The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Poetofficc at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-clasa matter TIME TABLES. Local Advertising:. - 10 OcnH per line for first Insertion, and & Cents per line for each nubseqnent insertion. Special rutcti for long time notices. All local notices received Inter than 3 o'clock will appear tac following duy. Railroads. BAST BOUND. ' Un ArHvM 11 i( a. if. Departs 11:43 A. M. 8, 12:05 P. M, 12:30 P. M. WEBT BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M. ' Departs 4:50 a. k. . " 7, " 6:20 p.m. " bAor.x. Two locai freights that carry passengers leave one for the weutat 7:45 A. M., and one for the -aatita A. K. STAGES. For PrineviUo, via. Bake Oven, leave daily except Sunday) at ti A. M. For Antcloiw, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. For liufur, Kingslcy, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs nnd Tygtx VaUey, leave daily (except aundav) at G A. M. . , For Ooldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week exeept Sunday at 8 A. M. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Pust-Oiflce. OFFICE HOURS (feneral Delivrey Window 8 a. m. Monev Order " 8 a. in. Sunday ii O " 9 a.m. CLOSING OF MAIl to 7 p. ni. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. By trains going East. 9 p.m. and " " West 9 p. in. and Stage for Goldendale " "PrlnevilIe i "Dufurand Warm Sr.rins-8. . 11:45 a. m. 4:45 p. in. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:::-0 a. in. .5:80 a. m. .5:30 a. in. " t Leaving for Lyle tSc Hartland. " " " J Antelope Except Sunday. fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday i;nd ' Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. METE0B0L0GI0AL EEP0KT. Pacific ' I Rela- D.t'r Ps State Coast bar. tive of 2. of Time. Uuin Wind 3 Weuther. 8 A. M 2D.KN 4S K6 Oalm Cloudy 8 P. M 20.S7 (( Southi " Maximum temperature, 01; minimum tem lierature, 4S. WEATKEIt rnoitABItlTIES. ;Thk, Oct. 22, 1891. Weather, forecast till ' 12 'm. Friday; light rain,- nearly stationary temperature. RAIN THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1S91. . The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. , LOCAL BREVITIES. William Hastings of Dufar is the " I city. . Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Broyles of AVamic are in the city. ' John Kroger of Hood' River gave this office a pleasant call today. " :' F. M. Warner of Tygbi Ridge, is regis-, tered at the Umatilla house. Judge O. X. Denny of Portland passed though the city today on the noon pas senger. ..." .. Hon. liinger Herman remained in the city overnight and left for the country cast of hereon the noon passenger.' .. Mat Blasen bus purchased; the saloon business of, N. 15. Whyres and will con tinue the business at the old stand. . Mrs. C. G. Roberts of- Hood River, who has been in the city for the past few days left for her home this morning. John Doe was drunk again, Con Howe put him in - the skookum -bouse last night, and he paid for his lodging like a little man this morning. A gentleman from the ' Washington side of the river . shipped by the Regu-.- lator this' morning fifty-three head of fat I infra Thft TTrnnn "Paoifift fnllrn BAnt. him word that they would carry them for lees money ..than anybody. "Tell your master, Jay Gould," said the hon est granger, "that you cannot have them if you carried theni for nothing." "' Mr.. S.W. Herman. of the ffrm of Hol man & Co., draymen and forwarders of Portland is in the city in the interest . of . his firm. Mr. Herman's firm desires to obtain. ... the business . of transferring freights from the various railroad and steamboat line terminating in Portland to the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navi gation company. - ' Con Howe arrested a confirmed speci men of the genus hobo last night, a lazy, drunken, dirty bundle of total deprav ity . After a solemn council of war held in the recorder's office this morning it was concluded to give him the choice of going off somewhere and hanging him self or leaving the city by the D. S. ' akr. He chose rather to hang him self and it was so ordered. , ; - - P. Willig the tailor, . whose - wife des erted his bed and board a few weeks ago, . complains bitterly that his credit is. too good in this city. When he first came here -three years ago he was refused credit for 50 cents worth of sap. Siace his wife left him $80 worth of bills, for goods purchased by her, unknown to u: l j i ' i He says he is not shoveling money into his till just now but he will pay every cent as soon as he is able and then draw a dead line. .