C3 i A VI A ; vvol. ii. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1$91. NO. 11T. mm mm . - - - - . - v - , . - z ... , I WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and KpecirlCHtions ftinlished for dwellings, Churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Jhaixes moderate, satisfaction truuranteed. Of fiee over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow op Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col Uwe.ot Physicians and SurKeons, Ontario, Phy ,tlaii and Surgeon. Oftice; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. - Residence: Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 ai4 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DO A NE PHYSICIAN AND 8UB CEoa. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 21, Fourth street, one block south of Court House. Office hours to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. AS. BENNETT, ATTO RN E Y-AT-LA W. . flee in Schaimo's building, up stairs. Dalles, Oregon. Of The v D8IDDALI- Dentist. Gas given for . the painless extraction of teeth. -Also teeth set on fUiwed uluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street VR.'THOM PSON Attornet-at-law. Office in OperaHousc Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oiegon W. T. MATS. ' B. S. RtJNTINQTON H. 8. WILSON. MAY8, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Arroa-ncts-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. ' X.B.DUPCB. GEO.- ATKINS. PBANK XENEPEE. DTJFUR, W ATKINS A MENIFEE Attob-neys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. I YV H. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms T 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. ' SJBPES & WERSLY, .Wholesale and Retail :DnmgJsts. -DEALERS IN- , Fine Imported, ley' West and Domestic .CO:GhAJ&S: P A I N I; Now is the time to paint your house and if yon wish to get the best' quality and a fine color -use the '- " Sherwin- Williams Co.'s Paint : For those wishing toee the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. . Snipes A Kinersly are agents for the above paint forTb Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. f successor to Cram & corsoi.) Manufacturer of the finest Prenob and Home, Made - East of Portland. -DEALER IX- ' ,: Tropical Fruits, Nats,Xars and Tobacco. .Can furnlab any of these goods at Wbolesala . ok Retail i . , "m ry Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. Nicholas & Fisher, BARBER SHOP. -AN! Hot and Cold Baths! REMOVAL. H. Q-lenn has removed his office andvthe office of the .Electric Light Co.7: to 72 "Washington St. ' " S20 REWARD. X7ILL BE fAiu FOR ANY INFORMATION T leading to theconvlctlon of pasties catting the ropes or In any way interfetinft with tht wire poles or lamps of TitK Electeic Liqhi Co. , ' H. OrjSKN. OUR PRICES . v PRESS " GOODS , ' . BLACK. . Henrietta Silk AVrap-,reduced from . .'. . ;. " ajlwool silk finished, reduced from 1 Crepon Cloth'-. ..V. ..... 1 Georgia Cloth '. . .,, . ; . . . . . . i Fregona Clothr. . .'. ... . ,.'. . . . .'. . . '-. . i Cashmere, all'.'wool . : : . . . : . . . . ': . .. Ladies' Clotli,"54 inches wide, reduced from ; 1 COLOkEDv Habit Cloth, 54 inches wide, reduced froni? .- Heathert)y Fancy Suitings, 54 inches wide, . reduced from . . i Henrietta, all wool, reduced from. 1 ' . 4.x. .. (4 .4 " ' Cashmerej 'all wool, reduced from . . . . . . . - Fancy Plaid Suitings, 34" inches wide, reduced . irom . : . 4. SOuto 20 SILKS..- ' r Khudame, black, reduced from.'. . . ' Gros Grain, black, reduced from. . -i Trimming bilks, reduced from.. Surah, all shades, reduced from .. . .50 to $1. .25 to . .25 to .25 to .10 to 90 to : 90 to 90 to -50 to . .00 to . .00 to 60 to 90 to ,15 95 90 9cr- 90 5 75 75 39 80 80 45 , 65'. CHILI STILL Blaine Preraring a (Smmnnication : to Minister. lm' , ARE INVESTIGATING THE MATTER. . . i DOMESTICS. ; ' : UNBLEACHED. '' National Sheeting, per yard ... , Aurora Sheeting, ...... '' . Cabot W.".".'. V. '. '. .' ." Xv! 'V" ' ' Full Yard Wide ......... a . .... v.' ". '. - - -'- BLEACHED.