The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 23, 1891, Image 1

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    Ci J
NO. 11U
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
HTjeniflcfltinnA fiirntehori frr - Hwnllfnmt.
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow op Trinity
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Oflice; rooms 3 and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
GEON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P.M.
rV. fice in Schanuo's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon
DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AR. THOMPSON Attobney-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block. Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon . .
MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attor-kets-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor-Neys-at-law
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms
62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
. The Dalies, Oregon.
snipes & mmi
WMesale . and Mail Dmtik
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the best quality
find a fine color use the
Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint.
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of, SJU Brooks,
Judge' Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
5 Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram & Corson.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
, East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In Every Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Nicholas & Fisher,
Hot and Cold Baths!
H. Glenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington. St.
leading to the conriction of parties cutting
he rooe or in any way interfering with the
wire - poles or lam pa of Tna Electric Lisht
to. - H. GLENN,
. On account of the unabated
rush of customers we find it im
possible to take time to make up
the price list we intended to have
in this, issue. We have large
shipments of . goods constantly
coming in which were ordered
before our deciding to close out.
All these goods will be sold at
cost ther same as the goods, we
have in stock. The public is
beginning to find-out, by the bar
gains they are getting, that the
.sale is bona fide. Those who
have not already purchased will
do well to come and be convinced
that such bargains were never
before offered in this city.
He . Gets Away With 190,000 of the
; - Bank's Money No Arrests
; ' . Have Been Made.
An Entire Boat .Crew Drowned Land
Opened for Settlement Inforni
' ation on the Chilian Trouble.
Will 'Put. on a Line of Steamers
Another Stage Robbery A
Railroad Wreck.
New Orleans, Oct. 23. Everything
is quiet at the Louisiana National bank
this morning, and up to noon no arrests
had been made, and there is some
doubt as to whether there, will be anv.
In an interview -with Morris, presi
dent of the clearing house, this morning
regarding Garcia's defalcation, he-said:
"Engene F. Garcia, paying teller of the
Louisiana National bank, is a defaulter
in the sum of $190,000. It was first dis
covered on the 8th of October, but the
f nil extent of the defalcation was on ly
demonstrated on the 17th."
An Entire 1$ oat's Crew Drowned.
Paris, Oct. 23. Advices from Brest
announce that the long boat of the Aus
terlitz, a French government training
ship,' manned by twelve boys and two
quartermasters, was capsized today, in a
dangerous spot in the entrance harbor.
It was blowing half a gale at the time,
and though efforts were made to rescue
the long boat's crew, the latter must
have sunk almost instantly, for not one
has been seen since.
' Land Opened for Settlement.
Washington, Oct. 23. Commissioner
Carter of the General Land ofBce sent
an order to the register and receiver of
the United States land office at Ashland,
Wisconsin, giving notice that Monday,
November 2nd next, all lands in that
fortXueT)enefltbf the Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis &JOmaha railroad company
will be restored to settlement and entry.
Much of the land is said to be valuable
for its timber.
Wine Merchants Indicted.
San Francisco, Oct. 22. Bamberger
& Kempfor, wine merchants, were ar
raigned before Judgh Wallace this morn
ing dn an inditement found some days
ago by the grand - jury, charging them
with having obtained money by false
pretenses. ..' Their, counsel asked for
further time in which to plead, as he
wished to fully inform himself concern
ing the allegations set forth in the in
dictments, On motion of the district
attorney they were allowed to plead not
guilty with the right to withdraw the
plea and make another within a week.
Death Cansed by Carelessness.
New Yokk, Oct. 22.-Isaac William
Lore, 43 years old, formerly a broker and
member of the Seventh regiment, met
with a horrible death at the . Blooming
dale asylum last Saturday. It is alleged
that Mr. Lore, during the temporary ab
sence of his attendant, plunged into a
bathtub filled with boiling water, and re
ceived injuries which caused his death.
The asylum authorities, with the aid of
the coroner, tried to keep the matter
secret even failing to inform the dead
man's tamily of the cause of death.
. , 4.
A Mining Secretary Arrested.
London, Oct. 22. At an examination.
in bankruptcy proceedings today of the
directors and other officials of the Gold
Queen : Mining company, organized to
acquire mining land in .the state of Col
orads, United States, Thomas Gilbert,
secretary of the company, gave evidence
before the court. Immediatelv after
taking Gilbert's testimony he was ar
rested upon tne ciiarge ot rmsappropna
ting the company's funds. ,
To Kesist the Russian Advance.