-... The Regulator left this morning loaded down to the gunwale. There were nearly "30 passengers 70Q "Backs of wheat, 53 head of hogs, wagons and 'numerous miscellaneous freight. The Chronicle is proud to belong to a com munity that can furnish, any ordinary morning, a boat load of men and women whom the Union Pacific cannot buy for a piece of silver. Brethern and sisters let us stay with t he people's line of boats tell the regions oi" Pluto are iocrusted ! with. a eolid coating of what our facetious contemporary calls the "congealed ele ment." ' " - ' . T. A. Hudson returned today from a business trip to Tacoma Seattle and Portland. - W. J. Thompson, "of Fossil, is in the city on a visit to his brother ex-County Clerk George H. Thompson. Several hundred head of cattle were at the stock yards yesterday on the way ro the Yakima country to be fed during the coming winter on Alfalfa hay. From John Kroger of Hood River we learn that the fall wheat is already three or four inches high in the Hood River valley and otherwise looking well. The Baker landed ten passengers yes terday at White Salmon. They are sup posed to have been Indians and the moment their leet touched the bank of the river they took to the brush appar ently ashamed of what they had done. Robert Yance, the step-son of John Howell of Wamic, who was thrown violently from a horse against a tree a few days ago, is reported still uncon scious and fears are entertained of his recovery. He seems to be injured in ternally. Monler Correspondence. Mosieb, Or., Oct. 21, 1891. Editor Chronicle: The weather is still very delightful for this tjme of the year ; Xo frost yet to amount to anything. ' Mrs. Husbands, who has been visiting Mrs. Sidney Young of The Dalles, iias returned. Mrs. Amos Root and daughter, Ros ella, who have been spending a few weeks in Portland, returned last Saturday. Mr. Ed. Phillips, who has been visit ing here, returned to Portland Sunday evening. . :, Miss Nellie Cooper, who has been vis iting friends here, left- for Tha Dalles Monday evening where she is now visit ing her brother. She expects to return to her home in Keitheburg, Illinois, in a few weeks. - We predict she will soon return toour beautiful climate. Mr. Li Lamb and two daughters, Misses Lizzie and Katie, were visiting friends Saturday and Sunday. 'Mrs. Marsh and son Willie, came up on the Regulator Monday evening. Mrs. Thompson, of Baker City, who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Blakeney, and her 'sister, Mrs. W. T. McClure, returned last Saturday. . . - Mr. J. Jackson of Hood River was in Mosier last Sunday. ." - M. G." WASCO ACADEMY NOTES. Several new members were' admitted to the literary society at its last meeting. Quite a number of the students are temporarily absent from school on ac count of slight illness. It is hoped that all will soon' be able to resume their places in the different classes. w The rhetoric class varied the usual roiitine recently by listening to an essay descriptive of the scenary between Mt. Adams and the Columbia. The essay was written by Albert P. O'Leary, one of the class, and was a paper of unusual merit.' ' -V , Not much glory is obtained through a victory won by default. The ball nine feel this and would much rather cross bats with the city team and thoroughly defeat them, than have them give up beaten' without a trial; However, it may be ; that there are other clubs in Wasco county more courageous' than The Dalles nine. If so,' the academy boys have an open challenge for any of them. They claim to be the champioas of the county and are willing to defend their claim on the diamond. . Quite an amusing rivalry exists be tween the arithmetic classes of the upper preparatory and lowest academic grades. The former are putting forth all their, powers to prevent the latter getting much ahead, with excellent results for themselves certainly. .. 1 r. : . . ' .. Alliance Meeting. . ; j Hoop River Or., Oct. 19th 11891. ' Jiditor Chronicle: ' .. .