-' . Chapman X. ; '. ; Gold Metal .... 7'.: . . . . ... . .' - Barker . I . . j ... , Fruit of the Lorih . , X..'; .. ........ . Lonsdale Cambric : Berkeley CamDric, 50 pards . . . ....... .00 to 1 .50 to 1. .35 to 1 90 to : 40 20 ,00 70 .03H r . .05 . . .00 - .06 . .07 .07 : .08 .09 .09 ;i2:: .12.' DOUBIiE WIDE SHEETINGS, 10-4 wide. 9-4 wide.; 8-4 wide 6-4 wide.. 5-4 wide . 10-4 wide., 9-4 wide . . 84 wide . . . ti-4 wide.-! . BLEACHED. UNBLEACHED. ; Grey, 3 point, f5pbund. .'. T,.'".''..V!".r : . . ;w";4point, 7 pounds V .26 .. -.24 . . .22. - -17H -H .26 .. .24 ' .. .18 ; .. .164 , -rlrrw i;-. 4.25 r!-r.'4:6e .'.,..35;.; . . .. 6.45' .15 .20 . .16 . 16 : 0S3' : .10 .10 .12 ' -16.. .30 ' .05 -. , - :. -- OREGON? CITY. MILLS. ': Scarlet and pavy Blue; Oregon City Mills. . . Moule, 12-4, best quality, Brownsville "Mills. , ; : comforts, r s . We have oh the way from the east,' how over : . due, a number of bales of Comforts that will be sold on arrival at prices to correspond with the balance .of our stock. - '- " -German Yarn, black and white, per skein . German Yarn, high colors, per skein ,-,.Germantown, per skein.'. . . . -. . . Spanish Worsted, per skein . . .. Saxony, domestic, per skein . Saxony, imported, per skein. . . ..... '.. ' ... Shetland, per skein ...... Fairy Gloss. . . . . .. .... . Coral Yarn, per skein . '..: Starlight. '.. .t . . Zephyr, Jour fold, per ounce . . . v .'. '. . : . . . OIL CLOTH, Best Quality Table Oil Cloth, 5-4 wide, per yard.' . 20 Best Quality Shelf .Oil Cloth, per'yard . . .-. . . . ,'. . : . .07Va . ; UNDERWEAR.. ' . : - LAD1E8. :?: .Scarlet, all wool, reduced from."-. , . . . $1.50 to $ :95 Natural Grey, all wool, reduced from . . 1.25 to .90 White Australian, reduced' from. ...v. 1.50 to .90 Ribbed, White and Natural Greyj reduced v " 2.00 to 1.20 White Merino, reduced from. '. . .50 to .40 , - ' ' MENS. 7 Ribbed, extra quality, reduced from. 1. j'wurai virey, an wooi, reaucea rrom . . Natural Grey, all wool,...-' " ,'. - Grey Mixed, all wool, " ;, Scarlet, reduced from. . . . . ' Grey Merino, reduced from . CORSETS. v , " Gilt Edge, reduced from .75 to .50 Health reduced from 1 .50 to .95 No. 610, reduced from?.. '.; 1.50 to 1.25 No. 839: 1.50to -.95 No. 660, . " i ...... 2.50to 2.00 No. 627, " , . " . . . . ., ... . . .... 3.00 .to 2.25 THREAD , Clark's O. N.T.'Spool Cotton, per dozen. .'. 5. . . . . Marshall's and Barbour's Linen Thread, per spool . Cutter's Sewing Silk, per spool , Cutter's Button Hole Trwist, per spool Knitting Silk, per spool Little G-iant School Shoes. - 6izes 6 to 74t heel and spring heel Bises 8 to 10 4... .i. ........ . Sizes 11 to 2. .... . . . w :. .... . ...... ... . . ; .. V ..NOTIONS. . Pins . . . . : . . . . ".. , .Hairpins, papers........ ; . . .-.1 , Pins, Eagle, best made , Hairpins, boxes, assorted sizes. . . .... .-.Needles , - J Thimbles. ..... ' " " - Goff's Braid : . . J-." .' .' . . .' '. . ; . : . ... We have' had time- to place only a few of our prices before you in this issue. We hope however sufficient to ' .convince you, that, onr sale is as advertised. A genuine . closing out sale. . , 2.50 to 2.00 to 1.25 to 1.25 to 1.50 to .. .50 to 2.00 1.40 1.00 .95 .90 .39 . .45 - .06t . .08 . .04 . ,30 .93 1.15 1.45 I .02i ,'.03 ! .05 .05 .03 : ; .02 .05 Minister Montt Receives Word that the ' Work is Unfinished. ENGLAND LIABLE TO INIEKFERK To Protect Her CltlmeM in the Kvent of Troable wttb CIUIt-..Tney Were . Amerlcmn CltUens. ' -' Washi.vgtok Qct. 30, At the naval department today there are no signs of a. disturbance over the Chilian affair. The "'San Francisco," which was at Callao, Peru, is believed to have sailed yesterday for California. 