The Dalles Doily Chronicle. Pnblished Daily, Sunday Excepted. BT '. , ; THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. , Term of Subscription. Per Year . ..?6 00 Per month, by carrier 50 dingle copy 5 -, STATE OFFICIALS. Govemoi . S. l'eunover Secretary of Stute G. W. McBride Treasurer Phillip Metschuu 8upt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy --..... J5:MSeU Congressman h. Hermann State Printer FrunJt Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge C. N. Thornbary Sheriff D. I Cates Clerk J. li. Crossen Treasurer Geo. Rueh CnmmlKxinnt-rx til' A. Leavens Louimihsioners...... .- i Frank Kincaid Assessor John E. Harnett Hnrvevor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools'. . .Troy Shelley Coroner William Miohell Phil Wiliig, cars, the more expensive method. It matters nothing to us who foots the; bills. We only know that somebody must foot them and that Moody is thej I24 UNION ST.. THE DALLES, OR. Benedict Arnold who - has traitorously sold himself to the Union Pacific to I crush the peoples' line of boats. Keeps on hand a firll line of MEN'S AND YOUTH'S When General Manager ClBrk says : "I know the Baker ia running at a loss, but the people of The Dalles want it and we must keep it up" he says what is not true." There are not two families in The DBlles, outside the company's employes who want it. That time is past and gone. There is only one sentiment here and that is in favor of the Regulator. It is the rankest hypocrisy to intimate that the Baker is kept on the river to accom modate anybod). The company has ex perienced a remarkable change of heart since last winter and spring when they tied the boat up for sis- months, at aj time when the people on the Washing ton side had no other means of trans portation. ' ' The Chronicle is the Only Paper in i::. Stilus iudi ivtrici t C2 luc A&auLdii.u Press Dispatches. GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS. Unhappy Ireland. Her past history ! is written in tears and blood, her pres ent, in which' priest and peasant alike take a part, is being written in "mud and shillelahs." The contest at Cork is developing a sickening story of factional bitterness. When the voice of wisdom calls for unity in Ireland it falls upon deaf ears. It is the old story of the Kil kenny cats. Sunday last a m'ad priest and bitter anti-Parnellite challenged the Parnellites amid variations of mud pelt ing, to meet him at Blackrock. They met equipped with "shillclahsand trail ing coats." The anti-Parnellites show ered "sticks and stones and mud ;" the Parnellites laid on with "black-thorns." The "black-thorns" routed the "sticks and stones and mud" and their enemies "skulked away with bruised and bloody heads." On the same day at Cork the two factions, were engaged in bloody fights at - every street corn-. Dispu tants clinched, friends joined in and the battle raged till broken up by the police, only to be resumed with fresh vigor at another street corner.. The 'fiehtintr priest" is everywhere "wielding a black thorn with the best of them," and once and again rallying his followers to a fresh attack on the solid phalanx of the Parnellites, who amuse the quieter in tervals by "pulling the long tails off the coats of their opponents." To vary this monotony the Parnellites in Dublin at tempt to blow up with dynamite the of fice of the McCarthyite organ, the Na tional Press and partially succeed. Win- aows ami doors and basement are badly, damaged, and the noise of the explosion ia heard two miles away. As a minor note in this medley of discord the mem ber - from Tipperary complains that Father O'Malley openly denounced him as one of "Kittv O'Shpn'a mor wi John' liedmond says if Tim Healey doesn't hold his tongue he'll "slap hisi face in the streets of Cork." Such is the burden of one day's dispatches, and ihna k!-ey fight over the grave of iheir dead chieftain." Is it any wonder that thousands who love Ireland ser iohsly doubt her capacity for self gov- Ex-Mayor Carter Harrison of Chicago is about to assume the control of the Chicago Times. He eays he will ran it in the interest. of good government and democracy. Cartefwill push a trench ant pencil. South Australia refuses to take part in the world's fair unless the duties on wool are abolished. Then it is very likely South Australia will have to stay at home. The officers of the Louisiana lottery swindle have been indicted by the Un ited States government. Preeminently correct. - - - - ' According to a clipping from Monday's Oreqonian, published in another column, "Union Pacific men report that their T lies boats are djing a largely increased ainess on account of their recent cut L passenger rates." The boats are certainly carrying some fifty cent pas- Bengers and a little freight part of which at least ia practically stolen from the people's boats through means that the company's agent? at Portland best un derstand. Quite frequently the Baker's cargo consists of goods plainly addressed to the care of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company. "Mis takes" of this kind have happened so often that one can scarcely be . blamed for suspecting that the company con nives at it by an arrangement with the expressmen. As far as the purchasing of wheat at this place is concerned the only "Dalles paper"'- that has dared