CI 1. " VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1891. NO. 122. ' PBOFE8SIONAL CABIS. WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fbixow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Kesidence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. 'Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Kesidence No. Zl, Fourth street, one klork south of Court House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. ,4 8. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , Of ..' flee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DSIDDAIX, Dentist.' Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AB. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, . The Dalles, Oregon F. F. KAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H.S.WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attob ni V8-AT-LAW. Ofllces, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DUFUR. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK HENEFEE. DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE ATTOR-neys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on- Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms . 52 and 53, New Vegt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Wholesale and Retail Drrasts. -DEALERS IN- Imported, Key West and Doraestk OIGAE,S. PA TNT ' Now is the time to paint your honse and if you wish to get the beet quality and a fine color use the " - . . Sherwin, WUliamsCos Paint For those wishing to see the quality - and color of the bove paint we call their attention to thereeidenoe of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kineraly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S CRAM, Proprietor. " '(SaCCBarttCraaiCorstii.) . . Manufacturer of the finest French and ', - Home Made . East of Portland. ; . . -. DEALER IN- its. Nuts. Cigars i Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail .. .. FRHSH -f OYSTHtS&- " ' 1' "very Style. . 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. REMOVAL. H: Grlenn has removed his office 'and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington. St. Bnrnei Ont M Again in Bnsmess ! UNDERTAKER, And Embalmer, has again started with a new and complete stock, of everything needed in the undertaking business. . Particular uttcntion paid to embalming and taking care of the dead. Orders' . , promptly attended to, day or night. Prices as Low as .the Lowest Place of business, diagonally across from Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon dfcw . ; $20 REWARD. TILL IJE i-Aiu KOR ANY INFORMATION leading to tlieconviction of partiescutting the ropes or in any way interfering with the wire iKjles or lamps of Tn Elfcthic Light Co. , II. GI.ENN, our rr ices DRESS GOODS. BLACK. -,'.'., , Henrietta Silk Wrap-r-reduced from. . . ; . ..'$1, , '-'. all wool, silk finished, reduced from 1 jG"pon Cloth . ; : .-.-. .' 1. fleoreia" Cloth ............. ; '.. .... 1 Freeona doth 1 . Cashmere, all wool ......... .......... : Ladies' Cloth, 54 inches wide, reduced from COLORED. Habit Cloth, 54 inches wide, reduced from : . tt tt " " ' ' ' Heatherby Fancy Suitings, 54 inches wide, reduced from 1 Henrietta, all woo), reduced from....-,.... 1 tt tt tt Cashmere, all wool, reduced from . . .'. . ... .". . Fancy Plaid Suitings, 34 inches wide, reduced from ...... ......... 50 to $1. .25 to .25 to .25 to - .10 to 90 to 90 to 90 to 50 to .00 to .00 to 60 to 90 to 15 95 90 90 90 65 75 75 39 80 80 45 65 SILKS. Khadame, black, reduced from ......... Gros Grain, black, reduced from. ..... . Trimming Silks, reduced from ........ Surah,, all shades, reduced from . . 1 .-'. DOMESTICS. UNBLEACHED. 30 to 20 2.00o 1.40 1.50 to 1.20 1.35 to 1.00 90 to 70 'National Sheeting, per yard .03 Aurora Sheeting, " .............. .05 " L. L.... .: ........ ';..,:-. .oo Cabot W. . . ! . . . ..." .06j Full Yard Wide. . . . r ... .07 . :; . . ' BLEACHED. Chapman X . . , .07 'Gold Metal ..08 Barker. ; ... .09 Fruit of the Lorm.:. .09- Lonsdale Cambric. ;'...: . . . .12 Berkeley CamDric, 50 pards. ... . ...... .