8he will touch: at some port on the way, where she can. be reached by cable if Jhere' be any need. . At the cabinet jrreeting this afternoon the "time-fwas devoted to the discission of the Cbiliai situation. Jt is surmised that . Secretary Blaine .ui, mittd for consldemtion an' outline of the reply to be made to Minister Kgan'e communication, , and thai its details Were perfected,' and jthat in due time it will be madepublic7"There have been no further dispatches from cither Minis ter Egan or Commodore Schley. u Senor Mohtt7"ihtf official representa tive of the Chilian government here,, just received the following dispatch from the Chilian minister pf foreign afr fairs at Santiagaf "An " investigation was instituted immediately and is con tinued with all diUigehee, and is not yet' finished. The trouble: began in Clave street and soon beenme "a turn nit. iTbe regular soldiers,- police' and special guard of intendtnts restored, order. Of the combatants thirty Americans and eleven CMlinwer immiUi;d.leQa tb1ad- icial toJlBdrltietl Theyf lfoMght- PR knives, stones and -everything ; they could lay their hands upon. Thre -was one-billed and several wduitded. It was estimated that there was one , hundred and- sixty ' American bailors from , the "Baltimore'' on shore at the-tiuie of the tumult. . ; . v -, ' - If4 Chn( In the Cferlinn Afl'mir. - New Yoee, Oct. 80. A Washington special 'says the naval , officers are confi dent that the dispute with. Chili can only be settled by a display of - force by this government.' The presence of, the United States fleet would probably bring; to Valparaiso a large fleet of ves sels of the British navy. If a determi nation to shell the city were reached by this goverrtteent the levies and property Of the subjects- f Great .Britain, would have to be considered. .',;, , The suggestion of British intervention is -riot likely, however, to deter the Uhited States :from following a course that will compel a respect for our flag and an expression of regret for taking the Uvea of men wearing the uniform of the United States. ' - ... .. z . - Ttaejr Were American CIUkm. : San Axtosio, Oct. 30. A- letter from one of the federal officials at Rio Grande City, Texas, says that the evidence con tinues to accumulate that the -men . ex ecuted by Garcia, were not goily of the offence for which they died, .and that some of them were entitled, to, the pro tection of the stars and stripes, by. reason of having formally declared their inten tions of becoming American citizens. Reports have been received of: other, like executions' which have been , concealed by the Mexican military. ..' .; .: ' -' ' England's Opinion. '. Los-don, Oct. 30. The evening- news papers devote considerable space to the strained relations between the United States and Chili. They assert that the attitude of the United States govern ment is due to the approaching elect ion. The Pall MaH . Gat Hie ' remarks : "Whether President Harrison's rising indignation or Blaine's electioneering calculations will result in war is doubt ful. . . ' the discovery of patients in the Connells ville hospital lying there helpless, with out a spark of fire in the building, and suffering untold agonies. Miss Gaddis, the superintendent, says she cannot help it, as the committee of trustees has the heating apparatus to look after, af d it nas never oeen nxed for use since last spring. Deputy Sheriff Crawford visited the hospital on business yesterday and found one patient at the point of 'death from pneumonia, contracted after com ing to the hospital, his physician 6ays, because there is no fire. in the building. Tire patients all tell the same story. The only fire in. the building is in the kitchen, where the . superintendent has been comne-llprl In inmr. Ii o .4V. .... I there water is heated and placed in'gum ""io, nuiui ure put in ine Deas ot pa tients, but they are totally inadequate. THE,. WORLD'S FAIR. It bu been Decided to Hold a Rational Ouard Encampment. Chicago, Oct. 29. At today's session of the convention of military men, it was decided to hold a national encampment at Chicago during the world's fair, and that, the camp shonld be located within a radius of twenty miles from the expo sition grounds. August 5, 1893, was de cided upon as the date of the beerinninir of the encampment. It was decided that each member of the convention be Authorized to exert all honorable means to secure ine passage ny