VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1891. NO. 116. PBOFES8IONAI CARDS. WM. SAUNDERS Abchitkct. Plans nnd specifications furnished for dwellings, Churches, bUHiuesg blocks, schools and factories. Charges modorntc, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's Dank, The Dulles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERlAND Feixow op Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lego of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Oflice: rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Oflice hours; 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DO A N E PHYSICIAN AND BUR GEON. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence Xo. (, Fourth street; one ' Iclock south of ( :onrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. SI., 2 to 5 and 7 to s P. Al. VS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of . flee in Hchanuo's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DBIDDALL Dkstts. Gas given for the . iiainless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: ftignof the Golden Tooth, Second Street. VB. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon r. r. MAYS. B. B. HUNTINGTON H. 8. WfLRON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOR-nkyb-at-law. Offioes, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DUPDR. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK MKNEFEK. ' DUFUR, V ATKINS & MENEFEE Attorneys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Oflice Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. TTT II. WILSON Attorney-at-i-aw Rooms TT 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SjllPES & KILY, Wholesale ail Retail Dniiisls. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestir .. OIG-ARS. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the " ' " Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint For those -wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. ' Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles, Or. ." COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor to Cram ft CorsM.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made O .A. 1ST JD I IB S , East of Portland. . '. . DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. '' 4 Cnn fnmish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail . , - ; SFESH OVSTE?S3- In Kvery Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. Nicholas & Fisher, BARBER SHOP.' OUR Hot and Cold Baths! REMOVAL. H. G-lenn has removed his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington St. 20 REWARD. XVrJLL BE i-Aio TOR ANY INFORMATION ' Vt leading to thetronvlction of parties cutting the rrpes or In auv way interfering with the wire poles or lumps of TitK Electbic Light .Co. .. U.QJJSSS,. PRICES DRESS GOODS. " BLACK. Henrietta Silk Wrap reduced from. $1.50 to $1.15 ail wool, silk finished, reduced from 1.35 to Urepon uioth ... . Georgia Cloth Fregona Cloth . Cashmere', all wool Ladies' Cloth, 54 inches wide, reduced from COLORED.. Habit Clotb, 54 inches wide, reduced from. Heatherby Fancy Suitings, 54 inches wide, Henrietta, all woo), reduced from. Fancy Plaid Suitings, 34 inches wide, reduced .... from . . . . . . .. . . . . silks; Khadame, black, reduced from. Gros Grain, black, redueed from. :....'. Trimming Silks, reduced from. . . . . : Surah, all shades, reduced from ....... DOMESTICS. ! ; ' 4 UNBLEACHED. National Sheeting, per yard ........ ... : Aurora Sheeting, .." ; ............. L. L. Cabot W. . . Full Yard Wide i 1.25 to 95 x 1.25 to 90 1.25 to 90 1.10 to 90 90 to 05 i 90 to 75 90 to 75 -: 50 to 39 1.00 to 80 1.00 to 80 60 to 45 90 to 65 , 30 to - 20 2.00 to 1:40 . 1.50 to 1.20 1.35 to 1.00 90 to 70 . ....'...03 ' .05-'-' ...... .0 .oe?4: . ...... .07 ...... ,.ol : '. . .08 ...... .09 .09 ..... .12 ...... .12 " 3.25 i . 4.25. ' 4.60- ' BLEACHED. Chapman X; Gold Metal. .. . Barker. . . . .'. " - Fruit of the Lorm Lonsdale Cambric ,'Berkeley CamDric, 50 pards. .......... DOUBLE WIDE SHEETINGS. - . BLEACHED. 10-4 wide ; , .26i 9- 4 wide ... ' - -. . .' . . a-.