-. . . ... .-. . . . ' .2 DOUBLE WIDE SHEETINGS. BLEACHED. '...'.-. 10-4 wide. ....... sya 9- 4 wide V . . . : .24 8- 4 wide . . 222 6-4 -ide 17 5- 4 wide ' , . .14 UNBLEACHED. J , 10- 4 wide .....,..... .26 9- 4 wide . . . . . . ............ .24 8-4 wide. : ,:. .18 6- 4 wide. . .16 -v. BLANKETS:,;., T; ; i : Grey, 3 point, 6 pound. .'. .l.f3.25 " . 4 point, 7 pounds . . . 4.25 " Oregon City Mills 4.60 .. . f OREGON CITY MILLS. ' - ; Scarlet and Navy Blue, Oregon City Mills . . .... 4.25 . Monle, 12-4, best quality, Brownsville Mills. . . 6.45 , ' COMFORTS. We have on' the wav from the east, : now over dne, a number of bales of Comforts that will be sold on arrival at prices to correspond with the balance . of our stock. y . ' ,' ." YARNS. : German Yarn, black and white, per skein f .15 . German Yarn, high colors, per skein. . . .20 Germantown, per skein -. . . .... ... .16. Spanish Worsted,- per skein. i . . .16 Saxony, domestic, per skein :. i ....... i. .08. Saxony, imported, per skein -. ..10 .. Shetland.' per skein.'. ' .10 ' Fairy Gloss. , .............. . .12 Coral Yarn, per skein ; 16 Starlight..................' ' .30 Zephyr, fourfold, perounce. .05 . v , , ; OIL CLOTH.. - Best Quality Table Oil Cloth," 5-4 wide, per yard. . .20 Best Quality Shelf Oil Cloth, per yard .07 UNDERWEAR. LADIES. Scarlet, all wool, reduced from. . . . . . . . .fl.50 to "Natural Grey, all wool,': 'reduced from. 1.25 to White Australian'," reduced from 1 .50 to Ribbed. White and Natural Grev. reduced -' ......... .. 2.O0 to iv: .50 te f .95 .90 .90 1.20 .40 -''.- 2.00 1.40 1.00 .95 .90 from White Merino, reduced from. .:.'. mens."-; , .'- '-:. ':;.. Ribbed, extra quality, reduced from... . . . . '-'2.50: to Natural Grey, all wool, reduced from . 2.00 to . Natural Grey, all wool, " ..... . 125 to Grey Mixed, all wool, " " ....... 15 to Scarlet, reduced from . . '. . -., ." 10 to Grev Merino, reduced from ....... 0 to CORSETS. " Gilt Edge, reduced from : ; .. .75 to .50 : Health, reduced from. 1.50 to .95 No. 610, reduced from. ... .... 1.50 to 1.25 No. 339. " " v -. 1.50to ;96 .' . No. 660, '" ' 2.50 to 2.00 No, 627, .". " .- 3.00 to 2.25 . THREAD. Clark's O.N. T. Spool Cotton, per dozen: :.f .45 Marshall's and Barbour's Linen Thread, per spool . . . .06, Cutter's Sewing: Silk, per spool. . . .08 Cutter's Button Hole Trwist, per spool ..... 04 Knitting Silk, per spool i' .30 Little Giant School Shoes. - Sizes 5 to 7, heel and spring heel .95 Sizes 8tol0.... .... .. 1.15 Sizes 11 to 2. . t . . . . : . .'. . . v . ... 1.45 NOTIONS. Pins ........... .Hairpins, papers. . . . Pins, Eagle, best made Hairpins, boxes, assorted sizes. . . . Needles . . ..... .. . Thimbles.. . Golf's Braid. ... . . . .. .02 .03 .05 .05 .03 .02 .05 We have had time to place only a few of bur prices before you in this issue. We hope however sufficient to convince you, that, our sale is as advertised. A genuine closing out sale. , . THE PRESS COMMENTS Blaine and Possibly Harrison are now . v'AWe to Carry New Tori WHAT THE ; FNGLISH THINK. They Consider the McKinlej Bill Ac- cepted by a Popular Vote. , world. The president ia also petitioned to call the attention '. of congress to the subject in his next message. Expect to Settle tlie Chilian matters. Valparaiso, Chili, Nov. 5. The elec tion as president,, of Admiral Montt, was hailed ' with much enthusiasm on all sides; - as be is popular . with all classes. ' It is believed that with the in stitution of a constitutional government, the questions now at issue between Chili and the United '-'States Will W'TiToTe calmly discussed and the outcome be satisfactory to both nations. DON'T LIKE BARRILLAS The People of Guatemala are Determine! to Change Presidents. ARE PREPARING- FOR ACTIONS A. BUN OTi A SAVING BANK. Caused ly the Failure of the Maverick Bank The Silver Question . Sent to Jail. Snow In Washington, 1. v., and Virginia. -Wasihxgton, Nov. 5.- Snow began falling here at an early hour this morn ing and fell for several hours.'