congress of suit able legislation and an appropriation to hold the encampment. Only regular H rm V anllli.M anrt mmilaiiliT .nN.4n.l tional guards will be allowed to partici . i .1 . ' y ava in nic tsuvuuipment. , " A Cleveland Klare. Cleveland,' Ohio, Oct. 30. A four story building occupied as a warehouse, was "burned . this morning. A large quantity of malt was burned together with a stock of crockery. . The loss is es timated at $100,000: ' -V ' - :' . . - N k CfiUEL NEGLECT' OF THE SICK. ' - - - . . - Patients in a Pnblle Honpital Allowed i : . .. to IJIe of Cold. ; ... , t -Pittsbvrg, Pa., Oct. 28. A Union town, Pa., special says residents of Fay ette county are greatly stirred up over ' CoBilgnment of a Boil Estate Ftrm. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 28.The assign ment of Bushnel) & Buehnell, widely known throughout the east and west- as leaders among real estate dealers, was wed in the district court today. The as signment includes that of the Standard Investment Comuanv of St. Paul, of which W. 21, Bushnell is president. W. M. Bushnell said, after the assignment was announced : ' We expect to go on with our business and pay off all our liabilities. TVlA atjl.totTl4mf tiVinwa lfaViilifiAo fmm 4iAn ann rt .nn ruvo Mnto.,m' ja OOOtoT&OO.OOO; A small part of the lia- iMiuica in iieiu py ine inui . oonu. .TViA lor1M1 roAi Tt all in Via -nei a- Tbo failure is th result of two suits for fouw eacn, recently brought, against them in the courts here, and the garnish ment of their bank accounts. ToCapture the Raat I'oaat Trade. Washington, Oct. 29. The Pacific Steam Navigation company, - which for many years has had a practical'monopoly of trade between the west coast of South America and Europe, has decided to es tablish a seperate service with the east coast, between the Argentine Republic and Uruguay. , The new service was in augurated on the 23d of October, when the steamship Aracunia left Liverpool for Bahia, Rio d.e Janeiro Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and Rosario. The R exult of tbe Fight. v Cork, Oct. 30. The infirmaries of this city have .been busy since early this morning attending to the injuries of persons hurt in last night's rioting1. There are now 92 patients in the hospital suffering from wounds received during the fighting. This number is in addition to a much larger number of persona who are being treated at their own home. A Fire at La Urande. La Gbande, Or., Oct. 30. A fire last night destroyed the frame bnilding oc cupied by Gerst Bengelsdorff aa a bak ery, and by Messrs. Flinn and Williams Brothers as a law office, Bengelsdorff, who was asleep up stairs when the fire started, escaped with difficulty, after being seriously burned. The loss is about $2,700. Insurance $1,700. Will Meet at Chicago. Cincinnati, Oct. 30. Notices are now being sent out that the next meeting of the American turf congress, will be held in Chicago, November 11th. . . ' ' Fire fn Oklahoma. "" . Guthrie, O. T., Oct. 30. Reports from the Pattawatomie reservation, state that the paririe fires are' still raging there and are doing great damage. ... Weather Foreeait.., : San- Fbaxcisco, Oct. 30. Foreeast for Oregon and Washington : Scattering rains in northwestern Washington. A Prarie Fire for Dakota. Bicbmabck, N. D., Oct. 30. Two large prarie fires are raging north and west of i this city. . i Chicago Wheat Market. . Chicago, October" 30. Close, wheat, j weak ; cash, .93 ; ' December, .94 ; 1 May, 1.00. j 'I'ortland Wheat Market. 