrow at 11 a. m. Parents bring yoilr children to this service. Union services at the court bouse at 7 p. m., where A. C. Spencer will consider the subject of Christianity from a logical standpoint. Reader, you are personally invited by this notice. ' James Darceille of Dufur sold his wheat todayl He was bound it should be shipped by the Regulator and' made an agreement with the" buyer' that he could not have it unless it were so shipped. lie has no doubt he could have got more for his wheat from other parties but he said to the writer:' ' "If the Reg ulator were not on the river I would not be getting more than about sixty-five. cents, so I'm still ahead, even if I did sell it at a little loss.- Wheat is now bringing 91 J. cents a bushel in Portland. At that Tate the Union Pacific ought to be paying about 88 cents over at North. Dalles. Miss Laurence a former teacher in the Wasco Academy while, on. her way . East a few 'days ago, stopped over at" this' place for a few hours to visit Mrs. N. Whealdon. We call attention to the new "ad" of Stacy Shown" which appears in another column. Mr. Shown can be found at Dunham's drug store fully equipped to do all manner of cleaning and repairing of clocks, watches and - jewelry at living rates. ' " ' ' ' : John Anthony late in the employ of August Buchler, now in the ' confection ary business at La Grande, came down on the passenger this morning.. Mr. Anthony is well pleased with his new home and with his success, in business, but very naturally he has a spft spot in his heart for The Dalles. Just how long it may remain soft it is hard to tell. The fact is there is going to be a wedding held at- the brewery - next Thursday evening in which John will figure as chief mourner and after that it is cojec tural what may . happen. We hope, however, that during all his future life he may be able to look back and say that The Dalles is the best place in the world because it furnished him the best wife in the world. The name" of the futnre Mrs., Anthony is . Miss Matilda Eichenberger, and the Chronicle devoutly wishes to her and her intended husband many happy days. Commissioners Court. Tl:o November term" of the commis sioners court met on Wednesday with a full attendance.. The following business was transacted : 1 The surveyor's report on road No. 94 I was laid over because it was signed by only two viewers. Road 207. was ordered opened; the conditions being that the petitioners agree to bear all the expense involved in the change of road, and that the old road shall be kept open till the new one is accepted by the road supervisor. Report of supervisor of road district No. 22 was laid 'over till' next regular term. ..." .... Viewers report of road district No. 206 read and approved. " The bill of Dr. Doane was laid over for explanation. . . ; : ' New warrants Nos. , 1620,. 1623 v 1562 and 1289, were-ordered issued, in lien .of warrants lost; to Dr. Q: C. Hollister. The petition of Lewis Anderson for change of road was granted and Thomas Grey,, John Root and Wm. Doak were appointed viewers and E. F. Sharp sur veyor, the surveyor to fix the day for the survey. ' - . Tho petition of J. F., Atwell for ; new warrants to tfe issued to take the' place of warrants Nos. 388, 545 and 1790 lost or destroyed Was granted. '. '"''..' '" The bid of M. M.. Cushing for keeping the county poor was accepted. Inasmuch as the boundaries of the county hav-3 been reduced ' by the last legislature the salary of the- stock in spector was reduced from $800 per an num to 600'. V - .T . , . Dr. W. E. Rinehart's bid for attend ance on the connty patients'having been the lowest he was awarded the contract at $143 per annum. . No bills having been filed in the mat ter of survey of road No. 207 the usual fees were ordered paid and Alex Ander son 'was allowed f3 for the nee of his team. , . ' The court accepted the resignation of Stock Inspector C. W. Rice , with regret at the state of' health that made the resignation necessary, and ' appointed Vernon Roberts to fill the office till June 30, 1892. , :A7 six: months liquor license was granted to Dial & Russel' of Antelope. .'.'.f.The sutn of $20 was appropriated for road district No. 16. The sum of $ 50 - was appropriated for the New-Bridge road in this county. The court adjourned this forenoon. Bills allowed will be published in our next issue. I .. .. . : ' . . i The Hank Robbery of 8nmmTlll. j The dispatches have' already told ui of i the robbery of the Summerville bank on the night of the 3d inst. It may not be generally known here that the robbed bank is owned by members of the fam ily of Dr.'