- .245- 8- 4 wide . .222 6-4 v-ide. ...... :.-..:. ...... .175 5-4 wide : . . . . .' .14 .UNBLEACHED.' , " 10- 4 wide .26 9- 4 wide : . .24 8-4 wide .-. ; 18 ' -6-4 widei". .16 BLANKETS. Grey, 3 point, 6 pound . ........ ...... ' 4 point, 7 pounds . , , -Oregon City Mills,,..;... OREGON CITY MILLS. Scarlet and Navy .Blue, Oregon City Mills. . . f . . 4.25 Moule, 12-4, best quality,' Brownsville Mills.'. .... 6.45- . . COMFORTS. We have on the way from the east, now over due, a number of bales of Comforts that will be sold on arrival' at prices to correspond with the balance of our stock. . . c YARNS. German Yarn, black and white, per skein German Yarn, high colors, per skein . . . . . tjiernianiown, per SKem. Spanish Worsted, per skein Saxony, domestic, per skein Saxony, imported, per skein. . .. . . . Shetland, per skein . . , ,Fairy Gloss . . V. Coral Yarn, per skein - . . . Starlight. .-. . . : .... ,,. .-. . . .'. . . Zephyr, lour fold, per ounce .... ODL CLOTH. Best Quality Table Oil Cloth, 5-4 wide, per yard Best Quality Shelf Oil Clotb, per yard. UNDERWEAR, v. v-.v- i ' ladies?:;:; vw . . Scarlet, all wool, reduced from.-. v.;??; .1.50 to , 1.25 to 1.50 to ..... .15 .20 .16 16 .08) .10 .10-. .12VX .16: .30 .05 ' . .20 .07: i .95 .90 .90 1.20 .40 2.00 1.40 1.00 .95 .90 .39 Natural Grey, all wool, reduced frpjn .White Australian, reduced from. Kibbed,. White and Natural Grev, reduced "from .?...:.'. 2M) to White Merino, reduced frbuix :..V-...... .50 to . MENS. Ribbed, extra quality, reduced from. ...... . 2.50 to Natural Grey.'all wool, reduced from ... .... 2.00 to Natural Grey, all wool,, " " .". ... 1.25 to Grey Mixed, all wool, " " 1.25 to Scarlet, reduced from . . . '. 1.50 to Grey Merino, reduced from I . . ... . . . . : , .50 to i 'i , - r CORSETS. Gilt Edge, reduced from t ..... . ".75 to Health , reduced from 1 .50 to No. 610, reduced from ... . : . ............. 1.50 to Noi339.-v L V ;. 1.50 to. No.eoo.'i " i" 2.50 to No. 627, , " .' ..- -.,-.:i;a..-.:s.-3.ooto THREAD. Clark's O. N.T. Spool Cotton, per dozen. . ........ Marshall's and Barbour's Linen Thread, per spool - Cotter's Sewing Silk per spooL.; .: . .. . Cutter's Button Hole Trwist, per spool -. ... Knitting Silk, per spool. . . . . . . Little Giant School Shoes. ; -Sizes 5 to 7W., licel and. spring heel. .1. . Sizes 8 to 10 v. . J. ........ . '. . ... Sizes 11 to 2.'. . :H..-":: ... ; NOTIONS. : - ' : Pins . ;V. y . . .' .02 Hairpins, papers. 'J C, v. j .... .03 Pins, Eagle, best made : '.V. ' .05 Hairp ins, boxes, assorted sizes. .05 -- KeedIes.V..v V.vv'Vj-.-'. ; ...... -.v .03 - Thimbles ........ .. 02 iolf'sBraid - . . . . ;. . , . . .... .05 We have- had- time to' place only a few of our prices before you in this- issue. - We hope however sufficient to convince yon, that, onr sale is asr advertised.. A genuine closing out pale. ' u ' ! ' - . . - .50 .93. 1.25 .95 2.00, 2.25 .45 -06 .OS , .04 .30 .95 1.15 1.45 ARE READY TO FIGHT. It. is Aclmowleupl lii Well-Mormed Parties to lie a Serious ' Question. . , IXTERFEKIXG WITH 0UK TRADE. Expect the Matter Will Be Settled in a Tlie Dryest WeKther Ever Known. Moxtgomeky, Ala., Oct.. 29. The present spell of dry weather is one of the longest ever experienced in this-section. The ti earns are drying up and the" railroads find it very troublesome to secure water necessary to run the trains. The employes along the line are all sup plied with water from this city, every passenger train carrying barrels full. Few Days. NO NEWS T WASHINGTON. Little or No Excitement Prevails In Offi cial Circles The Great North-' . ern Scheme. Nsw Yokk, Oct. 29. It is generally acknowledged by merchants interested in the Chilian trade, that the present situation is an exceedingly grave one. The Evenitw Sn says : "But little bus iness is transacted by shipping men, and by those interested in the Chilian sit uation, it was this morning the whole topic of conversation and speculation as to whatlihis country would do in the event rf the war with Chili. ' The idst of then are inclined to coff