1 Pobtlaxo, Oct. 30. Wheat, Valley, 1.55; Walla Walla, 1.45. j . " ' .. - - . . . - San Francisco Wheat Market. I Sax ' Francisco; October 30. Wheat, j buyer, '91, 1.75. H . -x 1 EARTHQUAKE INJAPAK The Cities of Hiogo an! Osaka EBCisTgjt SeyereShaMitetJp.:. .. THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE K1LLE3 And a Great Many Buildings Tata Destroyed. SOTHlXfi HKAUO IN WASHINGTON. The Japan Minister han Heard M of the Affair A Child -Kurnert to Death. Loxdo.n, Oct. 29. Dispatches, tare- beer. received this evening from Ji announcing that the telegraph beyond Hiogo and Osaka were dow. It wag added, there had been-, an eartib r quake at Hiogo, and a rumor - was- 'tar- rent that a great amount of propcaty had been destroyed and that the loss bT life was considerable. Hiogo is a sea- ' port town of Japan, on tbe island Hondo, and is situated about twenty miles by rail ' from Osaka. Hiogo iia fine harbor at the head of the golf Osaka, and adjacent to Kobe. It 5 ligbted with gas gnd has a nnmbcrsf fine public buildings. - The seaport hatn an extensive - foreign and coastwise trade. The population in 1884 was about 40,000 souls. Osaka is also oax. the island of, Hondo and. on tKe' sear thirty-seven miles southwest of Kista. to which place as well as Hiogo aasfi Kobe railways have been built. Osaka has a large . foreign ; trade, arsenals, si great castle, machine shops, city KaS. mint, ' college and .an academy, and as traversed bv canals, -over which are aw more than 1100 bridges, some of noaa The city also has many theaters aaat also 1900 places of worship In point af . size it is the third or fourth city in -Japan, ;but in -social affairs, f&shioav. commerce ' and iDdastry. it takes thi first rank.: Osaka' has a. population, mm-.i cording;: to the census of 1884, of aboart ". 50,000. A private telegram, dated -Hiogo, arid received tonight, says ax severe ahock of earthquake was exper ienced at Osaka, and the destruction.? both life and property was very great. So severe was the shock, that a number: of houses were thrown to the groand,1, and many occupants were caught m tfner falling buildings and crushed to dcatnw A large number of persons succeedectiaB escaping from their homes only to airrt death in the streets. There are ne means at present of estimating the totai4. loss of life. In fact the details are wtt . -meager. All the telegraph wireaK broken in all tbe districts affected ljr -the falling poles. The private di spate however, -states it, is known that rat Osaka alone ti e death list contains Ump-v names of 300 residents of that cftv.- CHILD BUBNED TO DEATH. A Little Girl Who Had Beem, Fermi . .to Play With, Matcllea. Elgin, Or., Oct. 27. The little 4-jcmr- -old daughter of E. Graff was buvnedatt death this morning at her bon-ncar ,' this place. The father was-absent. Otin home and the mother was in thegarlaav ,. when it it 6 supposed the little,-onw-cured Borne matches,, with. whicb ana has often been permitted . to -play, anel set fire to her dress- The-mother beatdb cries of agony and immediately hastcwnB. to the house, only to find her child: wiSJara-. her clothing almost burned from fciear--.-.-body. It was an hoar and a halk before- -a physician arrived and - the child dual soon after. Kobert HendersonVai respected farrjaesrv. -of this place-, was found dead-in his fced.T,.: yesterday morning. A physician - we .? summoned and upon PTntninntTrin foniw' -that he had died from an attack of pmrm-z lysis of the heart, of which, ho ha8-bee..-T troubled for some time. Ho- naa-ffir years of age. Julian, the 11-year-old son of Jotou Bloods worth, was kicked. by a. horsetetr day and his leg broJierr.- Eallure Cansed by a Defalcatioacr ... Pittsbchgj Oct. 29. A bill was fiiil in .court today, asking for the appmalk. ment of a receiver for the Dexter Sgiuaj company, of this city.- The bill aStrm? the company is insolvent throngV ISurr defalcation of President Doerflinger,w 13 now under arrest in Uraa bt. The tau . says the indebtedness will be &QB arou thirty days from now., .' The Bsuuvn CkM . Lokdok, Oct. 29. Tbe-Euglfsfa' Ssacsl. of agriculture has received - iaibnatxaaar -that the Russian : decree pcrhiiusf &Sae exportation- of Vriiifttrjsas- delwj:a5it- .. fear .that it would jeopardize- aaa-y loan, but that now the decree 9tA ably be issued within a short tuna.smUl will llkelv include barlev n-nd taa-Civk- After the Mexicans. Guaymas, ilex., OctO. lnfjtrcuacKii has reached this city of. the- bmrD3jg-af the JlexicaiV Village of Santa s-iJ ' the massacre of several of itsiii!i3aafii!i?. by the Vague Indians. V - f