- T"he Philadelphia Pre says : "The accomplishment of the present result in a year follqwing sach a democratic tidal wave as swept over the country last fall is certainly encouraging and proves the strong vitality of the republican party and its principles." The Enquirer says: "Blaine could carry Massachusetts next vear ana probably (President Harrison could The New York republicans want Blaine for president and figures show thatH he can carry "that state. The west is still restive. 'There is one man who can cer tainly recall every wondering western -state and his. name is 'Blaine.' " - The Baltimore American -says the tide which set so heavily against the repub lican party in '90 has. already ebbed and is rapidly and unmistakable a continu ance of a movement in . the opinion which-caused the astonishing political result of November 3rd. . . The Boston IfrraUd (Independent) predicts a republican defeat in the pres idential year unless the oartv modifies its high, tariff views, : The' Globe ears New. 'Work ranges herself with the glori ous aae of states to be counted upon, as surely democratic ia "92. 'Of the result in this Etate . the Transcript says : "It. wa8reat personal triumph for Governor Kuaseil." ; The ... Advertiser .-rep.) says: "It as evident from the greatly dimin ished plurality of Governor Russell as compared with, last year's ifigures, Mas sachusetts ' is ' returning io . her - frep.) ullegienee." The 'Pott says'. . "The majority are not so very ' large but. just think what it means.' ., It means Mas sachusetts - is now a -doubtful state, doubtful for the republicans, but pretty certain for democrats.. It is flowing in .aa opposite direction so rapidly that the repnbliean national triumph in i2 may be reasonably anticipated. ". ,'-.:,. TIu InclUh Vi Luxixnc, Nov. 5. The Globe this mora ing says ia referring to the electiens just held is the United States : "They prove beyond a doubt that there-is -a popular reaction ia favor of the McKinley tariff." The Pall Mali Gazette says; .' "The re sult of the elections clears the field for a distinct trial of strength between Har rison and Cleveland with a strong prob ability thaj Cleveland will win." i V . " -The Latest From Ohio. . CoLCMBus, Nov. 5. The latest figures with, nine counties estimate and a few others unofficially made by the republi can state executive' committee . place McKinley's plurality at .20.486. The republicans now claim from forty-eight t fifty on joint ballot in - the legislature. An Official Count Necessary. !. Ni Yobk, Nov. 5. The complete re turns show that the state senate will stand 17- republicans to 17 democrats. The assembly will probably, stand 63 republicans to 65 democrats. Although in one case it will take an official count to decide.'-" ' ' , Cuabi-ottvili-e, Va., 'Nov. 5. It is snowing here today, it is the.earliest for veara. -.- Went to. Jail Boston, Nov. 5. As Jonas H. French, director ot tae Moverict bans was un able to procure the satisfactory securities in the sum of $75,000, he.' was ordered and committed to jail. STAGE KOBBES KILLED. Condition of the Maverick Bank. BosTos,;Nov. 5. A run on the five. cent saving bank , was continued this morningr Examiner Ewer reports $2, 500,000 in cash in the Moverick bank vaults and collections still coming in. Much of the jiaper in aseeet will prove available and is marketable. .' -. 1 Outside of the bank there is a crowd of people, mostly foreigners, waiting to get into the bank or selling their ac counts to speculators at 95 cents on the dollar. President Evans says they will pay the ' depositors . who desire their "money, as fast as possible. The Silver Question. . .;: New Ycrk, Nov. 5. The New York Chamber of Commerce today appointed a committee of five, including Ex -Mayor Hewitt arid Carl Scherz, to urge upon congress sucfr a modification of the act of July, '91 as will suspend further pur chase of silver and any additional coin age until the international agreement arriven at between the United States and the other commercial nations of the Kefusesl to Throw up Bis Hands "When Ordered by the Officers. heddikg, ;ua(U, JNov.