at the idea of her .going in face of the United States, but the feeling prevails widely that the Chilians are ready to fight. Several prominent down town business firms whe have contin-ercial , relatkm with Chili, were called mpon this Morning Lwit9i a view of ascertaining their feeling with respect to possible outbreak of hostilities between the ; United States and ChiU. : '"W feave received no ad vices whatever frora our correqponpents in Valparaiso in -regard to this affair," hetid - Charles ELiElint, "and -so long as the matter as of diplomatic negotiations !I-do not think ny -serious eoraaequences need be appreftenaed." At tbe office of (Srall &Co,, itas said,' the trouble v would no doubt be settled in a few days. r.' j .. : 3Thlart New f rom C"IIJ1. :Wasbisbj, Jet- 29. There is little - or no excitement ia official circSes -here this morning over the Santiago press .cablegram aaaxiouBeiny-the receipt by tfeo rainteter of an nnsatisfactoty re--qponse fnxn itbe Junta's represemtation of the -United States, and aayieg that the Baltimore's .cvew are practically boycotted at ; Valparaiso. . The .naval officials discredited ;the latter statements and believe its foundation lies in the prudent coarse adopted by Commodore -SchJey respecting theranting of liberty to its sailors during ihe - present : eocvdi tioaof exeiteiuent. No word has - been received at the nava.1 department from the commodore reporting any new phase in the situation. A cipher cablegraujt from Minister Egan twas received this .-morning at the etnte department, but it contents were not made known. , A Farmers' Alliance Fight. Chicago, Oct. 29. A Little Uoi-k ! special says nows was received there of J a terriDie encounter ki ine iariiiers al liance meeting at Buck's last night. In a quarrel between spectatorsrifles, shot guns and pistols were used with deadly .effect. Burt Manning, J. H. Town and three others whose names are not known were killed, and several others were slightly wounded. Folitics was the sole cause of the trouble. THE CHILIAN AFFAIR. It Creates Considerable Excitement in WasMngton. ARE A MICH ABUSED PEOPLE New Secretary for Ireland. LosDos, Oct. 28. The Right Hon. W. j. Jackson,' who succeeds ' Mr.' Balfour as chief secretary for Iteland has stated that he completely approves the policy and Methods of Mr, Balfour, "and be lieves that Mr. Balfour has done much to conciliate and bring into more' inti mate association the people of Great Britaits and Ireland. . Mr. Jackson charges Mr. Gladstone with having run away from the issue raised by Irish dis unionists, and with then having accepted their dictation. Th King; of lioumania. j Bcntis, Oct. 28. The kaiser's'recep tioaf Kine Carlos of Roumania has beeii:iore than friendly.'. They are the only- two. reigning sovereigns of the house of Ilohenzollern, King Carlos be- iongingto a minor branch, which, ad hered to the Roman "Catholic faith. It is understood that the Roumanian king has -already received assurance of the hearty -support of his imperial kinsmen, -skould Russia cross the Pruth into Uoumauia. The fireat Northecn'c Mieme. Sx Yxvu, ! -Oct. 29. The eeret of the organization of the Spokane A riouthern railway of the state of Washington is ont. It is given out that the purpose of the line is to make a groat loop for the Great Xorthern Pacific line. , It will rnn from-Portland over the Cascades along the north bank of the' Columbia river, nntil it reaches the mouth of the Snake river, and continue along the north bank of the Snake river to Almont? and thence north to Spokane, The articles ot'incor po ration provide for the building of the road from Spokane to the Snake river which will make a loop ' for the Great Northern from Spokane, via Seattle, Portland and - Almont, , and back to Spokane. ' ' ' Rushing the Cruisers to Completion. - " Willi , . . liC! . uvniv f ID busy at the Brooklyn Jiavy yard, all possible haste is being made on the part of the Brooklyn navy yard officials to place the Atlanta, Bennington, Concord, Philadelphia, Chicago and Petrel, six