- -.' ,' The , Wasco county farmers meeting held here Tuesday, October 13th, was well attended, delegates being present from all parts of the county. The time was consumed in discussing questions of interest to the farmer. ' The evening session was an interesting meeting. ' The ladies served a nice dinner which was enjoyed by all present. ...'.! I '" A meeting was held Wednesday morn ing at which it was resolved that we condemn the present school text book system- as being an oppression, after which' the convention adjourned and the delegation returned on the Regulator in the evening W. J. Campbell. ; - - i : .'; ' - ...NOTICE. . " .. To tha merchants of Ihn Dalle. In ordering freight shipped be,' sure and have it marked rare of Holman & Co Portland, . Or.,, who. will transfer all freighto the Dalles Portland & Astoria -T ; : n j.iatigLiuu vu. - " - TToivieAX Ar f!o. Draymen and forwarders, No. 24 N. Front street. 10-22 12-22. , y- Portland, Or : . Dlid. ' - - .- "" At Wamic, Or., Octl2th 1891, the be loved infant son, of Mr. and Mrs. George Noble, aged 4 months and 13 days. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, in their sad be reavement. , ' , A Schooner Lost. Glousestek, Mass., Oct. 22. The schooner Albert Woodbury, of Beverly, that sailed the latter part of August on a cod fishing trip, has not returned and is believed to have been lost with ten of her men. . Oregon National Guard Headquarters Third Regiment Ixft The, Ok.; Oct. 22, 1891. ) Gexeeal Orders,) i No. 9. . " I. The Field Staff, Non-Coin. Staff, Band and, the different Companies- of this Regiment, will assemble at' their armories on Saturday, November 7, 1891, at 8 :30 p. m., for aunual inspection and muster. Company cammanders will see that all state property belonging to their companies is present for inspec tion on' that night. Muster rolls and property returns must be made out in triplicate, up to and including Novem ber 7, and two copies of each report," properly dated and signed hy the com pany commanders, will be forwarded to these headquarters immediately after inspection, so as to arrive here not later than the 12th. - II. Companies E, D, E, F, I and K, will be inspected by their company com manders; CompanvH by Major -J. P. Lucas; the Staff, Non-Corn. Staff, Band, A and C companies by the regimental commander at the county court house! III. The members of the Non-Com. Staff, Band, A and C companies, will turn over to the JR. Q. M. all uniforms or parts of uniforms, arms or equipments which may have been savejl by them from the fire. IV. The 3d Regt. Band will be mus tered out of the service of the state at this inspection. . V. Drum-Major Jos. P. FitzGerald, and late adjutant of this regiment, was burned to death in the conflagration of September 2, 1891, which swept away our armsry and the greater portion of this city. By bis death this regiment loses one of its most promising officers. VI. , Company commanders will see that their monthly drill reports are for warded more promptly. By order of T. A. Houghton, Official Colonel. ' J. F. Hawokth, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. Notice is hereby given that seal pro posals will be received at the office of the City Record, until 4 o'clock p. m. of October 30th, 18,91, for furnisning the city with 20 cords of oak and 2 cords of fir wood to be delivered in front of the city marshal's office. The wood must be dry and of first quality, and to be in spected before the bid is accepted. Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids.. By order of the common council. - " Frank Menepee. 10-20-29 . Recorder. i y A favorite Remedy. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite during the winter months on ac count of its 'great success in the cure of colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or as promptly relieve the lungs. Then it. counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia.- - It is pleasant and safe to take, and fully worthy of its popularity. . For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles, Or. ' d-w A span of work horses" for sale cheap. four and eight years old, weight about 1050 each. Apply at thisoffice. dw9-28-lm ' -' For Sale Cbeap. . .. A gentle, handsome family" horse and a new. covered buggy and harness for sale cheap. Apply at this office. lotfl Another mark down on inv clot nine-. boots and shoes, etc. to 'compete with i the bio stock and auction stobe. My goods are all first class and roost snrely am, jwill be closed out. ' lU-ZU-Zl, J. U. BALDWIN. For Rent. Two furnished rooms suitable for gen tleman, conveniently and pleasantly lo cated. Enquire at this office. " '' NOTICE. '-' R. E. French has for sale a number of improved . ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. . They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate Bettlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. .His address is Grass Valley, onerman county, wregon. ; ' . . j' An'oid'A'de..' '-. There is an-old adage : ; "What every body savs must be true.". Henrv Cook. of New- Knoxville, Obio, in a recent let ter Bays: "Chamberlain 's Cougn Rem edy has .taken well here. Everybody likes it on account of the immediate relief it gives." There is nothing like it to loosen and relieve a. severe cold. .. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly ..druggists, dw - : ' .. - ; - . J! . - . FOIJ SALE.. , A valuable residence property,;, situ ated in a favorable and central part of the city is -on sale. - The house is fur nished with all modern . conveniences and surroundings. Enquire . at this office for further particulars. 10-17-tf ' There I None Better. Dr. R. L. St. John of Howland, Put nam county, Missouri, takes especial pleasure in recommending - Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, because he knows it to be reliable. He has used it- in his practice for several years, and says there is none better, It is especially valuable for colds and as a preventative and cure for croup. This most excellent medicine is for sale by Snipes A Kinersly, The Dalles,, Or. i-w Notice. Chas: Stubbling desires all those in debted to him to come up and settle as soon as possible. ' He lost all .his stock by the late fire and a prompt settlement wonld greatly oblige him. 9-26-d&w-tf Future ; , .. ' -r Good stubble arid meadow pasture to be had on the A. JB. Moore place on Three-mile, two arid one-half miles from town. :'''' "i ' 8-1 7-tf. Pay your city tax at once and save extra costs. Time is np. - - O. KlKBESLV. - 21 -tf. - City Treasurer. CHBOSICLK SHORT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. ' Seed Rye for sale at Joles Bros! 10-9tf 2379 is the cough syrtrp for children. Get me a cigar from tlbwt fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's.- '. Fresh oysters in evei'y style' at the Columbia candy factory. 18-tf Joles Bros, have two gotfd- mares- to trade for hay or potatoes. 10-9tf - Farley & Frank have a tank of ma chine oil which tbey offer at cost' to keep only oils used in their business, tf, Charles Stubling has opened up his saloon in the building next door west of the Germania saloon. tf .T . TT T.nrcAn will Vtt oil a,. of all kinds and pay the highest market price. See him at 'the East End. 9-9-tf. nie?- A- Kftnffin ctra -cmn.A tr. An 11 kinds of nlumbinsr. tin-roof inc. nd tin work. See them at the old Bettinsen stand. tf' Max Blank vishf to inform t.ha nun. pie of The Dalles that he has not raised on brick, and is selling them for and supply all demands with the best of improved machine made brick, as soon as time win a-now. lott. . . At ax Blaxk. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskmville. There is a never-failinc spring of living water capable of water ing five hundred head of stock -daily. Tne housej which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply bv letter or other wise to the editor 01 the Uhronicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was cick, we gavo her Castoria When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria - SHERIFF'S SALE. . Iii the Circuit Court of the state of Orejion for Wusco county. v :, .- II. KniRht i iiiintifi', vs. A. S. Cnthoirt. ' ' BY VIRTl'K Of AX KXECI'TION ISSfED out oi the suid court on the 12th duv of Oc tober, 1891, upon ii judgement rendered in raid court on the 10th Any of .Iiinunry, 1WK), I have levied upon iind wilt sell on Saturday, the isth day of November, lsyl at the court house door in Dulles City, i;i said county and state, at public auction to the highest bid'der, for cash iii hand. subject to redemption, the following described roperty to-wit: Sixty feet oft' of south end of ot 1, in block 15, in -Lmishlin's addition toDullee t'ity, in Wasco county, state of Oregon, to satisfv $118.44 with interest thereon at the rate of 1(1 per cent, per annum from January loth IK'.lo, and fc0 attorney lees, ana tne turtner.euin of fj-iat costs, less the sum of f:l4.00 pid thereon Fchruui-y 21, 1890, together with accruing costy therein. Dated this silh duv of October, lsitl. D. L. Catbs. octii-novJD . Slierifi' of Waeeo County. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Charles Adums, deceased. All persons having cltrims against said deceased are hereby notirled to present the same with the proper vouchers to me at the oflice of Mays, Huntington fc Wilson' within six mouths fr m this date. Dated October 1'.), lfffll. W I KEN A ADAMS. Administratrix of the csuite i Charles Adams, deceased. ocU23-dec4. WHEAT! Will bring a good price this fall, and mak the ' farmers happy. They are to have another benefit in the shape of low prices on groceries and provisions. - Call at 62 Second street and get prices before bnying elsewhere. - JOHN BOOTH , wl0-23tf The Leading Grocer. 62 Second Street. Biirilei Out Mt Aa;am in Bnsiness !; tm. (DIGJlEItit, UNDERTAKER, And Em balm er, has strain started with a now and complete stock of everything: needed in - - the undenakine business. Particular ? - attention paid to embaiiDlnfr uul . r. tukinpr care of the dead. . Orders promptly attended to, day or . nigbt. Priced as Low as the Lowest.. Place of business, diagonally across- from Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash ington Streets, The Dulles, Oregon s ,. .. d&w . I will take contracts for cleaning Closets and Chim- f. neys at reasonable rates. " ' Leave orders at the store of Chrisman & Corsoiu . GRANT MORSE.! 10-15-tf LIVEUY STABLE, "Ward & Kerns. We are now ready for.h?i.siness ! . in our New Barn, corner , ' of Fovirth and Federal . " Streets. : THE DALLES, OREGON. Closets! Chimneys Cleaned ! .(.-.-. WE ARE NOT BASHFUL SO WE WILL u the Why Don't You Buy Your Dry Goods ana Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Men's Ladies' Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes, of Us. I nZeJJf?ld. Best Aborted Stock in the City and can save von v luiug vuu ueeu in our une. JVIA BENTON, Successors to A. Bettinger, Jobber and Eetafler in . Hardware, Tinware, Woodeoware and Granitewrae, Have also a Complete Stock of- Heating and Cookstoves, Pumps, Pipes, Plambers and' Steam Fitters Supplies. Carpenters' and Blacksmiths' and Farmers " : Tools, and Shelf Hardtaare. All Tinning, FHombling and Pipe Work done on Short Notice. SECOND STREET; THE DALLES. OREGON. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to A BRA11S A STEWART.) arflware. - Tifere, - Gfaniieware. - loon , SILVERWARE,-ETC. -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak'" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumjjs, Pipe,' Plumbers' and Steam Fitters-' Supplies, Packing," Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete- stock of Carpenters', .Black-s-inith.V and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AOKNTS FOii- The Celebrated E. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" OtHlerv, Morf.k-n Cutf.-rv, and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasolint? Stoves'. ""GrVtiid" Oil Si4.v- '. " ' ' ' :md Anti-Kust.'Tinwnre. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe 4 Work; and: Repairing v will be done on. Short Notice. SECOXD STREET. H. C. NIEL-SeN, Glothiep BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Ciaps, Trunks and Valises, C3-oxx-te' F-vivyni 1 fiY xx& G-oodLs, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON E. Jacobsen & Co. '. ' ' WHOLESALE AND BETAIL R00K3ELLER3 AND STATIONERS. i - Pianos and. Organs Solct on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Notions, . . Toys Fancy. . G-oods and ,. Musical Instru ments of all Kinds. - ':. TW Order Fillod. X "x ompvUT-. ' 162 SECOND STREET, JOS. X. PET6RS & C0., -DEALER IX - IiU QQBEti : RND '. ". - . - .. : .:. - OSuee and lfard Corner of Fir ani Jefferson " ' ---. : DEALERS IN :- Clan a nun o auio aim Hay, Grain and Feed. Sf.lascsic Bloc'i Ccmsr Third and Oil est i oil?" - . I LLI AiVlS & CO. d-10-10-tf Xj. OBOW J3. FOlt THE :- THE PAI.I.ES. OHKiv. and Tailor, THE, DALLES, OREGON. COHD WOOD pialGiial. WWW . . ' Streets. North Side f RaMTrwk. 311 ill Court Strssts, Ths DalSss,