The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1891, Image 1

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    VUl. 11.
rY, OCTOBERS 1891.
NO. -98a.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfnetion guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank, The Dulles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow op Trinity
Medical Colleee, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap
man block. Kesidenee; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. "Oflice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., i! to 4
and 7 to S p. lii.
DR. O. D. DO ANE physician and sub
oeon. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 3t, Fourth street, one
block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 3 P. 11.
V. lice in Schanno's building, up stairs.
The Dalles, Oregon.
DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AB. THOMPSON Attornky-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington 8treet,
The Dalles, Oregon
-law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFUR, W ATKINS k MENEFEE Attor-neys-at-law
Room No. 43, over Post
Oflice Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
IMesale and Retail Dnuists.
finc Imported, Key West and Domestic
1 Now is the time to . paint your house
nd if you .wish to get the best quality
and a fine color use the
Shcrwin, Williams Co.'s Paint
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of S. L. Brooke,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram & Corsoi.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made .
East of Portland.
Tropieal Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
tr Retail
In Every Style.
. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Nicholas & Fisher,
Hot and Cold Baths!
H. G-lenn has iemoved his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washingtoi). St. - ,
M leadingtotheoonvlctionof parties cutting
the rnjies or In any way Interfering with the
wire pole or lamp of Tiih Kuctbic Lioht
Is Complete witlJ1 the Latest Novel- ' v
ties in Dress Goods, Trimming, etc.
And we are Offering Them at Very
Close Prices. Call and Inspect our
Stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere
and see Some of
Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center in
the Inland Empire.
For Further Information Call at the Office of"
Interstate Investment Go, ,
E- Jacobsen & Co.,
Pianos and. Organs
Notions, Toys, Fancy Goods and Musical Jjistrxi-
ments of all Kinds.
, , Mail Orders FiUed Xroiiiptl7. '
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
: : ',"'. v' Successors to BROOKS St BEERS, Dealers in
General Merchandise, ,:mr- - ' M r: k
Staple and Fancy Dry 'Goods,
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.
... Groceries, . ; r:y ; ,'; Hardware, 1 .'
Provisions, . ' : . Flour, Bacon,
. v...; Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. ; ; ; .
Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and" all parts of ' the City.
390 and 394 Second Street .
Hot -:- and-:- Cold-:-Baths.
Our Bargains.'
Best Selling Property of
the Season in the North
$500 Reward!
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Cons ti nation or Costivenesa weeuwot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac
tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80
Pills, 2i cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
Prescription Druggists,
4 TB Seeaad t.
The Dalles, Or.
Millipns of Poor People in Russia Will
Have to be Provided for by the
A Frightful Accident Sentensed to the
Penitentiary A U. S. Steamer
Hard Times in Mexico A Large Crowd
to View ParnelFs Remains A
Railroad Accident.
St. Petersburg, Oct. . 10. Senator
BaranofF estimated that no fewer' than
32,000,000 peasants in Russia are now
destitute and must be provided for for
the next ten months. It will require
320,000,000 pounds of grain to feed them.
Owing to the difficulty m obtaining fod
der for the cattle, the export of linseed
cake from Russia is prohibited. The
famine in the Volga valley has caused
widespread sickness and thousands of
the unfortunate peasants are already
prostrated by typhus fever.
A Frightful Accident. Sentenced to
' ' the Penitentiary. .; " .
McMinnville, Or., Oct.- 10. O. Mc
Quilkin, a farm hand eighteen, vears
old, was tangled up with a team while
plowing, three miles south of here today.
The horses fell on him crushinsr him
severely, breaking his legs and thrusting
the bones through the- flesh at the
. George M. McCullough waa sentenced
to . the penitentiary for five years for
bnrning a house near Newberg, - and
John 8. Brooks was sentenced for five
years for shooting at Smith on Sawyer's
place near Wheatland, in a row , about
Smith's wife. -
The IT. 8.' Steamer Dispatch Wrecked.
Baltimore, Oct. 10. The United
States steamer Dispatch went ashore
last night .in a heavy gale on Assateague
shoals on the 'east coast of Virginia,
about sixty miles, northeast of Cape
Charles. It is not known exactly in
how great, peril she' and her crew are
now. It is impossible to reach the ship
from, the shore at present. The Dis
patch left New York yesterday and was
on her ' way to Washington when she
went aground. The Yantic will be hur
ried down to the scene of the accident
from the Brooklyn navy yard as soon as
she can be got under way. .
Mexicans Suffering for Food.
St. Louis, Oct. 10. A despatch from
San Antonio, Texas, says there is great
destitution among the lower classes of
Mexicans in the etates of Caihuhua and
Durango. ...