cruisers, in a 'sea going condition. ' As nothing tangible is known as to the : ex- j act determination of the government in ' regard to the Chilian mattera. ' v . I The Irlh Enjoy Ins: Themselves. j . CoHtf.Oct. 29. The fighting whicli j took place between the McCarthyites and Parnelites last night in the streets of this city was more serious than it was first reported'. ' There was a series of scrim ages between the centending par ties, the most severe being one in which Dillon was disabled . and the Parnelite forces routed. Many tn both sides be ing injured. . : ! ' Thirty. Men Killed.. . i Loxnox, Oct, 28. Additional advices j are received here from Tunis to . show ; that 'thirty natives were buried by the j collapse of a large -wall undermined bv recent floods, and all perished. ' "j The United States' Has Been Playing the Part of a Tyrant. HAVE NO I.OVE FOIt UNCLK SAM The Legation has Some Fifteen Charge on File Against This Country. The British in Africa. Wakuixutox, Oct. 28. Senor Pedro Montt has evidently received his cue from the junta. The burden of one of the complaints at the White house con ference last Friday was that Mr. Montt has avoided the state department since the establishment of the provisional government, .notwithstanding that the United States was the first to recognize the nw Chilian government. His neg lect as the official representative of the junta was the subject of much unfavor able comment. ' He has now officially notified Secretary Blaine that he has re ceived notice of his appointment by the ' iunta as envov extraordinary and min ister plenipotentiary from Chili to the United States. Senor Romeror the Mexican minister, accompanied by Senor Montt, arrived at the state department about noon today. Minister Romero performed his part by formally intro ducing the diplomat, and Senor Montt did the rest. He iuformed Secretary Blaine that the reason he had not pre sented himself sooner was his absence. from the city almost continuously since the overthrow of .Balmaceda. He- also informed the secretary that be had now received notification of his appointment. The official documents which are neces sary to establish him in his office 3re now on their way to Washington. Sec retary Blaine received the Chilian with all due courtesy, and any business that requires the co-operation of the Chilian representative will hereafter be trans acted through Senor Montt. .The int view was short and pleasant. '.A 8oott.v as Minister Montt's credentials arrive he . will be formally presented to the presi dent by Secretary Blaine. If the feel- . ings of the Chilian representatives in -this city are any reflex of the sentiment , entertained by their countrymen against the United States, then the outrage at Valparaiso can be understood. While diplomacy places the seal of secrecy npoiy their official lips, in ordinarv conversa tion the bitterest hatred and denuncia tion of our government crops out. 1 visited the legation today to ascertain if the visit of Senor Montt to the state . - partment was indicative or. a morre- cor., dial .feeling- between the- two. countries,, and the beginning; of the end of the present bad feeling. ; J was infoi med -that as thin government was apparently running tfii rfr tti. unii ltelf T 1 j . . have to look to the fca.te department for Chinese Statistic in Vancouver. . ' j Information. It W JlOfc even admitted;' Vavcouvek B C Oct "8 The .ml t,iat Ir; Montt ,,ad "ed at the de- wcoiTKii, V- Vs.? Ui.t. Ihe col-j partIueilt, ,nch less w there any 8mr- leetor of this port gives from his official j geetion ofthe character oi the meeting: records a statement of new Chinamen ( between him and Secretary JBlaihe.. The ' landed and paying poll tax, and ult-o of I fP5rI t"t predoininales a tM- Chilian Chinamen taking tickets of leave, show- IV5" u"e aea : ? . . . . - uwuinn elite ing uov arrivals ana departures jn : the nine months ending with September. There are today nearly - 2000 tickets of t More War News from South America. St. Iiris, Oct. 29. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says: "There is a imraor at an engagement on the frontier of Guatemala and Salvador, between the Salvadorinn refugeee and the Salvador ian troops, and the former were defeated. Nothing- could be lieard of the fight at tbe Sakradorian legation, where . the rtuiior is not believecL A. Steamer JEuraed. , . aJx. Locts, Oct. 29. A private dispatch jiwt received here says; "The steamer 'Oliver Bvme was liurivedat Milwaukee Heed, twelve miles from Vicksburg. this morning. Twelve livefl are reported lout. ' Elece4 sVithont OpiMMitlon. Dranx, .Oct. 29. Patrick JJcDermott, the MeCarthylfce candidate, tras elected withosit opposition, to a seat in the com mons, left vacant by the death of John Pope Hennessjv A Bad Penny Always Ke turns. San - Fbaxcisco,-. Oct. 29. John .. I.. Sullivan aud party returned here today on the steamship Alameda from Sidney, j running things to- suit itself. leave unreturned- in the last three years. eo many remain at nome every year. - Testing: a ilyuanrlte Shell.--" '' lasbox, Oct. 28. In the trial "of the Snyder -dynamite projectile, a shell, loaded with twelve and a half pounds of nitro-glycerine, was driven through a steel plate and lodged in a hill 400 yards distant, without exploding, - .' A Whiskey U'stlllery Burned. . tento cordiale" iritJV 8Mii.' it is a spirit of self-complacency Uat will admit of no nnestion of the juiUV rectitude, or of the peace tble ordignif character of the Chilian government. According to the idea, as expressed bv Mr. Julius Foster, the United States has been pjavincf the nart of a tvrant. Tt ia chargetl by him that ehe violated the principles of neutrnlitv ever since Secre tary Foster ordered the Itata to be held at the port of San Diego. The legation has on file some lit teen charges against this government, ranging, from the al leged partiality of Miuister Kgan to Bal maceda, to the assertion that Admiral , Brown had the search light of the Balti more turned on the bay at Valparaiso to . OisciKMATl, O., Oct. 28.-181 mght I prevent the torpedo-boats of the inpnr- tne UodswortU tlistilltng company, at Cumminsvihe, lost their large buildings and valuable machinery ly fire, The loss is $75,000, It was about the only distillery of any note in the United States that is not identified with the whiskey trust. The cause of the lire is unknown. Insurance abont f 55 ,000. The Waters Itecedlns;, Loxpox, Oct. 29. The waters of Thames river are subsiding. . the relief of flood gtrfferers has- been started. . gents from doing their . work. The changes are rung on thee allegations . until the Chilians have persuailettthem selves tnat tliey are a long-sutlering, meek and ptuieiit people. Senor Montt has announced that he has decided not ' to say a word officially. Mr. Julius Pos-, ter declares that he is not a diidomat. I nor does he ljelieve in diplomacy, hut he ' . I , , r ... " , . jrusi, ouey .wr. Atonu s oruers. - the! ' Weather Forecast. ' ...'.' San Ehancisco, Oct. 28. Forecast for Oregon and Washington: General rains, except ' scattering showers in Southeastern Oregon. Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago,. October 29. Close,' wheat, steady ; cash, ;94?; December, .95)a ; May, 1.03. . v , The British in JBnst. Africa. fund for , t, , , . . nivu uic iicna iivui vii xasb mi iv , going to show that the .attempt of Ger many, to colonize that section is an. al most certain failure and that the British are winning back the trade that was at first diverted . from Zauzibaiv The in formation coming from traders is equally j doleful, .and it is believed that much difficulty will be found in indnciug the i reichstag to vole any more money for it ho development of the colony. In the ' meantime Zanzibar has heen consider- i ably impioved as a harbor, and the nnw ! brilifih control promises to etTect stilf Portland Wheat Market. Portland, Oct. 29. Wheat, 1.503l.52M; WaHa Walla, 1.404'.42. : Africa. greater improvements. There is nocon- ; cealmeut that the liermans consider that alIey. i England hits'trtolen a march in East