.W. . Rinehart 6f , 'this City. In fact Dr. Rinehart himself has a fourth interest in the concern, A private letter to the doctor from hid brother contains the following account of the robbery t . I returned to the office last night about 7 o'clock to do some work and a little after 8 I returned home. After blowing out the lights I started out the frontdoor and just aa I opened it, two masked men presented . pistols at me and forced me into the bank. . I came, near forcing them out, had the door almost shut but they overpowered me. During the time I made one good; yell, and Jack Patters saloon door was open but thejr thought 'it was some boy and paid no attention- to me. I was forced at the muzzle of the gun to open the-vanlt-and deliver xrver the cash. They got away with $4779.80. How is that? . We will make a clear search for them in a couple of hours and hope to be able to do something. Yours truly ' " ' " H. C. Reinhabt. : On Thursdayj November 5, .1891, at the residence of her. mother-.Mrs. Murray, of this city, Mrs. R. Guise, aged 20 years. . Mrs. Guise died of that fell disease consumption. She leaves a husband and one child about a year old. The funeral took place from - Mrs. Mur ray's residence this aftei noon and was ! conducted by Rev. A. C. Spencer. . 1 Advertised Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled for Saturday,- Nov. -7; 1891.- Persons' call ing for these letters will please give , the datfe on which they were advertised: .." Baker; Jonnie ," Bryant, Rev Air Chison, Delia Crews, J K - ' Cochrane, Jerry Cloutm an, Frank Cole, Tommie " . Carolan, Patrick Garson, J -. Groesback, Prof Geo Haagen, Armand -Heeley, Wm G . . Hauge,.Knud Hollings worth, J B Kingslev, James Peaters, Johnny Perry, Frank Phillips, John K (2) Schultz, Miss NellieSwerengen, T B ; -Stewart; H Stewart, Miss Hattie Van meter, John Wlk, PL ... . Wood, Mrs Blanche M. T. Nolan, P. M. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of Dallas City is about to proceed to establish by ordinance, the grades upon the following streets or parts of streets in said Dalles City, to-wit: On Second street from the west side of 'Union street to the east side of Taylor street. On Third street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Monroe street. On Fourth street from the west side of Union street to the east Bide of Jeft'ereon street. On Filth street from the west side of Union street to the east side of Washington street. On Union street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Court street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Washington street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fifth street. On Federal street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Fourth street. ' On Laughlin street from the north side of Sec ond street to tne soutn siae oi j- ourtn street. On Jefferson street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Fourth street. ' On Madison street from the north side of Sec ond street to the south side of Third street. On Monroe street from the north side of Second street to the south side of Third street. The grades of said streets will be fixed with reference to the supposid stage of low water in the Columbia river, which is fixed at a point leei Deiow ine top oi me nyarant at me southwest corner of First and Union streets, in said Dalles Citv. and which iMint uoon the Col umbia river is designated as the initial point from which the elevations hereinafter stilted are figured. The squares made by the crossings of the sev eral streets snau De level ana snuu oe oi tne ioi lowing elevations above the datum plane or low water level of the Columbia river, hereinbefore nxear - , - At the intersection of brKBKTf. " ' Second " Union. flO.8 ft . " . " " Court. iil.8 ft " " " " Washington, fl5.5 ft ' ' " " Federal, 55.3 ft . . Jjiughlin, . 53 ft ' " ' " Jetterson, M ft " . "- " Madison, .V. ft ,-'' " Monroe, ' S7.5 f t " " " - " Tavior, (K) ft " ' Third " Union, . 53.5 ft " " " " Court, - 55.5 ft " " ' " Wnshington, 01.5 ft '.- " " Federal, -58.5 ft " " " - " IughUn, 55.5 ft . " " ' - " Jetterson, 5." ft " " ' XfnHiunn. .W ft " " " ." Monroe,. .60 ft " ""r Fourth " Union, ; i". 