There are about 4000 people seeking
employment these men and their fam
ilies are half starved and are in utter
want. : '
, Hundreds of the unfortunates subsist
entirely on the inaguy plant. The
drought has broken and there is indica
tions of better times. "
A I.arge Crowd View Parnell's Remains-
London, Oct. 10. An enormous con
course or people surrounded. Walsing
ham terrace this, morning to view the
open casket containing the remains of
the late Charles Stuart Parnell. The
route' of the funeral processfon to the
railroad station was lined with' masses
of people who silently and respectfully
watched its passage. Mrs. Parnell was
utterly J unable to accompany the re
mains to Dublin, she being too ill to
undertake the journey.
1 A Railroad Accident. ;
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 10. Early
this morning a freight train - broke in
two near Hyde Park and the way freight
following crashed into the latter half.
Joe Muarger, engineer of the way freight
and A. Small, fireman, jumped before
the collision occurred. -Small was in
stantly killed and Hunger badly- hurt
but not fataily. Daniel C. Rockwell, a
brakeman on the way freight was killed
and a brakeman . on the heavy freight
Was also killed. - -
A Wrecked Bark ' off the Coast of N. S.
Halifax, X. S. Oct. 10. A Dispatch
from Lockport says fishing schooner Dai-:
passed a wreck of a bark Monday. No
sign of a crew was seen. The wreck
was probably that of the bark M arson,
which was reported recently as aband
oned and water logged. The crew is
believed to have perished.
A Tenement House Fire.
. Nbw York, Oct. 10. Annie Kilkow
ska was burned to death this morning
in a tenement house fire.
Bardsley's Employment In Prison.
Philadelphia, Oct. 9. John Bard-
sley hag found an occupation in prison
that seems to agree with - him and of
which he hag made a success. It is that
of boxmaking, and the ex-city treasurer
has shown a degree of skill in the work
that has surprised those who fail to re
member that in his younger days he was
a blacksmith, and supported himself for
mady years by hard labor. The long
stain upon Bardsley, his disgrace and
prison confinement are beginning to tell
upon his health, and deafness is coming
upon him. He lives in the hope of a
pardon, through political influence, after
a few year's confinement. '
A Number of People Killed In a Riot.
Rio Janeeio, Oct. 10. The rioting
which began at the Italian theatre
Thursday evening continued during the
night. Troops were called out and pa
trolled the city until this morning. A
number of persons, it is said have been
killed. Further trouble is apprehended.
An Attempted Mail Robbery.
Pabis, Texas, Oct. 10. An attempt
was made to hold up the south bound
passenger train at three o'ciock this
morning. Several shots were fired.
The conductor knocked one of the rob
bers down with his lamp just as he was
to fire at the conductor's breast.
Tlie Railroad Ahead.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10. The state
senate has effectually killed extreme
anti- railroad legislation at Georgia by
defeating the bill known as the Berner
bill which passed the house last week.
This bill, if passed would have involved
the railroads in a large amount of litiga
tion. ; Conld not Open the Knife. '
Portland, Or., Oct. 10. L. D. Beach
a resident of Grants was buncoed out of
six hundred dollars yesterday on the
train while 'coming to this city. The
device by which he was swindled was a
closed pocket knife. The swindlers have
not yet been arrested.
Expensive Mistake of au Expressman.
Pueblo, N. M., Oct. 9. I. J. Hunter
son, a traveling man in the employ of
the Spencer Optical Manufacturing com
pany, of New York, has been showing
his wares in the city for-several days and
last evening ordered his two trunks
taken to the Santa Fe depot, .prepara?
tory to going east. By a mistake one of
the trunks, containing $8000 worth of
gold watches, was taken to the Union
depot, but the other was delivered at the
Santa Fe depot. The expressman was
in a hurry, and thinking the trunk
would beafe enough, dumped it on the
platform and left it. The trunk was
found in the morning in an alley, rifled
of its contents.
Attacked by Bandit., Oct. 9 Bandits attacked a
mailcoach on the road near Mew, Fast
Prussia, night before last. They over
powered and stunned the driver and
guard, and were about binding them
preparatory to rifling the contents of
of the mailbags, -when a driving party
came up and surprised the robbers at
their work. A conflict ensued between
the newcomers and the outlaws,' which
resulted in the repulse of the latter and
the release of the custodians of the mail.
The distress caused by the shortage of
the crops has increased" the lawlessness
in the region where the affair occurred.
Trusted Her Once too Often.
New Yobk, Oct. 9. An afternoon
paper says the police are looking for a
Mrs. Yancey, who is accused by a Chi
cago diamond-importing firm of abscond
ing with $30,000 worth of diamonds
which she smuggled into the country
for them. It is said that in her career
as a smuggler she had defrauded the
government of duties on $.1,000,000 worth
of diamonds. The diamonds are said to
have been concealed in the mouth or
pouch of a pelican, which the woman
always had with her, ostensibly as
a pet. . - . ' .
. A Murderer Held for -Trial.