to speak of it is the- Chronicle and it is free to' say that as far as the "exact proposition" that the Union Pacific is buying wheat is concerned it believes that Moody is buying the wheat and getting ires or practically free transpo. tation. Whatever Mr. Moody may be he is neither a fool nor a philanthropist and no man outside a lunatic asylnm would pay within from two to five cents of the Portland price on wheat and then ship it there at a cost of 10 2-5 cents a bushel, which is. the company's rate by rail. If. Mr. Moody paid the company's rates his loss would average fully five cents a bushel. The gentleman on "the inside" who says that- the cause of Moody's advantage is that the railroad .company- ferries his wheat across the river at The Dalles for nothing" did not know what he was talking about. The price Moody pays at North Dalles is about five cents a bushel more than he pays on the Oregon side. - Tugging a loaded scow across is nothing, but the extra handling in transferring the grain to the cars involves an additional ex pense of perhaps fifty - cents a ton that somebody must pay. If the Baker took the grain from the landing on the Washington side no ferriage would be needed and only one handling but she don't. Moody ships his wheat by the TBLEGK AI'HIC SPARKS. Walt Whitman is completely para lyzed at his little cottage in Camden, New Jersey.- The feeling in favor of international ism, bi-metalism U said to be growing and likely to prevail in European cabi nets, if the leading European power-can be convinced that the United States does not intend to .plunge into free coin age of its own motion. Sarah Althea Terry wants a brace of pistols that are still held by the author ties of San Francisco after the litigation in which the pistols were used has closed. Sarah ought to get them if she would promise to use them on herself. At one o'clock on last Monday as three officers of the Omaha- Street railway company were. sitting in their office four masked robbers entered and held them up while the safe was blown open with giant i powder and . $12,000 extracted. The burglars escaped. A six-year-old boy in Baltimore is possessed of an nncontrolable desire for inhaling the' fumes of gasoline. It af fects him like alcoholic liquor. '. Miss May White of Lansing, Mich., has slept almost constantly for the past 135 days. .'- Her weight-has gradually decreased from 120 to fifty pounds.' : Many shrewd public men, well versed in ways that are dark, hold that it ia the intention of Jay Gould to wreck the Union Pacific. : , . Secretary Blaine has returned to Washington and resumed the discharge of his duties as secretary of state. - The site' for the new San Francisco public building has been at last selected. It will cost $1,040,000. ' Trade is still depressed in Manchester, England and the president of the Man chester board of trade says the McKfnley bill and the South American troubles are to blame. " BRIEF SIATK SEWS. A good quality of semi-anthracite coal has been discovered in Marion county, twelve miles east of Salem. Alonzo Leland a pioneer journalist of the Northwest and founder of the Port land Advertiser7, the first daily paper ever published m Portland, died at Lewiston on the 25 inst. "Oregon on Wheels"' has been re moved from the car shops at Albina and is now "on exhibition in Portland, previous to her departure for the East ern and Southern states.. The central water company -of Hood River have filed articles of corporation at Salem. - The incorporators are H. F. Davidson, J. H. Ferguson and C. P. Heald and the capital stock is $15,000. John Day City can boast of the fact that there is not a young man residing within her borders who frequents saloons or was ever known to make a practice of gambling. . Can any -other, town in Eastern Oregon say as much? John Day fsentiuel. - : ,. The Baker City Blade advocates a pub lic reading room or billiard hall without the sale of intoxicants where the youths of the city who range from sixteen to twenty-one years of age can congregate and spend a pleasant evening socially without being under the temptation of liquor. J ! ', Postmaster Howard has received' no tification from the postal department that a daily service' seven times a week will soon be put on the Prirfeville and Dalles mail line. Now if the route can be changed back; on the Cow Canyon road, Prinevilleites I will be-!, happy. Ochoco Review. - . .- Mike Mulvahill's big hog was on ex- ! hibition at Dillon's feed yard for -several j days this week. - He is all that Mr. M. claims for him the largest hog in the j county!" "He was in ' ordinary condition land weighed 500 pounds. Judges say he could be made weigh 800 ponnds.-f- Ochoco Review. Ready Made Clothing.. Pants and Suits -r . MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable Terms. Call and see my Goods before ourchasinj elsewhere. . the: Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Elegant Steamer Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. ' ' for , - ' Portland and Way Points . Connections Will be Made with the Fast Steamer DflMtES GIT - At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Kates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on Board. - -Office northeast earner of Court ond Main street FRhhcH & co. , BANKERS TRANSACT A GENE RAL BANKING BU6INE8- Letters of Credit issued available in the ' . Eastern States. V , 'V - Sight . Exchange and . Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington.. ; i Collections -made at all points on fav orable terms. ' ' , - W.&TJVIeCoy, BAEBERS. lIot-:-antl-:-Cold-:-Halhs. 1IO SECOND STREET. JOHN PASHEK, 1 - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed . each time. . tepaif incj and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. . . The Dalles Gigaf factory FIEST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. OTif1 " A T? of tbe Be8t brands V-XJTxjLxLO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. :. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAll has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. . A. ULR1CH & SON. Bnrnefl Out lut Aain In Business ! wm miGHEim UNDERTAKER, And Embalmer, has again started with a new ana complete hiock ot everytning neeaea in tne unaeriaKine ousiness. rarncuiar . attention paid to embalming and taking care of the dead. Orders promptly attended to, day or night. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Place of 'business, diagonally across from Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash ington Streets, The Kfilles, Oregon diw The Old Germania Saloon. ; JOtffl DOflftVOJi, Proprietor. ; The best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars,' Pabst-Milwaukee Knicker-..--bocker and Columbia Beer, Half and Half and all kinds of Temperance Drinks. , Always on hand. D P. Thompson'- J. s. Schbkck, H. M.Beau, President. . Vice-President. Cashier First Hatlhiial BiauK. :he dalles. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on , New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompsox. Jxo. S. Schexck. T. W. Spaek8. Geo. A. Liebb. H. M. Beall. . A NEW Undertakinff Establishment ! PHINZ & NITSCHKE. . DEALERS IN - Furniture and Carpets. complete Undertaking ? Establishment,: the Undertakers' Trust" our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. Boiiog jiiials ! Having made arrangements with" a nnmber of Factories, I am pre- pared to furuish Doore, Windows, STOREFRONTS And all kinds of Special: work. Ship ments made daily from factory ' and can fill orders in the shortest possible timel Prices satisfactory. It will be to your interest to see me before purchasing eleewhere. Wm. Saundcps, Office over French's Bank. W. E. GARRETSOH, Leailinji - Jell! SOtK AGENT FOB THE , " ''' All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St., The Dalle. Or. ' ' Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Kestauranteur Has Opened the Baldwin - Hestawant ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all C of his old patrons. - ' Open day and Night. First class meals u - twenty-five cents. FLOURIXG MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD DA LLE9 MILL AND WATER Company's Hour Mill will be leaned to re sponsible parties. For information apply to tbe WATER COMMISSIONERS, 1 he Dalles, Oregon. MEW CDII nun WlllTED hdv nnnn ti-i i;ii.juii;iu ii i;i ii.11 urn UUUUU COMPLETE IN ET3RY DEPARTMENT. ,; Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading .Manufacturers. Cash Buyers mill save money by examining oar . stoek and prices before purchasing elsemhere. H. Herbring;. 6 6 SINGER 9 9 IS THE BEST SEWING MACHINE Branch Office 81 Th ird St. Needles, Oil and Specials. ,. ' ' DEALER IN- ... . . Hay, Grain, Feefl aofl Eonr. ntvALiuuAKriiKS FOR POTATOES..;, Gash Paid for Eggs anj Chickens. ' All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly TER7VS STRICTLY CHSH. Gor. Second & Union Sts. G-reat Biargaiiis ! Removal I Removal ! ; tOnaccountof Removal I will sell my entire jstoclc of Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps, Trunks and "Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at -a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ; ,, yjrxxK. x rccuuu i iui lis.; n, Alu J. 125 Second Stfeet, The Dalles. , HUGH CHRISMAN. , . . . W. R CORSON. - CHRISMAN & CORSON ' Successora to GEO..EUCH, eep, on Hand a Complete Stock of Groceries, Hour; Grain, Fruit aim mill Feel Highest Cash Price Paid for Produce. Comer of Washington and Second-St. The Dalles, Or. The Dalles Mercantile Co., Suejessors to BROC General MerchiMise, i -:.;'-i;-.LStaple. ;and ,Fancy-':IJry - 'Goods, ents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Successors to BROOKS A BEERS, Dealers In . - i " - Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, lotir, I . f J. . HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market tiates - ! , Free Delivery to. Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. 390 and 394 Second, Street , - . fi-., -. -. PAUL KREFT & CO.. --DBAMtES JS- Paints, Oils, Glass And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs In ... , Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of. the Sherwin-Williams Paint used in all our work, and none but the moNt skilled workmen employed. - All orders romptly attended to. ltf-17-d SHOP-Adjoining; Red Front Grocory, THIRD STREET, $500 Reward! : We will pay the above reward for any case ot Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80 Pills, 26 cents. Beware ot counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHIGAGO, ,1-LIKOlS. . . . w ! " BLAKBLBT 4 HOUGDTOS, Prescription Druggists. 175 Second 8t. The Dallas, Or.