- 4. Ever since the rreet of Howard and Jones for the robbery of the Redding and Alturas stage, about two weeks ago, the officers have been on the alert for the , parties inei ested with ' them in helping them out. These two men were arrested near Alturas a few days ago, and in bringing them down they both got away from the officers by slipping oft their shackles and jumping ont of the stage, one on either side of the stage, and breaking through the woods for libertv. ' .Since that time they have never been seen until yester day an officer was on their track, when his horse was shot foom uader him. Petective Thacker has had charge of the whole, matter. .. He at once ordered Cor nelius -Howard, the father of the boy ar rested, nd hia daughter who lives with him' on the ranch, brought bere for safe keeping, and placed two men in How ard's house to await developments, for he knew that young Howard would - re turn hoaie in the night for -something to eat. fie was correct ia' bis theorv, for last mgfct-about 12 o'clock, while the of dicers were awaiting his arrival, who ehould .appear and knock at the door but young Howard. The offieers in. the house heard hint long before he knocked and they immediately : blew - out the lights. Howard stepped up to the door Ana fnocKea, say me: " rather Father , The officers opened the door and at tbe same lime ordered him to throw up iis hands. He answered : "Go to h 1," when one ot the officers fired slitting him just above the heart, killing Mm instantly. Thacker is close on the inackof Jones and he will be taken either auve or dead today. The man who was doving the team at the time of the ar rect of Howard and Jom.s is now ton nneainiaii here. - The coroner's lurv. in the ease of the killing of Howard, ex onerated the omcer 8. - The driver of the team has made a full confession, and reported they have been in six different robberies recently. -; - Blackarnard Tim Wept.- . Dcbli.v, Nov. 4. Tim Healy is greatly disturbed by the publicity which the story of his whipping , has rccejved. . He now dec'area that he throttled McDer mott,' anJ prevented him from striking. There . are , plenty of witnesses to the contrary. ' These witnesses heard at least fifty strokes, of the horsewhip-as McDermott rained tbe blows on Healy, while HeaTy danced and jumped about, yelling with "pain and calling for some one to help him. , Healy must be black and blue all over from McDermott'e blows, and it is believed - that the real reason he refused to complain against McDermott for the assault was his fear that the whole story would come ont in the courts. - After Tthe horsewhipping iieai v wept witn vexation and pain. He has since, been' unable to sit down. jii least in puDiic. A Conciliatory Blessagre. New. Yokk,'- Nov. . 4. A Valparaiso correspondent of the Herald says: ','1 am just in receipt of a report from San tiago to the effect that Minister of For eign Affairs Matta has sent a dispatch to Minister Egan relative to the Baltimore affair. It is said to be couched in a con ciliatory tone, and to evince in every way a desire to see that justice is done as soon as the . inquiry in the city is concluded." - . - , Chilian Gunboats and Forts are Being Put in a State of Defense. . THE FAM1SK MEXICO. Preparation to Relieve the People A. Revolution In Brazil Other News. City of Mexico, Nov. 4. Advices re ceived from Guatemala says that where. President Barrillas has heretofore muxv zled the press and banished journaliste-,. the most absolute liberty in writing: is now allowed and newspaper meat are- . taking advantage of the opportunity to score the government. This change-of-i" heart is occasioned by his terror-that he - will be deposed before his termi of- office -expires in December. His previous ar- -bitrary acts have made him so - impopu- -lar that .should he attempt to banieh i another