San Luis Osispo, Cal., Oct. . A
special from Latunza says that Gularte,
the alleged Inurderer of Martin Heiines,
has been held oyer without bail. The
evidence went to show that Heimes had
disappeared ; that portions of a human
body had been found on Jolin Gularte's
ranch; that the flesh had been salted,
and the hands thought it had been fed
to them.. '
' ; Weather Forecast. . .
San Fbancisco, Oct. 10. Forecast
for Oregon and Washington : Scattering
rains in extreme Northwestern Washing
ton and at Spokane . Baker , City .' and
San Francisco Wheat Market.
San Francisco, October 10. Wheat
buyer 91, 1.783.
. Portland Wheat Market. .
. Portland, October 10. Wheat .valley,
1.50; Walla Walla, 1.40. .
Chicago Wheat Market.
: Chicago, October ,10. Close, wheat
steady, cash 97 ; December 91 ; Mav
Trouble is Imminent Between Sweden
and Norway Which May Result
in War.
Two Men Fight a Duel at a Church.- -
More Rioting in China. A Ver
dict for $io,ooo.
The Election Don't Suit Gladstone.
A Valuable Race Horse Killed.
Food Getting Higher.
London, Oct. 9. Advices from Chris
tiana, Norway, say that matters there
are assuming an alarming appearance.
The people are every day becoming more
irritated against Sweden and determined
to assert a complete separation from that
country. The sentiment in favor of
declaring Norway a republtc is not
founded on agitation among the lower
classes, but is widely entertained by
the wealthy residents "of Norway. Thev
ire extremely democratic as a rule, both
in their living and in their ideas and
manners of living, and they are tired
even of the comparatively democratic
kingcraft of the present " reigning family
of Sweden and Norway. The Swedes
have already resolved to keep Norway,
by force of arms if necessary, and a
considerable body of troops is all ready
to enter Norway at any time.
Two Men Fight With lie vol vers at the
Church Ooor.
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9. A. S. Dorm
ing, one of the leading farmers of Irwin
county, died at his home today, the re
sult of an impromptu duel fought on
Sunday. For some time ill-feeling had
existed between W. B. Fussell and A. S.
Dorming, which grew out of the recent
murder by masked men of the deputy
sheriff of Irwin county. Donning had
charged that Fussell was one of the as
sassins. On Sunday Fussell was in at
tendance at the neighboring Methodist
church, of which he was a class leader.
In the midst of the services Dorming
drove up in his buggy, Fussell went
out to meet him. The two men talked
for about five minutes, when simultane
ously the shooting began, breaking up
the congregation. Fussell was shot In
the arm and side: Dorming received a
bullet under the right eye, the bullet go
ing almost entirely through his head, re
sulting in his death today. Fussell's
wound is also believed to be'fatal.
More Rioting in China.
London, Oct. 9. Dispatches dated
September 7th, received from the sea
port town of China on the island
of the same name, nearly oppo
site the center of the Island of Formosa,
announce there has been serious rioting
forty miles from the town of Amoy. The
population of Amoy, amounting to
about 300,000 people, are in a state of
great" excitement. The revolt was
caused by fiscal abuses. Several man
darins and officials were killed. The
riots have been quelled. .
Verdict for a Round Sum.' - ' '
Pattebkon, N. J,, Oct. 9. Cornelius
Ackershock, a young grocer, was
struck by a passenger train on the Erie
road last summer while driving over
the River-street crossing, and perma
nently injured. The wagon was
smashed. He eued today for $40,000 in
the circuit court. His injuries have re
suited in complete paralysis of one side.
The jury came in at 8 o'clock tonight
with a verdict of $10,000 for plaintiff.
Gladstone Is reappointed.
" London, Oct. 9. Mr. Gladstone was.
greatly disappointed by the result of the
Manchester election. He had taken a
deep interest in the struggle and hoped
Mr. Scott, the liberal candidate, would,
pull through. Had he done so, Mr.
Gladstone was prepared to welcome his
election as a harbinger of triumphs in
the general contest whenever it conies. '
A Valuable Bace Horse Killed.
Louisville, Ky., Oct. 9. The $4000
filly. Alley W., 2 years old, owned by
McKeever Bros., died yesterday at the
Louisvill Jockey Club grounds. She fell
in a race Wednesday, and a post-mortem '
revealed the fact that she literally broke
herself in two. "
1 Prices of Food Going Up.
St. Petebsbubg, Oct. 9. Prices of food
are rapidly risingthroughouttheempire.
Reports received here from Warsaw say
the cost of provisions of late has been
A Murderer Hanged.
Omaha, Oct. 9. Edward A. Neal.
murderer of Allan and Dorthy Jones,
was hanged at noon today. The mur
derer confessed his crime.
Dropped Dead In Wall Street.
New Yobk, Cct. 9. Howard T. Coffin,
treasurer of the Iowa Loan and Trust
Company, of Philadelphia, dropped dead
in Wall street, near Broadway, about 11
o'clock this morning.