Vienna, Oct. 22. The Roumanian war
office has caused to be detailed small
bodies of infantry with an occasional
battery of artillery at intervals along the
banks of the Pruth, and the Roumanian
side of the stream is closely patrolled bv
sentinels. Tke object is not so much to
prevent Kussia a crossing as to uphold
the rights of Roumania bv offering at
least a hrm resistance to tne Kussian
advance.- '
' Additional Information Kasffived.
Washington, Oct. 23. A cablegram
has been received at the navy depart
ment from Captain Schley, commanding
the United States steamer Baltimore, at
Valparaiso, Chili, giving additional de
tails of the fight between the American
and Chilian sailors in which one of the
former was killed. He asserts briefly
that the fight was caused totally by the
Chilians who made an attack upon the
American sailors without any provoca
Will Pnt on a Line of Steamers.
Victoria, B. O. Oct.-23. The Cana
dian Pacific Navigation company of Vic
toria has arranged with the Canadian
Pacific railway to run a line of steamers
in connection with that . railway, to
Alaska and British Columbia points,
which will compete with the Northern
Pacific coast company's steamers ior
the tourist business.
Another Stage Robbery.
Redding, Calif.', Oct. 23. Another
Btage robbery occurred last night, mak
ing the third one this week. The Red
ding and Alturas stage was held up this
sid6 of Leighton, six miles from Redding.
The Robbers were masked and armed
with shotguns and pistols. Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s box and the mail was
robbed of $200 wasl taken from the box.
The driver was robbed of $5.
. Another Railroad Wreck. -
Lake City, Iowa, Oct. 23. A terrible
collision occurred last night between
two he;. vy freight, trains on a branch
of the Ciiicago & Northwestern railroad.
Both trains were wrecked. Mr. Hoy
den and George Stein, brakemen, were
instantly killed, and Engineers Collins
and McAllister are probably fatally in
jured. -
: Better Outlook for Russia. '
St. Petersburg, Oct. 23. Plentiful
rains are falling in the southern province
of Russia, which are completely chang
ing the prospects for next vear'a wnn.
The work of plowing and sowing is pro
ceeding with viger and the peasants no
longer despair of a good yield from their
' Got the Honor.
Berlin, Oct. 23. The. committee of
the international exhibition of arts at
Berlin for 1891, awarded a society of
American wood engravers of New York
City the great diploma of honor. ..
, Was Tired of Living.
New ' Yokk, Oct. 21. William E.
Whitehouse, 40 years old, residing at
127 Pacific street, Brooklyn, and a mem
berof-the-New- York . Stock Exchange,
shot himself this morning at the Claren
don hotel at Brooklyn. He left a letter
addressed to the hotel keeper and one to
his wife. The wound is fatal.
Four of the Southern Pacific Train Rob
bers Captured. Preferred Death
to Capture.
Possession of a Saw Mill Causes a Riot
An Insane Woman Drowned
Got off Easy.
An Insurgent Leader in Jail---A Califor
nia Assemblyman Indicted Blew:,
out the Gas.
San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 22. D: Lud
low, Pacific express agent in this city,,
received a dispatch last night from - the
agent at Langley's announcing that the
capture of four of the Southern Pacific
train robbers took place at the "7 D"
ranch on the line of Oak creek, about 100
miles north. of Langley, Friday last.
The capture was made by Captain Jones
and a posse. None of the robbers of
fered resistance except John Flint, who,
after a running fight of several miles,.
committed suicide in preference to sur
render. The other three robbers are
James Langstein, Jack Wellington and a .
man whose name is not known. The,
robbers had $800 when captured.
Fought for a Saw SHir.-
Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 22. The Child
and Lehman factions' dispute over the
right to operate a saw mill on a tract of
timber land resulted in what, for a time,
threatened to be a serious riot.' The
sheriff of Cambria county, who was en
gaged by Childs, proceeded to the dis
puted property yesterday, and ordered
his deputies to take possession of the
mill. He was met by forty' farmers
armed with revolvers,-guns, pitchforks,
and every conceivable weapon. The
first man to cross the line was knocked
senseless, and the order was then given
to the farmers to fire. Before this move,
however the sheriff's little party re
treated, nnd the farmers are now in
possession. The Childs faction will now
have recourse to law . Iw the meantime'
the farmers will guard the property, and
threaten bloodshed if interfered with..
The Farmers'. Alliance Fighting.
Salena, Kan., Oct. 21. The "state
farmers' alliance convention met in
secret session this morning. A strong
and determined fight against the re-election
of President McGratt has been
developed.. It is based upon tne scandal
created by the Turner letter last winter.