2 '.ft " -' " " " Court, : : : ' 63 ft - . ' Washington, 64.5 ft " - " . ' " Federal, 60 ft " " . ' " Laughlin, - 5 ft . " " " " " Jetterson, 60 - ft " " " Fifth " Union 78 ft " Court, " 74.5 ft " " " " Washington, 79 ft The grades of the aforesaid streets from square to square shall be uniform and equal, except as hereinafter specified. - The grade of Washington street between Fourth and Fifth streets shall break at the south line of the alley, between said streets, at which point the elevation shall be seventy feet. By order of the Common Council. ' '. '' FRANK MENEFEE, 11-6-21 ,:: .;. Recorder of Dalles-City. '-' ' NOTICE;: : All city warrants registered prior to February 1, . 1890, will be. paid if pre sented at my office. : Interest ceases from and after this date. .1 ' -' i ;,The Dalles, Or., Novdmber 6, 1891 ; ', ." v O. Kinsley, ll-6tf. " . ... City Treasurer. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.- When Baby wa oick, we gave her Castoria.. v When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria They Speak From ' Experience. , "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough 'Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. .Gad berry & Worley, Percy,' Iowa. They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the "best -in the market for throat and lung : diseases. For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv druggists. NOTICE. R. E. French haa for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass" Valley neighborhood m Sherman county; lney will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh- Dornooa. ms address is tirass vallev. Sherman county, Oregon. ' , " There I None Better. Dr. R. L; St. John of Howland, Put nam county, Missouri, takes especial pleasure in recommending Chamber lain's Cough Remt-iv. because he knows it tOxbe reliable.' He has used it in his practice for several years, and says there is none better. It is eoDeciallv valuable for colds and as a preventative and cure lor croup, inis most excellent medicine is; for sale , by Snipes & Kinersly, The uaues, ur. . d-w Notice. ' Chas. Stubblins desires all those in debted to him to come up and settle as soon as possible. He lost all his stock by the late fire and a prompt settlement would greatly oblige him. . . 9-26-d&w-tf For rent Two fine residence lots on Fourth street. Apply at this office. . iu-i-im. ...... r. " For Sale Cheap! " Five good young milch cows, four giv ing milk and one -to come in in March. Apply to W. D.. Richards of .Eight Mile. A FaTorlte Remedy. Chamberlain's Couch Remedv is a favorite during the winter months on ac count of its great success in the cure of colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or as promptly relieve the lungs. Then, it counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. .It is pleasant and sate to taKe, ana iuiiy worthy of its popularity. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles, Or. d-w 1 T ; - . . A fresh milch cow wanted.- Apply at this office. -10-31 -lw . CHHOMCLK SHOUT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. "Fresh oysters in every style at the Columbia candy factory. 18-tf Charles SLubling, has opened up his saloon in the building next door west of the Germania saloon. ; . . tf J. H. Larsen will buy all scrap iron of all kinds and pay the highest market price. See him at the East End, , 9-9-tf., ,x- ; r : . . Maier & Benton are prepared to do all kinds of plumbing, tin-roofing, and tin work; See them at the old Bettingen stand, ; 1 tf Mat 'Rldrilr u.-islia t Irttn - Kwasua w iuivi 111 tllU UOU pie of -The Dalles that he has not raised on brick, and is selling them for the same price as before. .'- And will try arid supply all demands with the best of improved machine made brick, as soon as time will allow. V : ' -' . - 15tf. , ;t , ;. , Max Blank. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing five hundred head of stock daily. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. - A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. - Apply . by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. . ' The auction sale at Harris' dry goods store will be postponed for the present during the indisposition of Auctioneer Crossen. Goods will be sold", however, at auction Biices till the sale is resumed. . 11-6-tf. . The Regulator has reduced freight rates, Wm. Butler & Co., the new lum ber dealers have reduced prices on lum ber so that buildinn can be done at a less kcost than at any time in the historv of The Dalles. 10-29-tf. Js'OTICK. . Tn t.Kft.liii"fhuTif a r 11... Tl 1 1 . ,r, T -..v ... v.. . v. .lie .'llll.. xii ordering freight shipped be sure and 1 : . 