journalist a revolution would! follow. .Barrillas was advised by . bis friends and cabinet to leave Guatemala,, but this he refused to do until after the election. His mode at- present is simply -the only means he can devise to hold the presidency until the expiration of his term. He also assured Salvador through"' the lately appointed minister, that he does not desire war with that country;. PKEPAKINO. FOB ACTIOT, Weather Forecast. - San Francisco, - Nov. 5. Forecast for Oregon and Washington: Light rains except in Southeastern Oregon. ' . Chicago Wheat Market. - Chicago, November 5. Close, wheat, weak; ' cash, .94 ; December, .95; May, 1.02M. . . . San Francisco Wheat Market. San Fba.vciscq, Nov. 5. Wheat, buyer, '91, 1.S1 ; season, 1.8t5. Portland Wheat Market. Poktlano, Nov. 5. Wheat, 1.55; Walla Walla, 1.45. Vallev, Gunboats Being. Mado-Heady for ServU-t and Forts Being Strengthened. London, Nov. 4. The -latest ad vices--from Valparaiso state that there is no' diminution of the popular animosity ' against Americans, and that no : real ' ef- -fort is being. made to briug any Chilians s to justice for the killing of the American Bailors. While the American negntia-' tions. are progressing, the junta has' or- -tiered the Chilian war vessels to be ready for service, and the forts defending Val paraiso harbor are being strengthened. These steps are taken very quietly, as i. with a view to avoid attractingattentiorr. The Baltimore maintains great vigilance, and Captain Schley is evidently on the outlook for a treacherous attack. TW opinion is expressed that should the-sit-, nation not culminate before tbe 18th. inst.,the new president, probably George -. Montt, may bring matters to a settle- ment. Montt is believed to be the best disposed to Americans of any of the rev- -olutionary- leaders. . Thecorrespondent- of the Timet at Valparaiso is' said to be writer who has been noted in the past for. his hostility to the United States. -The Timet articles continue to he .the subject of unfavorable comment ia Lon don as calculated to create trouble - . A Famine In Mexico. - . Monterey, Mexico, Nov. 4. Patria--Mateos, tbe representative of Jesus -Asehigo, governor of the state of Zaittte- - cas, is here arranging for tbe imports- -ttcn of corn from the United States, for.- -the famine-stricken people of his state. In addition to the drouth, tbe prospect of crops in that part of the republic was utterly ruined by recent heavy frosts. There has been much feeling aroused among; the citizens of the famine district over the action of the government of ficials in the City of Mexico assisting to raise several hundred thousand dollars for the relief of tbe Spanish flood suf ferers, while their own condition is un noticed. - A Revolution in Brazil. London, Nov. 4. A dispatch received here from Rio Janeiro, Brazil, brings news of what seems to be another rev-- olution. , Congress, the dispatch says, i dissolved, and martial law proclaimed! at Rio Janeiro and throughout the nrovinces. A cablegram announces a directorship has been established in Brazil. . 1 . Christians to be "Expelled. - London, Nov. 4. A dispatch to the Timet from Singapore says: "Herman Literati has issued a manifesto ordering the search and expulsion of all native Christians, and confiscation of their property and destruction of the churches. Christian native officials are menaced with disfavor at Pekin." Result of the Cork Election. Cork, Nov. 4. The result of the Cork election will not be announced until midnight on Saturday, with a view to avoiding the conflicts that might arise from an announcement on the night of . . the polling. There are 3000 unionist voters 'in Cork, and they do not appear to be settled as to thsir course in the election. ' L . The Australian Gold Fields. - London,. Nov. 4. Diggers who have returned to Perth, Australia, from the ' Mircbison gold tields, report that the . fields do not support more than 200 workers, and that .but few of these are.' getting' very profitable results.