County Courthouse liuraed.
Chtxdbess, Tex., Oct. 22. The new
$40,000 courthouse was burned to the
ground yesterday morning. It is sup
posed to be the work of an incendiary-.
The insurance is $10,000. All the countv
records of both Childress and Cotetl
counties are a total loss, and it will
cause untold trouble to replace them.
Germany Preparing to Kxhibit.
Berlin. Oct. 22. Herr Werinuth, the
German commissioner to the Columbian
Exposition in Chicago, is about to start
on a tour to the commercial centers of
Uermany, to explain the plans of the ex
position . and urge a full exhibition of
Uerman industrial products.
Out on Bull.
Sacramento, Oct. 23. El wood
Breener of this city, who was indicted
by the San Francisco county grand jury,
charged with perjury and malfeasance
in office, was arrested today. Upon
furnishing the required , bonds he was
An Insane Woman Dronner.
San Francisco Oct. 22. At Olema,
Mrs. Pendergast, wife of James Pender
gast, was drowned in Tomales bay yes- -terday
afternoon. Mrs. Pendergast has.-,
been for many years subject to spells of I ;
insanity, and at times would get beyond
control. In the afternoon yesterday;she -and
her nurse, who was her constant i
companion, took a drive On the way. -she
was taken with one of these spells, .
grabbed the lines from her attendant..
applied the whip to- the horses,, and .
drove down a steep declivity into the , .
bay. Mrs. Pendergast was drowned, .
but the nurse was rescued. She is in a .
critical condition, however, having been i
injured in the descent.
-A Supposed Great Northern IJesI.
Omaha, Oct. 23. The Pacific Shprt
Line was this morning sold to represen
tatives of tne Manhattan Trust company
for $2,000,000. It is understood the road
was purchased in the interest of .the
Great Northern.
Will Have Another Chance.
: Charleston, S. C, Oct. 23. Ten
negroes convicted of the murder of
Thornton Nance, and sentenced to be
banged at Laureno ' today, .' were re
prieved, pending the appeal of the case
to. the supreme court.
. ' Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, Oct. 23. Forecast
for Oregon and Washington : : Scat
tering rains.. - . ,
Chicago Wheat Market. ' '
Chicago, October 23.Close, wheat,
firmer ; sash, 94. ' Decentb-r, 9594.
May,l2. ;.
San Frnrlo Wheat Market.
San Feancimco, October 23. Wheat,
buyer, '91, 1.72, season 1.79.
Portland Wheat Market.
Portland, October 23. Wheat .vallev,
1.601.52; Walla Walla, 1.40.
Got Off Very tucky. -Sas
Diego, Cal., Oct. 22. The trial of'
Wilson, another of the alleged deputy
United States marshals concerned in the -killing
of Sailor Brown of the Charles- -ton,
daring the riot in the streets of tbi
city several months ago, has resulted in
the jurv bringing in a verdict of acquit
tal, after ?eing out twenty minutes.
Breedlove was" foivai guilty of man
slaughter a few days' g3and a similar -verdict
was looked for ic iBflny.. people
in this case.
. - An Insurgent Leader in Jail.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22. A speciar"
dispatch from St. Joseph, Mo., saya:
Garzia. the Mexican insurgent leader, is
thought to lje in jail at the little town of
Marysville, Nodaway county, Mo.
What he is imprisoned there for cannot
be learned. Colonel Bailey, an attorney
of Victoria, Tex., who is in St. Joseph,
said he was going to Marysville to have
his client released, if possible, on a writ
of haboaH corpus.
A California Assmhlyman Indicted.
Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 22. Elwootl
Bruner, assemblyman, was indicted yes
terday by the grand jury of San Fran
cisco county, on charges oi malfeasance
and perjury. He was seen today in con
sultation with his brother. He decline! .
to be interviewed regarding the indfek
ment and was also non-coi::iiiittal as
the conrse he would pursue in the matr
ter. ... - ,
Farnell Left no Will.
London, Oct. 22. It is annoonverfthafc
Parnell ' made a will in favor of Mr.
O'Shea before he married her, but tfeaJt
the marriage annulled - the will, and
therefore, as he died intestate, Mw.
Parnell is entitled to half the person!
and one-third of the real estate left W
Parnell. v '
-They Blew Oat the Gas-
New York, Oct. 22. Two anxBXMKz
Russians, lately arrived, were fow3
dead in bed Uhp morning, asphyxiated.
uy gas. ...'-'