1. 1 t i r i o Portland, Or., who will transfer all freieht to the Dalles Portland Aatnria Navigation Co. HOLMAN & Co. Draymen and forwarders, ' No. 24 N. Front street, , .10-22 12-22. : - Portland, Or. - ' An 01l Adage. There is an bid adage : . "What everv body says must be true." Herirv Cook. of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let ter says: "Cham berlain'B Cough Rem edy has taken well here : Everybody likes it on account of the immediate relief it gives." There is nothing like it to loosen and. relieve a severe cold. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. ,dw Are Your Children Subject to Croup? An ft Tirfivpntivfl Q n t nnrA (i nivn r Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no rival, "i It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon anil that is pleasant and safe to take. There is not the' least danger .in giving it tn children, as it couiains no injurious substance. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Snipes & Kinersly. Druggists, d&w. Pay your citv tax at once and save extra costs. . Time is up. ' , ' O.. KlXEKSLV. 21 -tf. . .' . r City. Treasurer. Graiiain's Dining Rooms, 62 MAIN STREET, W. S. GRAHAM, Proi-kietok. DINNER BILL OF FARE, Sunday, Nov 8, 1891. REGIT Ij Alt UINJJEK, 35 Cento, . Including any two orders on the bill ol fare that are not priced, -with Soup, Vegetables, -Brejid nd Butter, Pie and ludding. SOUP. Oyster. ' . '.; '' ' FISH. " ':'."' " Albany Tenderloin. ' ENTREES. : . Baked Heart, . ' Veal Fricasee, : . Kidney Sautea on Toast, -v : , Stuffed Duck. ' , BOAST. ' Beef and Mutton. - ' BAKSD. Wild Goose, with Cranberry Sance. - ' VEGETABLES. ' ' Mashed Potatoes, French Kale, Stewed Sweet Corn. ' PIES. . DE8BEKT.. PUDDINGS. ; Apple, ' Custard, Mince. '- r STAGY; SHOHIfl, TIlWatGiier, Has opened art office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc All work guaranteed and -';.' promptly attended. Dunham's Drnig Stotre, Cor. Second and Union Street. ft ni 5 Carpets take np, cleaned and put down, - also Closets and Chimneys cleaned on short notice at reasonable ' '- ' : '. . rates. Leave orders at the store of Chrisman & Corson. - GRANT MORSE. , ; WM5-tf ' " FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD DALLES MILL AND VATER Company' Hour Mill will be leased to ro- .ponstMepartie. i, -j 1 ae Dalles, Oregon. ' Keep this in Mind. ( ' . WE CARRY" ' : ' Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's In Every nz, -: STYLE, WIDTH PRICE. . Alll Sell them at BEDROCK Prices ! - A.M. WILLIAM S & CO. ' ' ' ' ' d-10-10-tf " MAIER & BENTON,, Successors to A. Bettinger, Jobber and Eetailer in Hardware, Tinware, Woodenware and Graniteware, Have also a Complete Stock of Heating and Cookstotfes, Pomps, Pipes, Plombers and Steam Fitters Supplies. - Carpenters' and Blaeksmiths'. and . Farmers ' Tools, and Shelf Hardmare. All Tinning, Plumblingr and Pipe Work done on Shor,t Notice. SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. OREGON. EOBT. jA.TT'. MAYS & (Successurs to AHRAMS & STEWART.) H-otallors and Jototoora in Baraware, - Tinware, - firaniteware; - . ' SILVERWARE, ETC. : AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND. RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, ' Plumbers' and. Steam Fitters' Supplier. Packing, Building Paper, . ' SASfH, DOORS, SHINGLES. . Also a complete stock of Carpenters' Blacksmith's ani Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust - Tinware. - All Tinning, Plumbing,, Pipe Work and Repairing -will be done on Short Notice. SECOND STREET, . - - H . C. INIEL-SeiN Glotmiep and BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, CORNER OF SECOXT) AND WASHINGTON STS.. THE DA1J.ES, OREGON E. Jacobsen & Go., -. ..' . WHOLESALE AND EETAIL .. , R00KSELLERS AND STATIONERS. PianOS and OrganS Sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Notions, Toys, Fancy : Goods and Musical Instrn- . ments of all Kinds. :.. . ; , v .. " '. ' ' ' ' . XkXAiX Orders 3EiXXoci Promptly. 102 SECOND STREET, - ' - ' - -. - THE DALLES, OREGON. JOS. T. PET8RS St CO., ' . ' DEALERS IX ;- :""'.'" IiUqiBEt, COHD WOOD Office and ard Cwaer of First and Jefferson -: DEALERS IN: Siaplc Hay, Grain ' ' ' ' Masfjnic Block, Corner Third and ' Xj. CI0"W Mi. CROWE, FOR THE :- FOR- THE DALLES, OREGOK. wmmm Tailor uiioo piaieiial. Streets. North Side of Railroad Tract cy and Feed. j " ? , , Court Streets. Ths Dalles, Oregca. . . . "